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  1. Hi all, I need a bit of help... I was caught doing 37 in a 30 zone... my car, only I'm insured to drive it... and I have openly admitted... it was me !!! I've never had a driving offence before, not even a parking ticket, not bad as I'm in my late 40's ;o( I received the letter to identify the driver... I filled it in but I couldnt read my number on my driving licence... so that took me about a week to get that... so when the form was complete, I sent it off. Two days later, I get the same form saying you havent filled this in... so I thought well I have and the 2 letters just passed in the post. It then goes quiet... nothing. This morning, 6 months after the offence... I get a "Fail to give information relating to the identification of the driver / rider of a vehicle when required" letter from the "Clerk to the Justices"... accompanied by a £745 fine & 6 points. But I admitted it was me... as I wanted to do the speed awareness course... so what can I do now??? As I think I'm shafted, I aint got a hope of proving that I did send it off as the police will just say they didnt get anything from me. It'll be my word against theirs. Anyone else been thru anything similar ???
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