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Found 14 results

  1. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but just been on the Universal Job match website and saw this : Universal Jobmatch will be replaced by the Find a job service on 14 May 2018. Important: If you have an existing Universal Jobmatch account it will not move to the new service. Save any information you want to keep, like your CV, cover letters and application history by 17 June 2018.
  2. My Sister booked a flight on 11 July to fly out on tues 28th july and return on tuesday 11th aug. She fortuitously took a picture of the booking confirmation screen that came up after she paid. But when the conf email arrived (which she did not check) it was for return on the 12th Aug Unfortunately she only discovered this at the airport on the 11th aug when she tried to check in for her return flight.. So flybe being what they are I feel that even if she had checked on the day of booking and discovered this error they would have fobbed her off anyway. The T&C's are no changes after booking. So how to sort this out. I believe she is due compensation or something, she had the screenshot saved and used it as her flight ref to check in, and to organise all her taxis transport etc. I can see why she did not feel the need to check the confirmation email.
  3. This says it all well done the Judge http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/11748290.Debt_collector_jailed_over_fraud/
  4. On 4 March I made an order with Virgin for an offer that was on to tempt previous subscribers back. It was for the Big Kahuna Movies and Sports for ~£66 per month for 12 months. We received the order confirmation and everything was great until it was installed yesterday. Last night I noticed that the movies and sports channels were missing. We received a second e-mail stating the the price was £49 + line rental, but never thought any more of it as it came to ~£66 (I'm saying approx as my partner is currently asleep and I can't access her e-mail). My partner rang up Virgin as the account was in her name and asked for them to be put on and was told that the price would now be rising to nigh on £85, but it would be discounted to £66. When I got home from work I had a look at the account and it's showing ~£85 so I rang Virgin. I stated that I had the a confirmation order e-mail, that included the sports and movies only to be told that "because it's not on paper it's not legally binding" and that they had no record of the request for Sky movies, despite it being part of the deal. Is this true, and does anyone have an e-mail address for someone higher up the food chain than the call centre, because they were completely unhelpful at best.
  5. Hello, My teenage daughter has a £6.90 Three subscription with "unlimited free text messages". But this month I was shocked to receive a bill of nearly £40, including a charge of ~£30 for "text delivery confirmations". It turns out that, according to Three, texting is free - as long as the phone is set not to receive delivery confirmation. But if delivery confirmations are set to "allowed", Three will charge the customer 1.2p per confirmation. My daughter, then, sent more than 2,000 text messages last month. In my view, text delivery confirmation is an inherent element of the GSM text messaging service, and if texting is advertised as free/included, then networks have no basis to charge for "text delivery confirmation". In the GSM standard, text message transmission (incl. delivery confirmation) incurs virtually no cost to GSM networks (except for costs related to billing the customers for texting). Is there a way to challenge this, in my view unfair, charge? I don't really feel like paying £30 for "delivery confirmations".
  6. Could someone please just confirm whether a cca from pre 2007 should contain the signature box. I have requested one re an MBNA account and every time I request one the account gets sold on. Now finally I have one but it just has my name and address typed in the top. I am aware that recent ones don't need the signature but have read somewhere that pre 2007 (this one is 2006)should contain the signature box. Would this be true?
  7. Afternoon all . I was watching PMQs on the beeb this afternoon and I am not 100 % sure to dodgy hearing but D Cameron talking about job creation mentioned that Barstons were creating 2000 jobs ! I hope he was referring to a company with a similar name. Did any one else hear it ? If its true God help us , there will be no hiding from this shower of effluent .
  8. Hi, I was employed in the UK to start work on the 29th April 2013, my probation was 4 months which therefore expired end of August. I have not had any communication as to whether i have passed or it has been extended. Can i presume i have passed? i have brought this up with my manager but they said HR seem to believe it was 6 months but that he would confirm. Again none of this was put in writing. i have a contract and offer letter both stating it was 4 months, which has been recognised by my manager but they said they will confirm. However its been 2 weeks, im chasing and yet no word!? I just really want to know - as its a 1 week notice peroid in probation but 4 weeks notice after, if they suddenly did decide to get rid of me, seeing as my probation has technically lapsed would i be entitled to 4 weeks notice now or still 1? If it does escalate and they either try to extend it or fire me, what are my rights? The way i see it is my probation has passed with no comunication from them prior to that so i should therefore be entitled to either 4 weeks notice and they technically shouldnt be legally able to extend it now its lapsed either!!! Many thanks in advance
  9. I hope some one can help, i have searched but can't find a definitive answer, although i have my thoughts. Basically currently the family car is registered in my wifes name with me as a named driver, however when the policy is up for renewal we have got quotes and found that if she keeps the car registered in her name but i insure the car as the policy holder (also help to keep the NCD valid) as the main driver (which i will be) and her as a named driver we can virtually half the premium. When it comes to taxing the car we always do this online, will we run into problems with her being the RK and myself as the PH, or as the RK will she need to have a policy in her own name. I hope i have made this easy to follow:|
  10. Hello everyone, Just a quick (stupid) question here, Recently I had to attend the dreaded ATOS medical and to my surprised they actually listened to me and I got placed in the WRAG group. I only found out about this because I received a letter saying that my benefits were about to change due to me being placed in the WRAG. So what I am wondering now is, Do the DWP/ATOS send you a separate letter confirming that I've been placed in the WRAG or do you only get a ATOS letter if you failed the medical? Or is the letter with the change of benefits confirmation that I've been placed in the WRAG group ? Silly questions I know, but I'm just afraid that they turn around and say they made a mistake and I'm not actually in the WCA so just for my own peace of mind I need confirmation. I tried calling the DWP but they cut me off after being on hold for 45 mins because it was 18:01. I hope someone can help so I can stop worrying Thanks SVL
  11. I sent off my CCA request with no reply within the prescribed 12 + 2 working days. I allowed an extra three working days 'just in case' and then sent the follow up reminder/unenforcability letter. Today received a communication saying the client was dispatching the details today to me. Im I correct in the assumption that the alleged debt remains unenforcable until such time as I have received the communication from them and had a chance to review what has been sent. They have also stated that their client requires a monthly payment regardles, even while this process is in motion. I need to get this absolutely right as I have no wish to open up precedents which can be exploited by dubious organisations in the future. Thanks one and all in advance for your input
  12. Hi, I'm new on here, hope you can help Some weeks ago I posted my PPI reclaim documents to my bank (NatWest) and a few days later I received a text message from RBS saying, "Thank you for letting us know about your concerns regarding your PPI policy. We will acknowledge receiept in writing within the next 5 working days." This was about 5 weeks ago, since then I've heard nothing. Not received any written acknowledgement, email or any other texts. Is this normal? What should I do now? It seems from the text I received that they have got my documents but since then nothing has been actioned. Should I give them more time or should I chase this up? (who do I speak to?) Hope one of you guys could help me with this. Thanks for your time. Ginger.
  13. Hi, I'm hoping someone could clarify things for me re statute barred debts. A lot of articles state that a debt is statute barred when the company has not contacted you and you haven't made payment in 6 years. However, if a company continually sends standard letters seeking repayment but cannot provide a CCA would that become statutue barred after 6 years (providing no payments had been made)? Thank you!
  14. So yesterday, there was an error on the GAME website that listed a certain console as being £0 and in stock, seizing the opportunity i order 3 HOWEVER i also order a 57p pc game in the same order, all was fine and the order when through,i also recieved a confirmation email. today i received an email stating that 'You may have noticed that the price for Xbox 360 250GB Halo: Reach Limited Edition Console on GAME.co.uk has gone up to £249.99, but you don?t need to worry! Because of the GAME.co.uk Preorder Price Promise your preorder will not change and you will still pay the original, lower price.' I then recieved an email saying that my download code for the PC game was ready. THEN i recieved another email stating that ' Unfortunately, due to a technical error on our website, we will be unable to fulfil your order. Therefore your order 155964399 will be cancelled. Please be aware that any money or Reward Points that have been debited from your account will be refunded.' However since money was exchanged, and one of the products having already been recieved, does this mean that i have a leg to stand on, and that they should honour the order? (who can say no to free stuff ey)
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