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Found 4 results

  1. Having found a new car at a dealership, agreed price, paid deposit and agreed a collection date, we find the car STILL on the dealers website (actual car) but £500 LESS than we agreed. How do we stand with holding the dealer to the lower price? We are days away from collection.
  2. All my devices drop connection one of my laptops is a lot worse than others. I did sys restore (refresh) but no effect , i've ran scans to clean up any nasties - but still same prob. The prob was there from day 1 - and i thought it was just an initial prob that would go away. It is under warranty and tech support lazily say i should do a format -yeah thanks mate just trash my system - very helpful:-x. didn't tell them it was there from Day 1 as they will use excuse "you should have told us earlier blah blah , now you made prob worse blah blah " So is it an ISP prob(VMedia) or the laptop? it is the only device i have running win8 Anything else i should /can do ? What i don't like is that tech support seems to be only doing the very basic ABC123 - and nothing else -it is obvious they do not want to come out to field repair
  3. Hi all, Need a bit of advice on this one, I'll try and be as brief as possible. Received an NIP July last year saying my car had been flashed speeding 40mph in a 30mph. It wasn't me driving at the time, so I filled in the required details and sent it off.... . Didn't hear anything for months (not even a reminder) until I received a court summons for the charge of failure to provide info. Needless to say I was shocked and upset..... I didnt have any proof of postage so it was their word against mine. Went to magistrates court for the hearing which I was further shocked to find out theyd added the speeding charge to the charge list (which didn't make sense to me). I plead not guilty to both and received a new trial date for end of January. Just received a notice of discontinuance regarding the speeding charge saying there is not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction. However I'm still having to go to court over the failure to provide information....... Is this right? How can I defend or be prosecuted for failing to provide information regarding a speeding offence they are no longer pursuing? Its all very confusing and a complete farce really (plus waste of taxpayers money) Also if the speeding charge is dropped what does this mean for points and fines? Many thanks for your time.
  4. Citizens Advice Bureau are asking people to donate a tweet and tell the Government that it wasnt OK to drop the Bailiff Regulation. CitizensAdvice We'd really like people to donate a tweet and tell the Government it wasn't OK to drop bailiff regulation thunderclap.it/projects/1554-… Link to the Thunderclap Project https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/1554-let-bailiff-victims-complain
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