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  1. Unknown warrior from World War 1 given final resting place READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/unknown-warrior-from-world-war-1-given-final-resting-place
  2. Paramedics to be given body cameras to protect them from abuse READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/paramedics-to-be-given-body-cameras-to-protect-them-from-abuse
  3. Advice people have given you did it work for you.From wherever,jobcentres,businessmen,husbands,wives,friends. Example Many years ago i worked on Blackpool Promenade A interesting place to work,could be 5am or ten pm all times of the day. Observing the goings on and meeting many interesting people.Such as the Snakeman,entertainers all sorts of people from many places. One of them was a multi millionaire. We became pretty friendly and i began working for him renovating and modernising a huge shop. I observed how he worked,he had the Midas touch everything he touched seemed to turn to gold. Well as you can imagine i thought to myself i want a piece of that,only natural. I was trusted after a while and the relationship became a little like Del and Rodney,Fools and Horses you can guess who was Rodney. I was standing next to him one day observing his empire on the prom and i said. Del how come everything you do turns to gold. well Rodney it is like this he replied. I have maybe ten ideas which i invest a thousand or two into. 8 might fail but the if the other two work it is happy jubbly. And some of his ideas swept the country. Right i said to myself,Rodney it is your turn now.The Mercedes will soon be here. So spent 20 quid on some necklaces,plastic miniature dolphins and some long grain rice. And the Finest architects pen i could find.and a huge magnifying glass. Stall was set up.Ladies and Gentlemen gather round which they did. I mean you can hardly fail on the prom. Your name on a Piece of rice put in this miniature Dolphin,filled with water which magnifies it,hung on a chain and around your neck it goes. So what happens, flaming Methelusah comes along says i will have three,have you ever tried writing Methelusah on a grain of rice.Once is a challenge but three times:madgrin: I thought everyone would be a Sue or a Dave,well you would wouldnt you. So it just did not pay and i am at the moment on my 990th idea waiting for the beam of light to land on me and say Rodney you have succeeded. So it did not work for me the advice but sure had some fun along the way. Your turn now,advice given was it acted upon,used and worked for you. You know,from grandma,grandpa,the wise ones.Mum- Dad anyone.
  4. I am trying to help someone who nobody really wants to help. There was a case of criminal damage Where this person involved was arrested for criminal damage to a house. On his barristers advice he admitted the damage and was sentenced. It now turns out that the complainant misled the police and also the star witness's known personally by the complainant has also pulled a fast one by misleading the police. How can this be brought to the polices attention as the person prosecuted is sure damage was caused on purpose and blamed on them. How do they go about notifying the police about this ? Spelling and punctuation mistakes have been caused by Auto correct on my my mobile.
  5. Hello, I used the Post Office self-service machines to post a parcel and my receipt only printed correctly on one side. So I don't have a correct receipt and most importantly the tracking number is not printed correctly. I have spoken to staff in the Post Office about this the next day but they have stated that they are unable to help and I sent a email to them but they have said there is nothing they can do to help. Is there anything I can do in this situation? Thanks.
  6. Hello, can anyone help me to fill in this directions questionnaire, it is a long story I have to tell. Myself and My Partner were living in a two bedroom bungalow that we purchased in 2006 we have 3 children now and the bungalow was too small but we couldn’t afford to move, his parents (who at the time were giving £50k to my partners brother and sister) said they would pay for an extension to our bungalow to the same value (because they didn’t trust him with money) this was great my partners dad instructed a builder (sorry trying to make this as short as possible) who built the extension (started April 2016 finished July 2016) I had no say in who was contracted to build I did have a say in the kitchen as long as I kept it below a certain figure and the bathroom, the builder was a shoddy worker in my opinion, told us we had to move out for a couple of days while he knocked through meanwhile 3 months later and still living at my parents while the builder (a friend of my partners dad) a man in his very late 50s and one other person was coming to my house at 9 am and leaving at 2 I left for work and to drop kids at school at 8:30 and came home around 2:30 there was no chance to speak to the builder I even took a day off work just so I could catch him to talk to (he was working on the roof and left my house exposed and the rain had poured into my kitchen hallway loft which I still had all my property in which got ruined) when I finally got to talking to him to ask why he left the house exposed why we were supposed to be moved out only for a few days and why it had turned into months he simply replied I am not working for you. My partners dad was not much help either he only used to come to give the man his cheques to which I didn’t even know how much was being paid out, eventually his dad realised he was being taken for a ride had an argument with the builder the work was botch finished and that was that. My partner then asked me in around November 2016 could I sign this piece of paper as my dad has spent so much on the house , it’s to do with tax , he said, so I did. Around December 2016 I was aware my father in law was pursuing the builder for shoddy unfinished work through a solicitor (the building work cannot be signed off until further works are finished which the builder has just ignored requests to come back and do) March 2017 I left the home with my 3 children after suffering domestic abuse I moved in with my mum and dad, on the 31st March I received a solicitor letter from mum and dad in law saying I owe them £47k. Before extension my bungalow worth £130k Then on 14th April another letter showing a loan agreement I had supposed to have signed on the 2nd April 2016 and with a valuation of my Home (£145k) and offering to buy me out for £5000. I was flabbergasted I could not afford legal help I just didn’t reply, in August 2017 I received another letter informing me they intend to go to court to recoup this money (all the while their son is living in the house and has changed the locks) i received the court papers and filed a defence but I’m just stuck now, I have this questionnaire to fill in by 16th November , I’m just annoyed that my house was worth £130k before works took place ive spent 11 years of my life paying my mortgage had the work not been done to sell it and split the interest I would have been looking at around £28k to walk away with, it’s had £47k spent on it and now it’s only worth £145k I know the money was really for him and they can have it back for him (which is why they are doing it) but the fact they controlled the whole thing (we have a builder living next door and the build should have only come to £35k had we had any say) it just annoys me they are calling it a loan when it wasn’t at all, surely if it was a loan discussion about repayment would have taken place, time scales etc the fact they only asked me for the repayment not both of us and the works have not been worth it and eaten into the interest already built up in the property. I am now in rented house with my children who’s father has not paid one penny towards since I left has not seen them since July I contacted child maintenance he has denied paternity of two of them (just to get out of paying, although he thought, he is obviously the father and the results have showed that so he is supposed to make payments now but hasn’t because he has put a change of circumstances in with the cms but he still has to pay (I am still waiting though, I won’t hold my breath) just trying to paint a picture of the people I’m dealing with) meanwhile I’m working two jobs just to try to provide my children with some sort of nicer life. the best thing about this is being free, now , we are all so much happier. To be fair they are going to get the attachment on the house which is what they are going to court for to ensure their sons interests because money talks I can’t afford a solicitor to help me I want to fight it all the way the best I can because it wasn’t a loan it was a gift. The “loan agreement” which I am supposed to have signed is an a4 piece of paper with this sentence on it “ we hereby loan the sum of £50k ( fifty thousand pounds) to (my partner name) and (my name) of (my address.) The loan is subject to an interest of 0% and is repayable on demand. Then my signature his signature and both parents signature I didn’t sign this I signed something in November 2016 not on this dated 2nd April I was even at work that day. Has anyone got any advice what so ever? Please xx
  7. Today I received a white county courtclaim form from northampton for the MBNA Credit card 2008 – now with PRA GROUP - £2723 – defaulted 2012. On 12th Nov PRA Group wrote to me in response to my returned PAP form where I stated I dispute the debt because I need more documents or information Specifically I wrote: I need a copy of (1) the Default Notice, (2) the Notice of Assignment, (3) a complete set of statements detailing exactly how the debt has accrued detailing: (a) All Transactions, (b) Any additional charges, be them by the original creditor or you PRA Group (UK) Limited, the debt purchaser or any predecessor, © Details of all contractual interest added by whom and on what date, (d) List of ALL Payments made toward the Agreement. The PRA group letter on the 12th said, that in response to my query (PAP form) please find enclosed copy of statement of account from MBNA and a copy of the credit agreement (was an online application 2008) plus statements from the MBNA credit card (virgin). The letter goes on to say that they will put the account on hold for 30 days until 12th December to allow sufficient time to receive the letter and contact them. Today I received the county court claim form. I don't know what to do now? Please advise. Should I try to a negotiate an offer with PRA or will I have to pay in full somehow! I don't want a CCJ registered.
  8. Hi all, First time here so please let me know if anything in this post should be changed. Backstory: I was in Bulgaria on business in June/July and had no knowledge of my PCN before leaving (turns out my mate moved my car out of his drive into the parking area for a couple hours where I received this PCN). Upon arriving home I find two letters, one being a final reminder sent mid June by VCS and then a debt collection notice sent by ZZPS in mid July. As I was out of the country and couldn't access my mail, I had no idea any of this was happening in my absence and had no chance to appeal the ticket in the allotted 28 days. The ticket was for £100, to be reduced to £60 if paid within two weeks and is now at £160 due to the debt collection agency add on. I haven't received any other letters regarding this claim. What I've tried: I have tried to go through the various appeals process, but when searching my ticket ref on the provided websites (namely myparkingcharge.co.uk as noted at the bottom of the VCS letter and the IPC website itself) it comes back with nothing, meaning that I couldn't have appealed it regardless. I even tried POPLA, and they can't find the ticket either. After contacting an ombudsman, they suggested to complain through the companies. VCS said that it was to go through ZZPS as they now were in charge of the debt , ZZPS replied as follows: "We must inform you that you have now passed the time frame in which an appeal can be made as appeals can only be made within 28 days of the Parking Charge Notice being issued, our client maintains that all correspondence received has been actioned accordingly and that the correct procedure has been followed. The balance of £160.00 remains payable on our systems, please refer to the back of our letter for the payment options available to you. In the absence of payment this matter will be referred to solicitors to resolve and further fees may be incurred." What do I do? If none of the appeals agencies even agree that the reference number matches any ticket, has a ticket even been issued against me? The collectors are refusing to provide evidence. I am not exactly inclined to pay this "debt" until the relevant parties prove their claim. Any advice would be appreciated as I feel like I'm about to get strong armed out of £160 Attached are the letters received, along with the website response when I search the reference. Personal info along with refs blacked out for obvious reasons.
  9. Hi, I have just received my PIP award letter from DWP and have been awarded Standard Care no mobility. On the short report it says that I attended the Face to face assessment alone. The fact is that my Wife who is my carer came with me and carried my medication into the room, placed them on the assessors desk, checked with me that I am alright then waited outside for me. She did not stay in the room as she gets upset very easily and also angry and frustrated when in that type of environment. To avoid this we agreed that as soon as I am with the assessor I would be safe and the assessor could get my wife if I needed her before the end. Is it right for the assessor to say I attended alone? Surely the circumstances above say different and getting to and from the assessment is part of the process. Nic
  10. Hi Guys, Need your advice on this unusual problem. Sorry story is a bit long. I’ll spilt it by bullet point to make it easier to read: 1. 23 Dec 2016 – went to the store made small purchase requested £50 cashback. Was deep in my thoughts. Felt a bit awkward at the end of interaction with cashier who started behaving strangely by completely ignoring me and started chatting with colleague. After packing few purchased items I was waiting patiently not realising what for. Felt as something did not finish - no eye contact from cashier, no thanks / goodbye. I’ve felt a bit strange and waited for much longer that socially acceptable in such situation and then left the store without exchanging a word with cashier. 2. Few day later realised I did not had my cash. As I was not out of the house since visiting store I could not have spent it or lost somewhere. 3. Waited for store to open again and went to speak with manager on 27 Dec 16 to ask them for my cashback and checking CCTV to confirm it was not given. Duty manager said he cannot view CCTV but checked till for that day and there was no extra cash in the till. He also found small receipt with my signature that confirms I’ve received cash. Signature seemed to be mine but I do not remember signing it nor receiving cash. 4. I’ve got my receipt with cashback on it. I am guessing I was asked to sign small slip confirming I was given cash and then was given my store receipt. That triggered me into thinking I got what I needed and made to forget about my cash by cashier starting to completely ignoring me. 5. I’ve spoken to customer services and same manger again who were pointing at each other saying I need to request CCTV footage and pay for it and that only store manager / area manager can view CCTV. 6. 6 Jan 16 spoke to customer services who then spoke to store manager who then checked till records again stating no extra cash was reported on that day. 7. Managed to speak to store manager in person on 6 Jan 16. Did not get much was just fobbed off making it sound it was my fault and I should have checked cash in store and they conducted their investigation. This person was quite elusive did not wanted to talk. Said nothing I can do. Both managers felt a bit arrogant almost as if they were saying good luck with that! If you know what I mean. 8. 6 Jan 16 stated electronic communication with customer services sending all above information via web form. Starting message with I am making formal request for CCTV footage under Data Protection Act 1998 confirming I am happy to pay for it. Providing all relevant details timing till number etc. 9. 18 Jan 17 sent them all above information in registered letter. 10. Did not get any response for around 10 calendar days and called them again to chase up for reply. 11. Received reply on evening of 20 Jan 17 (Friday) stating they passed for investigation to area manager. Provided instructions for requesting CCTV and how payment should be made. Advised that I need to contact police if I felt there was theft. 12. 20 Jan 17 I replied via e-mail and asked to place hold on the footage to ensure it is not overwritten as I’ve read somewhere that their retention period is 30 days. 13. 21 Jan 17 (Saturday) send request for footage as per their instructions. 14. 26 Jan 17 received letter stating request is outside of system storage capacity. 15. Chased them up for finial outcome of area manager investigation knowing what they will say. 16. 16 Feb 2016 Received response stating CCTV has now been overwritten they conducted till review and no extra cash was found. Nothing else they can do and I can contact the police. My view on that is that they ignored my initial request under Data protection act sent to them on 6 Jan 17. Purposely delayed providing instruction for requesting footage and timed it so that I have 0% chances of making it successfully and that it reaches them before 30 days retention period to cover up for their employees. I’ve seem to exhausted my option to get this resolved with the company and looking for advice on taking this further. I feel up to taking them to small court claiming for postage, petrol cost for number of trips inconvenience and original cashback. Just wanted to get your views on chance for success and some help with small court procedures if will be going that way. Thanks for reading!
  11. Dear all, I have parked on 30th of March 2017 in Napier Parking in Milton Keynes and after carrying out the first transaction I saw no ticket coming out of the machine to display on my dashboard. Straight away and to make sure I paid, I made a second attempt and to my surprise I received two tickets, which means I have been charged twice. I didn't hesitate to e-mail Napier parking with pictures of my tickets and all I have received as a response is that it was my fault for not looking properly for the first ticket as according to them the machine was working perfectly, and no refund will be made. It was an all day price of £8, so I ended up paying £16. I feel ripped off and have already raised it with BPA (British Parking Association), but I am open to any advice. Thank you, Veganfluff
  12. My Landlords gave false information to the Rent Officer in support of an application to register a new rent. This was in respect to a fellow tenant who is vulnerable. I informed the landlords of their inaccuracies several times and they took no action to correct them. The Rent Officer made an inspection and heard evidence. The landlords sent a representative who did not give evidence. The Rent Officer accepted all of the tenant's evidence and fixed a fair rent. Is there any action that can be taken against the landlords who were either attempting fraud or at the very least being grossely negligent? The tenant has suffered no financial loss but several months of worry. The landlords is a Housing Association and has refused to deal with the matter under their complaints procedure so it is now being referred to the Housing Ombudsman's Service. I am wondering if anything else might be done to stop this abuse of a vulnerable person.
  13. The following is a short extract from a press release that featured on SCOOP yesterday regarding the trial of a debtor (Danny Williamson) who threatened bailiffs with knives and an imitation gun when they attended his property seeking payment of £1,100 for a fine relating to alleged traffic offences. From the report, it would seem that the debtor had claimed that he had not known of the debt. Bailiffs stated that they would be taking control of his vehicle. He was finally arrested at gunpoint by armed police. Judge Ian Graham handed Mr Williamson a 12 month prison sentence at Basildon Crown Court yesterday suspended for 18 months, and ordered him to pay £520 in court costs. Further details can be read here: http://www.basildonstandard.co.uk/news/14875264.Grandad_grabs_a_fake_gun_to_scare_away_two_bailiffs/ http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news
  14. After some research on here I now know the true horror of what Vodafone have done to me. To cut a very long story short my Vodafone account was closed early and paid up by me in June (so I thought) PAC code transfered all done. Goodbye Vodafone - hurrah! Get a letter in September saying I still owe £90odd . I have contacted them on many occasions saying please can I have an invoice so I can see why you think I owe this? Athough promised each time nothing received, next I get mail from debt collection and then black mark on my (previously perfect) credit history - Just as I'm apply for a mortgage! Thanks Vodafone!! they can say I owe them something , not produce an invoice to back this up and then ruin my chances of getting a mortgage with absolute and complete impunity! On the advice of my mortgage broker I paid the o/s amount to minimize the damage. When I did this I was told i could speak to the team that placed the marker against me as I wanted to explain it was paid late because vodafone did not supply me with the information required to resolve the dispute and therefore please remove it. After the amount was paid I was put through to sales! When I called back to try once again the line was dropped after 50 minutes . I just dont have to time to spend many more hours on the phone to receive empty promises. So even after paying an amount that im not sure I owe I still have got nowhere in clearing my name . Its shocking and I cant think of any other industry where people could behave like this and get away with it.
  15. Hello New to here and after a bit of experienced advice I have worked as a window fitter for almost 3 years now for a small local company and gone from being a 'fitters boy' learning the ropes to now leading a team and running my own jobs. I've learnt on the job from colleagues and completed NVQs along the way I started on a low wage with a view that as I learned and could do more my salary would increase, this didn't really happen and I only saw a small increase after a years learning. As it was a job with a friends family i stuck it out and cutting a long story short after being given my first job to run and then subsequent ones I had a review meeting with my line manager and the MD (she runs all HR, payroll, accounts etc as we're a small company) and it was agreed I would go from £17k to £24 which I was over the moon about and felt like I'd finally go somewhere. At the end of the meeting she said she'll need to write a letter to add a change to my contract and summarise what we said in the review meeting (plans for further training, planning for future etc) 4 weeks on after I had an accident which left me with a broken toe and received a parking ticket (which I offered to pay as it was completely my fault) I have been told I won't be getting my increase this month. Initially the MD wanted to hold it back for 3 months but my line manager fought my corner and so far has made it only a month. My main question is can she do this? After all we agreed a new salary as my responsibilities and role had got bigger and now I'm expected to work on my old salary and do more My second issue is with our working hours. The company hours are 0800-1700 (1 hour for lunch) and there is a clause that says from time to time it may be necessary to work earlier or later to meet the needs of a particular job and also that an extra hours worked outside these times would be collected as lieu time and can be taken back as time off or in exceptional cases paid as over time with our salary All of the above I'm fine with but a few weeks back our MD has emailed everyone saying that any time worked between 0700-0800 and 1700-1800 cannot be claimed as lieu time anymore and her justification is that if you work a bit earlier or later it shows you're going the extra mile will be taken into account when it comes to bonuses etc (which are discretionary) so potentially she could have 2 hours a day free work from us Is this change allowed without any kind of consultation? Sorry for the long post and I hope someone can help and perhaps I could one day share any knowledge I've got.
  16. Currently on 3 points, due to expire in 2 months. Recently received a failure to provide letter with copy of NIP and reminder, both of which not received previously. Alleged speeding offence 37 in a 30 offence took place in April when I had 6 points. FTP offence carries a 6 point tariff. I appear to be facing a ban. Taken legal advice, as follows : Plead NOT guilty to FTP, get a court date, then try and negotiate to have speeding re-instated and FTP dropped. If unsuccessful go to court and argue NIP not received and get acquitted. Make case I am fully aware of how system works, if NIP received I would have taken the 3 points and sat on 9 points for a matter of weeks before dropping down to 6 and then 3 in 10 months. Your comments would be very welcome. Baur.
  17. Hiya, any advice will be gratefully received. I started a PPI claim against santander early 2014 for a loan which was taken out in 2001. They claimed to have settled a PPI claim on this account in 2007. In 2007 they settled a 'bank charges' claim for a closed current account not a PPI claim for the loan account. I have never claimed for PPI on any account until early 2014. But in 2007 I had taken on quite a number of banks for charges. I had a call from the FOS today. They said that santander had provided evidence of this settlement. I asked what the evidence was and he said it had the loan agreement number on it, the amount, date and that it was for PPI. Non of this information is true. It's totally fabricated. I expressed my concern to the FOS and he said he'd contact them again to ask for further details. I called santander straight after to request this information and told them it's totally untrue and fraudulent! I'm hopping mad. I don't want to let them get away with this. But what do I do? The FOS have to make a decision on the information they have. I haven't kept anything from my charges claim, as far as I was concerned the matter was closed so I destroyed everything. If they FOS rule in their favour, how do I complain without any evidence? Thornyangel
  18. Hi Everyone, apologies if this is not the right part of the forum, but I have a question regarding an overpayment claim from my last employer. Thy wrote to me about a month ago, stating they had over paid me on my final pay dated 25/06/2015 to the amount of £633.98, and wanted payment within 7 days. They attached a breakdown which was massively incorrect, and made no sense, a complete mess of company sick pay, statutory sick pay, basic pay and holiday, and several incorrect sums. I am still contacting them to try and get an explanation of how I can have been overpaid, but wanted to check my rights also, as this is causing me anxiety attacks and sleepless nights worrying about it. I had been off sick with anxiety and depression (partially due to work related stress) for two months at my last employer, when I decided to hand in my notice,as I was not going to be well enough to return for the foreseeable future, and felt like a burden, as I knew there was no budget for cover, people were already over worked, and I was a fairly senior member of staff, in terms of tasks I was performing. They accepted eventually,and my final date of employment, and date of final pay was 26/06/2015. I hadn't received my payslips whilst off sick, and didn't receive my final pay slip either, so chased the H.R department several times by email back in july, but this was eventually forgotten about, as none of my pay amounts seemed incorrect, my ongoing ill health and the fact that no-one from the company got back to me after promising to contact me when they would be sent out. My question is, if it does turn out that an overpayment was made , can I fight this?. I am on ESA benefits as I cannot leave the house most days,let alone work, and I have absolutely no money to repay this whatsoever, I don't think I could bare this going to court, but I simply can't pay, and it all seems very unfair Any help gratefully appreciated, apologies for the long rant! Danii
  19. Hi all, Just give you a quick run down of the operation of the local station and route to hopefully clear up any confusion before any advice can be given. Our local station is an unmanned station, as are all the stations on the branch line, apart from the two terminals, in this case Strood and Paddock Wood, and the middle main station being Maidstone West. All the stations have a machine placed at each entrance in which to purchase a Permit to Travel ticket which can then be exchanged for a travel ticket by either the issuing ticket office at Strood, Maidstone West or Paddock Wood, or by buying a ticket from the conductor/guard on board the train. However, in the last month, the types of trains used have changed from a 3 coach class 377 with a driver and conductor/guard, to a 2 coach class 466 driver only. The Permit to Travel machine at our local station always appears to be broken, either it is jammed with coins where it won't accept anything, or the coins just slip through to the rejected coin collector, although there is a time displayed on the machine to indicate that it is turned on. Over the last two weeks, my daughter has twice been issued with a £20 penalty fare by Revenue Protection as she wasn't in possession of a valid permit to travel or travel ticket, although she wasn't able to purchase one in the first place. Revenue Protection were at the first station she would have been able to purchase a ticket from, and before the ticket office, therefore stopping her from purchasing a ticket as she has done on numerous occasions before. She did state that the Permit to Travel machine wasn't working, but they said it was, even though they weren't at the station. She paid the first Penalty instantly, but she want's to appeal this second and any subsequent penalties that she may occur if the opportunity to purchase a Permit to Travel isn't available. Hoping that some of you good guys and girls on here can offer some advice and ammunition so she can win her appeal. Many thanks, Bloke 199
  20. Forgive me if I seem a bit angry but I used to be a member here asking for advice on how to avoid a sanction from my JSA signing. I got what I thought was great advice at the time. I implemented that advice. I got sanctioned. Is there any way I can sue CAG for giving bad advice? Reading around the threads now with the "benefit" of hindsight, It seems that most site team and contributors are actually on ESA and divorced from reality and the world of work. If I'd realized this I wouldn't have followed their advice. I'm now left without money for 3 months. Thanks a lot. Do I have any recourse for suing you people? I guess if you actually knew what you were talking about then you wouldn't actually be on benefits to start with. My bad then. But you've really ****ed me over. Who can I sue for bad advice please?
  21. The following is an extract of an article that appeared on SCOOP yesterday: Full story here: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Hull-mother-chased-bailiffs-carving-knife-walks/story-28348975-detail/story.html#ixzz3uVapzLee
  22. Energy companies have drawn up a list of pledges aimed at helping customers to shop around for the best deal. Energy UK, which represents the major suppliers, has launched its Energy Switch Guarantee - to make it easier for customers to know how to switch. The switching commitments are: Your supply won't be disrupted. Switching is free. Switching will take no more than 21 days from the date your new provider receives your application. Your new provider won't need to visit your home to complete the switch (unless you agree otherwise). Your new provider arranges the switch, including contacting your current provider. Your new supplier will send you details of your new supply agreement for you to check. You'll have 14 days to change your mind. Your new and current providers will work together to ensure you're not charged twice for the same energy. If there are any problems with the switch, your new provider will contact you as soon as possible and will be responsible for resolving problems. Your current provider will send you your final bill no later than six weeks after the switch. If your current provider owes you money, it will refund you no later than 14 days after sending you the final bill. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36501605
  23. Hi I wonder if anyone can help. My wife has mobility disability. I parked at Iceland Hemel Hempstead, on 21 April 1016, in the disabled bay, and badge displayed on front dash. We shopped at Iceland then went home. Subsequently we got a PCN for parking without paying. I appealed to Excel parking, and wrote to Iceland customer services. The latter were unable to help. Today I received a letter stating that the appeal was rejected. I can now pay the fine or appeal to IAS. I am considering appealing as I don't think the signage at Iceland IS ADQUATE. There are two to 3 large signs on entering the car park saying that parking must be within bays etc, and that disabled badges must be displayed, but they do not state that badge holders must pay. There is a smaller sign by the pay machine which does indicate that disabled badge holders must pay. We have not had to pay at any other supermarket and the signs at the entry did not state this, so I did not go near the pay machine to read the sign which stated that disabled persons must also pay. I believe the signage to be in adequate. Will this be good grounds for appealing. I have taken photographs of the signs and of course I am now not going to shop at Iceland again
  24. We moved on the 17th April from one council to another. We informed our old council and gave them thr new address just for final bill purposes and are now paying our new council. We received a letter stating they were closing the account and we were due a refund of £228.66 which arrived separately on the 8th of May. On Saturday we received a billstating we owed £1072.44 including the £228.66 refund! I have set up a payment plan and said how angry I was but every time I said about it to the adviser she pointedly ignored my comments! Can they do this? Also we had a slight rebate as my husband was on a low income but this bill has asked for it back from the 12th Jan to the 31st March? Any advise? Thanks
  25. I have developed dark blue stains on my face and when I went to my GP was told that they were because I had been prescribed Minocycline tablets for Acne and left on them for 30 years and never been told that the skin staining can be a side effect. I was referred to a NHS skin clinic and was told by the consultant that the patches may never go and they are not suitable for lazer treatment as they are on a lower layer of the skin make up. Only option is camouflage make up, I am extremely upset over this and very angry that I was never warned of this side effect. I feel I have a genuine case for negligence here. Any advice please
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