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Found 13 results

  1. In September 2016, the government set up the HMCTS Historic Debt Team as a pilot scheme to recover outstanding court fines that had remained unpaid for a period of up to 10 years. In many cases, the reason for the fines not being recovered had been due to individuals moving address etc. In March 2017, the government announced that since its launch, the HMCTS National Compliance and Enforcement Service had recovered ‘significant sums’ and as a consequence; the Historic Debt Team expanded their tracing activities to recover outstanding court fines over 10 years old. Every day I receive at least half a dozen enquiries about an 'historic' fine and with far better computer technology at the courts, it is actually very easy to make enquiries about the fine etc and in many cases, an application can be made to the court for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration. Should I pay or make a Section 14 Statutory Declaration? Given that the majority of court fines from the HMCTS Historic Debt Team may go back many years, many people have little or no supporting documentation available and are naturally worried about the prospect of applying for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration and instead, decide to pay the amount requested in order to conclude the matter. This is perfectly understandable. Is there a time limit for making a Section 14 Statutory Declaration: An application for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration must be made within 21 days of you becoming aware of the court fine. PS: And despite inaccurate internet advice, it is not 21 days from becoming aware that a Statutory Declaration is on option !! Can I send a sworn Section 14 Statutory Declaration to the court (or the Historic Debt Team) by recorded delivery? No you cannot...most Magistrates court will reject your application and advise you that you must make an appointment and attend court in person ......(continued on the following post).
  2. Government welcomes landmark law which will improve the safety of tenants READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-welcomes-landmark-law-which-will-improve-the-safety-of-tenants Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2018/34/contents/enacted/data.htm
  3. Dear all I wonder if you can help? Last week I received a letter from our friends at MMF chasing a quick quid loan and threatening a CCJ. This made me take my head out of the sand and decide to do something – but I fear I might be too late I had 15 loans from QQ from December 2010 to the last one in (which was an extension of an existing loan taken out in Dec 2011) in March 2012, which I didn’t pay to break the cycle. I have paid over £3k in interest. I took a loan out every month which was an increase or an extension. At the time they lent to me, whilst I was on a good salary, due to mental health issues I was in total financial disarray. I was on a DMP with debts of approx. £38k, I had 8 defaults and also debts with Wonga (written off) and Payday UK (paid in full). QQ never reported a default to any CRA (although they did send me a default notice y email in june 2012) to be honest with sorting out all the other messes I conveniently forgot about them until MMF kindly got in touch. further to the MMF letter I wrote to QQ to complain about IL and had a standard template reply saying its past 6 years so we don’t have to do anything go to the FOS. I also wrote to MMF informing them I didn’t acknowledge the debt, that the account was in dispute and asking for the loan agreement. They have agreed to put the account on hold for 30 days. So my questions are 1) is it worth going to the FOS after all this time? I have evidence of my financial state at the time as kept a couple of old Credit reports, I could get bank statements (not sure if they will help my case due to my salary and borrowing) but cant do this until pay day, 2) have I now acknowledged the debt by putting the claim in thus resetting the clock 3) as I paid to extend the loan in march 2012 does this count as a new loan (asking as this would be under the 6 year mark?) 4) would it be worth just offering MMF a low FFS figure I really do want to avoid a CCJ or default or do they have to wait for the FOS complaint I have worked so hard for the last 10 years to pull myself out of this mess and am nearly at the finishing line , I really don’t want to give up without a fight. TBH i dont want any cash back just acknowledgement that the last loan is unenforceable
  4. The December solstice happens at the same instant for all of us, everywhere on Earth. This year the solstice occurs on Wednesday December 21st at 10:44 GMT (Universal time). The winter solstice happens every year when the Sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In other words, when the North Pole is tilted furthest – 23.5 degrees – away from the Sun, delivering the fewest hours of sunlight of the year. The Winter Solstice is the most important day of the year at Stonehenge and a truly magical time to be there. It's an ad hoc celebration that brings together England's New Age Tribes (neo-druids, neo-pagans, Wiccans) with ordinary families, tourists, travelers and party people - 100's of them! For many the impulse to arrive at Stonehenge in time for the Solstice is a little like all those people drawn to the strange rock in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It's akin to a spiritual experience. Anyone who has witnessed the crowd become silent as the sky begins to brighten can attest to that. Do you have a strange urge,are you feeling drawn to do something a little strange tomorrow. Well can you believe it,the winter solstice is nearly here,another exciting day,when you can let your hair down. Do a little dance perhaps,dress up or visit Stonehenge even and really celebrate. Everything you need to know,including video. And a countdown clock. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/0/winter-solstice-2016-shortest-day-year-time/
  5. Plans to change the way fare dodging rail passengers are punished have been outlined by the Department for Transport (DfT). Ministers want to make the process simpler following accusations that it is unfair and lacks consistency. The proposals are in response to reports into the issue by independent watchdog Transport Focus (TF) which explained that, under current arrangements, train operators are "the victim, the investigators, the decision makers and the prosecutor". It described this as a "powerful position" and declared that "the whole system requires an overhaul". TF said the outlook for passengers mistakenly accused of fare dodging is "bleak", and warned that some passengers are being threatened with criminal sanctions despite no evidence they were attempting to commit fraud. The proposals announced by the DfT include: :: Clearer rules on deadlines for payments and appeals :: Making appeals bodies independent of train operators and their owners :: The creation of a third-stage independent appeals panel :: Stronger DfT oversight of the appeals process through an annual audit of penalty fares data https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/revamp-plans-punishments-dished-rail-161443357.html
  6. Defence Business Services customer satisfaction survey 2015 At Veterans UK (part of Defence Business Services) we are always trying to improve the services we deliver to our customers. Read More Here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-business-services-customer-satisfaction-survey-2015
  7. Hi all, Bought a hotpoint tumble dryer from John Lewis back in December 2012. So far I have had no problems. In december 2015 I received a letter (attached ) stating that the model I have TCFG87C6P, is faulty, a fire hazard and needs modification to make it safe to use. Now I have used the machine many times and gone out leaving it on, only now to find out that it could potentially have burnt the house down. Luckily this has not happened. I am aware the product is out of warranty but am I within my rights to request a new tumble dryer from John Lewis, considering that the one they sold me in the first place was never fit for use of more to the point safe to use. Any help much appreciated. Kind Regards BB John lewis tumble dryer indesit_Redacted.pdf
  8. If you had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. If you have now left the armed forces and had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution between December 2008 and September 2011, it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. The MOD has written to serving and former serving personnel because of changes to the law which took effect in December 2008 that meant such cautions should not have been taken into account after that date. However, whilst action has been taken to contact those affected directly, it is apparent that we have not managed to reach some people and they will be unaware of efforts to contact them about this issue. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/information-for-those-who-left-the-armed-forces-between-december-2008-and-september-2011
  9. Travelling down the M5 to my 78 year old mother to bring here back to Nottingham for Christmas, my rear wheel bears were failing, so I limped the car into Michael woods services, to do repairs on both sides, under a lamp post as it was late, and raining, I had to ask for grease at the petrol station they had none, so I approached lorry drivers for help. Having missed the car area parking, which is easy to, aspecially at night, I ended up under parking under a low lamp post which was I thought a good position to see. there were 3 drivers which I spoke to, and no warning, in regard to charges, from them, as the man in the station also never warned me. I made repairs with to tools I had brought with me, because I could not afford AA, or RAC, cover, there was a recovery truck were I was pulling up and thought I could get some grease from him, but as I approatched he drove off, I was ,disappointed I asked a truck driver If they had any grease, and one said I could take some from under his artic. Repairs done, I exited Michael wood services and travelled down to Portland Dorset to my mothers. Before retuning back to Nottingham I purchased new bearing and put them in the rear wheels, return journey was good. This morning received charges for over staying from parking eye, why would I want to stay longer than is nessarey repairs took 2 hours 52 mins,in the cold dark wet night!! niper
  10. Hi we were served eviction back in Juy and paid a company £500 to stop this, it worked we have since been paying NRAM part payments every week and that covered our monthy payments, we paid over the phone due both been self employed and NRAM been dirty and taking twice a month . however on 2 occasions they have processed it later and it not leavng our account on time. they stated we had had not kept condtions.and insisted we done additional income and expentedtures.and increased our payments. we kept obliging and everyime my husband rang to make a payemnt new I&E where compleated . in July the court agreed we pay our monthy of £425 and £75 of arrears we are now jumping through hoops and paying £200 per week and they are ringing every day for futher money and insinuating we cut utility bills, food , and give them more my husband is rOFSTED registered chilminder and needs our home to work and our daughter is 10 yrs FEELING VERY STRESSED
  11. Hey Guys, Just some of advice please folks. Got a NTO from local council some time ago. Naturally I appealed and heard no more about it. Next i hear is some 11 months later a baliff knocking on my door demanding £317 from me for the unpaid fine. I called the local council who state they'd sent 3 letters following on from my email appeal. They state as they'd sent it they wouldnt hold off action. I contacted National Debt Line and they told me to file an out of time stat dec to the TEC to which I duley did. Got a letter back today advising it has been refused. No reason as to why just refused. What happens from here as the notes on the letter received back were not clear.
  12. Hi, hope this is in the right forum!!! I am wondering if anyone can help with a problem I am currently experiencing. Last Tuesday morning we had a home visit by an enforcement officer advising us that there would be a bailiff visiting our property, with a locksmith and the police, unless we paid a fine (£625), which my partner had to pay to avoid embarrassment and items being taken. He had managed to trick her into letting him enter the house by telling her that she would not want the neighbours hearing what he had to say and basically caught her off guard. He had no details other than the fine was in my name and related to car insurance. I had never received any court summons and the enforcement officer even admitted that they had all been sent to my previous address and he had only just traced me to my new home. I had moved home in March 2012 and the offence dated to September 2012 with the court case in March this year. I immediately emailed the courts and on Friday last week received a phone call to fill in the details. When I moved home in March 2012, I owned a car which in April that year (while I was in the process of changing addresses with everyone) broke down and basically was a non runner. I sold this car on ebay described for breaking and repairs as the engine had blown completely. When the car was sold and collected, I was given a slip from the log book which I sent off to the DVLA in the same envelope as my change of address letter and log book for my replacement car, therefore as far as I was concerned the car was no longer anything to do with me. On speaking to the courts last Friday, apparently the car has been photographed in September 2012 with no insurance and is still registered to me at my old address. I have phoned the DVLA and they had changed my address and registered my new car but have said they hadn’t received the slip stating that I had sold my car for scrap and the person who purchased the car had not sent in their copy of the log book. I also phoned the police on Friday and gave them all the details as I want to make sure I have covered all bases. I have arranged an appointment with the Magistrates Court to submit a Stat Dec on Friday this week but would like some advice on (a) what my chances are of receiving a refund as I never lived in the house where the summons was issued and (b) if I have now given details of the change of ownership and the name and address of the purchaser, will the courts/police now chase them rather than myself? For my appointment, I have printed off copies of the land registry for my previous address which shows the date of sale of my old home, the paypal receipt from when the car was sold and my car insurance certificate which shows my change of car and my new address with a date of April 2012. Am I going to be covered with this information? Apologies for the long winded query, however I thought it best to give all the details Thanks Paul
  13. I can see their viewing figures suffering somewhat.... http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/news/1144406/Wongas-game-show-deal-challenged-Twitter-protests/
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