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  1. I recently fell behind in my car payments to Santander i got a phone call from lanarkshire car recoveries demanding full payment, i have gotten into serious trouble recently and couldn't afford it the only option they gave me was to pay 540 per month for the next 6 months, this is absolutely crippling me and i have already had to sell many possessions to meet this. My concern is i have not had a letter from this company, just a phone call threatening to take the car if i don't pay and they just phone me every 4 weeks to make a card payment, no acknowledgement is offered. if i have to pay that amount again this month (22nd) i will be finished. i know its my own fault for falling behind the reason i fell behind was not having enough money and not knowing how to deal with it. does anyone know if i can open up communication with this company and negotiate lower payments or at least does anyone know the process of car recovery, do they just show up wherever they want and take it away? Meant to add, they called my work last month and told my staff who they were and why they were phoning, this caused untold embarrassment to say the least.
  2. Hi All, Yesterday whilst I was out at work, I had a surprise visit from a bailiff who handed over a letter to my boyfriend stating that if I don't complete the means form & return it, I could be sent to prison. This came totally out of the blue to me as I haven't had any court order letters & I was confused about where this had come from or what it was related to. Quoted on the letter was Phoenix recoveries which also means nothing to me, I have had no correspondence from this company I called the bailiff and all he could tell me is that it was from a debt in 2005 and it is for collection charges. The original debt was £4300 and the amount they are now seeking is £1400. I did default on a loan around that time and was subsequently given a CCJ which has now been cleared from my credit history as 7 years has passed since the CCJ was issued. The bailiff gave me the number of the solicitors (Mortimer Clark) to call and ask them but I just wanted to ensure that I have all the information I need prior to discussing with them. I'm sure this can't still be chased 11 years after the original debt, especially if I have already previously been issued a CCJ I really am not sure about this and could do with some help with facts prior to calling the solicitors. Sorry for long winded post but I wanted to get all the information in & hopefully someone can give me some guidance. Thanks in advance Rach
  3. This evening received the following email: Good Afternoon Mr xxxxxxxxxxx , Re. Agreement xxxxxxxx Outstanding balance: £509.20 Outstanding arrears: £25.46 We need to speak with you in relation to the above agreement you hold with PRA Group (formerly All In One Finance). If we could please ask that you contact our office on 0344 245 xxxx at your earliest convenience. Alternatively, please advise of a suitable time so we can give you a call. Regards, xxxxx xxxxx Robertson |Resolution Recoveries |Simpson House |Windsor Court |Clarence Drive |Harrogate |HG1 2PE |T + 44 (0)3442 xxx xxx Resolution Recoveries is a Trading Style of The Nostrum Group Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in relation to Consumer Credit Activities. Registered in England No 04274181. Registered Office: Simpson House, Windsor Court, Clarence Drive, Harrogate, HG1 2PE. VAT No 916 5953 94. This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Trouble I have is I had an agreement which was paid off back early last year and I have no idea what this is all about or what its regarding. I did move bank accounts 3 weeks ago and found a direct debit paying some company me or my wife didn't recognise and cancelled it, so car not received any letters so I'm wondering if we have been paying for something we have no idea what it is? Any ideas?
  4. Hi Guys I am in the same situation as you Bailey, so sorry to admit this folks but got in a bad situation with Uncle Bucks in late 2014 culminating in one I could not pay and 1st Stop Recoveries have also now sent me a Court Claim which I am also defending. I have sent CPR and CCA requests and will defend this plus submitting a claim to Uncle bucks regarding the facts that they did not carry out full affordability or credit checks.also allowed me 5 loans over 5 months. When I rang them in month 4 to try and decrease the payments, they suggested I just repay the loan and take another one out the same day! Is this familiar.Have you had a series of loans from them? Actually, in my years on CAG it is very rare for Payday Lenders to take Legal Action, they normally just harass people. Anything else I can to do to help on this Bailey, I will do
  5. Hi All, I'm new here and after reading so many helpful posts I was hoping someone could help me. I have received claim forms and wondering what to do next, please find the information I have completed below as I have filled out the questions asked: Name of the Claimant ? 1st Stop Recoveries Date of issue – 11th Feb 16 What is the claim for – 1.1st Stop Recoveries Ltd claim this amount in respect of an unpaid loan funded by Uncle Buck Ltd. The defendant failed to abide by the terms of the contract. 1st Stop Recoveries purchased this debt from Uncle Buck and subsequently sent a notice of assignment to the defendant to advise. 2.The defendant has failed to respond to any correspondence or communication from the Claimant this denying the Claimant any opportunity in assisting the Defendant in attempting to bring the matter to an amicable conclusion. What is the value of the claim? £493.88 + £35.00 - Court fee Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? A Payday loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. 1st Stop Recoveries Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I don't know, Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I don't think so. Why did you cease payments? I don't believe any payment has been made at all. What was the date of your last payment? I'm unsure, sorry to be vague but I want to be as honest as I can and I don't know. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I have been on my Uncle Buck account and it shows I owe £0.00. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No. no default notice is showing from Uncle Buck, Plan deal collections or 1st stop recoveries at all. I have a noddle account and check this almost weekly and have also in the last 2 weeks got my experience credit report. There is no default showing for this amount or from these companies. It's was either over 6 years ago or I suspect it was maybe 2 years ago maximum. Definitely no default registered with these companies. Any help at all would be appreciated! I absolutely cannot get a CCJ and I haven't done anything yet apart from recieve the forms. They went to my parents house and I have only got them this morning, my time is running out and I am beginning to panic! Please help!
  6. Hi, I need some advice please. I have just returned from holiday to find a CCJ waiting for me for an old loan I had with Cash4UNow about 2 years ago. The Judgement states '1st stop recoveries claim this amount in respect of an unpaid loan funded by Nova Loans. The defendant failed to abide by the terms of the contract. Ist stop recoveries purchased this debt from Nova Loans and subsequently sent a notice of assignment to the defendant to advise. The defendant has failed to respond to any correspondence or communication from the claimant thus denying the claimant any opportunity in assisting the defendant in attempting to bring the matter to an amicable conclusion' The judgement is for £479.99 + £35 court costs - Total £514.99 The claim form has a typed signature Emily Taylor (Claimant) When I had the loan from Cash4UNow, I paid back everything on time and had two payments left to make - I supplied them with my new debit card details but they failed to take payment. I received no correspondence chasing the outstanding amount until several months later at which time I was unable to pay the sum due. I am not 100% certain but I am not sure if I received a default notice or not. Also I have received, little contact from 1st Stop Recoveries - they did try to call me at work but I cannot take calls of this type at my workplace. I ideally through my line of work can't really afford to have a judgement against me. Is it possible if I get in touch with 1st stop recoveries that I could still negotiate to pay this debt and avoid a judgement being entered against me? Otherwise should I just admit liability and complete the form or would I have grounds on the basis that due to the system error at Cash4UNow that they did not take payments when due, to challenge the judgement or part of it? Advice please as not 100% certain how best to proceed with this. Many thanks
  7. Hi, I have a strange question, and hope someone familiar with debt collection procedures / DPA 1998 are able to assist. I am disabled, living with elderly parents. My father has never been in debt, and would absolutely freak out of he knew I still owed Tesco Bank a considerable amount of money. I am in comms with them regarding token payment on debt, its been over 10 years of intermittent token payments, DCAs etc but recently I keep receiving letters from their recoveries department but with the fact it is the recoveries department clearly showing on the front of the envelope. A few years ago I thought I read that DCA's etc needed to be more discreet when addressing people who owe money. Luckily I have stopped my father seeing these envelopes but if he does see one my relationship with the family will suffer tremendously. How can I ask Tesco Bank to be more respectful in there posting of Debt letters? Are they breaking any Date Protection Issues by showing recoveries department on the letter? Thanks Me_too TESCO PRINT.pdf
  8. Had a phone call from .......... saying that you can now reclaim your monthly payments paid to banks for packaged accounts such as Barclays Additions where the benefits were not fully explained.. No win, no fee but wanted 37% of any successful although were very happy to negotiate this fee... Is this the next big reclaim opportunity or bulls**t.
  9. Hi All, I received a missed call and a text today from this company telling me to call back quoting "xxxxxx" reference number. What do i do? Is there a way I can find out what the debt is for without phoning? As I dont want to get harassed by these! Thanks Mark
  10. I had a letter this morning from a company calling itself MKPD. They claim in the letter that They say the debt is for £1,848.88p, but I have no knowledge of this debt. I am also suspicious as they say it was passed to them in December 2011, so why wait until know to write to me? Any advice as what to do would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks!
  11. We have an unsecured loan with NRAM, which was part of a together mortgage. Our fixed term came to an end just as the recession hit and they would not/could not offer us a new mortgage. This of course meant we needed to remortgage and the interest rate on our loan soared to 12.79%. During this time we accrued arrears on the loan. Around 2 years ago, I agreed a new payment arrangement with their arrears department (a chap named Les who was a senior payment advisor). The minimum payment required was £320 on the initial sum borrowed, but as we had arrears I agreed a repayment of £380 per month. We have continued to make this payment every month, on time. In May this year I received our annual statement. Concerned that the closing balance on the loan did not seem to be going down I checked through the statement more thoroughly. I discovered that the £380 monthly payment agreed with Les did not cover the interest being added to the loan each month. As a result our loan balance was going up, not down. That very same day I received a phone call from Les at NRAM telling me they needed to agree a new monthly repayment (according to him there wasn’t an agreement in place). I stopped him short and told him what I had discovered on our statement. At this point he seemed to drop his ‘I am superior to you attitude’ and quietly say he would look at our account – I am staggered he wasn’t looking at this already, considering why he was calling in the first place. He went on to give me some convoluted and totally pointless explanation of how the repayments are calculated according to the interest added on the initial loan balance. Again I stopped him short telling him we had been overpaying (or so we thought) and that the payment amount had been agreed with him, over a year ago. At the time of that conversation it was never mentioned that the repayment amount would not cover the interest charged. Indeed to my mind, this repayment amount should never have been agreed with us. I went on to tell him how unhappy we were. For over a year we have been paying this loan only to discover we have not cleared any of it. We would have been better keeping the money in our pockets! I then asked him to tell me how much the monthly repayment should be to ensure the loan was paid off within the remaining term. My own calculations suggested a repayment of £450/m (different calculators gave slightly different amounts) and his calculations were around this figure. I told him I would need to talk with my husband at that point and that I would call back to complete an income and expenditure form and to set the payment in place. When I called back I came through to someone different and went through the income and expenditure form with her. As I wasn’t sure on a couple of figures I said I would ring back. On the third time of calling I came through to someone else again. I explained to her that I needed to complete the form and set up a new payment arrangement. After completing the form, she went on to tell me that she couldn’t put a new payment plan in place as the account was under investigation by head office because of the previous payment agreement and the interest charges (as explained above). She told to me to expect to hear from them within 7 days. That was over 1 month ago. As the end of May approached I made a payment of £400, despite not hearing back from them. A few days later I receive a letter from NRAM telling me the account had been passed to the Loss and Recoveries Department because a formal notice had been issued – we have never received a formal notice. The letter went on to ask us to call them to complete an income and expenditure form (!?!) I then receive another letter thanking me for the last payment and telling me they will not be taking any action against us for the next 31 days! To date I have still not heard from their head office. So now I am wondering what to do next. I could call the loss and recoveries department, but feel I will just be going around in circles. I have a feeling no-one is properly reviewing our account or looking at the notes on it. The letter from this department implies we have not been paying each month, but we have made every monthly payment for the last couple of years and have been overpaying them. Any advice would be much appreciated. I feel it is time to go straight to the organ-grinder (or even the FOS) and begin to get everything down in writing. On a side note, I thought it was a legal requirement for statements to include the original sum borrowed? Ours do not. The opening and closing balance is there, but not the original loan amount.
  12. Several years ago I lost my job and therefore couldn't make the minimum payment on my credit card. I rang BC to explain and they were reasonably helpful at first. They told me they could lower the payment, which I still couldn't afford, but told me that was the least they could take. I later found out this was rubbish and rang back to make token payments to show I wasn't trying to ignore/avoid it but just couldn't pay at this time. they quickly added charges to my account and continued to add interest despite me pleading to them to freeze the account as I had long since cut up the card... they wouldn't. After dealing with 3 separate recovery companies, explaining exactly what had happened, the third company then sent an "agent" round to my house, illegally. Luckily for him, my mum answered the door and sent him on his way. I rang the company to let them know what they had done was illegal and that I was going to sue them. A few days later I received a letter saying that the case was closed and I wouldn't hear anything about it, which I didn't, for 2 years. A few weeks ago I got a letter from MKRR saying they were acting on behalf of Barclycard and I owed them £4,518.63. I had spent less than £2000 on the card so the rest is interest and charges which is what I argued about for so long. The thing that is puzzling me is that Barclycard have had my address and contact details for the past 2 years so why has this company only contacted me now? And how does it work if the last company "owned" the debt? Have they sent it back to Bacrlycard or sold it on to another company? I'm currently unemployed (just finished uni) and don't claim any benefits. They are threatening legal action and saying the amount will continue to go up if I don't contact them. Do I still have a case suing the other company for coming to my house illegally? Thank you in advance to anyone that offers help, support or advice.
  13. Hi All, I'm new here and looking for some advice. My Mrs recently started getting calls and letters from 'Asset Recoveries UK Ltd'... . She's ignored all so far but today they stepped things up a bit by stating where the debt was from and why she was due to pay it. back in 1991, her and her ex boyfriend had a house with a joint mortgage. They split up and she 'thought' she had signed the house over to him. A few months later the house was repossessed and sold. She does not remember receiving any correspondence from the mortgage provider (Citibank) about any arrears. In 2006 she collated all her debts and went into a 'Payplan' where she pays back the full amount owed, but no interest. At that time there was no record of a debt from Citibank and she even got a local solicitor to search for any debt, so it could be included in the plan. He found nothing. The payplan is due to be paid up later in 2014. A few months ago she started getting calls on her mobile, asking for her in her maiden name, from a debt collection agency called '1st Credit', attempting to ascertain who she was. She refused to provide any information each time. Eventually the calls stopped. In late February she received a letter (at my address but in her maiden name) from a debt collection agency stating she owed £12k asking her to contact them to start payment. It said she would be taken to court if she never responded. It did not state what the alleged debt was for. I threw it in the bin and told her not to worry as any alleged debt from 1991 would be statute barred. We may have had a similar letter since and if so it was filed in the bin. Today (May 2014), she received a letter from 'Asset Recovery UK' stating she owed the £12k for a mortgage repossession and it stated the address of the repossessed property, and also the name of her ex, who she had the joint mortgage with. Again, I would suspect that the debt is statute barred.... but.... . the letter states that the limitation period has been extended as her ex (the co-borrower) has made payments and his liabilty is now paid in full. It says section 29(5) of the limitation act states that as her ex has made an acknowledgement, the statute period is extended for a further 12 years. It also states section 31 states that one party acknowledging the debt, binds all parties liable and thus the limitation period is extended for another 12 years. I've read the relevant parts of the limitation act and section 29(5) suggests that the clock starts ticking again once the debt is acknowledged. Section 31 is a little more ambiguous to me. Parts 1 to 5 suggest that one party making an acknowledgement does indeed does bind any other parties with same responsibilities BUT parts 1 to 5 talk about land claims and mortgage debts. Part 6 mentions a debt (rather than mortgage etc) and states "An acknowledgment of any debt or other liquidated pecuniary claim shall bind the acknowledgor and his successors but not any other person", which to me suggests his acknowledgement does not bind through to her. Part 7 "A payment made in respect of any debt or other liquidated pecuniary claim shall bind all persons liable in respect of the debt or claim"... this suggests to me that the debt does now bind to her. What are the thoughts of the experts please? I'm still in the camp that the debt is statute barred and they are just trying it on. The letter seems to have been hand delivered as there was no envelope, just an accompanying form to fill in about her financial affairs. I've searched with google, but not come up with anything where they are claiming that as the other party has acknowledged, the co-party is now also liable and no longer statute barred.
  14. Hi I was on leave from work for a couple of week and have returned to be told by my colleagues that "a company called red castle keep phoning every day for you, they said you will know what it is about" I got the feeling that they know what red castle are and I feel quite embarassed about it. I don't know how they got my work number or do I have a clue what this debt is about because I have had zero written communication from them at all and and just one text message earlier this week saying "this is an important message for ----------. Please call red castle today on 08448949506 quoting ref -----------". I dont know ifthey have tried to phone my mobile cos any strange numbers I dont recognised are blocked automatically. I need these calls to stop from now before I get told off by the boss or quit with embarrassment. I have looked on their website for an email address https://www.payred.com. But their site is rubbish with no info on it. Has anyone got an email address for these **** and any advice to make them stop (stop now from today, no more calls) causing me problems at work?
  15. Just after a little bit of advice please. Please excuse any spellings mistakes etc as I am so mad as I type right not At the beginning of this year we took a car on finance, we made several payments and then found that we were struggling to keep up payments but we always caught them up. In June we moved house (notified the finance company) and then from then we completely missed a payment. One payment turned into 2 and we had a visit (at our new house) from a gentleman from "the car finance company", a payment arrangement was put in place but we missed it. I contacted them by email explaining our situation and asking if there was anything we could do and they said "no", that it had been sent to repossession. I emailed them back asking what happens next as I really didn't want repo men turning up at home to take the car unannounced etc and they confirmed that the repo men would get in touch with me first (I made sure that they had the correct contact number as had changed my mobile number). T his was mid September and I haven't heard a thing from them. My husband works as a postman and he was called into his managers office. When arriving in the office he was told that a debt collector was there for him! Imagine his absolute embarrassment!!! He spoke to this guy and the guy said that they had made numerous home visits.... ...only they had been visiting our old house!!!! Are they allowed to turn up at his work??? I have no objection to them taking the car and I have been waiting for them to call to arrange to take it! I also know for a fact that they haven't written to our old address because I have redirection on our mail. I am so mad right now!!!
  16. Hello, first time poster so thanks in advance for any assistance. I'm looking for some advice on a couple of letters I have recently received from MK Rapid Recoveries. I had no idea who they were at the time but I recognised the account details they were referencing though I have never had any correspondence from them previously. It was from a Welcome Finance loan of £1500 (now £2171.35) I took out in March 2006. I, and my partner, were both put out of work in the summer of 2006 and as such all of our debts defaulted in some way at this time. We pretty much sold everything we owned to make ends meet and still ended up losing our home in early 2007 and spent a couple of years moving us and the kids around various short term accommodation (living with relatives, short term tenancies etc). The last payment I made on this account was August 2006 - I know this as it was the last month I got a wage that year and all out debts stopped being paid then. We got back on our feet after a couple of years and have since started to pay off our debts as and when we've been able to, starting with the ones that were chasing us the most. The Welcome Finance one wasn't addressed as we didn't have the spare income to pay it at the time and they had not sent us any correspondence since early 2007. This last letter was to one of the places we had to move to (our postal and electoral register trails have been kept up to date as much as possible) so it wasn't as if I was trying to avoid telling anyone where I was. I am just about to clear another one of my debts and as such would have some spare income to cover this debt but my question is in this particular instance do I actually now have to? The debt was last contributed to in August 2006 so it's been 7 years since I last paid anything on it. I never received any confirmation of the default being registered or anything about passing the debt on MK Rapid Recoveries. I have recently checked my credit report with Experian and found the default is registered as 04/01/2010 for this account, which means it took Welcome Finance over 3 years to register the default on this debt. This account was also not on my credit report in spring 2012 when I last checked it. I have done some google searches and it seems everyone asking for advice on this company all have defaults registered at the same time so it sounds as first glance as if they've reset the defaults on a bulk load of debts to this time. I acknowledge the debt is mine in that I took out the loan in April 2006, but I don't want to pay it if I really don't have to (as it would mean I can clear some others that are currently being paid a bit quicker) but I have no idea of my position on this and really do not want to have a new black mark on my credit history (such as a CCJ) for something that I have already been defaulted for. Any help or advice is appreciated.
  17. Hi guys, please bare with me as I am new to the forum, I have read numerous posts about these Idiots, I do apologise if I am posting this in the wrong place...anyway here goes... On 8th June 2013 I received a letter from BCW group/Red Castle Recoveries/ Gothia. Letter stating "We have written to you previously in regards to your outstanding loan with Motonovo finance, which despite numerous attempts to resolve with you the above balance remains unpaid." They then go on to tell me how lucky I am and that this is a great window of opportunity for me to write off the balance with any realistic offer. It was car finance I took out on 24th March 2009, the car I bought was falling apart from day 1, Car was on road for approx 3 months then was left in garage where purchased as I refused to pay a £1000 to have vehicle repaired. (long story) I had the Financial Ombudsman involved in a case of which I can't remember the exact details, and the car was taken back by finance company on 16/6/2010 , I can't remember any more details from back then unfortunately apart from I had received some calls off Gothia and I told them all I could afford to pay and i'm pretty sure they closed the account, I made a payment of £660 on 8th July 2010. After I received this letter 8/6/2013 I looked online for help and found this letter... Dear Sir or Madam: ACCOUNT NUMBER: XXXXXXXXX YOUR REF: XXXXXXXXX I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY Despite my previous correspondence, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference, you continue to bombard me with unwanted phone-calls and letters in regard to this alleged debt. Therefore, you leave me with no alternative than to request that you send me a true copy of this credit agreement before I will correspond further on this matter. This is my right under the legislation contained within section 77 (1) and section 78 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, and I am entitled to receive a copy of my credit agreement on request. Your obligation also extends to providing me with a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order, which represents payment of the statutory fee payable under the Consumer Credit Act. I understand that a copy of my credit agreement should be supplied within 12 working days from the date of this letter. I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act, creditors are unable to enforce an agreement if they fail to comply with a request for a copy of the agreement under these sections of the Act. Also, since you are a Debt Collection Agency, I would also ask that you supply a signed true copy of the executed deed of assignment for the above referenced agreement. This is an obligation, whether you are the original creditor or not, under section 189 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. For the sake of clarity, may I also draw your attention to the following: Consumer Credit Act 1974 s.175 Where under this Act a person is deemed to receive a notice or payment as agent of the creditor or owner under the regulated agreement, he shall be deemed to be under a contractual duty to the creditor or owner to transmit the notice, or remit the payment, to him forthwith. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted to the relevant statutory authorities. In summary, I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THIS DEBT AND THEREFORE REQUIRE YOU TO SUBSTANTIATE THIS BY PROVIDING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION BEFORE I CORRESPOND FURTHER : 1. True copy of original signed executed credit agreement 2. FULL Statement of account 3. Copy of the executed deed of assignment from CIT and Red Castle Recoveries. 4. A fair processing notice. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the CCA and therefore is a complete defence to any court claim that is issued. Take note at this stage, that any legal action you may contemplate will be both vigorously defended and contested. Further to the above, please ensure that any contact by yourselves is made in writing only to the above address. Telephone calls and personal visits will not be accepted and viewed as harassment, and will be reported to the relevant authorities. I look forward to hearing from you within the statutory time limit. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in writing. Yours faithfully In reply to my letter I have received a small note saying thanks for your letter of which the contents have been duly noted (yet they have tried contacting me through another number and company RESOLUTION, ringing off a local number) , a photocopy of what looks to be the original agreement with original creditor and a copy of the statement from original creditor, 5 days later I received a copy of the statement from original creditor, I have NOT received a deed of assignment or a fair processing notice (not sure what this is). Is there anyway to find out if they actually own this debt? What steps should I take next? This is all in my grandmothers name and she is getting very worried about it, Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance guys, hope to hear from someone soon
  18. Hi guys wonder if you can help me with this. I had an account with HSBC which I haven't used for several years. The account was in the red, but this was made up of charges which I was disputing. Along the way I lost track, and forgot about it for a while. For the past few weeks MKRR have been sending me increasingly threatening letters about payment. I sent them the 'prove it' letter and they sent back some printouts of statements and said the matter was closed. The statements show the charges dating back to 2005 and going until 2008. The amount they are claiming is roughly equal to the amount of charges + interest on them. Today I had a landline phonecall from them, which pi**ed me off no end, as I never ever give out my number and am ex-directory and TPS registered. I refused to answer any questions and told them to write to me instead. What do I do now they've sent me the statements? Any help is appreciated!! Thankyou
  19. I'm continually getting calls from the phone number 03333 440629, can be three or four times a day, for a few days, then nothing for a couple of weeks, and then it starts again. I don't answer numbers that I don't recognise, I let them ring out and google them. This number appears to belong to MKRR. They've also used 01452 260079 just recently, after I mistakingly pressed re-dial. However, I've not (knowingly) spoken to them, and they have not contacted me by post - they mustn't have my current address - is there anyway I can get them to cease calling? Or in doing so, would I have to reveal my identity and address, and the lack of postal communication leads me to believe they don't have it.
  20. Just recieved a letter from these people chasing me for a 'debt'of £200.50 from BT. BT were charging me for so-called services 3 months after I left them. I have tried to explain this to BT but would have more luck in juggling soot. And now SRJ are trying to get this money off me !! What would be the best way to deal with SRJ ?
  21. Hi I have two old credit card accounts with MBNA which have been sold to Arrow Global . I had no joy from Arrow with a CCA request for both account so i did a SAR to MBNA. Neither account had PPI but both will have incurred charges along the way . In the SAR pack i can see no documentation for the transfer or sale of the account to Arrow. Must this be in the pack for Arrow to chase me for the debt . As they are old accounts 2001 and 2004 i have included the CCA in the SAR pack for anyone able to quantify them . I currently pay both accounts £1pcm still to MBNA for the past 2 years while things are tight . Many Thanks
  22. I (stupidly) had a payday loan which got passed on to BCW Group / Red Castle Recoveries. I have acknowledged the debt (they have proof of it ). They've written to me again stating they need a response in 7 days so I've written the following: "I have taken independent advice and, following this, and a review of my income and expenditure (to which you have no legal right of sight), I am able to offer a token payment of £5.00 until my circumstances improve. Please send me a standing order form so that I may start these payments forthwith." By "independent advice" I mean this website:roll: Is this satisfactory? All charges/interest etc has been stopped.
  23. Hi Guys, I would appreciate some guidance if anyone would care to comment. I'm helping a friend who has received court papers via Northampton for an agreement originally with MBNA the POCs read; 1. Credit Card agreement made between MBNA and D 2. D accrued balance £xxx 3. D defaulted on payments 4. C issued formal demand requesting payment 5. Amount now due from D £xxx Now, besides the fact that the agreement is unenforceable anyway (not in prescribed format, no prescribed terms etc) and no mention of default or termination notices, they are not even claiming that the account has been assigned - thus no standing. I've read several very interesting posts re disclosure and also regarding poor POCs and I'm wondering if this could this not be dismissed as abuse of process or at the very least get them to replead before we defend? I'd appreciate any input from any of you knowledgeable people out there please ? Thanks in advance
  24. Hi, everyone, my case started in 2006 when i remortgaged with gmac. I had a well paid job and all was fine. Shortly after this i was made redundant and had to take a much lesser paid job. I also had a secured loan with gmac. I admit i buried my head in the sand trying to keep the family together but i knew that the inevitable would come one day. In nov 2010 i decided to hand back the keys to the property as all my children were up and gone and i knew the time had arrived. While all this was going on,gmac had handed over to paratus. In dec 2011 the house was sold well under the value of the mortgage. At this moment in time i am living between my sisters,daughters and parents houses as i can not afford to rent anywhere. I came to an arrangement with black horse and i am paying £50 per month to clear the secured loan but this is going to take years to clear (i probably wont be here). I sent a letter to capital securities offering £50 per month for 5 years in full and final settlement but they have refused stating that they will accept the offer for 6 months but then want i/ex updates and to increase the amount as time goes on. Again i will be paying the amount for more years than i will be here!!. I am thinking about making myself bankrupt but if anyone can give me some advice of any alternative i would appreciate it. Sorry for the long winded post.
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