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Found 4 results

  1. Well it is that time of year again when Car Boots kick off. Just found this story. Diamond ring bought for £10 at car boot sale turned out to be worth £350,000 Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/22/diamond-ring-bought-for-10-at-car-boot-sale-turned-out-to-be-worth-350000-6651215/#ixzz4hmYG7BAm What is the article that you found at a car boot that you were delighted with or disappointed with. Maybe you bought something that fell to pieces or a bargain that you want to gloat about. Well you have to release the pleasure or displeasure. Yesterday I bought this Bikini Vase for 50 p popped a flower in there and pleased me no end. I am easily pleased.Are you.
  2. The largest-ever fine for cold-calling has been handed down by the Information Commissioner's Office. Brighton-based company Prodial was fined £350,000 for generating more than 46 million spam calls. More than 1,000 people complained to the ICO about the automated message calls they had received from the company, which related to PPI claims. Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said: "This is one of the worst cases of cold calling we have ever come across. "The volume of calls made in just a few months was staggering. "This was a company that knew it was breaking the law. "A company director admitted that once the ICO became involved, the company shut down. "That stopped the calls, but we want to send a clear message to other firms that this type of law-breaking will not pay. "That is why we have handed out our highest ever fine." https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/company-fined-350k-46-million-155618593.html
  3. Blocked drain in the back garden through which the kitchen and utility room drain, (thankfully no toilets). Local company diagnose a collapsed drain and quote ~£600 for digging it up and replacing it We got Swiftcover involved to see if we are covered. They send their approved people around who provide the same diagnosis (with cameras and wotnot) and confirm we are covered - pay them the excess of £350 and they'll come round and sort it out, taking up the rest of the bill with the insurance company. So far so smooth. Only when the two chaps turn up to do the work, they discover the initial diagnosis to be at fault, and that it was a simple blockage. In less than an hour, they had cleared it and were on their way. Now we find the company has charged their "half day rate" of £400+vat to Swiftcover. We aren't suggesting any impropriety on the mis-diagnosis - but it's a bitter pill to pay £350 for two blokes to do a simple job in less than an hour. We're taking it up with Swiftcover today but I'd be interested in any comments?
  4. Hey, A few years ago I was on incapacity benefit after a work accident, and was out of work for 3 years. During this period the kitchen was turning into a hazard and the bathroom upstairs had some problems that needed attention. I went to my bank (Barclays for 20 years) to see if I can get some kind of a credit card / overdraft to pay for the bits I needed but instead I was offered a small loan of £2700. I took the loan not knowing, or ever being told anything about PPI. I found out 2 months ago (two years after the loan was paid off) that the PPI had racked upto a good £350 on the last payment. I was looking online for letter templates to send to the bank but to be honest, they are a little confusing and was wondering if I could grab some pointers on the correct way to format the letter. Many thanks!
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