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  1. Hello lovely people, I am creating a new thread as that seems to be the done thing around here. I am seeking some advice on how to respond from a scary TfL letter in regards to fare evasion. I honestly just thought I'd get sent a fine, especially with this being my first offence for such a thing but apparently not. like many others on these forums I have been caught using the wrong oyster on a TfL bus. I was in a rush and I grabbed my brothers student Oyster (it has his photo on) instead of my own (plain blue Oyster linked to my railcard so does have a slight discount) and shoved it in my purse. It was the morning, I was tired and in a rush and they were both on the same table and they do look the same from the back. I tap in on the bus, after which I realise I have his card. I panic slightly but am already running late, so just go and sit down assuming it'll be fine as the driver didn't say anything. that moment later a ticket inspector comes onto the bus. I admit my mistake right away saying I’m sorry I took my brothers card not my own, he takes my name DoB and address. As he’s printing out the receipt of him confiscating the card I realise I have my contactless card on me and offer to tap it in, he says no its too late for that. He also explains it will be quicker for my brother to purchase a new oyster than to try and get the confiscated one back from TfL as this could take months. He doesn’t say anything about a fine or prosecution, I just assumed I’d get a fine through the post. on Monday 28th (yesterday) I receive a letter stating what many others have also been through: In order for TfL to deal with this case correctly, please return the information requested on the reverse of this letter... 1. If you deny committing an offence, please explain why.... 2. If you accept committing an offence, please provide any exceptional reasons including pre-existing medical conditions that you may feel are relevant and evidence to support this, as to why TfL should nor proceed with a prosecution.... The way it is worded makes it hard to know which of these two I should go with, but based of what I've read from other experiences is to accept your wrong doings and give your side of the story. I have drafted out a grovelling apology in order to try and get this settled out of court. I really cannot afford a criminal record especially now with a child on the way (I am seven weeks pregnant) I am currently between jobs and to have an offence flag up on every application will make the process much more difficult. I just wonder what chances I have with getting an out of court settlement. I also wonder whether it is worth noting my pregnancy - it has made me feel notably out of sorts and could well have attributed to the carelessness of taking the wrong card? Or will this embellishment just seem unnecessary to TfL. Thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to help out, I really appreciate it.
  2. Firstly I want to mention I am ashamed of what I did. I was using a 16+ oyster and got caught by a ticket inspector. It had my name, and photo, however, the inspector began quizzing me about my D.O.B. of course, I stuttered because I was panicking. I got it from a friend of a friend, someone I never met. I was stupid for doing it I know. And no excuse will absolve me of my wrongdoing. I was told I would receive a letter from TFL. I am so afraid I will get a criminal record. This is my first time doing something so silly. I saw a similar post about this from November however I don't know what action was eventually taken against the person. I am really worried, and I am afraid it will affect my career and academic prospects if I receive a criminal record. I am still yet to receive the letter from TFL. I want some guidance on how to respond. And whether anyone has been in a similar situation and what the outcome was. Will I have to show up to court? And if I do will I receive a conviction? I will have to plead guilty, and I plan to. Also, will how long I've used the oyster card affect whether or not I will receive a criminal conviction? What should I include in my response to them? Is there anything I should avoid writing. I would be so grateful for any guidance and advice. After some browsing on other forums, it is likely I will have to pay a fine. What else can I expect to happen? Should I ask for an out of court settlement?
  3. Hi I'll try and keep this brief. A friend and I got on a train recently where there is no ticket facility and there was no conductor on the train. When we got to the destination station my mate took off to the ticket office and asked for two tickets from the last stop, not the station we go on at. At this point I wasn't aware that he was getting my ticket and was fully expecting to get my own. We'd had a few beers and he thought this was a bit of a high jinks and mischief, it certainly wasn't about the £3 difference in price. Well, as you can imagine we were questioned, had our details taken and advised that a letter would be on the way. Are we looking at prosecution or is there any possibility we'll be able to settle out of court? I can't believe we've been this silly and neither of us have any convictions at all.
  4. Was stopped by an inspector for using parents freedom pass a year ago. Provided ID and name etc. Driving license I showed had a previous address so all correspondence was sent to this wrong address. At the time when the inspector requested ID I did not provide updated address as this was not on the license. I now regret not giving current address but at the time I simply provided my ID and did not think of this. Name and DOB given were correct. I have now recently received a 'Further steps notice' letter with court fine of almost £500 and discovered that this case had gone to Magistrates court in my absence. Should I make statutory declaration as I was unaware or will I be questioned for not updating the DVLA of my address?
  5. Two weeks ago I boarded a bus at around 8:00am in London. I got off the bus a few stops later to head into a local Tesco store to buy my lunch for the day. I then walked back to the bus stop that I got off at and waited for the next bus to take me to work. The next bus arrived at 8:30am. It was one of those buses where passengers can board the bus on either the front, middle or back door. I boarded the bus from the back door. I sat downstairs and minded my own business, staring through the window and browsing on my phone. A few minutes later, I heard a bus ticket inspector saying "tickets please" and that was when I was made aware that a ticket inspector was on board the bus. I got out my oyster card ready for him to scan it with the card reader. When he placed his card reader against my card, he asked me to take out my oyster card from the cardholder. I thought the reason why he wanted me to take out my card from the cardholder was because the cardholder was preventing his card reader from checking whether I had tapped in. However, when he then said "it appears you haven't tapped in for this journey", I realised to my horror that I had in fact forgotten to tap in when I boarded this bus, so I told him that I forgot to. then got out a small note pad and asked me to write down my name, address and date of birth, to which he used it to confirm that the card really does belong to me and he asked me to show him an ID that has my name on it and where did I board this bus and which stop I was planning to get off at. He then told me that he was going to issue me a penalty fare of £40 for not tapping in. I said to him that if you look at my journey history you will be able to see that I had previously boarded a bus at 8:00am and that if you look at the time now you can see that it's 8:35am, which means that under the Hopper Fare scheme, I would not have been charged for this journey anyway because I boarded this bus within the hour and hence I was not intentionally fare dodging. However, he said "you still need to tap in anyway" and proceeded to issue me with a penalty fare. He then handed me the bus penalty fare notice and asked me how I would like to settle it. I asked him “what options do I have?” He said that I need to pay £40 for the penalty. Because I needed to get off the next stop and I was late for work, I asked if I can pay later. He then said that if I don't pay now, it would be £80. However, having had a careful read through the notice, I realised that he omitted saying that if you don't pay within 21 days, then the penalty would go up to £80, it will be £40 if you pay within 21 days, so I thought there was some deliberate scaremongering on his part. When I got back home from work that day, I had a careful read through the penalty notice slip and read that I have a right to appeal against it. I decided to appeal on the grounds that I boarded a previous bus at 8:00am and how under the Hopper Fare scheme, I wouldn't have been charged anything for this second bus that I got on at 8:30am because I boarded it within the hour. i logged onto my oyster card account to get a screenshot of my journey history for that day to go with the appeal claim so that they can see that I did get on a bus at 8:00am in the hopes that they would be lenient about it and therefore waive the fee. However, I was very shocked to see that there was no record of me getting on the first bus at 8:00am! All the other trains and buses that I got on for that day were there apart from this 8:00am record of me getting on a bus. I definitely remember tapping in for this journey and hearing a beep and seeing the green light because I got on it from the front door and there was a bit of a hold up because there was a passenger in front of me in the queue who asked the driver whether this was the bus that goes to so and so. This had me suspecting whether the bus ticket inspector may have deleted this particular bus journey history from my account so that I don't stand a chance from getting a successful appeal. T he more I think back to it, the more I suspect that he had something to do with it. He kept hold of my oyster card throughout the journey and didn't give it back to me until I told him that I was getting off at the next stop. And during that time, I was not sitting facing him, he was standing behind me, so I suspect that he might have had a check through my journey history and used his card reader to delete this 8:00am bus journey history or colluded with the person on the phone who was checking to confirm my details to have it deleted off the system. Maybe it's just simply a case of coincidence - that it turns out there was a technical fault with the yellow oyster card reader on the first bus which meant that it didn't make a record of me tapping in. Otherwise, it sure is very sinister and sly of them to do this - they can make money out of innocent people. it makes me wonder if these inspectors have a quota to fill or an incentive or a commission awarded for catching fare dodgers? I'm wondering if there's anyone here who has been through a similar situation as me – I would like to hear your experience, and does anyone here know whether it's possible that your journey history can be deleted by an oyster card reader used by a ticket inspector?
  6. i got the letter today informing me that tfl intend to prosecute and i can either plead guilty and not come to court , plead not guilty and come to court or plead not guilty and attend a trial. They have charged me with the following: On (date), you did enter a compulsory ticket area without having with you a valid ticket. Contrary to byelaw 17 (1) of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws Made under Paragraph 26 of schedule 11 to the greater london authority act 1999 and confirmed under section 67 of the transport Act 1962. The situation was that when i tapped my oyster card at a station without a ticket barrier, I didn't realise the red light flashed and the sound played differently, and I rushed onto the waiting train. I arrived at my destination and I realised I had insufficient funds on my oyster card when I was unable to exit. It was a genuine mistake, with no deliberate intent to evade the fares, but TfL are still intending to prosecute. I'm a regular commuter and a university student, with a pristine oyster card history, so I am worried about what to do now. Any help or guidance, or sharing of experiences will be greatly appreciated.
  7. my son used his girlfriends student oyster card and was caught. He received a letter asking him if he wanted to appeal and if he did not to ignore the letter so he ignored the letter as knew he had done wrong. he did not hear from them again for around 6 months, and moved house in December. this month he had an attachment of earnings and £390 taken out of his wages. When querying this he was directed to a debt company who said that TFL had written to his old address in November (when he still lived there) to say they were taking him to court. He lived in a bedsit and often did not receive mail that I sent him. they say he owes nearly £500 and will take the rest from next months wages. He has always been happy to pay the fine, but has never been contacted about it by email or phone, and has only their word that they sent a letter. He also does not know if he now has a criminal record. We don`t know where to go or what to do next-can anyone help please? thanks very much
  8. Hi all A friend came to me as I work in legal but this is outside my expertise and I have read some good advice on this site so hope someone might be able to help. My friend was caught without a ticket on a Cross Country train. They took a copy of his ID and said he would receive a fine in the post. Two months later he has only received this letter. From reading previous posts I had advised him he would receive a letter asking for his version of events but nothing else has come through yet. Is this the normal process? Any advice or pointers would be gratefully received. Many thanks Letter.pdf
  9. Let me start by saying I messed up and i know that i'm completely dishonest and in the wrong…is there any getting out of this?? i went into the station the other day using my brothers under 16 oyster card as i was really struggling financially and wasn’t getting paid till the following day. I am a student and had to travel that day as I had an exam and I had missed previous days of college because I didn’t have the money to top up my own 18+ student oyster card. After i tapped in, i was walking towards the platform until i was stopped by an inspector. He suspected that i had a child oyster which he must of heard when i tapped in as it makes a different sound and i clearly didn't notice him standing there. I panicked and showed him my own oyster student oyster card which obviously wasn't valid claiming that was the one I used. I denied having the child oyster card as I panicked and thought my brother would also get into trouble. He then called the community police officers who were at the other entrance to the station to search me which they did and nothing was found. The inspector then took my details, cautioned me and asked me a few questions. I am over 18 and this is my first offence and i have no previous convictions as i have always been on the good side of the law until this silly mistake. This was the first time using my brothers oyster card. I know that I should have been truthful and regret it but I just panicked and didn’t want my brother to also get into trouble for my mistake. I did not realise that you could be prosecuted and given a criminal record for this which would just be disastrous for my future career hopes as I am a student with hopes of getting into dental school. know that I don’t deserve any help on here but I was just in a desperate situation financially which is why I did this to begin with. I have received a letter asking for my version of events. What shall I do from here and is there any chance to avoid court and conviction??
  10. Hello, I am unable to purchase a ticket at the railway station as the ticket machines are card only and the ticket office is permanently closed. I approached the guard before boarding the train and asked him if I could buy a ticket. He said yes and told me to board. When he came through the train, he told me that the battery on his machine had died, so I would have to buy one when I changed at the next station. When I went to buy a ticket, I was confronted by a member of staff who told me that I would have to pay a penalty fare for travelling without a ticket. I explained how it was not my fault because there were no facilities to buy a ticket at the station and the guard's machine wasn't working, but I was told that it wasn't relevant because it is an offence to travel without a ticket. They took my details and told me that, if I wanted to continue my journey, I would have to pay a penalty fare on top of a full price ticket for my journey, with no railcards allowed. I was told that I could appeal against this. Can somebody help? Am I likely to get my money back? Will I be able to get the extra money I had to pay for the ticket back as well, or will it just be the penalty fare?
  11. Dear Sir, Last week I was travelling from west drayton (west london) to shepherd bush station I was caught by the Revenue Inspector at the shepherd bush station as I stupidly used my tesco club card to touch out instead of oyster card as both were in the same pocket. I also forgot to touch in at west drayton as I was getting late and ran to board the train as there are no barriers. I apologized the inspector and then I showed him my oyster card, he looked at the history and found out the last time I used the card was 6 months back. I told him that I mainly work from home and don't come to city too often. He then grilled me for 15 mins, took all the notes about name, contact number and address where the oyster card is registered etc, read out my rights, get the notes signed by me and let me go out without giving me any penalty fare. He said they will communicate further and I will get copy of these notes as well. Later on I realized that my oyster card was registered at the OLD address (moved to new address 6 months back) wondering when they will write to me, it will go to the old address. I then called TFL customer service and got my address updated and explained them the whole situation. They advised me that if I was caught then I should have received the penalty fare there n then and if they let me go out without PF there is nothing to worry and I should simply ignore the incident, which I don't think is a great advice. Now I did bit of googling and really worried after seeing so many people have been criminally prosecuted due to fare evasion by TFL. I have not received any communication from the TFL as yet. Please advice me 1. What are my options about the above incident and how can I avoid criminal conviction and do out of court settlement as Criminal record will severely affect my current career and any future job prospects as I work in financial sector? This is the first time that this has happened to me and I am extremely stressed about the whole situation. I could not sleep, eat and work properly from last one week. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.
  12. Hi I have been caught evading my fare on the trains several times over the course of the past month. I am certain the train company will start legal proceedings against me with a criminal prosecution. I was wondering what I could go to convince them to give me an out of court settlement. 100% my fault but a conviction would mean the end of my career and I will become unemployable. Does anyone know any good solicitors that might be able to help me? * title should read 'criminal prosecution'
  13. Dear all, Today I received court summon for attempt to travel without paying fare and with intention to avoid payment. Contrary to s.5 (3) (a) of the regulation of railways act 1889 as amended by section 84 (2) of the transport act 1962 and section 18 of the british railways act 1977. In the beginning of April 2016, I was commuting by a train from my university in Brentford to Vauxhall. It was my regular route. Unfortunately, on that day I was in a rush and boarded departing train without touching in my student oyster card. I should add that Brentford train station doesn't have ticket barriers and i didnt want to miss the train by spending an extra time on touching in my oyster card. My intention was to touch out oyster card in Vauxhall in that case I would have charged the maximum fee, something around £5-6. I have done this already several times unintentionally when i forgot to touch in oyster cards on stations without ticket barriers. When arrived to Vauxhall my oyster card did not work I approached ticket inspectors to check the balance and it turned oyster card balance was negative. I was going to use my contactless debit card instead of oyster card to leave the station but ticket inspector did not allow me leave the station. He kept my student oyster card and started to intimidate me suggesting that he knows that I came from Southampton. I panicked and told him that i travelled from the next station up (doesnt big make any difference in terms of fares). After taking all my details train inspector opened barrier and let me leave the station without paying any fee. Afterwards train operation company representatives contacted me several times in order to arrange interview with me, however I stupidly failed to attend any of them, I informed the train operation company that I am leaving the UK for entire summer and will be in touch when i come back. Of course, i completely forgot about this incident as I could not have imagined it could lead to criminal conviction. Could you please advice if I stand any chance in court? Can I negotiate out of court settlement at this stage, or it is too late? Thank you very much for all advices!
  14. Hi, I was caught by the revenue checking inspector/office, while travelling from Wickford to London Liverpool street for not paying full fare for my journey. I have been regularly travelling from Ilford to Liverpool street by having an annual ticket. Quite recently, I moved to Wickford and travelling once or twice in a week. I was travelling part of the journey without valid ticket (for more than once) in order to save few pounds based on the wrong advice that I had received from a friend. Because of which, I am in trouble. Ticket inspector/officer caught me and found out that I am doing this for about 5-6 times and said that he will send my case to court and said not to issue any fine, even though I requested him many times. I fully regret for what I have done in the first place. My finances were bit tight because of recent parents visit to UK, new mortgage and other additional expenses because of new place. All these things played part of my thinking and made me to follow wrong friend's advice, which I should not do in the first place (and fully regret) in order to save few pounds in travelling. Office was not able to match my name with the address that I had given through the system that they use for checks on the day, when he booked me in September. After around 2 months, I got a letter from Greater Anglia to confirm, if I am the one, who has been caught. I am having a family with 2 kids and they are fully dependant on my earnings and they will be in deep trouble, if any thing happens to me and with my employment. I don't want them to be in trouble for the mistake that I had done. I am having sleepless night because of constant remembrance of the incident and feeling ashamed for what I did in the first place. Please advice, what I have to do, now? What kind of capital punishment that I am going to face? And is there any way to get settlement out of court with Greater Anglia. Your immediate help and advice is much appreciated. NOTE : Right after the incident, I starting paying full fare for my journey and kept those tickets as evidence (if needed).
  15. I was caught using a child's ticket by TFL (although my friend who is 2 years older wasn't stopped at the same station...) after received a letter about it, telling me to write back to them and tell my version of events. I wrote back a pathetically grovelling letter of apology and have received a letter in response telling me I will receive only a formal warning if I pay £254.90. An extortionate amount, but I can pay (thank you student loan) and my question is - would a formal warning show up on a criminal record? I study PPE and hope to possibly enter the realm of politics so that wouldn't bode well for me. if anyone could help and tell me whether this would show up on a check, that'd be great.
  16. Plans to change the way fare dodging rail passengers are punished have been outlined by the Department for Transport (DfT). Ministers want to make the process simpler following accusations that it is unfair and lacks consistency. The proposals are in response to reports into the issue by independent watchdog Transport Focus (TF) which explained that, under current arrangements, train operators are "the victim, the investigators, the decision makers and the prosecutor". It described this as a "powerful position" and declared that "the whole system requires an overhaul". TF said the outlook for passengers mistakenly accused of fare dodging is "bleak", and warned that some passengers are being threatened with criminal sanctions despite no evidence they were attempting to commit fraud. The proposals announced by the DfT include: :: Clearer rules on deadlines for payments and appeals :: Making appeals bodies independent of train operators and their owners :: The creation of a third-stage independent appeals panel :: Stronger DfT oversight of the appeals process through an annual audit of penalty fares data https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/revamp-plans-punishments-dished-rail-161443357.html
  17. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/01/end-rip-off-rail-fares-ticket-pricing-system-gets-overhaul/
  18. Hi everyone I got issued a penalty fare on a bus even though I touched in with my oyster card, because the oyster card is very old and does not always work so the ticket inspectors couldn't read it on their things. However I definitely remember it responded when I touched in on the bus (the green light and the beep, etc), it just didnt work when the inspecters tried to read it. I appealed on the website and they asked me to send them the card number and a 'details/usage statement'. Problem is its such an old battered card that its impossible to read the card number. I don't know how to get a usage statement, or if thats even possible without the card number? The card works very occasionally albeit less and less frequently, so IF I did manage to get it to respond on a machine would there be a way of finding the number? Also surely TFL will have a record on the data from the bus that day? The CCTV would show me touching in, if it still exists (the incident was at the end of August). I'm not sure what to do so please give some advice Thanks
  19. Thanks in advance for any expert help. I received a letter from a company called IRCAS apparently acting on behalf of London Overground demanding £105 penalty fare that I don't have any clue about. I have contacted them and emailed to IRCAS (Independent Transport Associations Company) as advised by one of the staffs when I rang them. I told them that this must be an act of fraud and informed that I have reported this to action fraud. Then I had a follow-up email from them asking confirmation of my DOB, proof of my signature with copy of my driving license or passport or debit card's reverse side and a brief description of myself about HOW DO I LOOK LIKE! I was going to send a harsh response as I am very angry but thought to get some expert help first on how to deal with this ******? any help/advice is much appreciated. I have copied the response from them: "Thank you for your advice concerning the above referenced Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice and your kind notification of the use of 'false' details in this instance. This office acts in an administrative capacity for various rail and Transport for London services, and as such, we will produce reminder letters on their behalf where a Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice balance remains outstanding. Having failed to produce on demand a valid ticket, a notice was issued to a passenger by an Authorised Collector on the date concerned. Unfortunately, it is not law in this country to carry identification. Therefore, Authorised Collectors issuing notices often check an electoral roll system to help establish that correct address details are being collected. However, without identification it is impossible for them to be completely satisfied that the correct name is being taken or indeed, that the person is who they actually claim to be. Therefore, we try to capture as much accurate information about an individual as we can. This enables us to compare it against the information taken at the time of issue but also, importantly, it means that we can help Authorised Collectors to ask the right questions and get the correct information should they stop someone again in the future who gives details that have previously been proven to be false. In order to assist with this please provide the following information: 1. Confirmation of your date of birth. 2. Please provide a copy of a document with your signature on, such as a driving licence, passport or a copy of the reverse of a debit/credit card. 3. Please provide a brief description of yourself, including height, build, hair colour and length, complexion, eye colour, right or left handed and any distinguishing features such as tattoos or piercings. Upon receipt of this information we can update our database accordingly. We thank you in anticipation for providing this information, and therefore, helping us to provide accurate information to the transport providers which, in turn, may help prevent further misuse of personal details. We will hold the above mentioned Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice for 7 days from the date of this correspondence to await your response."
  20. Hi , I need some help in how to go about this , the story is earlier today my son got on a tfl bus forgot to swipe in 2 stops later a inspector comes in and asks for his oyster card he gives it and they say he did not swipe in and they then asked for his name and address by this time he is thinking of his job and a criminal record he was so flustered that he gave right name but wrong address and wrong date of birth they called someone on the phone ,I presume to check his details. They got off the next stop as this was happening he says he was so terrified of the consequences that he run away from the inspectors. I dont think anyone gave any chase though. I had a go at him and insisted that he go hand himself to TFL or relevant authority and opologise and pay the fine and hope they understand. How would I go about this ? any help would be appreciated.
  21. I was issued a penalty fare on the buses. The inspector told me it was because my card had not been registered by the machine, then issued me with a penalty fare notice. The notice says that the reasons were that I had insufficient funds on my card. This is demonstrably untrue as I have a receipt to prove this. Can I appeal on these grounds?
  22. I make the return journey every week from Redruth to Truro to drop my son off to my mum who works in the cafe, I either buy a ticket on the train or at the ticket office - there is no self service machine! and catch next available train back to redruth This week the queue was huge I got on the train which was packed so no conducter came round. Usually I have a buggy so I exit through ticket barrier (I have previously been unable to get a ticket once before and as I explained to a member of staff he 'escorted' me all the way to the ticket desk). This week I went across the bridge to the cafe so I never left the station. There was 15 minutes until my return train, my son fell off the chair in the cafe and hurt his head I completely forgot I didn't have a ticket for the return journey I just jumped on! When the conducter came round I asked to buy a ticket, short story is she was very rude, kept repeating I couldnt get on the train without a ticket and didnt explain what she was taking my details for or what would happen. I had explained the situation and that I fully intended to buy the ticket but she was having none of it, unfortunately for me she was a revenues officer! Received unpaid fare notice requesting £104.30 or they will proceed with criminal charges as per regulation of railways act 1889 and/or railway byelaws. no info on how to appeal. I researched the subject and I'm unsure if she should have issued a penalty fare. Truro is a penalty fare station but Redruth isnt, the fgw prosecutions unit said it doesn't count if truro was not my destination? online penalty fare policy is rather vague but nrcoc state if you do not have valid ticket in cta , sra define cta below. haven't looked for the signs but it is a gated station, waiting for my friend to let me know what signs they have and fgw are sending me their policy but that may be by post! requested this from the prosecutions unit and was told i can look at the nroc! any help please? if it's not a penalty charge then any advice on how to proceed would be much appreciated! ‘Compulsory ticket area’ means any area at a station identified by a notice which indicates that people may not enter that area without a ticket or other authority allowing them to enter that area, or to travel on a train arriving at or departing from that area
  23. I booked a coach journey with Terravision from Manchester to Liverpool Airport. Pickup Manchester: 14:40 Arrives Liverpool Airport: 15:30 We were informed at around 14:50/55 that the coach would be 55 minutes late and that all buses throughout the day were actually around 30 minutes late. What annoyed us is if they were aware in advance that buses were running late all day long, then why weren't we informed? or a notice placed in the waiting area? so we could seek alliterative transport such as another bus company/ train and so on. This left us no alternative but to order a taxi costing £80!!! to get to the airport on time. Who is to blame here? and who can we seek compensation from?
  24. Hi all, Just give you a quick run down of the operation of the local station and route to hopefully clear up any confusion before any advice can be given. Our local station is an unmanned station, as are all the stations on the branch line, apart from the two terminals, in this case Strood and Paddock Wood, and the middle main station being Maidstone West. All the stations have a machine placed at each entrance in which to purchase a Permit to Travel ticket which can then be exchanged for a travel ticket by either the issuing ticket office at Strood, Maidstone West or Paddock Wood, or by buying a ticket from the conductor/guard on board the train. However, in the last month, the types of trains used have changed from a 3 coach class 377 with a driver and conductor/guard, to a 2 coach class 466 driver only. The Permit to Travel machine at our local station always appears to be broken, either it is jammed with coins where it won't accept anything, or the coins just slip through to the rejected coin collector, although there is a time displayed on the machine to indicate that it is turned on. Over the last two weeks, my daughter has twice been issued with a £20 penalty fare by Revenue Protection as she wasn't in possession of a valid permit to travel or travel ticket, although she wasn't able to purchase one in the first place. Revenue Protection were at the first station she would have been able to purchase a ticket from, and before the ticket office, therefore stopping her from purchasing a ticket as she has done on numerous occasions before. She did state that the Permit to Travel machine wasn't working, but they said it was, even though they weren't at the station. She paid the first Penalty instantly, but she want's to appeal this second and any subsequent penalties that she may occur if the opportunity to purchase a Permit to Travel isn't available. Hoping that some of you good guys and girls on here can offer some advice and ammunition so she can win her appeal. Many thanks, Bloke 199
  25. Dear all, I am seeing very good advise given on this forum and wish to check if there is any opportunity for me to appeal. I regularly travel on tram in croydon and always make sure i tap in. On this particular day, i remember tapping in and got in to tram and was stopped by tram ticket checkers to say my oyster was not tapped in. I was pretty sure that i had tapped in, so I was surprised when their reader didnt show the details. I was issued with a penalty fare notice, which i appealed on the 29th nov. In reality what had happened was - I was carrying two PAYG oyster cards. I usually keep one for me and other for my wife, and on this particular day, i had tapped in one card, but for some reason didnt realise this and was showing the other card to inspectors. I realised this mistake later in the day, and verified it by getting a copy of my card statement. I appealed on the same day by sending a copy of the oyster statement mentioning this. last week 16th Dec, i got a letter from First tram operations rejecting my appeal with a mention that there is no validation of the card that was checked on the day. I am now being asked to pay £40 by the 30th or risk paying £80 or appeal within 14 days. Both cards are registered in my name and it now looks like i might pay the fine. I however still want to appeal, and wanted to check if it was worthwhile doing so. Any advise or pointers? Thanks Suresh just to add card -1 - I had made many payG jouney with all day cap applied by evening on that day between Zone 1- 3, This incident happened in the morning though when i started my journey. Card 2 - tapped in for Tram only by mistake without realising i was carrying that card at all.
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