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  1. Hi I start my new employment in august and have given my notice for the 3rd August as my finish day today i was asked to come into the office and as usual asking me to reconsider dont know why i would as the company gives me a constant head ache. They sat down and said to me that they are not willing to wait 10 weeks for me to leave the business and said i have to give a maximum of 4 weeks notice which should be done today and sent by tonight to state my end of employment should be 25th June 2018 I am not ready to leave in June and have 2 children i need to provide for a car to pay and rent to pay. Am i in my rights to give them ten weeks notice or are they right in what they say. By the sounds of it they havent accepted my notice for 10 weeks so they see me as continuing my employment until i settle another notice. If i give them 4 weeks notice am i in my rights to hand them this 1st July to finish 1st August Thanks
  2. Hello all, Friend of mine asked if I can check something for him. Is his debt written off after 6 years? For example letter had arrived today from DCA and debt last payment he made was on 01 Jan 2012. That when he made last payment. Does DCA 'reset's almost 6 years period of time? Thank you!
  3. Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that for those of you dealing with 247 Money Box that it is possible to get a Default removed. I opened a complaint with them yesterday and I have today received an email from them confirming they will write off my balance of £274 and remove ALL adverse data from the credit reference agencies. I will believe it when I see it, but this was the most recent of my Defaults not coming off my credit file until November 2021, so I am just slightly happy at the moment. Thank you to the help on this site and the template letters, it would not have been possible
  4. Can anybody offer any constructive advice please? My daughter was involved in an accident on 29th April last year and her car was declared a write off and removed the following day by her insurance company who took all the documentation and paperwork including the V5. She tells me that she sent off the section 9 part to inform the DVLA that the vehicle was now transferred to her insurance company and thought that was that as far as the DVLA was concerned. However, in September, she received a Late Licencing Penalty letter demanding £80, as she hadn't renewed the licence or declared SORN! She telephoned the DVLA, (I know, big mistake, she now knows to get everything in writing!) who claimed to know nothing about the accident or it being written off or that her insurance company had taken the car. The DVLA followed this call up with a letter dated 12th October, stating that they had now received the section 9 and acknowledged that she was no longer the keeper of the vehicle but that they still wanted their £80. However, they said that if she paid before 2nd November, it would be reduced to £40. This is only 21 days and I was of the understanding that the law states that they should allow her 28 days? I only found all this out since the penalty has been handed over to a debt collection agency who are now demanding the £80 on behalf of the DVLA. The DVLA have washed their hands of the matter and will not respond. The debt collection agency have put things on hold for 30 days. I am of the opinion that instead of owing the DVLA £80, they owe my daughter £45! (three months refund of her tax) Where do we go from here?
  5. Received the email below today - does this seem legit ?
  6. Hi, I just wanted some advice please. My husband passed away 2 months ago. He had an old santander card which was taken over by capquest. I wrote and told them what had happened and sent a copy of the death certificate. I received a letter from capquest today addressed to my dead husband saying they are sorry for the delay and are waiting for santander to get back to them and they will contact him soon. I am so angry and upset I just want to know who I can complain to. I am going to write to capquest and send the original letter to santander and I also though the fca? Just wanted to see if there was anyone else I should write to or if anyone has had anything similar happen. It's been a struggle to come to terms with my husband's death, it was sudden and completely unexpected. I know dca's are the lowest but this has upset me so much. Thanks H
  7. Hi Six weeks ago our car was involved in an accident, at the scene the third party wouldn't admit liability. However we had witnesses and it seems possibly CCTV so it ended up she did admit liability. We contacted our insurance company and hey took over dealing with it all. I was given a hire car when they collected our car five weeks ago and FINALLY today I have heard back from the accident claim management company to say that the car has been written off. The guy said he had a cheque sitting on his desk for £2300 which he would be sending me today, plus they would get a further £250 for salvage which he would forward on later (I this right?) I'm gutted because no way can we replace the car for that amount, the car was 15 years old - its a people carrier but had only done 64,000 and even the collection team said it was in a very good condition for the year. What can I do? I need a 7 seater car and everything for £2300 is very old, poor condition and massive mileage. Do I have to accept this cheque?
  8. After one applies for jobseekers allowance, they are invited to their first appointment to sign their application. If there are topics that need to be expanded, or for example special circumstances that cannot be answered with a simple yes/no, can one attach a written statement to be sent to the decision makers? Thanks
  9. in may this year my daughter had a car accident and the car was written off (although we didnt think it was necessary). Two men have just knocked showed me a copy of my daughters registration doc asking if i knew the person, they were after the log book and they were driving the car that had been written off. I didnt have the logbook as logbook and reg docs had to be sent in to the insurance company. I hope we are not going to get some kind of come back over this
  10. I was having disciplinary hearing and has been giving first written warning. I have appealed against this decision. Is it compulsory for my employer to conduct the appeal hearing?
  11. Hi new poster and any information is greatly appreciated. Had a credit card debt with HSBC which become statute barred last year. Earlier this year I received a phone call from a collection agency about the debt and after explaining it was statute barred and didn't want to discus it with him he said ok he'll check. A few week later HSBC sent me a statement saying the account balance was now zero so I'd assumed they'd written off the bebt. Today I've received a letter from HSBC stating they have upheld my PPI complaint for mis-selling on the credit card and they would redress the funds to me. My question is as the last statement said the account balance was zero and there was no mention in the letter about offsetting the money they owe me for any money I did owe them previously - would they still look to not pay the funds directly me? Thanks
  12. Hi All, I will set the scene with a brief timeline of events.... 1. Purchased a 62 plate car for 10k on a HP agreement with a £300 deposit, picked the car up from the dealers on the 2nd March 2016. 2. I made the first payment on the HP agreement on the 2nd April 2016. 3. On the 8th April 2016, the car was written off in an accident. The other party pleaded no contest and their insurers have admitted full liability for the claim. I spoke with my finance company yesterday after receiving a letter from my insurer declaring the car a write off. Naturally as the legal owner of the vehicle, the finance company are insisting that they deal with the insurers themselves. I fully expect however that the finance company will be acting solely in their own interests and not mine. I should also state that I have GAP insurance so I am not bothered about clearing the existing finance, but what does bother me is that it leaves me personally out of pocket, I believe (and this is where I need advice) that I should be able to claim.... 1. My £300 deposit which was paid to the dealer at the start of March. 2. As mentioned above, I paid my monthly installment at the start of the month and only had 7 days use out of the car before the accident, so I believe I should be able to claim at least part of this back? 3. My next payment is due on the 1st May, I am concerned that if things don't move swiftly and the finance isn't settled before the end of this month then I will end up paying another month's payment for a car that I no longer have the use of! My main question is... what route should I take to attempt to claim back these losses?? Should I wait for the insurer and finance company to conclude the settlement of the finance first? I am thinking of waiting for the dust to settle and then issuing a court claim to the other driver for any remaining losses, can I do this?? I am concerned that once the finance company has settled with the insurer then that will prevent any further claims being made?? Many thanks for any assistance given.
  13. Posting on behalf of a friend, who is employed by a cleaning company. The facts: - She's been working for the company for 5+ years as a cleaner for a certain client for GBP 6.50/hr for 2 hrs/day (10hrs/week) and her husband was also employed there for the same wage for 3 hrs/day (15 hrs/week). - There is no written contract and she and her husband have never received anything from the employer except salary payments into their accounts. - Ever since she's been working there she was told by her supervisor that as long as the offices are cleaned properly it doesn't matter how many hours she works. As a result, she's been going for 3-4 hours/day to do both hers and her husband's work and was always paid for 5 hours/day. No complaints regarding her work have been made. - Her husband was sacked in Feb 2016 because he never showed up at work (even though the verbal arrangement has always been that she does the work of 2 people - apparently this was the norm at the company). This was after a management change, which also caused her old supervisor to be sacked. - Now she's received a letter from her employer (see below), which basically states that she's inflated the hours she was supposed to work and she owes the client of the employer 736 hours for 2015 (only) or GBP 4,784 and they are going to deduct it from her salary (which they've already started to do). It would become due if she decides to leave. They also include her husband's hours into this amount (not sure how they calculated 736 hours). I'm pretty sure most of the assertions in the letter are questionable, to say the least. She should have received a written contract and they can't just withhold money from her salary. They mention a meeting between her and the client last August, which she does not recall. They claim that the security guard has been tallying her hours in addition to her punching in/out and that's how they claim they've calculated 736 hours, which is not really believable. It's also clear that the company is trying to get rid of her (as they've already sacked her husband and most of her old colleagues), so she's going to look for another job. However, she wouldn't want to get a debt collections agency on her back and she would like the withheld money returned. So my question is what she should do at this point. LETTER - date 21 March 2016 [suspiciously close to the official minimum wage hike, too...] Dear **** Our customer has highlighted deficiencies in the hours that have been worked during 2015. 1. It would appear that on the majority of working days, only one person attended site when there should have been two, namely you and your husband. 2. Our customer has analysed the signing in times that you entered in the log book on their floor against the hours recorded by the security guard downstairs when you arrived and left the building each day. It would appear that you have been entering earlier arrival times and later departure times on the customer book their floor, compared with these recorded by the security guard. Consequently our customer has requested a refund of 736 hours' work that has not been carried out during 2015. You were aware that two people should be on site for 2.5 hours a day. From the evidence put to us, your husband very rarely attended site and you knew that. Further, you have been inflating the hours you have been working on site. You had a meeting directly with our customer in August where the deficiencies in the cleaning provision were pointed out and following this, two staff did start working again but this lasted just thirteen days. You and your husband have stolen 736 hours during 2015 from our customer. Based on an hourly rate of GBP 6.50, that is GBP 4,784. Accordingly this amount is to be repaid. We will arrange to commence recovery of this over payment from you at the rate of GBP 30.00 per week until the over payment is cleared. Should you leave our employment, the full amount will become due and we will expect payment immediately. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, kindly contact me immediately. Yours sincerely, *** Operations Director
  14. my brother did something wrong at work and fully admits this.he has been in the job for just under a year and the firm had him in the office and the outcome was that he was given a written warning,now this was in the first week of December 2015 and he still hasn't recived anything.if he now gets something should it be from the date in December or from the date its issued? and does it expire after 6 months? cheers
  15. Hi I have been on this debt journey for a while now. I got sucked into the cycle of payday loans, all of which I paid off until it got too much and I defaulted with QQ at just under £1000 This was then sold to RedCastle. I emailed Redcastle in October Asking them to provide information on the debt as there were two separate entries for the same amount with different default dates on my credit file. One from Redcastle and the original one with QQ. I Sent a copy of my request to QQ and they removed their entry. I have now received this letter from Redcastle Recoveries. We are writing to you in relation to your above numbered loan that you originally took out with CashEuroNet.uk-QuickQuid, and which was subsequently acquired by us. Please note that we have now taken the decision to write off the balance and close your account. What this means for you: The balance on your loan is no longer due l We will no longer contact you regarding the above numbered account l You do not need to repay the balance of the above numbered account However, please note that because you have not repaid the balance due in relation to this account, if your credit file shows a balance is outstanding it will continue to do so for a period of time no greater than six years from the date that you originally defaulted on your agreement with CashEuroNet.uk-QuickQuid. You should also be aware that this may affect your ability to gain credit with other lenders, and that should you choose to repay this balance at a later date your credit file will be updated to reflect this. If you would like to speak to one of our agents regarding this matter then please contact them via 0344 894 1930 or alternatively via email on . Now I have contacted QQ and complained about the affordability of my loan and I am waiting on their decision, I had hoped that either they would effect the writing off of my loan or they would pay me the interest on all of my loans and I could clear it as it is the last remaining unpaid debt on my credit file. I called quick quid and they said they have not made a decision on my complaint and they did not contact Redcastle. So I am wondering why would they do this? Should I just be happy they will not pursue. But the whole point is to repair my credit so at some point in the future I can try to buy a house. Any ideas as to what I should do? Thanks Tia
  16. Hi I have a car which was a Cat C - repairs were done and insurers were happy for it to be back on the road. Two weeks ago I was hit on a roundabout by a driver turning right from a straight on lane. Car went to Dingmasters in Bristol who have told me today that my car is write off. The damage was a dent above the rear passenger wheel arch and scratch to paint work. I'm not in a situation where I can find the money that easily for a new car after a few months unemployment. I have asked for the car back which they have said will be today. Can I seek a second opinion from another garage or will the insurance refuse? If they also say no (the garage) I've heard people talk about buying the car from the insurers - can I do that? Though it means paying twice for it and will it be easy to insure? thanks Mary
  17. I'm helping a friend with a few debts a year ago sent a CCA request to Robbers way who couldn't comply. Just received a letter from Hoist - "we refer to the query .............As we are unable to resolve in a satisfactory manner, we have taken the decision to write off the account and cease all collection activities....." Although my friend is pretty sure she didn't have PPI, we are now sending an SAR to Captial One and I'm betting her that not only will there be PPI but also charges. Just for interest I'll keep you posted BTW, she's been cash cowed for years!
  18. I have a debt to EE which is in default and I've had for some time now. A month ago I wrote to EE with an offer of a full & final settlement which they say they couldn't accept but as an act of goodwill regarding my situation they would write off the outstanding balance. Just over a month later I receive a letter from Fredrickson International saying that their client has instructed them to collect the outstanding balance. I also notice that the balance they have on the letter is actually £45 higher than what was originally owed (no interest or charges were being added by EE - I can only assume that this is a charge that has been added on by Fredricksons. I have the letter from EE saying that the balance has been written off but would still remain on my Credit Report as a default. Do EE have the right to pass a debt on after sending a letter saying that the balance has been written off? Or are Fredrickson International trying their luck? I thought one less debt to maintain would allow me to focus on my priority creditors as I have a lot of debt and my business is dying off so very little income at the moment. Any advice regarding this situation would be greatly appreciated.
  19. We have had a disasterous refit of our shower, and are suffering leaks and noticed some cracked grouting too. We have been in touch with Citizen's Advice Bureau and the first thing they said we needed was a written report from a professional to explain what the problems are and how to put them right. However we are struggling to find a professional who is willing to put pen to paper to give us this. Reasons cited include they don't want to get involved in a legal battle, the repercussions for them going against some dodgy plumbers. Can anyone suggest how I can get a plumber willing to do this sort of report? Hope someone can help.
  20. We had a loan with welcome finance many years ago. Phoned them up last month regarding miss selling of ppi to which they said there was some on the account so we started the claim. Everything on the phone was fine no issues, the loan account was closed. We've had our decision letter today saying they were using the compensation to settle the loan. It was secured against our house, we sold the property in 2004. It seems there was was some of the loan left outstanding after the sale. We've had no correspondence or notifications regarding any outstanding sums on the loan. We've been easily findable (plenty of other DCA's have found us in the past) They've said that the loan was written off and closed in 2010, their own words. My question is, if the loans written off and closed can they use PPi compensation against it?
  21. Forgive me if this comes across as long winded or angsty but I could do with some advice. I still feel sick to the stomach thinking about it. I had an accident in my car on Friday just gone. My fault, I ran into the back of someone, which I admitted was my fault straight away. After speaking to the insurance company, they're going down the total loss route as my car is 12 years old and with the damage it's probably beyond economical repair. They're saying they will inform the DVLA once they have had the engineers report to say it's being written off. I've asked them what happens with the V5C, do I need to send it to the DVLA or do they? They've said the salvage yard it has been to will send me a letter with a prepaid envelope to send the paper work to and they will sort it out. I don't know why, but I have a niggly feeling that I can't get rid of that something will go wrong. I suppose I am just looking for some advice really. Do I find out from the insurance company where my car is being held so I can give the storage facility the V5C myself, get them to fill it in and I post it to the DVLA so I know it's been posted? Do I contact the DVLA and make them aware of what's happening, so there's no comebacks on me, i.e. car tax reminders etc. Sorry, I just feel so gutted and worked up, so would appreciate some advice please. Thanks in advance.
  22. I have had a mortgage with one of the big lenders for some years . I have +£20K outstanding and received a letter today saying my term had finished and as a gesture of goodwill they had closed my mortgage and cleared the debt. I am gobsmacked and wonder it this has ever happened to anyone else. I would rather not post which lender it is or exactly how much I owe. Is the letter legal??
  23. Hi, I'll try and keep this as brief as possible and thanks for reading:-D I have worked for my company for four years now and am currently undergoing assessment for bi-polar disorder. I feel that numerous incidents in work have triggered long periods of absence due to anxiety and depression. On returning to work each time I have been given formal warnings that lead up to a final written. In the final written, my union rep left his phone on record during the adjournment (while my line manager and a senior manager from another store decide my fate) which I wasn't aware of until after the final written had been issued. the first thing you hear on the recording is the senior manager calling me a name related to sterio-types of mental illness and also using the f word in the remark. following this (quite rightly) my rep was suspended however, the final still stood. Surely, they should have ATLEAST re-done that meeting? especially since what happened was of no fault of my own? The other main incident that has affected my health, was earlier in my employment with them, working as a team leader on nights (one of 3 women) I experienced sexual harassment from my manager where he took my phone from me and tried to go through my videos and pictures while saying 'I bet youve got loads of dirty ones of yourself' on a table full of male colleagues. This made some of them feel it was ok to join in. After a very short period of this I started to experience panic attacks and was signed off by the doctor. I had a home visit with personnel and made the complaint. some time later she tells me this manager has been 'spoken to'. Not feeling this was adequate, I stepped down and went back onto days. My file has four years worth of doctors notes stating depression and anxiety, which comes under disability (and especially will be if I'm diagnosed as bi-polar) and yet I seen to have been punished for this every step of the way. I am by no means saying that work caused this, but these things have definitely not helped and have probably triggered some of the relapses in my illness. Does anyone know were I might stand with this as it just doesn't seem right. thanks for your time everyone.
  24. Happy 2015 everyone! Hopefully someone can answer this question for me on this forum. The long and crazy background to this question in on another rental forum (can I post a link)? EDIT: Unfortunately, I can't as a new member. Has any tenant or landlord ever been in a situation where they have rented a flat with a written AST, which was then replaced by a verbal AST? The reason I am asking is that the judge found in the LL favour against four tenants stating that a new verbal AST was entered into in 2012 (four tenants signed a written AST in 2011), making all tenants several and liable for a rent increase. The question now remains which baffles me personally, is can tenants who started off with a written AST then enter a new verbal AST while still in the same property????? The judge said so, so it must be true!! I've never heard of any situation where a new verbal AST is created with the same parties in the same property that overwrites the initial written tenancy??? Has anyone ever heard of this? Any anecdotes, advice or pointers toward legislation would be appreciated. Thanks, BoopDMX85
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