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Found 4 results

  1. Crime news: revised Crown Court fee guidance READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/crime-news-revised-crown-court-fee-guidance
  2. Revised version available here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/535065/wca-handbook-july-2016.pdf
  3. HI everyone, I couldn't find anything similar to this, so apologies if this has been answered before. We are currently living in a private rented house where we rent through a letting agent. We have been in the house almost 3 years now with no problems at all until the end of last year when the letting agent tried to get us to sign a renewal and pay them £120 for the privelege. We refused to pay the charges and told the landlord, they were quite happy as they didnt agree with the charges either. UNfortunately things went downhill. The agents became increasingly insistent and when I sent them an email asking them for an explanation as to why their charges were so high they didn't give us an answer. The contract renewal went unsigned and we started into a SPT until the landlady asked us if we could at least return the renewal for the sake of her mortgage or she would have to evict. We sent off the forms but now some months later the letting agents are saying that they didn't receive them and now they want to issue a new renewal with a rent increase. They say because we haven't got a signed contract then they are at liberty to put the rent up even if the original renewal had no rent increase. I have a copy of the original renewal they sent through last year on email and I think they are trying to use an increase in rent to get their renewal fee that we refused to pay. I'm also considering whether we should use the legislation of superstrike v Rodrigues to try and show the landlady that if she tries to get a rent increase with the letting agents that we may take action against her for not issuing us with new details regarding the security deposit when the Stautory periodic tenancy began. All we really want is to carry on renting the house and maintain a good relationship with the owners but we refuse to be ripped off by them or the letting agents. Can anyone offer some advice?
  4. Hi all, I have an unverified debt to a former employer who is now threatening to issue a revised reference to my new employer if I don't agree terms to repay them. Is this not harrassement? Apart from anything else, if I lost my current position as a result it would be self defeating as I won't be able to pay them anything without working! Any views appreciated. Thanks. Exchange
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