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Found 8 results

  1. I contacted this uk company to complain that they didn't provide help when they claim they do. The lack of help has left my two daughters with health problems. The company admitted fault and offered me the entire holiday cost back which I accepted because I was in shock. Upon reflection I'm regretting accepting it. Is there anyway I can contact them and tell them I now don't accept it and want a higher amount?
  2. Hi, folks I recently had a PIP assessment and was shocked when the HP admitted that she hadn't bothered to read either the form or the supporting evidence, prior to the "assessment". I was wondering how this will play out at a tribunal? I recorded the whole assessment on my wife's phone
  3. We had a loan with welcome finance many years ago. Phoned them up last month regarding miss selling of ppi to which they said there was some on the account so we started the claim. Everything on the phone was fine no issues, the loan account was closed. We've had our decision letter today saying they were using the compensation to settle the loan. It was secured against our house, we sold the property in 2004. It seems there was was some of the loan left outstanding after the sale. We've had no correspondence or notifications regarding any outstanding sums on the loan. We've been easily findable (plenty of other DCA's have found us in the past) They've said that the loan was written off and closed in 2010, their own words. My question is, if the loans written off and closed can they use PPi compensation against it?
  4. I discovered two years ago that for 6 years I had been paying day time rates for my E7. They admitted and promised to refund within 7 days. A tear later they were denying it and saying there had been no error. By this time the records had been destroyed forever after a system upgrade. I had calculated around 2000 in overcharges in the 6 years and stopped paying them until they sorted it out and refund me whatever I had not gotten back that way. After a few months I sent details to the ombudsman who acknowledged my complaint, but then lost it and never acted. I then became suspicious when I was turned down for a job and found that BG had defaulted my credit record every month and had me down as heavily in arrears. They used that false information to illegally get a warrant rubber stamped by magistrates and turned up one Saturday morning and began drilling my door lock to break in and fit a coin meter. (This pushes the cost up considerably apart form the inconvenience) I had to pay them most of what they demanded there and then to get these heavies to clear off. The following Monday I received their letter threatening to break in if I didn't pay. I then got the ombudsmen involved again and they apologised did noting and eventually sais they found in favour of BG, but gave no grounds for that decision. I am determined not to be bullied but they continue threatening and sending make believe debts to debt collector firms.. I am paying 2000 a year to heat a two bedroom flat and I cant switch because they claim I owe them money. I find it hard to believe they could be given such power to ignore normal law. I simply said, send me a statement proving what fuel I used and how much you charged me for it and if that is correct I will not argue. They are unable and unwilling to do this and seem to be able to use to the system to simply make up a sum and demand it with the backing of the state. Does anyone know the true position? I cant afford to employ lawyers, but at this point the principal is as important to me as the money. Any suggestions? I eventually got them to clear my creit file
  5. Hi all, I need a bit of help... I was caught doing 37 in a 30 zone... my car, only I'm insured to drive it... and I have openly admitted... it was me !!! I've never had a driving offence before, not even a parking ticket, not bad as I'm in my late 40's ;o( I received the letter to identify the driver... I filled it in but I couldnt read my number on my driving licence... so that took me about a week to get that... so when the form was complete, I sent it off. Two days later, I get the same form saying you havent filled this in... so I thought well I have and the 2 letters just passed in the post. It then goes quiet... nothing. This morning, 6 months after the offence... I get a "Fail to give information relating to the identification of the driver / rider of a vehicle when required" letter from the "Clerk to the Justices"... accompanied by a £745 fine & 6 points. But I admitted it was me... as I wanted to do the speed awareness course... so what can I do now??? As I think I'm shafted, I aint got a hope of proving that I did send it off as the police will just say they didnt get anything from me. It'll be my word against theirs. Anyone else been thru anything similar ???
  6. I issued a claim and the defendant has admitted liability and already sent a cheque with the claim form return which has cleared. I just want to clarify what I tick on the form N225A. It has to be Box B 'I accept the amount admitted by the defendant in satisfaction of my claim' and then tick 'I accept the defendants proposal for payment'. But in Part C which is then obligatory it has the first part saying if I don't accept the defendants proposal for payment tick a box. Well I do, its paid in full. Then I need to fill out some payment totals. Do I fill these out? I don't seem to be able to avoid filling out C. The form isn't suitable if the defendant has paid in full. The defendant made an error by ticking the I admit partly box and then wrote an amount which equaled the full claim. I don't seem to be able to declare that the defendant has paid and full and the matter is closed. Is it just a matter of writing on the form 'full payment of cleared funds received'? Thanks for your advice! Jim
  7. Only for £80 which is nothing compared to some on this forum, but just wanted to share my personal *win* with knowledge and foresight provided by this site For some time i had a Citi/Opus credit card and kept it in a manageable level. At around May 2012 I left my family home at the start of a very bitter divorce proceedings. The details are unimportant other than at the same time to this I thought I had paid off the Credit Card completely and even destroyed it. Unfortunately due to the bitter divorce, letters that Opus had been sending me were not passed on (destroyed?) by my wife. My first hint of a problem was that I received a letter from Lowell informing me that I now owned them over £80. I immediately asked them for details , not a formal Prove it letter as I wanted to seem a bit naive . This resulted in a copy of statements from Opus going back to about October 2012. The problem was that every statement consisted only of late payments and interest adding up to about £50 of the £80 demanded. Not a single mention of the original debt There then followed many rounds of politely asking for statements going back to the original debt, with a response of either 'pay us' letters, copies of the part statements or even the original agreement at one point ( even though I hadn't even asked for it) This came to a head when they managed to find my telephone number and called. They made the mistake of saying that if I wanted the original debt statement that it would be my responsibility to to submit a SAR to Opus and 'its not their problem' I then sent them a heavy hitting letter, pointing out their statuary responsibilities, their onus of proof, revoking any contact by telephone etc and refusing to respond any further unless they provided either original debt proof, or started court action. They caved immediately and i received a No Further Action in the post today And that original debt? I still don't have the faintest clue what it was for. But extrapolating back it must have been for less than £5 Thats a 1600% overcharge fail for Opus/Lowell in the bag
  8. Hi I have 3 defaults on my Equifax file...BT, T-Mobile and those god awful Lowell folk... 40 days have passed and I have received replies from all of them, either making excuses they dont need to serve a default notice or admitting they dont have the paperwork... So how can I now force them to remove the unsubstantiated defaults from my credit file, what is the easiest way to begin court action? Is there a way I can start online? Thanks
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