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  1. Hello, I've read other threads and the advice is to ignore all things related to RLP as they cannot legally fine you or collect a speculative debt without justifying the costs However, I wanted to ask in relation to this about what the guards said Firstly, they took my address, name and had me sign 2 forms, one being the RLP and another as a banning order They said that had notified/contacted the police and that no one was available after maybe 15 minutes I'm asking whether or not this notification to the police to check my identity will be recorded on my record of any sort They retained the alleged items and safely released me Should I be concerned with future police contact or is it unlikely it will go any further? Additionally, they said they had me on CCTV, if this changes anything Lastly, I am remorseful for what I've done and I'm going to seek help for it and I am aware that CAG does not support, nor encourage shoplifting Thank you very much for your time, Chaotic
  2. While we were all watching the Brexit farce: State Pension Credit will no longer be available to claimants whose partner is under state pension age
  3. After reading a lot of threads i want to defend this. I've already done the following. pop up on the MCOL website detailed on the claim form. . register as an individual note the long gateway number given then log in . select respond to a claim and select the start AOS box. . then using the details required from the claimform . defend all leave jurisdiction unticked. click thru to the end confirm and exit MCOL. . get a CPR 3114 request running to the solicitors type your name ONLY no need to sign anything. (will be posted to them on monday) Other details: Name of the Claimant ? - Euro parking services limited claimants Solicitors: Gladstone Solicitors Limited Date of issue – 9th Nov 2018 What is the claim for – (to note there is no registration on the letter either) The driver of the vehicle registration (the 'Vehicle') incurred the parking charge(s) on 26/08/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at Lidl & travelodge The Defendant was driving the Vehicle and/or is the Keeper of the Vehicle. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS £160 for Parking Charges / Damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £14.25 pursuant to S69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at 8% pa, continuing to Judgement at £0.04 per day. What is the value of the claim? - £174.25 amount claimed, court fee £25.00, legal rep costs £50.00 Total amount £249.25 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? Euro parking services Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? - Not sure what this is? Other things to note: - There is no pay and display at the car park. There is signage which states customer have "x" amount of time to park as a customer. (Going to check the time on the signage and take photo's) - I have receipt of the driver's purchase at the store - Dated 26/08/2017 with a time of 13:59 - The two photo's in the notice to keeper letter both showing the vehicle moving dated 26/08/2017 and time stamped 14:14 - I no longer own the vehicle - I tried contacting lidl but they basically told me to take it up with euro parking services. What's the best line of defence to take? -Check with the council whether they even have the planning permission? -Check the so called "contract" on the signage and use the receipt to counter the "breach"? -Provide the evidence that car was not parked as per the photos? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi everyone, I've lurked a little through some of the other freedom pass misuse threads but thought I'd make my own, sorry if you're tired of these. Before I get into it, call me stupid (I am) but I really did not stop to think about where the money came from so people who need it can use freedom passes, what I was doing and how wrong it was, I only found out after doing some research and I feel extremely ashamed and disgusted at myself for this. I completely admit what I did was wrong and if worst case scenario I am charged with it, I accept my faults and take responsibility. However, if it can be helped I would really not like to hinder my future career, I really do not want this time of ignorance and foolishness to determine my future. I was stopped by an inspector(?) on my way to my retail job who took my details, I admitted it wasn't my card and I had taken it from my mother to avoid paying the fee and save money, and that I had done this more than this one time. I then got a letter from TfL asking if I accept commiting the offence or not and any exceptional reasons, including evidence, as to why TfL should not proceed with a prosecution. I replied with an email expressing my remose and accepting my actions and how foolish it was. I explained why I did it, I was in a really difficult place with money which had been contributing to my depression so I had been using it to and from work, but I know this is no excuse and I know what I did was completely wrong. I also explained the adverse impact it will have on my future career, and offer reasonable monetary sums equivalent to any related fines and administrative fees incurred by the company to settle out of court. The original email was a lot more thorough and remoseful but that is the main points I had, I'm happy to show the full email if necessary. They did not reply to that email, but a few months later I recieved a letter inviting me to court. It reads: [NAME] You are required to appear on [DATE] at [TIME] before [X] Magistrates' Court at [X ADDRESS] to answer the following charge: That you on [DATE OF OFFENCE] at Oxford Circus did enter a compulsory ticket area without having with you a valid ticket. Contrary to Byelaw 17(1) of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws made under paragraph 26 of Schedule 11 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and confirmed under section 67 of the Transport Act 1962. [...] On [DATE] [DEFENDANT] travelled from [sTATION] to Oxford Circus station. At 7:52am she produced a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass of high value that did not belong to her and was not valid for her to use. She admitted the pass belonged to her mum and that she was using it to save money. Further analysis of the recent usage of the pass showed an addition 48 journeys where fares totalling £237.40 has been avoided. An application will be made in court for a £338 contributtion towards TfL... I believe my case will be a difficult one considering the number of uses. I hope to settle out of court and pay any fines, and if they decide not to I will attend the court and plead guilty and explain how sorry I am even if they do charge me. Currently I am unsure what to do from here. They did not reply to my initial email. Should I be contacting the Investigations, Appeals and Proecutions team? Should I plead guilty on the court letters I have recieved as soon as possible? What exactly is Byelaw 17(1)? will I be getting a criminal record, what are my possible outcomes? I assume worst case is I get a criminal record, and best case is I settle out of court, but are there any other outcomes? How much will any kind of record hinder my career, what kind of checks are done? Thank you for taking the time to read and any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi There, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a situation that involves myself and my x partner. I will try explain this as best as I can. I had been with my partner nearly 5 years when are relationship had broken down. We have two children together aged 2, 5 and did live in rented accommodation. When we separated it was mutual and was not messy, part of the separation was my job I work away and long hours. We separated two years ago and she like any single mother claimed benefits for herself. As a good father I would visit my children as often as I could, I would stay over sometimes and while I was home spend as much time as I could with them, as I am still very good friends with the mother we in regular contact. Both myself and my x partner are both still single. When I am not working away my place of rest is my mothers. -She pays council tax -She pays housing rate -She pays her shopping -I provide maintenance money Two weeks ago she had a meeting (interview under caution) with the DWP who had two (investigators) grill her for over an hour about her personal situation, rather nasty and rude but she explained the truth that I am actively involved and do visit the children to this I did not think they liked as the sort of wanted her to confess to something! It turns out that the evidence was based on a data match as they had the following documents of mine at her house: -Bank Letter -Sky Bill -Phone bill **These had been setup whilst I was living there and simply had never changed.** Car finance document. The car finance document was harder for her to explain, as most of my mail was still at my x partners when we split up they would only consider financing me against an address with some form of history, So i used my x address for this. Funny they did not mention her sending me money which she often does if she cant get to the shops for food she will send money and ask me to get these items. (But i assume they never had her bank statments) After the interview they demanded to know my parents address, she did not know it fully as she moved from say Liverpool to Manchester but drew them the address on paper they also wanted my employer details which she said she did not know.. She collected the kids back from me in tears and scared that she had done something wrong, she still is in fear and now not eating! said it was like they where not happy with my answers (i assume it was not what they wanted to hear and gave them nothing to go off) The interviewer who had seen her wanted information on me, I went to the job centre hours later and spoke to him, he immediately wanted to take me into a private room which I agreed. He was scared of me as naturally I deal with people for a living I led the conversation in which he would give no comment, my objectives to speak to him where originally to give me my details but when I could see how rude and sneaky he was I gave him the no comment and the interview quickly broke down and I left. Today they visited my parents and questioned them, as my parents both hold professional jobs connected in some way to the government they told them the truth. I stay at the house, I have a room, I pay board and I have lived on off there since 2002, I can be there one night and then away and then back there days later there Is no pattern. My parents quite rightly have given me an earful as they feat they may be involved now as they hold professional jobs they no longer will speak to the DWP. They offered to show them my room etc.. but they declined? This leads me on two my bigger questions and to see if anyone can help me? From the above and visits to parents house, as this claim is against my partner not me (they must have little to go off from what she told them at the interview) 1) Is this legal (my personal rights and family) 2) Is visiting my parents legal 3) The issue is with me rather than my x partner why cant they deal with me? 4) I hold a professional position with a company and I fear that them asking or poking around could somewhat possibly lead me out of a job! I I am at the point where I will pay to look after her, if it means I can see my children. She is that scared she has begged me that she wants to come off the benefits and can I pay for her, which is madness as much as I want to help her I have my own life to live! Can anyone help shed some light on this situation and advise me how I should move forward with this? Many thanks!
  6. Hi there. I'm absolutely gutted I got this through for such a stupid mistake. I have just received a Single Justice Procedure notice and panicking greatly. It says I have 21 days to plead guilty or not guilty. That you on [DATE OF OFFENCE] did enter a compulsory ticket area without having with you a valid ticket. Contrary to Byelaw 17(1) of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws made under paragraph 26 of Schedule 11 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and confirmed under section 67 of the Transport Act 1962. On [DATE OF OFFENCE] I attempted to travel from home station to work. At 7:55am he produced a TfL 60+ London Free travel Pass, that did not belong to him. He was not entitled to use the pass and it was invalid for travel. He stated it belonged to his father and admitted it was not the first occasion he had used it. They want £225 + £4.90. The summary statement has plenty of inaccuracies including my and and address that he said he confirmed ITAL but couldn't have as I gave him my driving license. That I walked away from the station when I re-entered with my bank card. Also, that he confirmed everything with me but didn't as the statement provided did not match the conversation or my details. Obviously I'm incredibly sorry and was a very stupid mistake. When I go out with my parents, I hold their oyster card so they don't have to rummage through their wallet or bag. On this occasion, I didn't give it back to him and mistakenly was then using for what I thought was a couple of weeks. As this was back in July, I called up several times to try and sort it and even my dad called up to get his oyster card back and they said nothing was logged against the card. I'll be gutted if i get a conviction as I'm in the process of looking for a property, will be visiting friends in America next year, was very stressed at the time due to work and a kidney condition getting worse and after the event receiving mental support for anxiety. I'm worried this will affect all of the above and negatively affect my mental health after just making progress. Any help on the best way to approach settling out of court would be appreciated. I'm happy to pay costs as I was incorrectly using it for what I think was a couple of weeks but a criminal conviction will hurt me in many ways. Thanks for reading.
  7. Hello. In late 2017 I was given a ccj from a short term/ payday loan company. I rolled over the loan once and it stood at just over 600, its now at 750 as a ccj When I got the loan I was quite unwell, unable to afford it and suffering from Paranoid schizophrenia, andxiety and depression, unable to work due to my illness. Just before the CCJ was in court I was unable to go to court as I was under section in hospital receiving treatment for a severe attack, I could not of known I had received a court date or have went to it to challenge it, I did however get someone later after I had visited home and found out about it to call up and explain. As I recall they said they couldn't do anything. I am just wondering if there is a way to challenge this?, as I am doing much better now and would like some credit to get my life back on track, but with a ccj this is very difficult. Thanks in advance
  8. Not sure where to post this so will try here. I was expecting a time sensitive document to be sent to me by the 28th of this month and it still hasnt arrived. The company sending it claimed it was printed and posted 1st class on the 29th and therfore they had complied with the requirements to issue document. Now, can I use the GDPR to ask for a copy of the metadata for this document to see if it was indeed sent out in time ( should show date doc created and then printed) as this solely relates to that document and can identify the document as being my data when it is processed so not anonymous or general. If so how should the data be sent as the old DPA stated it should be legible and easily understood or notes of explanation included. Your opinions please
  9. Hi everyone. We've had a motor trade policy for 5 years now. 10 days before renewal this year, the insurer flagged up 4 vehicles we've had for a while, and wanted proof of ownership and V5s. I neglected to send these when requested. Over the next few days, they started sending me emails regarding renewal, and that the policy will auto renew. The policy autorenewed, but I know they always want proof of trading (ie. recent invoices) and driving licences. I could see emails coming through, that we had X days to send these documents. In all this, I understood that the deadline for the documents for the renewal was 5pm on the 25th May. I sent the proofs of trading and driving licences, and said in my email "Here are the documents for renewal", and asked to confirm some details about cover. The lady answered my email, but didn't mention those previous proofs of OWNERSHIP of the other vehicles. I assumed those were for the past policy (same insurer). I carried on as normal, awaiting the insurance certificate. It never came, and the following Thursday 31st May (almost a week later) I called them at 4pm to chase it up. I was then informed that insurance had been cancelled due to not providing those proofs of ownership. I'd never gotten so much as a courtesy email informing me of this, and had been driving uninsured for a week. They said if I sent them, they would see about insuring me again. As it was late, they called me the following day (1st June) to say they could cover me, but that since it's a new month, the premium is now £450 more. They wouldn't budge. AND I now have a cancelled policy in my history, bumping up my premiums. Now my question is, all the policies so far were under our Ltd company which is being closed down. Obviously on the schedule of fact it was "Mr X and Miss X (XXX Ltd)" and the account payer for the insurance (on their docs) is "XXX Ltd". We are no longer trading under that Ltd company, we are now a partnership. So when we're asked have you ever had a policy cancelled, what do we say? Legally, if I say no, since the cancelled policy was under a Ltd company, am I covered? Thank you.
  10. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me...? I bought some composite garden decking with a 10 year guarantee 3 years ago, had it fitted and all was fine. Now it is cracking and some has collapsed, it isn't due to how it was fitted it is due to the quality of the product. I have contacted the company I bought it from who have agreed under the guarantee to replace the failing boards but what are my rights because the boards are in the middle of the decking I will have to have someone take up at least half of the decking to replace the boards and there will also be a clear colour difference. Before I get back to them I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or knowledge if this was a satisfactory response? Thanks!
  11. I am posting on behalf of a neighbour, not sure if anyone can help here as its beyond me. Husband and wife window company, based at home. They were both working in the business until 3 years ago. Sadly their youngest child was born very ill and she was doing less and less and less work. They claimed carers allowance and took on a part time bookkeeper. The wife hours were reduced and the wages dropped to reflect this. Last year, the accountant upped her wages to be above the threshold and for 10 months they have been claiming illegally. They were not aware of this as the accountant doesn't send weekly wage slips and the wage is more of an entry into the books rather than an actual sum paid into an account each week/month. The accountant has told them that he knew about the benefits and forgot. He refuses to put this in writing! As a layman it seems that they are very naive, trusted an accountant and landed themselves in hot water without going out to defraud the system. Anyone have any advice and able to recommend a specialist solicitor?
  12. Government could pay out more than £1bn due to benefits 'shambles' The government could pay out more than £1bn in back payments after finding out that tens of thousands of people claiming sickness and disability benefits have been underpaid. Due to a "historic error" at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), 180,000 people claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) have been underpaid and may be owed an average of £5,000 each. The blunders date back to between 2011 and 2014, when claimants were switched over from incapacity benefit. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/government-could-pay-more-1bn-due-benefits-blunder-152800162.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/government-owes-more-1-5bn-152323666.html
  13. Grading under review for Westmoreland Supported Housing Limited READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grading-under-review-for-westmoreland-supported-housing-limited
  14. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Iresa and its compliance with its obligations under its gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-iresa-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-its-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-slcs-14-233-234-25c-slc-0-october-2017-275-278-2716-and-chsr-2008
  15. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Ovo and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-ovo-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-31a-and-25c-slc-0-october-2017
  16. Hello Everyone, I wish to sue an organization under the Equality Act I have not suffered financial loss so I don't know if I can use the Money Claim Online (MCOL) I want the organization to change their procedure, and maybe compensation for injury to feelings If I can't use the MCOL, then where do I go Also, how do I quantify the compensation? Thanks
  17. What exactly happens under Universal Credit if you work part time, are you still expected to attend fortnightly signing so if I were working lets say 24 hours per week under UC, would I still have to go to the JCP each fortnight to make a declaration ?
  18. 3 months ago, I hired a plumber to fit my new bathroom. We agreed it would cost £2000 for the labour. I wanted to pay a deposit on my credit card to get s75 consumer credit act protection, but he told me he did not have the credit card machine with him and he would bring it another day. During the work, problems arose, but was assured by the plumber he would deal with it- but he never did. The tiling was not flat and the shower door hadn’t been fixed correctly. He finally brought his credit card machine the day before he finished and I paid £100 on my card. On his last day the plumber demanded that he be paid as he would come back on Monday to fix the problems, but he never turned up and he has since closed down the company. I contacted my credit card provider, Natwest, to make a s75 claim and they declined it. They said that the three-party relationship with Natwest, me and the plumber, had not been established before the work began and that because I had known about the defects before I made a payment on my credit card, that to would invalidate s75 claim! However, my understanding is that if I pay for any part of a bill (for a service or goods) with my credit card, I would be covered. The legislation does not state when the payment needs to be paid, only that it can be for any part of the bill. But the point is I wanted to pay for the builder on day one of the works to get s75 protection, but because he was so slow in bringing his credit card machine to me, it was significantly delayed. Also, how would this be different to say another person in the same situation agreeing to only pay after all the work had been done and on the last day the plumber demands to be paid and promises to come back the following day to rectify the mistakes, and he doesn’t as he goes bust? Surely there would still be s75 protection? I think this is really unfair. Does anyone have any advice on this? Many thanks
  19. Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some help on this I have a property that is let out (with permission from my mortgage provider) while I have been working abroad. The mortgage provider has my correspondence address on file. The management company for my estate charges me an annual fee. I've been late paying this before so I signed up to their online account so I can track it online, which is easier for me. In September 2015, they emailed me saying that they were moving to a paperless solution and would be emailing invoices and other correspondence from October 2015. I did not receive an email and forgot about it until Jan 2017 when I got an email requesting payment for 2017 charges and promptly paid. I picked up my mail from my rented out property August 2017 (most of my mail is redirected but some slips through occasionally) to find a letter from my mortgage provider stating that a charge of approx £720 was added to my mortgage in respect of late rentcharges. This letter was dated June 2016 but they sent it to the address I have let and not my correspondence address so I did not get it at the time. I have received letters from them before and after this date to the correct address. I went back through more mail to find that PDC had sent me letters chasing the management company's invoice (that I did not receive). A quick summary (all these letters went to old address so I only got them in August 2017): early Feb 2016 - management company sent "final demand" letter for payment (not paperless!) (approx £150) late Feb 16 - PDC wrote asking for £370 and including a form asking me to authorise them to take it from my mortgage provider early March 16 - PDC wrote again asking for payment mid March 16 (10 days later) - PDC wrote again stating Section 121 and asking for payment of £720 to avoid legal proceedings. They sent this to my mortgage provider too late March 16 - Mortgage provider writes to me (at wrong address) saying PDC alleges arrears of £720 stating that they won't take action unless they get evidence that PDC can take forfeiture action early June 16 - Mortgage provider writes (to wrong address) to inform me that £720 has been added to my mortgage I called mortgage provider and they told me that PDC provided "evidence" of a CCJ against me in April 2016 and that is why they paid. I checked my credit file recently and no CCJ has been recorded. I also never received a letter from PDC after mid March. I've seen other posts about PDC on this forum but most people were able to stop action before they went to the mortgage company. I'm looking for advice on what I can do now to get those funds back from PDC. I have also filed a complaint against mortgage provider for not writing to my correct address.
  20. Hi, I wonder if anyone could advise me here on my next step as I am disgusted by the service I have received from Samsung. I bought a Samsung 8+ from carphone warehouse around 4 month ago for over £800 all of a sudden the volume button jammed, I did not drop it or anything, it just stopped working all of a sudden. I took the phone into my local repair centre who said it would be £40 to fix, but as it is still under warranty to contact Samsung and get it repaired for nothing. This is where the problems started. Firstly they send a courier round to pick the phone up and it does not go to Samsung, it goes to a company they use called Anovo which is based in Norwich. I then get a email a week later saying the repair is not covered under warranty and so it will be £63 to repair, press accept or decline, if you decline the phone will be sent back to you within 48 hours un-repaired. They also sent numerous emails out with mine to others as I got them all, saying the same thing to other customers and the same price to fix. I got a little suspicious with this and googled their name and I have never seen such disgusting reviews for a company in my life. The accusations are constant, saying it's not a problem thats covered under warranty and then people refusing to pay, taking it elsewhere and finding out it is a phone problem, so a blatant attempt at [problem]ming people. Some saying they invented repairs like smashed screens in transit, people refusing to pay and the phone coming back with no crack at all. Phones not been returned at all and Samsung or the company refusing to answer them. Repairs paid for and then returned and the work not being done, phones coming back in a worst state than they were sent, the list is endless with 90% of people giving them 1 star. Google anovo phone repairs and you will see. I obviously refused to pay and asked for my phone to be sent back, this was a week ago and after the promise of 48 hours I got in touch with Samsung through message on Facebook, they have stated my phone is still at the centre !! I then went back to the reviews and a lot of people stated they were waiting weeks or it never came back at all. The reviews also stated they do not answer their phone, I tested this theory out and its true, I have rung numerous times with no answer, Samsung say they can't do anything, even though they told me to use them. Although its only a week, after reading the reviews I have a real fear this phone will be there for weeks/months or I may not get it back at all and if I do it will be worse than when I sent it. I cannot go without a phone for weeks on end, I should not have to. This phone is under warranty and they refuse to fix it, they are keeping hold of the phone for no reason as its still there a week after me demanding they send it back, they refuse to answer the phone, Samsung wont do anything, if it was under contract id cancel my payment, but I bought it outright. Is there anything I can do at this stage? Also what would be the course of action if this phone does take weeks or does not come back at all? Thank you for any advice on this, I am done trying to get help from Samsung and can't get in touch with the repair centre. Paul
  21. Hello everyone , today I signed on after being layed off on Monday . It was all going well until they asked for my email address & I asked " why " . They explained they need it for my registration to UJM , I declined immediately the oh so previously nice " coach " told me if I refused I would be " in here every day showing your job search " . It didn't matter that an agency had called me mid interview for a possible position & I had asked if it was ok to take the call , she seemed happy that I was obviously already putting my self out there & getting possible bites for employment but I digress. The fact she was so quick to threaten me upon my temerity of questioning her was the key to a realisation that this is not all it seems . I am claiming JSA & Housing benefit & not on the all in one UJM . Being told I will obey will never sit well with me from what I have already gathered this is nothing more than a processing / spy centre . It has been many many years since I last needed help from the state & I am shocked , dismayed & even angry at the Orwellian attitude . Sorry for the long rant but I am very angry at the so called system . My questions are Am I legally obligated to open the UJM account ? Do I legally have to give them access [ this sent 2 " coaches " into beast mode but still no definitive answer ] I was asked if I had a CV , I was asked half a dozen times in fact . I stated I am more than capable of doing my own CV , adjusting it for various positions but still they would not let it go so that tells me they want a copy , am I legally obliged to give them a copy or have one on this UJM account. Lastly , I need a survival guide to my legal rights on this . Once again , sorry for the ramble but I wont be bullied or treated like a sub human because I have been put out of work but I need the benefits to survive . I can see this being harder than actually working. Thanks in advance for any help & advice . Freddy PS .......... " Coaches !!! " , where do they dream this nonsense up
  22. hii i have been caught in john lewis store for shoplifting of £42 been stopped by security and they had called police was told will be called by one of the colleague i had a called and been interview under caution was having no idea about that yesterday had interview but was not aware of all this i had admitted that i had done it as i did it so dont want to get a penalty and a note: i had been caught shoplifting before and had paid a penalty as dont want to risk it but i m being destressed after this so kindly need your help like how much time for investigate and what's the result type thanks
  23. Hi All, Just want some advise on where I stand from a consumer side of things, I purchased a HooverDXCC5962B_BK Washer Dryer in Black from AO on the 01/04/2017 for when we moved into our first home and last week it came up with a heat sensor error code (E11.) It washes but no longer dries (luckily I kept our old dryer in the shed so have been able to dry larger items) I made AO aware about a week ago of the issue and they passed me onto Hoover, so I dealt with Hoover and they sent someone out yesterday to repair the machine. He turned up on time (always nice these days) and replaced the sensor in about 15 minutes, so assuming it was all sorted he left. My partner then put a wash and dry load on before she left the house, on arriving back the error code was still there So back on the phone to AO who this time didn't automatically put me through to Hoover as it was out of their opening hours and I was told I would have to wait for her to call Hoover in the morning to arrange another appointment to have it repaired, I said that's fine and we agreed an appointment. I then asked what happens if this second repair doesn't work where do I stand as I don't want to be waiting days at a time for an appointment as I can't take any time off of work and my partner works shifts so timed / all day appointments can be a bit tricky, I was told that I would have to have Hoover out a "few" times to try and repair it if the previous repairs don't work. In legal / consumer terms what would be considered a "few" times before I can ask them to just replace it as it obviously isn't fit for it's purpose ? It wasn't a cheap machine and I don't want to be passed around in the middle of the two companies trying to get it sorted. Thanks in advance.
  24. It is a bit of a long story so I will stick to the main issue: I requested a charge back from Nationwide within the correct time scale. Each time I wrote to them I sent it recorded delivery. The first letter, was signed for but not answered, so I complained. They asked me to send the full complaint again, which I did. They then said they would reply within a set time scale. They did not. They then said once again, they would reply within a set time scale. ( 3months now passed) They did not, so I issued county court small claim against them. This morning, I have a letter saying 'sorry', but as I now have issued a Small Claim against them, they are cancelling my claim for 'charge back under Section 75'. Can they do this? Surely it is my prerogative to pursue them both directly and through the court. Is there any reason why I cannot insist they deal with my claim under Section 75 whilst awaiting for the small claim to take it's course? Hope I am making sense.
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