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  1. Hi all, so this is an interesting one, I joined a gym.. locally.. online.. they had a separate finance firm ‘Debit Finance Collections’’, and it’s a local trust gym.. to cut a long story short, just after joining I went on a course at work and was out of the area for a while and pretty busy, when I got back I realised I just wouldn’t have time to use the gym and to be honest there’s one closer to my work which is better placed.. I called up DFC (bearing in mind I haven’t set foot in the gym, picked up my card, had a letter.. nothing..) and that was when I was told, as I was two days over my cooling off period, I’d have to pay the full £450+ cancellation charge... I did try and reason but no dice.. I then contacted the gym as they do have the power to allow you to cancel early.. aaand again ‘sorry sir but our terms state that outside the cooling off period you owe the full years fees’.. now, as I’ve never been picked the card up, been in there or actually had any service at this point, I’m tempted to cancel the DD, speak to the finance company and say it had been set up fraudulently / mistakenly by someone else.. and deal with it like that.. or is there a better and more legal option? I don’t want to affect my credit rating or have DCA’s chasing me so any advice would be appreciated.. my contact with Debit Finance Collections has only been a quick call where they told me I couldn’t cancel.. below is the terms from my one email confirmation, thanks in advance!: “email Terms & Conditions Definitions: Service Provider = "we", "us" or "our"; Customer = "you"; Debit Finance Collections Plc = "DFC" Terms of your Contract PERIOD OF COMMITMENT -You are agreeing to subscribe monthly for the services provided by the Service Provider and contracting to remain a subscriber for the minimum period of the contract ("Minimum Period"). -Once you have completed the minimum number of Direct Debit payments we will automatically continue to collect the agreed Direct Debit payment amount on the frequency chosen at the time of setting up the Direct Debit Instruction. Your contract will continue until terminated in accordance with these provisions. -You may cancel the automatic renewal of this contract at any time by providing at least 1 Months notice in writing or by e-mail ([email protected]) to the Service Provider or to DFC. COOLING OFF PERIOD -This contract commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this contract. You have 14 full days after signup to cancel this contract for any reason. To exercise this right, you must inform us of this by post, email or telephone using the details provided. Alternatively, you can notify DFC in writing or by email to [email protected].. If you exercise this right to cancel, we will reimburse you all joining and subscription fee payments received from you using the same means of payment you used for the initial transaction. If you have used the service before requesting to cancel, then we will reduce your subscription fee refund by a pro rata amount equal to the number of days from signup to the date cancellation was requested. -Your subscription starts immediately. -You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges extended to you for the type of subscription chosen. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, LIMITED RIGHTS TO CANCEL -During the Minimum Period you may cancel the contract only: 1. If we fail to maintain the standard of service you would reasonably expect. 2. If we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably resulting in you being subsequently being unable to access the services. 3. If you develop a medical condition which prevents you from using the services on an ongoing basis. An appropriate medical practitioner must provide written evidence that this is so. * 4. If you move away from the area by a distance which we consider, at our sole discretion, to be too far to travel to the services for regular use. We shall require evidence that such a move has taken place. * 5. If you lose your employment and are subsequently unable to keep up your repayments under this contract. You must produce documentary evidence and we may, at our discretion, suspend your payments for two months. We will then review your financial situation with you. * 6. If you become pregnant. You must produce documentary evidence and we may, at our discretion, suspend payments for three months. We will then review your situation with you. * PLEASE NOTE: points 3-6 require documentation, this can only be accepted from the date of receipt. TERMINATION PAYMENT FOR EARLY CANCELLATION -If you cancel your subscription during the Minimum Period, other than in the circumstances set out above, we shall be entitled to a termination payment ("Termination Payment"). -The Termination Payment will be the total of: 1. Any arrears; 2. Any accumulated late payment charges that have been or will be incurred; and 3. The monthly subscriptions that would otherwise have fallen due before the end of the Minimum Period. -You will be given credit for early payment, and this will be in the form of a discount applied against the total that you have to pay. For details of how the discount is calculated, please contact DFC. MISSING PAYMENTS -If you miss two payments, you will be deemed to have breached your contract. GIVING NOTICE TO CANCEL -DFC will continue to collect your monthly subscription after the Minimum Period. Should you not wish to continue subscribing after the Minimum Period, you must give notice to cancel the contract at least 1 calendar month before the final payment of the minimum period. If you wish to cancel the contract at any time after the Minimum Period, you must give at least 1 calendar months notice. The notice should be in writing or by e-mail ([email protected]) and sent to the Service Provider or DFC. COLLECTING YOUR MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS -DFC is our agent for the collection of your monthly subscriptions. DFC will collect your subscription monthly in advance on our behalf by Direct Debit. -If you fail to make a payment on time, you will incur the following charges: 1. Fail to pay the subscription on the due date £15.00. 2. Fail to pay the missed subscription within 7 days of the date of a reminder correspondence £30.00. 3. Fail to pay the arrears and accrued charges within 7 days of the date of a Final Notice £45.00. - Late payment charges become payable immediately when they are incurred. -Other Charges include: 1. Payment other than by Direct Debit £5.00. 2. Any cheque returned unpaid by your bank £10.00. -DFC is also our agent for serving notice and collecting any Termination Payment which becomes due. Any notice served on you in accordance with the terms of this contract, will be deemed to have been delivered to you the next day after it is despatched by us, or our agent. -If you would like to make a complaint with the service you have received from DFC, this should be in writing or by e-mail to ([email protected]). You may also request a copy of our complaints handling policy. If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than 30 days, then we may pass the debt to a third party company for collection. The costs incurred in employing the third party company will be borne by you including the costs in tracing you should you have changed address without telling us. PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION We take great care to ensure that any information we hold about you is kept safe and secure. This section explains how and why the Service Provider and DFC use your personal information. The Service Provider and DFC need to collect and process personal information in order to be able to provide you with the services. The personal information required includes: - your personal details (such as your name, address, date of birth, telephone number and email) - financial information (such as bank account details) - medical information (which is provided to the Service Provider) - ethnicity (which is provided to the Service Provider, but which is completely optional) Your details and financial information DFC requires this information in order to collect and process payments. It will also use the information for related purposes, e.g. keeping records of financial transactions for a number of years (as required by law and the Direct Debit Indemnity) or to pursue unpaid debts. DFC may anonymise and aggregate data (so that it no longer identifies you) and then use it for analysis and reporting purposes. Some of the information DFC collects and processes will also be shared with the Service Provider (e.g. details of a missed payment) Medical information In order to take out a subscription the Service Provider needs to know a bit about your health and any conditions or injuries you suffer from (this is to make sure that you can make use of the services safely and without risking injury). When subscribing via DFC's online portal you will be asked to provide certain sensitive personal data about your medical history. This information is provided on the basis of your consent, and you do not have to provide it. However, if you choose not to then the Service Provider won't be able to provide you with its services (e.g. gym membership). If you do decide to provide this information it will be sent to the Service Provider (DFC will not store or have access to it). You can, of course, withdraw your consent to our using this sensitive personal data whenever you wish. However, by withdrawing your consent you will also be cancelling your contract with the Service Provider (as it will no longer be able to provide you with our services). If this cancellation takes place during the Minimum Period, you will be liable to make a Termination Payment (as set out above). The Service Provider will also be provided with details of your ethnicity (if you choose to provide this information). for its own equality monitoring.. This information is completely optional and there is no need to provide it (and it you can ask for it to be deleted at any time without consequence to you). For further information on how and why the Service Provider and DFC use your personal information, and details of your legal rights (including the right of access) please visit: Removed
  2. Hello all, apologies if this is repeating other posters, but just needed some reassurance or additional advice: I was sc@mmed via an Ebay/Paypal seller. I sold a bike to a buyer, the payment was requested as bank transfer, however the buyer suggested using PayPal and all I needed to provide was my email for him/her to deposit the money to my PayPal account. The money was deposited, the bike collected (I didn't ask for a collection receipt as it wasn't a courier I had arranged). I removed the money from my PayPal account, and thought everything was good. Two days later, PayPal indicate that the the person who deposited the money didn't receive the bike and the money will be paid back. Now I am missing a bike and my PayPal account is negative £900. I argued strongly with PayPal, explaining the details of my case, supplied the CRN, all conversations with the buyer, etc, but with absolutely no joy. I haven't had any formal communication from PayPal about paying the debt, however, this week I started receiving communications from Westcot (2per day at present). Their number is blocked and I am making a log of their calls. My question is, how do I know if PayPal have sold my debt, or have they just instructed to recover it on their behalf? If they have sold the debt, am I legally obliged to pay it back? In my eyes I don't have a debt and it was PayPal's decision to give the money back from the process of an obvious [problem]. I am quite happy to go to court as I believe PayPal are assisting and allowing fraudulent transactions to take place. It is apparent their security is flawed, and I would love to fight this, I'm just concerned that if PayPal sold the debt that they created then I am tied in to paying Westcot which clearly I don't want to do. Any advice on this would be very much appreciated. Clearly I haven't disclosed all details as its quite complex, but nonetheless I have been the victim of a this and PayPal facilitated this. Regards.
  3. I was on repayment plan with Uncle Buck paying £20.00/ Month and always on time, anything missed (3 payments already) now I received this email We have reviewed your account and currently our recommendation will be to either instruct an external debt collection agency to collect your outstanding debt or pass your details to an external litigation company who may instigate legal proceedings in the form of a County Court Judgement, Third Party Debt Order, Attachment of Earnings or Bailiff Enforcement. You will receive further communication about the course of action we intend to take within the next 7 days. We also have plenty of ways for you to make your missed payment. The fastest way you can do this, is by using one of the options below: Visit our payment portal here. Or login to your customer login portal here. Alternatively, you can telephone our automated payment line on 01959 543400 and choose option 2 and follow the instructions If you would prefer to speak to a member of the team, all you need to do is call us on 01959 543400 and choose option 3. We do not want to take this form of action, we would prefer you to speak to us and discuss a way forward so please contact us immediately. You can also provide us with a copy of your income and expenditure via our website. It’s so simple, just visit our Budget Planner page and once completed we will be in contact. “ Why they doing this if I was repaying? Outstanding 180.00£ no problems never with my payments
  4. My stepson left the house seven years ago. He had numerous debts. Since then I have had a long battle with various debt collection companies etc. I am sure you know what I mean constant telephone calls, letters etc. i actually won an out of court settlement with one company and have stopped all the rest sending letters or ringing. Today I got knock on the door. A man was there and stated he was from"RESOLVE". I asked to see his I.D which was refused. He then asked to speak to...............asking if he lived here. I simply stated it was none of his business and he was to remove himself from my property. If he did not I would ring the police. He then went to the house next door and started asking questions concerning my stepson etc. LOL my next door neighbour was not as polite as me and told him to Foxtrot Oscar. He then left the street. This came out of the blue. There was no threatening warning letter, no telephone calls. he would not even give the full name of the company. As any one had the same experience with this company? Secondly How do I make a complaint when I am not 100% which company it is.
  5. Hi im new to the forum I have recently stopped paying my loan, I recall the loan company sending me out my loan agreement and making me hand sign it in late 2016. If I was to do a CCA will they need to show the signed agreement?
  6. Hi All, I'm hoping someone can give me a steer on the correct course of action here. I "own" a leasehold property with an annual service charge of £150 payable annually in advance. I foolishly missed the payment in April this year and received an invoice for the payment due plus a "reminder fee" of £34, which i duly challenged in writing, accepting the original £150 was payable but asking where in my lease it states that the reminder fee is payable. I also requested a breakdown of the £34 fee as I believe it to be disproportionate. I received a response stating that this fee will not be waived but no breakdown and no reference to the clause in my lease that allows a reminder fee to be charged (I'm unable to find such a clause). I challenged again, stating I was happy to pay the outstanding balance, less the reminder fee unless they responded to my request for further information. I received no response but have today received a letter from Property Debt Collection Ltd, in respect of the outstanding amount of £150, plus the reminder fee of £34, plus another £80 admin fee, plus an additional £150 for PDC's instruction: a total of £414. My questions are: 1. Are any of these fees lawful 2. Should I contact PDC or the original management company and pay the outstanding balance of £150 whilst I challenge the remainder? 3. Is there a valid challenge or should I just suck it up and pay? 3. Is there some other action I should take? Any advice would be gratefully received... Many thanks
  7. Hello newbie here, My Husband & I have been dealing with a Debt Collection Agency SMD Credit Solutions Ltd since April to collect a Debt owed to our Company since November last year. A little background: We were owed £38k and the debt was in dispute by the company who owed us. This was construction industry dispute where we worked for contractor (2) who was working for main contractor (1). Main Contractor (1) refused to pay contractor (2) citing poor workmanship therefore contractor refused to pay us. So it was quite in depth but it was being dragged out and being a small company we needed to get a resolution. SMD cold called us but it just so happened we were in the process of looking for an agency after them phoning us everyday for weeks trying to persuade us to agree for them to take the debt on we agreed. We had lengthy discussions about the whole case and we were upfront about everything before we even agreed for them to take on the debt. We knew it wouldn't be straight forward so wanted someone who knew what they were doing. They wanted to charge £2000 + VAT for a reg fee but we simply couldn't afford that so they dropped it to £1000 + VAT payable in 2 instalments. After we agreed we sent them all documentation regarding the debt including invoices owed, purchase orders we received, emails and a report from the main contractor (1). Needless to say SMD were useless, they never answered or return our phone calls, they never returned or answered my emails. In their initial 'guarantee email' they claimed to keep you updated every step of the way and give you a full refund of the reg fee if they don't at least recover the cost of the reg fee. Eventually after quite a few weeks I was emailed and told that SMD had had to obtain legal advice on our behalf and had to pay out in excess of £3000 in order to do so. After weeks of getting nowhere and no answers SMD finally advised us in mid June to set up a meeting with Contractor 2 and main contractor 1 and thrash out what we could get paid. We advised them that we would look for an alternative agency who was specialised in Construction industry disputes and we would like our reg fee returned to which we received no reply and no refund. We then received the official In Administration letter from contractor (2), and I left a negative review on SMD company facebook page. Nothing defamatory or untrue just stating our disappointing experience and that I would not recommend them. Oh and I hope they don't keep telling people about their 100% success rate which is what they said to us. Today I get an email from them saying that unless I remove the comment they will charge us £10,000 (10 x the reg fee) plus the £4000 costs as per their T&C's. They claim we mispresented the debt by not telling about the report Can they do that? Sorry for the long post
  8. Hi, I moved into a new property on 31st March and despite trying many times to set up the electricity account in my name Bristol Energy just send bills rather than actually setting up payments! Yesterday I arrived home to a letter from Grosvenor headed: INTENT TO APPLY FOR WARRANT They are saying they will come with Police and Locksmiiths if I don't resolve this. I don't want a payment meter I just want a regular DD and a way to set up a payment plan. I suffer severe anxiety and now Im scared to go home and find baliffs and locksmiths entering my home. Any advice? The letter was dated the 10th but I only received it yesterday (posted the day before) will they have got a warrant already?
  9. Hi all, I am new to this forum so please forgive any mistakes. I am having an awful experience with the above companies. It all started with a service charge debt.. not very old..was due in December 2017 in advance for months Jan/Feb/March/April. Hands up.. I can never afford to pay in advance but have always paid by the end quarter month. In April 2018 received a letter from Property Debt Collection for the service charge (which obviously had no quibble with) but they had added excessive fees. £250 for the Managing Agent to instruct them and £350.00 for their initial letter to me (which contained land registry entries which imo a bit premature at this stage). I offered to pay the Managing agents the service charge and they flatly refused to deal with me saying I could now only deal with Property Debt Collection. I tried to pay Property Debt Collection the service charge debt, plus £250 for the Managing agents fee (ok.. it was late so that's my fine), but only a reasonable fee for their letter of initially £10 which I increased to £50.00. They flatly refused this saying they do not take part payments. I offered them this on more than one occasion and also went back to the managing agents... no joy To cut a very long story a bit shorter, it was passed to PDC Law (obviously related) who have taken me to the County Count Money Claims. It has gone through the process and it seems that the Judge has entered that I pay them £833.20. This is a lot more than I expected to pay as I sent the court a part admission and defence and acknowledgement of service etc within the timescales. I also sent him all evidence of me trying to pay and the various parties refusing payment. So today at the last final hour I gave in and as the Judge instructed rang PDC to pay them the money of £833.20 as on the Judgement for Claiment . I was in total shock when they refused to take this payment from me. They said they had issued a Section 146 Notice, on the 5th October, which I have not received (I run a business from home and every piece of post is logged in), they also said they had sent one to the Building Society. I said sobeit but this is what the Judge has ordered. I literally begged them to take the money as I said it was the last day for payment and the CCJ could then not be lifted in the usual way apparently. It appeared they were blackmailing with this as they said it would be if I paid them a sum of £2308.15 !! I have informed the Court about their refusal who said this was unusual and asked me to send this in to them in writing. I so worried about this. .. I have been dealing with this for my son and it appears that I have go him into a whole lot of trouble. Can any help please??
  10. I have a flat and owe ground rent and insurance charge the total outstanding was £597. Then the debt was passed on to PDC I offered them £60 per month but they refused it. The next thing I received from PDC is a court summons and the claim has escalated to £1882.59 within this amount is a PDC fee for £250 and another to PDC for £840. The balance is made up of Solicitor's fee £80 Court fee £115. Can someone please explain how can PDC charge £1090 which is almost double the original debt. Thank you all
  11. From the Guardian today. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/10/boot-out-bailiffs-debt-collection-councils-ethical-schemes HB
  12. Hi All, I enquired about a ticket for an event in Amsterdam last year through a Danish company, they sent me an invoice for 445euros and I decided not to go. They phoned me and resent the invoice to which I replied that I would not be attending. They sent me an email stating that if I didn't pay they would be offering the ticket to someone else and I responded saying its fine I am not coming. Then a year later I get a letter from a UK debt collection agency - is it just me or is this as ridiculous as it sounds? I tried to speak to them on the phone but they are ridiculous and seem to feel justified that I hadnt cancelled it in time and they were ok to pursue me.
  13. Hello...Had gas/electric supplied by Flow Energy until 6th May 2017 before switching to another company. Final bill issued by Flow Energy 13th June 2017 - advised they would take final d/d 14 days later. Have now received a letter on 2/5/18 from Allied Credit International Ltd from Glasgow stating that the amount is due. (Also, letter dated 23/4/18 but not received until 2/5/18). Have checked bank thoroughly and Flow Energy never took the final direct debit as they said they would at end of June 2017. Also never received any communication at any point from Flow Energy since that email in June 2017 when they advised they would take the final d/d at end of June 2017 i.e. no chase /reminder etc etc. Now concerned I have a DCA after me, and that credit score may be marked also They are just under the 12month rule on backbilling that I have read about on Ofcom website but unsure if Flow energy even agreed to that voluntary charter. Who do I speak to - Allied? But assuming they have just 'bought' the debt. Or do I contact Flow Energy and complain? I had no issue about payng it at the time but thought it had been paid and am annoyed to now have this thrown at me randomly nearly a year later - and especially having a DCA involved!! Any leg to stand on?!
  14. Anglia arrived to collect van under VT after paying 50% Letter from Motonovo Finance says nothing more to pay all upto date. All went well until drivers door would not shut. vehicle had no Mot Tax or Insurance. and was going on a low loader, said he couldn't bring low loader into close , but there was plenty of room. He already had a car onboard and was eager to get to auction, He had given me the yellow inspection sheet and yellow slip from log book. , He wanted them back now as he said he could'nt take vehicle as door wouldn't stay shut. I asked him to tie it to the adjourning side door which was an inch away from drivers door, but said no. Im left with the vehicle , whos responsibility is it now ? They said a few days ago they would talk to Motonovo and see if they could get a third party to pick it up. Who will pay for this. Started to collect on 3rd April its now 10th I opened the van door ok for him on arrival. . Van in good condition.:
  15. Not sure if this is the correct board to put this, sorry if not. I had a tenancy with a large Housing Association which ended 2 years ago and I left owing over £1K of arrears. The last 2 years I haven't heard anything from them (they knew my contact details so not sure why) and as such I just buried my head in the sand until now. They have passed my arrears to a bailiff company called Regional Collection Services based in Sunderland, who have added £390+VAT in costs to the arrears. I've contacted the Housing Association by email asking to set up a payment plan directly with them to clear the balance but they have said I need to contact RCS to set up a payment plan with them instead. Can they force me to contract with RCS? If I pay payments directly to the Housing Association do they have to accept them? I really don't want to deal with RCS nor do I want to pay them the extra £390+VAT either. RCS have sent me a letter but they haven't turned up on my doorstep yet but I expect they will soon. If I had the money available I would just pay it all off in one go directly to the Housing Association. Thanks for any help or guidance.
  16. Hi all, Had a persistent problem with multiple debt agencies over the last 4 years in particular constantly calling my mobile phone. Within a week of getting the number, I was getting debt collection agencies calling asking for a woman (obviously the numbers previous owner) as she owed just over a couple of hundred quid. I call them, tell them that they have the wrong number, they usually ignore the first time, 2nd or 3rd call usually stops the phone calls. UNTIL! The problem is, these blasted debt agencies seem to sell the debt, and I get a new debt collection agency contacting me yearly. Call them, get peace and quiet for half a year or so, debt gets sold, and back to square one again! Currently, it's PRA Group, who are enjoying literally riddling my voicemail inbox asking it to press option 1 (blocked the number on my phone). It's also making it a pain in the backside to filter through for genuine voicemails. Now to be quite frank, I'm sick and tired of having to call these companies to get some peace and quiet. And have not rung up the number as this will be another set of 2 or 3 phone calls to say get lost. As they say, time is money, and to be quite frank, it feels like I am being harassed now. I feel almost inclined to send in an invoice for my time dealing with this debt that has precisely nothing to do with me! It's become quite evident, that regardless of phone calls to get the debt collectors to stop calling, this will go on as long as I have the phone number due to the industry practice of selling the debts. My real question is, what kind of recourse do I have to get these to stop? Ultimately, this toxic asset needs to be written off before I'm left alone as far as I can tell. Surely they have to have some form of an onus to prove the person they are contacting is the debtor, before contacting? Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance! P.S. Just to add, changing my phone number is obviously the first idea, but in all fairness, why the hell should I have to?
  17. Hi guys. First time poster. Came into debt with PayPal. All my own doing. It was £1100 and I've since reduced it to £400. I'm stretched until pay day next month and appear short of options. Any advice? As they said debt collection agency may get involved, which probably worries me more than it should. Just hate having things like this unresolved. Thanks.
  18. The background: My son, in his first years insurance, had an accident (his fault) in May this year. His car was a write off and he was paid out. The broker (My Policy) called him (before the actual payout) and told him that he needed to get a new car within 21 days or the policy will be cancelled. I have checked this with the actual insurers T&C's - no mention of 21 days but does say it will be cancelled if not transferred to another vehicle. He said that was not in a position to get a new vehicle so they advised to cancel the policy. Fast forward to yesterday. He receives a 'demand' from the Insurance Collection Bureau for £90. He emailed My Policy to find out what this was about and they replied £40 cancellation fee + the ICB admin fee. The thing is they replied to his email within the hour and said they had listened to the recording of the call and he was made aware of the £40 charge - we have asked for a copy of this recording. Aside from this My Policy have never made any request for the funds, the last communication he had with them was the the above phone call. We have also asked for copies of all the requests for payment they have made. Anyone come across this scenario before.
  19. Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some help on this I have a property that is let out (with permission from my mortgage provider) while I have been working abroad. The mortgage provider has my correspondence address on file. The management company for my estate charges me an annual fee. I've been late paying this before so I signed up to their online account so I can track it online, which is easier for me. In September 2015, they emailed me saying that they were moving to a paperless solution and would be emailing invoices and other correspondence from October 2015. I did not receive an email and forgot about it until Jan 2017 when I got an email requesting payment for 2017 charges and promptly paid. I picked up my mail from my rented out property August 2017 (most of my mail is redirected but some slips through occasionally) to find a letter from my mortgage provider stating that a charge of approx £720 was added to my mortgage in respect of late rentcharges. This letter was dated June 2016 but they sent it to the address I have let and not my correspondence address so I did not get it at the time. I have received letters from them before and after this date to the correct address. I went back through more mail to find that PDC had sent me letters chasing the management company's invoice (that I did not receive). A quick summary (all these letters went to old address so I only got them in August 2017): early Feb 2016 - management company sent "final demand" letter for payment (not paperless!) (approx £150) late Feb 16 - PDC wrote asking for £370 and including a form asking me to authorise them to take it from my mortgage provider early March 16 - PDC wrote again asking for payment mid March 16 (10 days later) - PDC wrote again stating Section 121 and asking for payment of £720 to avoid legal proceedings. They sent this to my mortgage provider too late March 16 - Mortgage provider writes to me (at wrong address) saying PDC alleges arrears of £720 stating that they won't take action unless they get evidence that PDC can take forfeiture action early June 16 - Mortgage provider writes (to wrong address) to inform me that £720 has been added to my mortgage I called mortgage provider and they told me that PDC provided "evidence" of a CCJ against me in April 2016 and that is why they paid. I checked my credit file recently and no CCJ has been recorded. I also never received a letter from PDC after mid March. I've seen other posts about PDC on this forum but most people were able to stop action before they went to the mortgage company. I'm looking for advice on what I can do now to get those funds back from PDC. I have also filed a complaint against mortgage provider for not writing to my correct address.
  20. In 2011 whilst awaiting a redundancy payment from my previous employer I received a payment of £3600 into my bank account. As I had been waiting almost 6 months for my payout, I assumed this was some sort of interim payment and used it for living expenses as I was unemployed. After eventually receiving my full redundancy payment, it became clear that the initial £3600 payment was made in error by my previous employer. I arranged a payment plan and have dutifully paid this initially at a rate of £40 per month reducing to £20 per month when I submitted a new RFI due to a change in circumstances, ever since, In January this year, my previous employer changed their bank details without informing me and I was therefore unable to make payments. I had initially assumed that the problem was with my bank and even spoke to my previous employer regarding the matter in May, but they still didn’t inform me of any change of bank details. I heard nothing more until I recently received a letter from a debt collection agency for the recovery of the entire debt (£2000). I have contacted the sundry debts manager for my previous employer who has agreed to put the recovery action on hold until 28/9 and asked me to complete an RFI from. I have done this and offered to pay the full amount of missed payments and reinstate my £20 per month payments. They have stated that they now wish me to pay £40 per month and despite lots of emails back and forth are unwilling to accept anything less than this. I don’t want to incur any debt recovery charges but am incensed that it was their neglect to inform me of a change of bank details that caused this and now they are demanding a higher amount each month. Do I have any rights?
  21. Ok heres the deal. I signed up for a 3 month virgin active membership back around july, after one months use I wanted to cancel, they wouldnt agree and the idiot manager would not even agree to simply talk with me. I didn't use the gym in the last two months but they don't care and the contract doesn't of course. Arc debt collection has been dealing with me, I owed around £170 or something in total ive already paid £90 worth, maybe that was the wrong decision but I do not want to pay them the remainder. I've set loads of dates to pay and many I have not paid and we just rearrange one guy called saying the solicitors will get involved and court action if I do not pay, I do not want to pay them and i did not pay a payment recently. No doubt they will call me saying solicitor or court action will be taken. What should I do??? I know I should have came to this forum earlier. I do not want to pay these morons or go to court and be forced to pay this little amount and travel there since its out of london etc. ????
  22. My girlfriend and I went along to a trial session at a local fitness centre we had been told about. After the session, we sat down in the café and received a free (freshly ground) coffee as we discussed joining permanently with the trainer. The conversation was brief, 5 mins max. It involved an iPad on which she showed us the booking app they use and details of the different memberships. We opted for the couples membership at £88.20 per month (endorphin levels were sky high so this sounded like a great deal at the time) plus we get some free gear and a club-branded item of clothing of our choice, each. The club was only a few weeks old at the time, and it seemed like the trainer who was signing us up didn't know exactly how to navigate the sign-up procedure, but we got there in the end. We handed over personal details and my girlfriend gave her bank details for the direct debit to be taken out each month. We immediately had to pay a pro-rata fee of £67.62 for the first month (September), oh and a joining fee of £50 (!?). A few weeks later and reality hit, we were never going to get our moneys worth from this club and had only been a handful of times in the first couple of months (lets just blame it on our 'busy' lifestyle) We paid again at the beginning October but then my girlfriend finally rang up to cancel. This is when she gets told that actually she can't cancel the membership as (duh) we signed up to a 6-month contract. Instead, they suggested that 'we had joined for a reason why don't we just pop down and give it another go'. My girlfriend expressed her surprise at the fact that we were committed to anything, to which they told her all of the details were in her contract. She went on to ask for a copy of this contract, that she had never seen before. They did email her a copy of a black and white contract, which was filled in with her details and with all of the terms and conditions. It included our joining date and commitment period end date. At the bottom, there is an Application Declaration section, with signature boxes which were (obviously) blank, because this was the first time either of us had seen this contract. Page 2, there was a physical activity readiness questionnaire (blank with empty signature box) Page 3 was a copy of her direct debit (blank with empty signature boxes) She informed the club that she was cancelling her direct debit as these contracts they had sent were quite clearly unsigned by herself, and that she was never informed and/or agreed to the long-term contract. They never acknowledged this email. Fast forward a couple of months and she receives an email from a debt collection agency after a payment of £610.26. She rang this agency and told them the whole story. They agreed to put everything on hold and contact the club. The next day, she receives an email from the agency stating that they had contacted the club and they had been advised by their client, that we set up our membership via a tablet they handed to us, that we had agreed to tick and had agreed the terms and conditions in order to proceed. And that they had no written confirmation of us wishing to cancel our membership (bull****) Therefore they look forward to our payment (of which late fees had been added) Their t&c's actually say they may charge a fee of no more than £15 for failed direct debit payments and any unpaid fees referred to a debt collection agency will be subject to a charge of no more than £30? But that's besides the point. We/my gf were never told about the commitment period, and never signed anything. They sent us a copy of a completely blank contract. We're only 24/25 and have no experience of anything like this, do we just ride it out? Could we be caught out somewhere along the line, even with them having no signature? We've watched hours of Can't pay we'll take it away, should we expect to see ourselves on Channel 5 next year? Thanks in advance for any help. P.S. We never received our t-shirts.
  23. hi all i am writting this on behalf of my wife, she had a large debt with marks & spencer credit card just over £9000, she defaulted on payments and the debt was sold on to Moorcroft who aranged a repayment plan with her of £5 per month, all has been well for two years and now they want her to complete an expenditure form, i emailed them back saying they have no legal right to demand this and will not submit the inforation requested. the online payment facility keeps taking her to the expenditure form page and wont take the payment, their is no CCJ on the account,where does she go from here ? thanks in advance
  24. Hello everyone, Yesterday I received a Penalty charge note for a parking offence in Budapest in month of August 2016. It is about 6 month ago. The company which is representing the charge is called Euro Parking Collection Plc or epcplc.com I do remember visiting Budapest and staying for few days but I did always paid for my parking but unfortunately I do not have the parking pay and display proof after 6 months of time. They also send me a link for viewing pictures of my caddy parked in the street and had a penalty charge note placed under my wiper which I never found it. My question is if they are are any legal to present parking ticket 6 month old from a different state of Europe. The pictures they sent me does not show anywhere if I had parked there illegally. In one of the picture does show a parking pay and display ticked but up side down or printed side was turned by an accident. As I mentioned that I did went to Budapest but I paid parking where it was required and I also paid the motorway vignette. Shall I pay them, ignore them or file an appeal mentioning the pictures does not show if I was parked illegally. Please help as I really do not want to pay for something I believe is wrong. I have also noticed that the pictures are not on their website anymore.
  25. Hi there, Thank you all for considering my enquiry. I will try to keep it as to the point as possible. I have sought advice from many advice bodies and a couple of solicitors but I'm receiving conflicting information and a friend recommended I try here. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION I engaged a tradesperson for a range of works which were quoted at £1740. The tradesperson completed some of the works over 2 days. On the 3rd day, the tradesperson was late and sent an offensive message. Based on the offensive content of the message I refused to allow him onto my property further. He agreed to reduce fee based on works not completed. He offered a reduction of £240, total £1500, which I said was not fair based on the works left to complete. I paid a portion (£1240, 83%) of the fee, with a reduction of £500 from original quote of £1700 based on an average of 3 quotes from local providers for the remaining works. He returned the payment and engaged a debt collection agency. Debt collection agency has given 5 working days to pay full amount or they are taking me to court. Full description and timeline below. AMOUNTS Original invoice - £1740 Tradesperson offer after reduction - £1500 Amount we paid - £1240 Amount debt collection agency is seeking - £1500 + interest of £10.23 QUESTIONS 1. I have told the debt collection agency I dispute the debt. Is my best bet now just to wait until they start court process? 2. Am I correct in thinking, because of the amount in dispute (they want £1500, we paid £1240 which they returned, so effectively £260 in dispute), this will be considered as a small claims issue? 3. Were I to lose the dispute, I would be required to pay the £1500 + small amount of interest + court fee of £100-£200? So I wouldn't have to pay his legal costs or cost of using debt collector? 4. Would this type of issue (full details below) be likely to go to court? Or will it be considered on the basis of submissions? 5. Given we're talking so small amounts here, I am obviously wanting to maximise value from any legal advice. Would the best use of money on legal advice be to ask a solicitor who specialises in consumer issues to review my defence form, N9B? Thank you very much for any advice you can give. FULL TIMELINE & DESCRIPTION 28th Jan - Having found a tradesperson through an online review site I asked for a quote for some work on my property. They emailed a quote of £1740 (I'll round the figures for ease of reading). 30th Jan - I phoned the company and asked them to start work as soon as possible. 7th Feb - Tradesperson started work on the property. 8th Feb - Tradesperson attended the property. 9th Feb - Tradesperson doesn't show in the morning. I ask where they are and am told they'll be there later. After I have asked when they will arrive, I receive a 'pocket call' with a recording of the tradesperson where he calls *somebody* a 'f-ing bird, b-tching about when tradesperson will arrive'. We speak on the phone where he considers the situation a joke and calls me a 'b-tch'. I say I don't want him on my property anymore and he agrees to discount the fee for the incomplete work. 13th Feb - Tradesperson confirms work left to be completed and offers discount of £200 (total £1540). 14th Feb - On the advice of the Equalities service I submit a formal letter of complaint about the comments which says that no matter who he was talking about I find the comments offensive on the basis they are about somebody of my gender which violates my dignity and creates a hostile environment. On the advice of Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) I say I do not consider discount fair for the work that is left to be completed and will be seeking to show market rate as part of negotiating process under the Consumer Rights Act. 17th Feb - Tradesperson apologises for comments and offers discount of £240 (total £1500). 25th Feb - On the advice of CAB I seek 3 quotes for the remaining work from local providers which show market rate to be £500. I offer tradesperson £1050. 3rd Mar - Tradesperson rejects offer and threatens debt collection if £1500 is not paid by 6th Mar. 4th Mar - I transfer £1240 (original invoice of £1740, minus £500 fair market rate) and say that is our final offer. 6th Mar - Tradesperson emails to say he will be returning the £1240 and engaging a debt collection agency to seek £1500 from us. 6th Mar - On the advice of CAB I send a formal letter questioning why he has engaged a debt collection agency when we have paid £1240. 11th Mar - I receive a letter from a debt collection agency demanding £1500 (plus interest of £10.23) to be paid within 5 working days, or they will begin court process. 13th Mar - I speak to debt collection agency who try to debate the merits of my dispute with me. I say we have not received any of our payment returned. They say it was sent Friday. I say I do not wish to discuss the issue with them and just wanted to check the address to correspond with, they end the conversation saying "see you in court". On the advice of the Debt Advice Line, I post a formal letter confirming my disputing the debt and evidencing previous correspondence.
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