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Found 4 results

  1. Diamond Shortbreak Holidays READ MORE HERE: https://abta.com/news-and-views/news/diamond-shortbreak-holidays
  2. Well it is that time of year again when Car Boots kick off. Just found this story. Diamond ring bought for £10 at car boot sale turned out to be worth £350,000 Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/22/diamond-ring-bought-for-10-at-car-boot-sale-turned-out-to-be-worth-350000-6651215/#ixzz4hmYG7BAm What is the article that you found at a car boot that you were delighted with or disappointed with. Maybe you bought something that fell to pieces or a bargain that you want to gloat about. Well you have to release the pleasure or displeasure. Yesterday I bought this Bikini Vase for 50 p popped a flower in there and pleased me no end. I am easily pleased.Are you.
  3. Hi all, some time ago I was contacted by Black Diamond-Legal Limited with respect to claiming back PPI. I decided to go ahead, as I just wanted to check on previous unsuccessful claims, this was in June. I have been contacted by an old bank, stating that I am eligible for a refund, they would contact Black Diamond-Legal Limited directly as I had given authority. I have tried to contact Black Diamond-Legal Limited from August this year, to no avail. Has anyone experience with this company/? thanks clayton
  4. Hello, I have bought an engagement ring for my then-fiancee. It has a central diamond and two small stones flanking it. After one year(ish), she noticed to her horror that one of the small diamonds fell out. It was actually five days before the wedding. I rushed with the ring to the place where I got it to have it repaired. I was told that the work will be done FOC, however, since I did not provide the missing stone, I would have to pay £65 for a replacement. To my relief, though, I was told that time wasx not an issue, and that the ring will be ready the same day. Indeed, it was ready within three hours. The new stone was not exactly the same, but it was a close match. In all, we did not complain and were in fact grateful for the quick rescue. HOWEVER, some 10 days later, in the middle of our honeymoon trip, the new stone fell out again (and again, we could not find it). I was surely ****ed, and my wife's distress was even greater. As soon as we came back, I took the ring to the jeweller again. Now, what they said was the same as before: they are going to do the job for free, but I need to pay again £65 or something for yet another stone! My question being, is this a fair trade practice? Is there a guarantee covering faulty craftsmanship like this one? Finally, where should I need to look to find support to fight my rights (if I am right, that is). I must admit at this point that I do not have the receipt for the first repair. I still have the receipt for the original purchase. The ring is ATM at the jewellers, uncollected, as I am still unsure about my next step. Thanks in advance! Jacek
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