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  1. Hello, i'm new here having only just discovered this site I have a residential property with a mortgage in only my name which is all upto date with no arrears. there is about £145,000 equity in it. However i have 4 other charges on the property ( so total 5 inc initial lender) these 4 arose out of BTL props that "went wrong", banks sold the properties off way cheap, leaving shortfall debt which they then turned into secured charges. the total of the shortfall debt is approx £390,000, yes i know , its huge, ( as i said the banks gave the props away) so i have £145k equity v £390k shortfall some questions: If i try and sell the property what will happen? ( from a maths point of view if i did sell the property the 1st (Original) and 2nd chargeholder would be paid in full but there would no be anything left for the others) and if i try sell the property, can the 2nd,3rd,4th or 5th chargeholder block it? what else could i do? TIA
  2. Not sure if posting in the correct category. My issue is that first time in my life I have decided to apply for a credit card. A good friend of mine recommended MBNA as she has a very good experience with them. Turns out for some mysterious reason that MBNA thinks I do not qualify for their credit card. I never checked my credit score and don't really wanna do it. Here's my history in a nutshell: Living in London for 15 years, residency status, EU national. NEVER applied for a credit card in my life before Banking with Santander ever since opening my first account in England in 2005 4 bank account with my bank, cash card, current account with a visa debit card, savings account and credit card. Not much money in the first 3 accounts currently but never used overdraft, only once or twice my current account went into unarranged overdraft but only lasted a few days before my wages arrived into my account to balance it. Been using my Santander credit card but always repayed the money in one payment. Currently I do have a small amount on it that I have not paid back yet, but I used that amount only 1 week ago so no repayments or anything else due on it yet. Living as a private tenant, 18 months at my current address, 2 years at previous address Part time employed for 7 years, been self employed before for 2 years, all taxes, NI, etc been always paid without delay. Annual income 15K. Recently my hours had been permanently reduced by my employer and I am only receiving pay per hour for my work, about 15 hours per week at the moment. Still in employment and job hunting, of course. Also the most interesting thing is that time to time I am being spammed by other credit card companies such as American Express and etc by post, sending me their credit cards even though I don't even know where they got my details from as I have never applied. When Santander gave me a credit card, I didn't apply for it, they asked me in the branch at the counter if I'd like one, I said 'yes', and they handed me the card. If anyone got any tips or ideas what might be the issue, it'd be very helpful.... Oh, and I am not on the electoral roll register - if that counts, that's literally the only thing I can think of what might be the issue.
  3. Well it is that time of year again when Car Boots kick off. Just found this story. Diamond ring bought for £10 at car boot sale turned out to be worth £350,000 Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/22/diamond-ring-bought-for-10-at-car-boot-sale-turned-out-to-be-worth-350000-6651215/#ixzz4hmYG7BAm What is the article that you found at a car boot that you were delighted with or disappointed with. Maybe you bought something that fell to pieces or a bargain that you want to gloat about. Well you have to release the pleasure or displeasure. Yesterday I bought this Bikini Vase for 50 p popped a flower in there and pleased me no end. I am easily pleased.Are you.
  4. Afternoon all! My girlfriend doesn't watch live TV, at all. That said she does have a Virgin set top box due to signing up for the tv/phone/internet package when she subscribed. She also has no TV license, but hasn't ever told the TV license people that she doesn't watch TV. I'm telling her to cancel the TV package and just fill in the form on the TV license website to say she doesn't watch TV and that will be the end of it. She's worried that they will investigate and see she has been a Virgin TV customer for ages and ages and demand back payment for a TV license. I'd really like to get this sorted as it's a big worry for her and she really doesn't need it at the moment. How should we play it and what do you think she should expect to happen?
  5. Hi I need a bit of advice regarding trying to get £626.24 from Expedia for car hire which never turned up at the airport. I paid by credit card Halifax hoping this would ensure if anything went wrong - I should have know. After repeated emails and phone calls to Halifax/Lloyds they told me they couldn't claim our money back as the car was waiting for us at the airport (which it wasn't) - they just took Expedia's word for it - what can I do. Below is an email I sent to Halifax outling all the details/times/dates screen shots etc On the 24th May I paid Expedia £626.24 online using my Halifax credit card for 11 days car hire in Corfu from 14th July 2016 to 25 July 2016 with collection at 10pm at Corfu airport *see screenshot. On the 25th May I called Expedia to add a baby car seat to my reservation. I was informed by Expedia to call the Corfu office to arrange this, they gave me their number 0030 2109735000. The car hire company in Corfu added a car seat at an extra cost of £33.00 which I agreed to pay at the airport upon collection. The Corfu office then advised me I would also be charged £18 for a late pick up after 9pm. I told them this was not included in the original price when I booked online and there was nothing on the website to say this was an extra charge. The Corfu office advised me to contact Expedia. Expedia told me to pay the additional cost and email them the receipt and they would reimburse me (see email screenshot). This concerned me so I did some research and looked at Expedia's reviews on Trip advisor with regards to car hire in Corfu which only increased my concerns. I was so concerned that I called the Corfu office a week before we went on holiday to check that they had a 7-seater car with car seat and that they were aware we would be arriving at 9:45 local time. I was assured by the people in the Corfu office that they were aware of my requirements and everything would be fine. They also took mine & my wife's mobile contact numbers. Our flight from Manchester (Flight# LS951) on the 14th July 2016 was delayed before take-off by aprox 30mins. We arrived at Corfu airport at about 10pm local time. We left the departure lounge about 10:20pm local time passing all the car hire companies and holiday reps holding placards with company logos and the names of people they were expecting. I checked each one asking if they were waiting for Mr Ewing regardless of whether they had my name on the card or not. No-one was waiting for me. I left my wife and four children, the youngest only 18mths old, whilst I made inquiries with every single car hire, coach transfer and taxi desk inside and outside the airport to find the car hire company without any success. I called the car hire company at 10:50 local time and got voicemail *see phone screenshot. I called back one minute later (10:51) and this time a guy answered who took my name & number, said he would look into it & call me back. At about 11pm it was clear that everybody who'd arrived on that flight had left and there was just me and my family in a very small, empty airport with one departure exit. Me, my wife & 4 very tired & hungry children stood around the empty airport and waited for another half an hour for a phone call that never happened. At about 23:20, with no sign of any car we decided our only option was to get a taxi to our accommodation at a cost of 101 Euros. At 21.38 GMT (23.38 local time) *see phone screen shot, I received a call from the car hire company wanting to know where I was? I explained that as we had been waiting at the airport with no sign of any hire car for over an hour we'd got a taxi to our resort. The guy took our phone number and said he would call someone and to wait for a return call. The 1st phone call was to see what he could do. The second phone call was to tell us he would ask if he could get the car delivered to us next day at our resort. The 3rd phone call was to tell us to call the office tomorrow morning to see what they could do as nobody was available. The following day they called me at 8:35GMT/10:35 local time *see screen shot, for 14 minutes. The lady I spoke to preceded to argue with me insisting that the car had been available at the airport as arranged. She asked me if I thought they were lying which struck me as odd? The lady said that the car could not be delivered to Sidari and if not collected by 5pm the following day, at the airport, the car would be hired to someone else. As we desperately needed this car I said that I would try to organise transport back to the airport to collect the car myself. I also said that I would contact them beforehand if there was a problem getting there by 5pm as my wife has a disability and is unable to look after all 4 children alone. After trying many different avenues to get to the airport (the local bus service & travel back would have taken about 4/5hrs) I just couldn't do it without realistically taking my wife and four children back to the airport in a taxi at a cost of another 101 Euros. When I called the office they promptly reminded me that they couldn't deliver the car and the order would be cancelled. I asked about a refund of the £626.24 I had paid weeks in advance which they said was nothing to do with them and I would have to speak to Expedia. I called Expedia on Monday the 18th July *see screen shot, to log my complaint. They said they would look into the matter and call me within 24hrs to confirm the refund had been authorised. They didn't call back. At this time I had had enough of the whole disastrous situation that had so far cost me £626.24 plus 101 Euros, numerous international calls from my mobile at my expense as well as taking up the first 3 days of my holiday – we never did hire a car which made everything more difficult as we'd chosen a secluded location because we knew we'd have a car. The day after I arrived home, 26th July, I called Expedia *see screenshot, who told me the matter was still being looked into and that I would receive confirmation of a refund by email. I am still waiting to hear back from them. I want a full refund of £626.24 and if necessary will forfeit the extra costs incurred as mentioned above. Please find enclosed screen shots of all phone calls made, copies of emails and other relative correspondence received from the car hire company.
  6. My GP and an OT applied to the council for adaptations to be made to my home (wet room and stair lift). I live in a 3 bedroom house, my eldest 2 children having now left home. My youngest daughter has her room, I have mine and the L shaped minute box room I pay Bedroom Tax for each week. The council have stated that I can not have the adaptations made to my home as I am under occupying the house I live in......The problem is, my diagnosis. They seem to have overlooked as to why I can't move house. They make it sound as if I choose to live here. I certainly didn't choose to have all 12 diagnosis that I have, which makes it impossible to move. I wont list them all, I can if it helps with answering my post, but I will mention High Functioning Autism, Non Epileptic Attack Disorder, and the reasons I needed a wet room in the first place.....Chronic Pain Syndrome (feet, ankles and calf's) Sciatica and Arthritis of my right hip.... I feel as if I am being penalized for the same reason twice. I have to pay bedroom tax for that box room in order to stay where I am and yet the council are using that very same reason as to why I can't have the adaptations, for a room that I'm paying for. It just doesn't sound right to me. Anyone got any ideas? Is it right????
  7. I've been a customer for a year with BrightHouse and pay around £70 a week which I could afford at time since my daughter has now decided not to carry on with college I'm not getting tax credits so my money has gone down to £110 per week which now means I can't pay what I was paying before to them . I'm not prepared to hand my stuff over as I've paid a lot on them and want to pay what I owe at a cheaper payment until paid off. I don't have thelr insurance or dlc just this 5 star thing which seems to cost you more for the product and takes longer to pay. Do you think if I went into store and offered to pay £40 per week Until My circumstances change this will be accepted. I just want some arrangement in place to what I can afford to pay . I'm absolutely dreading the harassment from them as others seem to get. I suffer seriously high blood pressure which I'm on medication for and just couldn't cope with it. Appreciate all the advice I can get before I go into store tomorrow, many thanks.
  8. 2K debt turned 30K by insolvency solicitors now threat of possession Hi, I desperately need some legal advice and I cannot afford a solicitor. A small debt has turned into a massive charge on my house by a firm of solicitors and they are trying to possess my house for what was a £2k debt but their turned it into £30k in less than a year. Both myself and my wife are mental health patients and have a child too. Scared to death we are. Please share or help directly if you can. We need a good lawyer to help us out of this nightmare... I can provide more details of course but here is in brief: - Lloyds tsb credit card debt more than 7 years old - my wife made bankrupt without us even knowing about any court - we are both mental health patients, severe anxiety and major depression, in 40s and active but anxiety blocks decision making and acting in time rather we suffer in silence and regret... - We have one child, - I've been told we can't get legal help in spite of not having a high income collectively ( - Insolvency sols have threatened to possess the house and it is just too much to bear, really... Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
  9. Its been almost a year since I took up Hastings Direct insurance and discovered they immediately turned my 17 years no claims discount into 9 years. I complained and was told I would not lose any discount despite their systems only logging up to 9 years, and despite a number of reports here that customers who did not notice that Hastings had truncated their NCD DID lose their NCD above 9 years. The renewal of my fully comp (which apparently isn't actually what I understand as fully comp with Hastings I have since discovered) with 17 years protected no claims at taking it out is being shown on the document as 9 years NCD. Luckily I haven't had to make a claim and hence be sold of to some third party shyster company to inflate costs and require me to sign credit agreements for cover that should be included in a fully comp policy ..... Lets see what happens for me.
  10. Evening all, I just wondered if I could pick peoples brains. I purchased a tiffany bracelet from someone on Gumtree who had advertised it as genuine. She had advised it was tarnished and would need polishing and that she had taken it to a jewellers who said it would cost £15. I went to have a look, and the woman wouldn't obviously let me in the house. she brought it to the doorstep and I had a look. it was dark, it was raining and i couldn't see it properly, but could see it was tarnished. Now I am no jeweller so I couldn't tell properly. I paid £105. I put the bracelet in the glovebox of the car, and took it to a local jeweller the next day regarding the polishing. the local jeweller looked at it and told me it was not genuine. it was rhodium plated copper. I contacted the seller, who told it it was tough, she thought it was genuine i bought it in good faith, she sold it in good faith and she will not give me my money back. where do I stand on this? I have tried to be reasonable, there have been no threats or demands, just told her it wasnt genuine and therefore i would like my money back. she is point blank refusing. am convinced she knew it was fake, but of course I cannot prove it. I also have a photo of the advert showing it advertised as genuine. do I have any recourse with this? thanks a lot. and yes i know its my fault, i should have looked closer but at that time I didn't really have the time.
  11. Sorry of this is not the right place. My dad sent a large amount to me this morning via faster transfer. Was sent from his HSBC advance to my Co-op account. We set up the details the other day and sent £50 to test it was right and the payment this morning was via the automated phone system using the details which were already set up so they are 100% correct. Its 9 hours since and no sign of anything my end, he is not home and comes from the 3 day transfer age so doesn't seem concerned but I am pretty worried as I know its almost instant now. This must surely of been flagged up for further checks or something, HSBC did boot me out last year without reason so i'm hoping that is not an issue. Does anyone know what might be going on or the process for this?. At what point is there a serious issue?. I do need the money fairly urgent so it is a pain. Should of just got him to draw £300 a day for a month.
  12. Hi apologies if there has already been a thread like this, I'm just new to this site and do not know how to navigate it very well. Last year I was stopped by a ticket inspector on a southern rail train, i did have a valid ticket, however I didn't have a relevant discount card on me. I offered to pay was told I would receive a letter within a few weeks with the details of the fine and how to pay it . A month passed and I received nothing, at the time I was in the process of moving house . I have now moved address and had forgotten about the letter if I'm honest today I received a letter from MARSTON HIGH COURT asking for £650?! I have not seen any prior letters, this is the first one. It also says that if I don'tpay within 14 days tthey are going to send bayliffs over. I definitely cannot afford £650 all at once, and even if I could somehow manage to pay it in instalments it says the amount must be paid in full. I really dont know what to do?! Any advice would be really appreciated!
  13. How can I find out if I am deliberately being turned down for jobs where I have previously work due to someone in authority taking a dislike to me.
  14. I appealed to Ilford council I was parking in a loading bay on Aug bank holiday Mon , I have just got a knock back about the appeal they said they are sending a notice to owner but I am no longer the owner , they took 50 plus days to get back in touch to say I have to pay is this reasonable ? I thought they had only so long to get back in touch? can anyone help
  15. Just after a little bit of advice please. Please excuse any spellings mistakes etc as I am so mad as I type right not At the beginning of this year we took a car on finance, we made several payments and then found that we were struggling to keep up payments but we always caught them up. In June we moved house (notified the finance company) and then from then we completely missed a payment. One payment turned into 2 and we had a visit (at our new house) from a gentleman from "the car finance company", a payment arrangement was put in place but we missed it. I contacted them by email explaining our situation and asking if there was anything we could do and they said "no", that it had been sent to repossession. I emailed them back asking what happens next as I really didn't want repo men turning up at home to take the car unannounced etc and they confirmed that the repo men would get in touch with me first (I made sure that they had the correct contact number as had changed my mobile number). T his was mid September and I haven't heard a thing from them. My husband works as a postman and he was called into his managers office. When arriving in the office he was told that a debt collector was there for him! Imagine his absolute embarrassment!!! He spoke to this guy and the guy said that they had made numerous home visits.... ...only they had been visiting our old house!!!! Are they allowed to turn up at his work??? I have no objection to them taking the car and I have been waiting for them to call to arrange to take it! I also know for a fact that they haven't written to our old address because I have redirection on our mail. I am so mad right now!!!
  16. Hi everyone, My bad luck does not stop! I run a LTD company and we done a refurbishment project a good 6 months ago, the customer didnt pay in full and we were owed about £40k , one of the creditors (electricians) started proceedings against us...we were late in sending the response pack but explained with enough reason to their solicitor. We came to an agreement to pay 5 consecutive payments, 2 were paid and then we couldnt afford to pay the other 3 and explained the situation again. Out of the blue, we got a judgement for claim which goes onto say about the CCJ etc, that was received only 3 days ago. Today, we had a knock on the door (i work from home) and the guy shows his sherriff badge and explained what he is doing here, to chase the above debt....I explained its a LTD company and that the only asset the company has is a 10 year old PC, nothing else in the house is in the company name (i work from home as i mentioned but live with the parents!), he then asked to see proof of ownership for the car on the drive which i gave, he then goes onto say "Because i am in a good mood today, i wont call the team with a truck to empty your parents house" so he has given me 24 hours to come up with £5.5k which is IMPOSSIBLE. I think it's a bit much what he has done threatening to take everything in the house! What can they actually do? As i said its a LTD company that has no money in the account! Your urgent response is much appreciated.
  17. Jeffrey the therapy dog was a stray set to be euthanized when he was rescued by a Connecticut woman Jeffrey learned obedience and tested to become a certified therapy dog. He passed 'with flying colours' Jeffery's signature: painted toenails I love Jeffrey's green painted toenails - a very touching story. read more : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2401976/The-incredible-bond-rescued-pit-bull-turned-therapy-dog-Sandy-Hook-9-year-old.html
  18. I had an accident last year and i fractured my coccyx. It never got any better. I have recently been referred to Muscular Skeletal Clinic and diagnosed with severe Coccydinia. I cannot sit for longer than 10 mins without being in agony and that pain makes it horrendous to move positions. I cannot stand up properly, takes me a good 5 minutes to do so. I cant walk at normal speed, I have a stick to help me and I have to have help getting into bed as i cannot lift my legs onto the bed. Is it worth appealing? I have had an injection into the area which failed to relieve the pain. I am on tramadol for the pain at the moment. Im a bit of a mess to be honest. Honest opinions please?
  19. my partner has a Debt of £165.96 for t mobile phone contracts today out of nowhere a guy turned up at the door i told him she wasn't in so he posted a card tried to add links but it wouldnt let me the front says the debt the reference number and who called and the back says we will only ask you to pay what you can afford in bold red, so ? Any help would be appreciated or info Thanks guys
  20. Yesterday I got a phone call from my 19yo son in tears. a bailiff had turned up demanding £860 this relates to non taxing of his car that has worked its way through the court system to get to the point of a warrant. My son claims he never has seen anything from the courts but this is another issue. My question is this I don't live at the family home anymore even though I pay the mortgage, my son lives with his mother who wasn't around when this was happening. I spoke to the bailiff (on the phone) to explain that the house belongs to my wife and me and the content are ours the bailiff said unless we provide receipts to prove we own the effects he will take 4 times the value of the debt. He will also call the police to force entry to the house. I was left with no option but to pay the money after ringing round to borrow what I could. I am somewhat aggrieved that I was forced to pay this to prevent my possessions being taken away. My question is this, is it too late for me to do anything about this now I have paid, as I could request a chargeback from the bank as this was paid under duress, and can I re-wind the court case for my son? Thanks for any replies.
  21. unknown to the debtor welcome finance got a ccj where papers were served to a previous address now OP has had bailiffs at the door with a summons to a means testing hearing. turns out the org debt was already SB'd when the ccj was taken out.. next move please reply on this thread please - thanks DX http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?393306-CCJ-issued-jan-13-to-an-old-address-on-Sb-d-Welcome-finance-loan-now-summons&p=4251695#post4251695
  22. I am from the United States and this is my first time living in London. Unfortunately, I rent from a man, who is of bad quality. We currently have 3 of 6 rooms open in our house. I lived here for four months. Since, the beginning, Jude, the agent has sent potential renters to our home for appointments. At first I was polite and let them sit in the kitchen until he arrived. This became habit and time consuming for me, especially when the agent frequently does not show for his appointment or would be 1 to 2hrs late. He also calls and asks us to show them around the house for him. The doorbell has rang as late as 9pm with no sign of the agent, just potential renters. We have asked for all of this to stop. It is not safe for the girls of the house to let strangers inside at night when no one else is home. We shouldn't be doing his job for him either. He ignore us and kept doing it his way. So, now if the doorbell rings and it is random people we just say they can't come inside until the agent arrives. The agent also frequently shows up to the house unannounced and would use his own key to get inside. Most recently, I was sweeping the hallway on Christmas eve morning getting it ready for guest I was having over later that night. It was early morning 10am and I had not changed into regular day clothes. I was in sleep shorts, tank top, no bra. The agent just uses his own key and walks inside with four guests. I am standing there in my sleepwear. I was completely caught off guard! I felt half naked and it was not acceptable for him to just walk into the house. I waited for him to finish showing the house. Once he was done I started talking to him politely about coming into the house unannounced and how I know its not legal. He kept interrupting me. Telling me I didn’t know what legal was. I told him No, I spoke with a lawyer and what your doing is unacceptable. We asked you to change politely. I could see this was not getting anywhere so I ended the conversation and walked towards my bedroom. He followed me upstairs saying " If I am going to get lawyers involved then this will be my last month at the house" I replied " Jude, I am asking you nicely. You need to leave the house now" He replied no, and continued the fight. I asked again and again for him to leave. He wouldn't leave and had me between him and a wall. I had enough room to the right and moved past him. I ran to the 3rd floor where my male room-mate Derek was sleeping. I woke Derek up and told him that the agent is harassing me please make him leave. Derek politely said "lets all go down to the kitchen and talk" I walked to my room and the agent again followed me to my bedroom. I shut my door locked it, he continued to yell at me through my door. Threatening to evict me. Now since it is Christmas the Citizen Advice B. is closed. Not only that but yesterday we received a text message from Jude saying a new room-mate will be arriving at 1pm and to please let him inside. However, the new room-mate was not actually a room-mate. The couple informed us that they were not moving in. They asked how long we were staying at the hotel. Hotel? this is our home..... They continued to inform us that they thought it was a BNB and we were all guest here. No, this is a house with all our private things. He said that explains why our shower is dirty and we have no towels in our room. The wife then asks me if she can please have two towels and use my shower because there is no shampoo in their bathroom. They also informed us that they thought their room was dirty and the sheets have not been cleaned. So, now are home is completely open to strangers he is advertising our house on AIRBNB! complete with false reviews! Please tell me this is illegal! I live in a very nice house in a great area and I don't want to move out. The agent lease ends in three months and the original landlord will take back the house. I am trying to hold out but this man is making my life miserable. Another issue is utilities. Utilities are included in our rent. Jude has the bills come to our house and picks them up. Recently, I noticed that all the bills are under false names. I open our last water bill and it was a final notice for not paying. I could go on but please most PRESSING IS AIRBNB!
  23. It has come to our notice that Vanquis or its referral agents are making statements to the effect that having a Vanquis card can build your credit score/improve credit lending possibilities. It is well established that Vanquis (Provident group) are lenders to borrowers who have had poor credit histories or have been turned down from the mainstream card issuers. We think that this is miss leading. If you currently have (or have had) a Vanquis card and gone on to apply for a Credit Card from another established card issuer,please post below including; 1.When you took out your Vanquis card/the original limit and any credit increases ? 2.When you applied to another issuer and which one ? 3.Whether you were accepted or rejected ? 4.Whether you had maintained repayments on your Vanquis card as due,and had managed the card responsibly ? 5.Any other info you think may be relevant to post in response to the thread title ?
  24. Hi Everyone... I hope someone can help me! I have had a water bill of £573 when it is usually £25. We have had a lot of harassment from a neighbour, even been to Court and won but she just won't leave us alone! During the hose pipe ban, someone rang Veolia and accused us of washing cars in our field! We never take cars into the field and certainly wouldn't wash them in there. For one thing the field is too wet in winter to get a car in! We are trying to obtain a copy of the tape from Veolia as they won't disclose the persons name but they tape the call. Whoever turned the tap on, climbed over the field gate and turned it on while the hose was attached so that the hose dribbled for months. We rarely even go into the field and never hardly use the tap so it was not discovered for months! The result is a huge bill which I just cannot pay. What I can't understand is why didn't Veolia alert us when they read the meter the first time? Surely they must have realised there was a problem! My question is...how can I get out of paying this bill? What is the best way of getting Veolia to take pity on me? How do I stand legally? I have a threatening letter now...they are going to cut the water off....I don't use it anyway, but they will issue court proceedings. Thank you.
  25. Hi everyone, New today, first post Sorry but it is a long one but to explain.... Back in 2001 I was a self- employed butcher and took out a mortgage, with my wife, with Abbey National. After paying off an extra 15k on the outstanding mortgage and 3 years later my business lease was coming to an end but as I didn't want to renew the lease, I wanted to buy a new business. Abbey would not entertain my request for equity release even though only 35k was outstanding on my mortgage (the property cost 120k in 2001). This is when my problems started. Having been a customer of HSBC both personal and business, I approached them for a business loan. They knew my banking history, and was told that, yes, they would lend me the money, 40k,on a mortgage, but I had to move the my mortgage from Abbey to them even though it was at a higher rate of interest. They said I would have to have MPPI Life, at £55 per month, but my wife was turned down for this on medical grounds.Still not really sure on what grounds they were. At that time my business was a limited company, but the landlord of the lease on the new business would not let us proceed until the business became a partnership. So that was done going through all the right channels. When the landlord decided to increase the annual rent by £8500 in 2010 and after going through some difficult times with the recession,we sold the business, sold the house, paid of the mortgage and relocated. Then wondered if I had been mid-sold PPI. Wrote to the bank giving my reasons why I thought this. * We were not told the policy was optional *It was not made clear that we could shop around *That the cover was on my life only although the loan was in joint names which I felt would put me at an unfair disadvantage. *Being self employed we were not told about the exclusions relating to unemployment cover. Received a acknowledgement within 4 weeks and a letter why I had been turned down 4 weeks later. Quite difficult to understand but briefly what they said was that the policy was not a PPI but a Mortgage Protection Plan that was designed to pay a lump sum assured in the event of death during the term, and that the level of cover reduces over a fixed period of time and that the amount payable is equivalent to to the balance outstanding on a capital repayment loan. Therefore being self employed would have no bearing on my ability to make a claim. Don't really know if I had a valid claim in the first place now I have since closed my account with HSBC. Fed up to the back teeth with them
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