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  1. Dear all, I have parked on 30th of March 2017 in Napier Parking in Milton Keynes and after carrying out the first transaction I saw no ticket coming out of the machine to display on my dashboard. Straight away and to make sure I paid, I made a second attempt and to my surprise I received two tickets, which means I have been charged twice. I didn't hesitate to e-mail Napier parking with pictures of my tickets and all I have received as a response is that it was my fault for not looking properly for the first ticket as according to them the machine was working perfectly, and no refund will be made. It was an all day price of £8, so I ended up paying £16. I feel ripped off and have already raised it with BPA (British Parking Association), but I am open to any advice. Thank you, Veganfluff
  2. Hi all, We need your advice a Parking Ticket. Received FCN attached to Windscreen on 10th July 2016 at Willen Lake Car Park, Milton Keynes. Parking company is Napier Parking Reason for issue: Failure to Display a ticket The Driver had Bought Ticket and displayed it on dashboard, then went for a bike ride. The Driver opened the driver door and the ticket blew into the passenger side door pocket. The ticket was still valid at time of the FCN and had 2 hours remaining. The Driver did not appeal Napier Parking after reading various cases on CAG and wanted to wait for the NTK. Received a Notice To Keeper (NTK) on 16th August (issued 10th August but only read it on return from holiday 16th August). The NTK did not provide photographic evidence NTK mentions Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) in the header but not Section 4 The Driver has NOT APPEALED after receiving the NTK and it mentions an appeals process but only after the driver has contacted Napier and appealed. What are the next steps? Thanks Fudster Napier Parking Ticket July 2016.pdf
  3. Name of the Claimant: MKDP LLP Date of issue: 01 Dec 2014 (Happy Christmas!) What is the claim for: The Claimant claims the the sum of 12,964.30 being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant under a regulated agreement originally between the Defendant and Barclaycard. The defendants account number was XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and was assigned to the claimant on XX/07/2011, notice of this has been provided to the Defendant. The Defendant has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Claimant claims the sum of 12,964.30 and costs. The Claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. What is the value of the claim: 12964.30 + 410 costs Claim is for credit card Entered into the original agreement before 2007 Account assigned and transferred to the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Received nothing headed "Notice of Assignment" is this what it would have had to say? But they bought the debt during 07/2011 Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor?: I think from Mercers Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ?: No there is nothing in our records to show this, we have kept all letters from DCA's, would this have come from Barclaycard or DCA? Why did you cease payments:- My Wife and I had the same employer which 9 years ago suffered an immediate and huge loss of revenue from a large customer, my promotion withdrawn, no bonus pay increases etc just after we bought a new house. Had to use cards to make ends meet, took secured loan to pay cards (HUGE mistake due to rip off rate rises that’s for another thread) with the intention of remortgaging after fixed period expired, unfortunately this was then 2008, so mortgages became unobtainable, and to use cards again to make payments, Later on employer paid us late so missed payment date on DD with credit cards, so Barclaycard rate jumped from 6.7% to over 30%, ended up juggling credit cards until breaking point in 2010, since then all unsecured debt has been on token payments as advised by C.A.B. Wife very ill in hospital while pregnant for three months then made redundant after having 1st child, became ill with post natal depression, not able to return to work. Managed to sell parts of property to reduce secured borrowing to less than half original amount and pay arrears at the time, still unaffordable though. Wife then ill in hospital with second pregnancy for nearly six months diagnosed pre-natal depression and then post natal, still being treated 3 years later. Hanging on by skin of our teeth trying not to lose house but most importantly mortgage, as with our now ruined credit record would be hard to get new one. PLEASE DELETE ANY OF THE ABOVE OR BELOW IF ITS IRRELEVANT OR TOO PRIVATE Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, originally with mercers who could not accept token payments officially but said to pay them anyway, but they quickly handed to Moorcroft, then when MKDP took over the account in July 2011, we received first contact in August 2011 we were very confused as their letters only listed their own Reference number and that it was for a Barclaycard debt, no credit card number to identify which card it was in relation to, my wife also has a Barclaycard debt that I became point of contact for and also an Egg card debt that keeps getting referred to as Barclaycard. At the time we were convinced that moorcroft had the debt and thought that due to the lack of detail on the letter from MKDP that it was a mistake. Then 1 year later Sept 2012 they sent another letter saying Final Notice and that they would transfer debt to pre-litigation department. We sent a letter to them a fortnight later, saying that we do not know which one of our card accounts this relates to as there was no account number in their letters, and could they send us some more info so we know which card they are dealing with. Just under 2 weeks later we had a letter from them to say that they were in receipt of letter and thanks for writing, that they were unable to resolve query and would liase with original creditor. They said they would conatct us as soon as a response received but no later than 8 weeks from the date of the letter. We actually got no response until late March 2013 but it was another letter saying that they were unable to resolve query and would liase with Barclaycard. They said they would conatct us as soon as a response received. Then another letter early April stating that they were unable to resolve query and would liase with original creditor. They said they would conatct us as soon as a response received Quickly followed a week later by a letter saying please find enclosed documents that you have requested RECONSTITUTED CREDIT AGREEMENT. This was weird as I had never requested this, I only wanted to know the account/card number. Even weirder was that included with the reconstitued agreement was a letter addressed to me from Barclaycard dated March 2013 referencing MY request for the section 78 information request. I made no such request and can only imagine that MKDP forged a letter from me to Barlcaycard in my name!!! Now having the card number we wrote to them at the beginning of May 2013 to explain our dire circumstances and to make a token payment of £5 per month as advised by C.A.B. Just over a week later they replied and said that they were unable to resolve query and would liase with original creditor. They said they would conatct us as soon as a response received, identical letter received in June, July and August 2013. We wrote again in November 2013 to say we had not heard from them as to whether they accept our offer of payment. (all this time we were unable to pay them token payments as they had not provided any bank details) We then heard nothing from them for over a year and assumed they had passed the debt on, the period of silence has become quite common when there are gaps between DCA’s that we have dealt with. Then this month we receive the County Court Claim Form. I have contacted Barclaycard customer service who deny that MKDP contacted them since the debt was sold and certainly was not liasing with them, they said the the debt with them is effectively settled and is now sole responsibility of MKDP and has need since July 2011. So all of the afore mentioned letters from MKDP are lies! What can we do next, we have no money to pay anything other than token payments, our income and expenditure still shows serious deficit. I don’t believe that this should be going to court as they have dealt with this account poorly and obstructed us from payng them any money. We HAVE been in contact with them! I feel that trying to claim the full amount owed through court when they will only have paid a fraction of the amount for the debt is totally unjust. I owed the original amount to Barclaycard, they have written that off now. They may have tried phoning throughout the process, but I never answer again as advised by C.A.B. Should I try to speak to them over the phone to point out their shortfalls in the hope of them withdrawing court action? Never been to court before and am afraid, don’t know what to do for the best, please help!
  4. Good evening, I was hoping i could get some advice regarding a debt which is with MK Recoveries. I got a letter through the post today from Keynes Collections which stated the following "This letter is made in accordance with the Practice Direction - Pre Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules. Your attention is drawn to Paragraph 4 of Annex A of the Practice Direction concerning the court's power to impose sanctions for failure to comply with the Practice Direction" They are asking that i make contact with MK and sort out payment or an arrangement before action is taken. I would take a good guess that i made a previous payment before as in means of an arrangement. Whether it was with this outfit, i cant be 100% sure.
  5. Hi guys, I had a disputed account with HSBC with a balance of around £800. (All made up if charges and interest on said charges.) It's been through pretty much every DCA in the UK at some point, and they eventually "refer the matter to the original creditor," when I point out that it's made of charges etc. My credit file shows it as being defaulted in early 2009, and the last payment was presumably some time before then, so I have a feeling that it's almost, (if not already) statute barred. Recently the compello group appear to have bought it, a nd have been sending me letters from all their various letter headed companies which I have ignored. However this one today is a bit different, and I'm not sure if they're just blustering or if I need to do something here? Letter reads: "NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL ACTION As you have failed to respond.... Etc etc etc.... MKDP LLP have instructed us to ..... Etc etc etc You had an agreement with HSBC which was assigned to MKDP LLP. Under the agreement the balance was to be repaid but you defaulted, breaching the agreement which has now been terminated. The full amount is now due, and you are required to pay the full balance to MKDP LLP. This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment of £xxx and is made in accordance with the practice direction - Pre-Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules. Your attention is drawn to paragraph 4 of annex a of the practice direction concerning the Courts power to impose sanctions for failure to comply with practice direction." It then says I have 14 days to reply. I'd really appreciate any help with this one! Thanks very much
  6. Hello, I asked MKDP for a deed of assignment, the response back from them was to send a notice of assignment which has an incorrect outstanding balance on it. To be honest I suspect they copy/pasted and forgot to change the outstanding amount. Any suggestions where I go from here?
  7. I'm continually getting calls from the phone number 03333 440629, can be three or four times a day, for a few days, then nothing for a couple of weeks, and then it starts again. I don't answer numbers that I don't recognise, I let them ring out and google them. This number appears to belong to MKRR. They've also used 01452 260079 just recently, after I mistakingly pressed re-dial. However, I've not (knowingly) spoken to them, and they have not contacted me by post - they mustn't have my current address - is there anyway I can get them to cease calling? Or in doing so, would I have to reveal my identity and address, and the lack of postal communication leads me to believe they don't have it.
  8. Hi, Just looking for general advice on a recent ticket. NCP at Milton Keynes - Parking Contravention Charge Notice £35 up to £70 after 14 days. Reason - no valid ticket displayed. We had a valid ticket at the time which had blown off the dashboard in the windy weather. I still have this ticket. I spoke to the parking attendant who gave me the ticket who showed me 2 photographs of my car without ticket in windscreen. Given the fact that I don't actually owe them any more and that they didn't lose out on any money as I had paid and have proven I'd paid, is that sufficient reason for me feel confident in ignoring the impending demand letters? I sent an appeal on the day of the ticket being issued which has since been rejected.
  9. Amongst other issues dispute with Welcome Finance, initially attempting to repossess car "forthwith no court order needed" as it was "linked" to a joint personal loan the hp in my name only and not in default +over1/3 paid Dealt with that one sharpish. When over 1/2 paid finances tight with divorce very carefully enquired regarding re negotiating payments advised not possible so again very carefully said that I wished to exercise my right as sufficient sums had been paid to return the vehicle in full settlement, after some time I had to sorn it and put it into secure storage. Then it was removed. Then the you owe thousands letters started eventually told to put up or go away ...long silence now after sending a notice they are terminating agreement and will recover car( been gone a year) calls and finally a letter asking for £2,064.19 from Atlas who are "a trading name of Welcome Finance" I have replied: 17/11/2011 Dear RE: Notification of Instruction Your ref: Thank you for your letter 14/11/11 advising me that you have instructed yourselves to deal with this matter. As you have already no doubt carefully noted the letters and faxes sent regarding this issue you will be aware that there is no outstanding liability to yourselves for yourselves to pass to yourselves trading under any name and I am therefore surprised that you have instructed yourselves in this manner. I assume that the turmoil caused by the recent financial difficulties of the group may have introduced some lack of clarity within your procedures. This matter has been discussed with yourselves in detail before your cessation of loan activity and restructure and I see little point in resending the letters etc. to you acting for yourselves under a different name. I would make clear to you that I will not accept any dealings with yourselves trading under any name or by agents acting on your behalf, by means of phone calls, texts or any other means of communication to any phone number or other electronic account that you now hold or may obtain. I will take appropriate and proportionate action should any such contacts re-commence. It is your responsibility to ensure that any such agents comply. As you have drawn my attention to this matter I had considered closed I will of course undertake a review and I will contact you as soon as is practicable should I find any miss-selling, over or unlawful charging or practices which would give grounds for my making a claim against yourselves. Yours faithfully Anyone had any dealings with Atlas Collections? I suppose a SAR is next and settle in for a long haul
  10. Due to him losing his job my husband is 2 months behind with the payments for the car to welcome finance. First they bombard us with phone calls-and are still doing so despite us sending 2 letters telling them not to phone. The today a girl from welcome phoned and said unless the payment was made immediately then they will come and get the car and if necessary get the police involved. Can they take the car without a court order?
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