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Found 4 results

  1. Since the age of 22 I have always had a Bank account, with loans and credit cards with miss sold PPI. The problem that I have in 2003 I cleared all my debts and paid of all my loans and moved abroad. Whilst abroad some trouble happened (third world country) and I needed to use the card for I think £3000 and bank account for £500. I did intend to pay it back but stupidly didn't as I didn't return to the UK until 2007. I checked my credit score and nothing had been registered. This is now some 11 years later. Now would there still be interest being added to these or would they freeze it. would they have sold on the debt????. I had some very expensive loans from my marriage and when I was single these were always all paid back. It wasn't even a stupid mistake withdrawing the money and I don't regret it. a young local girl had broke her leg and the family did not have the money to have the operation to repair it, so it was going to be amputated and the money prevented this from happening. So am I better off letting sleeping dogs lie or go for the PPI claims?
  2. Hi im new to the forum I have recently stopped paying my loan, I recall the loan company sending me out my loan agreement and making me hand sign it in late 2016. If I was to do a CCA will they need to show the signed agreement?
  3. Hi all have just got a new car through Motability lease and within 2 weeks have had at least 50 spam e-mails for all types of logbook loans. Love to know where these gutter scrapers get the info from had none before I got this car. dpick
  4. Same old story I'm afraid..... We had a loan via GE Money/Home lending for £5500 and had only managed to make a few payments on the account when i lost my job. We spoke to GE and advised them of the situation, that the problems were only temporary and that we would make arrangements for the arrears to be cleared as soon as possible. The call taker insisted we make a payment arrangement but as we were living off thin air I was unable to do this. I offered £5 a month token payment which was refused and advised i couldnt do anymore at the present time. The debt was subsequently sold to Link Financial and shortly after recieving a letter from them we received a very rude call from someone at link who advised me "We own the debt, you owe us £6600 (or thereabouts) can you make full payment now?" I advised that I didnt have £6600 knocking about and that we would be able to make a payment offer but was just advised "we'll be sending you court forms" and the call was ended by them. Duly the court forms arrived and unfortunately due to fighting repossession we did not attend the hearing. CCJ granted and now they are going for charging order THIS FRIDAY 12th (in a court 60 miles from our nearest court!) . How can i avoid a charging order? Postpone the hearing?? It is in our mortgage terms that if someone applies for second charge they can cancel the mortgage/sell our house!!! I have just started a new job and could not get the time off to attend. Any payment would have to be small due to arrears on water/elec/gas etc and we do not currently have the money to pay court fees to have set aside???
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