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Found 21 results

  1. Hi I'm looking for a bit of advice regarding a debt collection agency that is hounding me at the moment... I have a few very old debts,credit cards and Catalogue debt that will be statute barred come December but this debt collector is now planning to issue CCJ's on them... There's a couple of these debts where i have grounds to dispute them as they are actually not my fault as the originally company just didn't attempt to take any payments off me for over 12 months and when they realised they demanded all the back payments all at once... My question is are there guidelines on how long it should take a dca to go for CCJ's ??or can they effectively stretch the effects of them out on your credit file over 12 years by waiting the 6 years before issuing CCJ's which will then last for another 6 ??? Thanks
  2. Hi all, Apologies if this post is in the wrong forum, had a look and wasn't sure where to put it. Back in 2015 I obtained a referral to a specialist consultant for a health issue via my health insurer Pru/Vitality. I was issued with a claim number, claim was allowed, saw the consultant and that was that. I had previously seen him under the same process. In 2016 I started to get letters from the consultant's office demanding payment for my 2015 visit. I explained that I had a valid claim via my insurer and told them to take it up with them. A few months later, same thing. In Jan 2017 I had enough, so I called the consultant's office and explained that it is between them and Pru - not me. They claimed that Pru had no record of the claim. In the interim Pru changed to a new claim system, so my claim was under the old system. I explained this to the consultant's office person and they came back saying that Pru won't pay their invoice, as they only receive via email within a certain period of time after vist etc. In other words, it sounds like they filed their invoice too late and Pru aren't paying out. I also called Pru to complain of this hassle, and they basically said the same thing, however the consultant's office won't stop hassling me for payment. How on earth can I get them to stop and leave me alone? This is clearly an issue between them and the consultant, not me!
  3. My daughter took her ex to court over monies he owed her, currently standing at over £6k. She won but he paid her nothing a year later she went back to court and the judge awarded her a Charging Order over his property (he co-owns with a previous ex). She has tried to register the Charge with the Land Registry but they appear to have awarded a Restriction. What is the difference and what should she do?
  4. Am I right in thinking that the HCEO employ there own bailiffs and there are also independent bailiff companies and are they part of the HCEO ?
  5. This week, Glasgow councillors are expected to agree to a new partnership with Glasgow Credit Union. The two year pilot Partnership Mortgage Guarantee Scheme will provide house hunters who can afford to pay a mortgage but cannot raise the necessary deposit. At present, lenders are demanding deposits of between 5% and 25%, which for many people on low incomes is impossible to raise. Glasgow Credit Union will allocate up to £4million in mortgage funding over the period. The council will act as a guarantor for the loan over a maximum five year period, up to a maximum of 20% of the original mortgage amount in the first year, reducing to 10% by year five. READ MORE HERE: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/13584721.Deposit_scheme_boost_for_first_time_buyers/
  6. Hello, I am a newbie here. Hi, curious to know what Difference Between the current default Balance is? I have 3 defaulted account 1 shown the Default Balance as 2198.37 & the Current Balance as £2002.56 The Other One Shows the Default Balance as £567.00 but The Current Balance As £577.00 in the Third one both the Default & Current is the same . but I have not Acknowleged it or made any payment to any of them since the Default appeared. what do these mean? Current vs Default and in the context of my file . P.S : I noticed these Balances changed somewhere during the last year one's current balance went up the other down Kind Regards,
  7. Hi all, First of all I have been a bit cheeky, but if anybody could clarify the below it would be appreciated. I returned to the UK last month and the SLC want 5 grand off me upfront for loan arrears and additionally I need to pay the remainder of the debt off via the PAYE system. The amount to be paid off via the PAYE is for around another 10k and will be paid off in due course. My question, as I cannot afford to pay off the full 5k. Has anybody been in this position before and if so what was the outcome? I hoped that the arrears would be consolidated with the remainder and I would pay everything off for x number of years via the PAYE system. Thank you very much and hopefully I receive some juicy responses All the best, Cookie813
  8. If you had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. If you have now left the armed forces and had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution between December 2008 and September 2011, it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. The MOD has written to serving and former serving personnel because of changes to the law which took effect in December 2008 that meant such cautions should not have been taken into account after that date. However, whilst action has been taken to contact those affected directly, it is apparent that we have not managed to reach some people and they will be unaware of efforts to contact them about this issue. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/information-for-those-who-left-the-armed-forces-between-december-2008-and-september-2011
  9. Hoping to go away a few times this year and am looking at travel insurance. I've been given quotes that range from £30-£100 ish. But is there really that much difference between the insurance that each company offers? I've had a look on compare the market and put my details in to see what comes up. I am aware that some compaies won't come up on comparison websites.
  10. Hi guys, So this case was a bit awkward. Actually it happened today (Saturday) around 8:30am when I was unloading my van between 2 signs with different restrictions which makes me a bit confused. 1 Sign had written "No loading Mon - Fri Xam - Xpm" and the other one had written "No loading Saturday 8am - 10pm" and throughout the footpath I had the single yellow line with the vertical single yellow line. Do I have any ground to appeal in this case? As I was in the middle (between) of this 2 different signs Thanks in advance!
  11. My noddle report is pretty poor as it has 2 defaults on it which are 5 years old (and both currently being disputed). Today I paid the fee and viewed my experian report and that says I have excellent credit and no record of the 2 defaults? I have an old experian report from 2012 and that has one of the defaults on it, but not the other, but now they no longer appear on it. I even called experian to check, and she said there was no active record for them, so they are not part of the credit report. My 2012 report was in the region of ~700, but now it's mid 900's, and even says at the top that it has improved because there are no longer delinquent or defaulted accounts on it. One other thing that confuses me is that Experian have no record of my current bank account. They have my main bank account down as an old closed Barclays account. Again, I asked them and they said if the account was opened over 10 years ago it may be that my bank never agreed to share the information. So my credit score is now so good, do I risk calling my bank to ask them to share info? I've been a customer for 15+ years, have a 1500 OD that I basically live in. This may look negative!
  12. Having found a new car at a dealership, agreed price, paid deposit and agreed a collection date, we find the car STILL on the dealers website (actual car) but £500 LESS than we agreed. How do we stand with holding the dealer to the lower price? We are days away from collection.
  13. Hi I recently sent a CCA request for the card I took out with RBS in 1999. This was an Advanta card. A few years later the card changed to Mint. My CCA request produced the information for the Advanta card but not for the Mint card. Can anyone remember if the T & Cs were different for the Mint card and if a new CCA had to be signed? Thanks suvin
  14. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/cancelled-car-insurance-could-owed-124427989.html
  15. I am disabled and I live in a ground floor flat which is one of four flats, converted from two adjacent council houses. My neighbour, in the ground floor flat, next door, is also disabled. I have lived in my flat since 1991. About twelve years ago, my then neighbour moved out and that flat was renovated and the overgrown garden was cleared. A temporary beech and wire fence was erected, by the contractors but, despite several approaches to the council, no permanent fence was erected. At that time, the Council used the services of NACRO to assist in keeping the gardens tidy but this service was, eventually, discontinued. Because of our disabilities, neither my neighbour nor I were able to tend our gardens and the temporary fence was forced out of alignment. Eventually, I was able to obtain grants (from various Military and RAF sources because of my Forces service in WWII) and my garden was cleared. My problem is that Council contractors will not erect a proper fence because of the existing growth which has distorted the temporary (!) fence. The Council has informed my neighbour that he will be charged £3,000.00 if he is unable to clear the area where the unmarked boundary between the properties is overgrown. How can this be resolved? My argument is that I cannot cross the temporary fence into my neighbour's garden to clear the portion of growth which may be on my side of the original dividing line. My neighbour's argument is that he is not responsible for clearing any area which is not on his side of the true demarcation line between the properties. We both agree that the Council should have ensured that the boundary, between the two properties, was clearly delineated and that a propeer and permanent fence should have been erected when the next-door property was renovated. Has anybody had a similar experience or does anyone know of an existing legal ruling on a similar case where both properties are owned by the same landlord and the problem was created by uncompleted work by the landlord?
  16. Good afternoon, Whilst sharing a property we came into council tax arrears over a few years which resulted in a bill for a few thousand pounds. Documents were served to myself and the other person from sheriffs officers. Myself and the other party no longer live at the address where the arrears took place but we both agreed to pay half each of the arrears. My half is almost paid but the other party is now refusing to pay their half. As the arrears is in both our names, my question is where do i stand once i pay half of the arrears and then stop paying. I am going to inform the sheriff officers my intentions when my half has been paid but looking for some advice of what will happen next. Thanks
  17. My wife has had to have two assessments in the last few years whilst on ESA, due to her ill health and mental health issues. She scored a 0 on the first one, we appealed, and 2 years later the appeal went through and we scored 19 points (not much of a difference, eh?) and we got our benefit back. 7 months later, they sent he for assessment again. Once again, she scored zero. We went back to appeal, 13 months later it went through and we scored 18 points We went back to the full rate in March of this year. It's now just the start of June, and we're being told she has to be assessed again, only 3 months later. Is this right? isn't their some form of minimum time frame, given that she's been repeatedly cleared, has given medical notes through out all appeals, and that she has only been back on the benefit for 3 months? It's making her ill, she just saw the ATOS envelope today and burst out in tears and had a panic attack, It's so hard for her to go to these things. Not just because of a bad knee operation that has left her unable to walk much further than the bathroom and back, but because her stress and anxiety kick in and she will literally be sleepless for days before the appointment, throwing up and breaking down. Whilst reading this, if anyone can also help me out with another question too I'd be most appreciative. My wife started the ESA as a mental health issue, however since she was on the claim within the last year, she was given surgery on the NHS for a knee operation. A Knee operation that has since been revealed that would be of no use to her (they originally thought it would help fix her knee joint which kept coming out of socket). This operation, combined with her high rising knees brought on from hyper mobility (which is why the op should not have happened apparently) leaves her with a knee that swells up and bruises over night if she walks as far as going around town. She will be in agony, and has to take multiple Tramadol tablets each day to knock her out so she isn't in too much pain to rest. Obviously, this is now another obstacle in the way of work... will this be accepted on her ATOS report? or when she fills it in, will she only be able to talk about the mental health issues that the claim was originally for, and she still has. Just wondering, because if we can use the knee thing too, I intend to. Because they don't understand mental health at ATOS at all. We constantly said in our first exam that my wife is incapable of going as far as our local shop (100m) without being accompanied by me and planning it in advance, and even then sometimes it was too much. On their report back, she scored 0 and they said "Angelina has no issue with going to the shop on her own" So yeah, would be nice if we can use something that is physical and can be seen, since they seem to ignore what isn't in front of their eyes. From reports, they will likely ignore physical too but I want to make it harder for them to be such [edit]s. I'm also planning on taking a voice recorder, and recording the whole assessment. Maybe that will force them to write down what is said, and not just tick the box that means she loses benefit and they get a gold star.
  18. Hi could someone please explain the difference between LPA & Fixed Charge Receivers? Have recieved a letter from the LPA receivers solicitor refering to the fixed charge receivers. Have ust read that LPA receivers are incorrectly refered to as fixed charge receivers but it doesnt explain the difference. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  19. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/hyndburn/10110170.Firm_refuses_to_refund_tickets_to_Hyndburn_residents/
  20. Someone wants to buy something from me via bank transfer, they need my account number and sort code, is it safe t give this information? especially as I dont know them, or os it safe to do so? Thanks
  21. How do these work exactly. I have a loan with Mobile money but they don't have the log book as they gave me the loan when I first had the car and had sent off for the log book. As I am now in financial difficulties with them, how can they seize the car without the book? Also, could I still sell the car and then pay them back rather than them seizing it and selling it cheap?
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