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  1. Evening All, I'm well on my way with letters and CCA requests etc but there is one that I could use a little advise with if possible please. I have an outstanding amount of £131 from and Argos card. I was paying this off at £1 a month through PayPlan. I stopped paying this about 6 months ago and has been passed to Moorcroft (I'm not sure if they bought it or if they are collecting). I have worked out that I have actually paid more than was what originally borrowed, the remaining debt is purely interest charges and late fees. Does anyone know if there's a good way to address this to Moorcroft/Argos to get the account closed/settled without having to pay anymore, as I've repaid more than the original amount? Many thanks in advance
  2. Hi folks, For the last few months Cabot has been sending me letters demanding that I contact them. As the failed to provide me with the CCA in 2016, I ignored them. Today I received a letter stating that they are instructing Moorcroft to arrange a visit to my home. I sent them the template CCA letter on 28th July 2016, and received a reply on 3rd August 2016 stating that they were unable to get the relevant documents, and acknowledging the 12 day limit. (I still have all the letters). Up until recently I have not had any communication with Cabot for the past 2 years. My question is there a template letter I can send and where do I stand?
  3. Hello again CAG, it's been too long! You'll be pleased to hear (I hope) that my own debt problems are now behind me, however I'm now looking for some help for my wife. She recently received a letter from Moorcroft regarding a Thames Water debt. Moorcroft state the amount outstanding is £692.48, and that they have asked their local representative to call on the 28th November. I would normally fire off a CCA request, however, as I understand it, Utility debts aren't covered by the CCA. What would you lovely CAGers recommend as my next step? We've talked about sorting her debts and she also has a mobile phone debt (currently with Resolvecall) and a Sky TV debt (which has allegedly been sold to Fresh Start Vanquis Bank). I would appreciate any advice you have to offer in dealing with these DCA's, as I have only ever dealt with debts that are covered by the CCA. Thank you in advance, regards, Wally.
  4. Hello all, I have had a long running issue with BT I have my broadband no problem paid by direct debit and with no issues, however when I renewed, because I was on a business line I asked to be changed to a standard domestic line long story short I was persuaded to keep the Business line with promises of any faults being pushed up the queue as businesses take priority and there was a free Samsung Tab E when renewing the contract so I said yes and away we go. So the twist is when I was renewing the contract they had my business listed completely wrong and for a completely different industry, I informed them of the error, and requested they change me details but they haven't, and then they started sending a separate bill for the tablet, I have rung them several times telling them the tablet was supposed to be a free gift, which they say it is but I have to pay for the sim card which is £8 per month, I complained again then relented and told them if I was going to keep the sim card which is not being used and has accrued no data usage as it is only used in the house by wife through the wi-fi, I wanted the correct business name applied so I could set up a direct debit through my business account, they did nothing except keep issuing the bills which I ignored assuming they had been told enough. now today I receive a letter from Moorcroft under the wrong company name demanding £365 for an £8 a month contract which lasts 2 years where do they get their figures from. So to the point what do I do to get rid of these idiots. And sorry for the long post Sorry just to clarify I still have the broadband with no arrears and no issues its only the separate tablet account that is an issue.
  5. Hi everyone, I need some advice on a credit card debt and a loan debt. I used to live in the UK but left in 2009. I have a credit card debt of £3000 and a loan debt of £11k. Both accounts are with Cabot Financial. I used to pay very little (between £1 and £10) towards the credit card debt, on and off over the past 9 years. I recently got a letter from Cabot saying that they instructed Moorcroft to arrange a visit at my home so that they can put me back in touch with Cabot. I have my address in Poland but am not really there very often. Regarding the bigger loan debt, I haven't been paying anything toward that account, I think, for at least 6 years and haven't communicated with Cabot about this debt. The question is, can any of these debts be cancelled? And what about Moorcroft in Poland? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  6. Dear Members I have read many threads on this particular company, history i have a MBNA debt £9517.49 STARTED 2010 DEFAULTED JAN 2012 debt passed as follows, i am paying Payplan and have done for over 6 years at present DEBT PASSED BETWEEN COMPANIES BELOW 8/6/2010 MBNA 2012 BRITANICA 8/2/2012 PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE 15/11/2012 ARROW GLOBAL 15/11/2012 MOORCROFT GROUP 06/10/2015 ARROW GLOBAL GROUP MOORCROFT GROUP 6/10/2015 MOORCROFT 9/6/2016 I telephoned MBNa they said they have no paperwork . i CCA them today and SAR. The debt has passed as above through several companies . I have sent a CCA to Moorcroft along with a GDPR article 15, sent 25th May 2018. Response form Moorcoft as attached They acknowledge receipt of GDPR and confirm they are just an agency I should contact Arrow global Guernsey, I have reported them to the ICO, they send me letters so they have my data. just received this attached in post today . Please see attached letter received today, notice they acknowledged my CCA, but clever wording, advice please thank you in advance caa moorcroft response 01.pdf
  7. I (and my now ex-husband) had a house repossessed back in 1998. There was negative equity of around 25k. I made a full and final settlement offer of 2.5k which was accepted in July 1999. It was paid and I had a letter confirming the debt was settled. I cannot find this letter. 19 years later with no contact from them whatsoever, both Halifax and Moorcroft write me letters. Moorcroft have asked me to pay 18k. Am I right in thinking that as no contact has been made for more than 12 years, that I do not have to pay? As iy was full and final anyway, surely yhay counts for something? Would Halifax have records which would have a copy of correspondence from back then?
  8. So I need some advice. Long story short, I was working for a small lettings agent. I was given a company car however the owner told me to take out personal car insurance, stating that he would pay the monthly direct debit. This was the case and I was working their for a couple of months until unforntualy I had an accident in the car making it a write off. I then had to claim on the insurance, the car was paid out, after that the owner decided he didn't want me to work their anymore. I then lost my job, the owner canceled the direct debit for the insurance which then, in turn, caused Direct Line to cancel the insurance. I then, however, started receiving letters from Direct line insurance stating that I owed the £1809.71 for the rest of the insurance premium as per the terms and conditions. I ignored these letters for months, however, I am now receiving letters from Moorcroft Debt recovery LTD who have been instructed by Direct Line insurance to collect this £1809.71. I need some advice asap, I am currently not in a situation where I can pay off this debt and to be honest I don't really want to.
  9. What has happened to them, I have an outstanding debt with Thames Utility that had been transferred to Moorcroft and I just want to pay it off, the website MDRL.CO.UK does not seem to be working - weird.
  10. Hi all - this is a split off from a more general thread where following your Cash Cow advice I have sent off many CCA's This is a RBS CC taken out in early 2005 - Balance around £700 Currently paying £1 to Moorcroft They acknowledge receipt of CCA but request "in line of their clients procedures" a hand signed request... they returned the old one for a signature.. The also ask the the PO gets made out to the client ( atm it just says xxx) On hold 30 days blah blah I gather this is all rubbish so what is my next move? Thanks again
  11. hi all i am writting this on behalf of my wife, she had a large debt with marks & spencer credit card just over £9000, she defaulted on payments and the debt was sold on to Moorcroft who aranged a repayment plan with her of £5 per month, all has been well for two years and now they want her to complete an expenditure form, i emailed them back saying they have no legal right to demand this and will not submit the inforation requested. the online payment facility keeps taking her to the expenditure form page and wont take the payment, their is no CCJ on the account,where does she go from here ? thanks in advance
  12. Hi all I have an old Halifax credit card account opened in 2001. For the last few years Cabot has been trying to collect on a balance of £2097.60. I sent a SAR to Halifax, they sent me back a mountain of paperwork from which i found that the last time I made a payment to them was in 2006. Statements continued to 2014. There was no mention in the paperwork of transferring ownership to Cabot. There was also a copy of the original CCA. For the first few years I was paying PPI and the outstanding balance is made up of a lot of fees. However it is my understanding that the account is too old to query this. I sent a CCA request to Cabot. They replied saying they couldn't find it and that collections would stop until they could produce one. They sent me an unsigned word processed doc which would have approximated the real one - is this legit? Moorcroft are now acting on cabot's behalf and threatening doorstep visits and phoning at 8am everyday. This account does not show on my credit file. Just wondering what anyone else would do in this situation - should I make a f+f offer to Cabot? Moorcroft? Any advice would be thankfully received.
  13. Hi, For over 10 years I am on DMP. I started with the company who was charging me a lot for just collecting my DDR and distributing them to my creditors. I have over £ 50k in debt and pay £240 pcm. As me and my husband are retired that money is very needy. I was thinking of stopping DDR and try to sort out the debt. Could anyone give me an advice where to start? If I stop DDR can the debtors put a default on my accounts? after receiving numerous phone call a day I got myself into DMP with stepchange; recently I have discovered consumer action group and I decided it is time for me to act . My plan expires in 2037 and I have already paid them more then they bough my debt for, my question is do I need to cancel direct debit first or I can send them a debt validation letter? did anyone have similar problem?
  14. New here, been reading some posts, but so much info, getting confused.. Well over 10 years ago, had 3 Credit Cards, 2 were with Barclaycard directly, another via another company, but at some point Barclaycard took that card over also... In the last 5 years at least have had a payment plan with Barclaycard with all 3 accounts, as I could no longer afford the monthly amounts along with interest, in Dec 2016 Barclaycard passed 2 of the accounts over to Link Financial, paying one at £50.00 a month the other at £100.00 which is what I was paying Barclaycard In June this year Barclaycard passed the last one to a Hoist Portfolio Holding Limited, who in turn immediately passed it to Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited I own £1866.75, was paying this at £53.00 every month to Barclaycard, they now sending Letters asking for payment/flexible approach etc What upsets me about all this, I've never missed a payment with Barclaycard, may be a date but doubled it with the next one, my bank account goes from Black one week to Red the next.. So have no spare cash to play around with, Barclaycard was getting their money back, just not quickly. Now have payment details with Moorcroft via account details, web page etc, not yet contacted them, but don't what to fall behind with them just to incur interest etc, so making the amount owed even more & will then take me even longer to pay off.. Can anyone please help me, not sure what to do...
  15. Last October my partner had heart surgery, as a result, income into the house was significantly reduced. I contacted Vanquis immediately to explain, and that I had the basic payment protection option and would like to activate a 6 month break. I was told that this was not going to happen as it wasn't me having the surgery and that it didn't effect me. How when the partners wage is the only income - no tax credits, nothing else. as a result I ended up behind with payments. Been trying to sort freezing interest etc out, but keep hitting a brick wall. Now they've sent it to Moorcroft, with loads of interest and fees on too. Since Moorcroft contacted me, Ive also had more statements off Vanquis too, so both are chasing, and Vanquis still adding more. Moorcroft have said they'll freeze my account for 30 days until I can get any information I need. can anyone give me advice please on steps. Do I go back straight to Vanquis, can I reclaim any charges or interest? I did ask them to cancel the repayment option when they told me it was useless in October, but they've left it running, costing an extra £50 a month. Thankyou in advance.
  16. To cut a very long story short, my husband and I have clawed our way out of debt over the years and now I at least have a decent credit rating again. However, there's one glitch on the horizon. We keep receiving letters from Moorcroft about an alleged debt belonging to their clients, Arrow Global. We CCA'd Moorcroft with the usual Postal Order. They sent this back, despite having filled it in so we can't cash it, stating that they have returned the debt back to Arrow Global. A few days later we received a letter from some solicitor acting on behalf of Arrow Global stating that our CCA request wasn't legal as my husband hadn't signed it. We are very reluctant to sign anything, so can we request the information over the phone? We have received several of these letters and have now received a notification that they are taking us to court. What can we do?
  17. I have two cases with LTSB which are quite complex so please bear with me. Case 1: LTSB credit card debt pre 2007 - CCJ obtained by defaul at Northampton in 2011. I intially defended and it went to a full hearing which I couldn't attend due to family issues and my ental state at the time. They sent some big-time lawyer to the case which added £4K to the CCJ bringing it to near £19K with no interest payable. Got a variation order and have been paying £50 a month since 2012 without missing a month. Debt now approx £16.5K. I got a leteer last week from Lloyds saying they are passing the debt on to Moorcroft to collect. Why would they do that? It's not like I'm going to pay Moorcroft over a Court order? I'll obviously ignore Moorcrap, but am wondering what Lloyds are doing here? this CCJ dosen't show on ANY of my credit files or trustonline but does exist - I phoned the relevant court to see if there's been any movement on the CCJ and there hasn't. LTSB contacted me back in 2014 to tell me that their solicitor has been changed and that the court has been infomed. Well the court knew nothing about that when I phoned them a couple of weeks back so wonder if I can use that in some way? Case 2 Loan with LTSB - CCJ obtained 2011 - not defended as post 2007 - going through a bad time as above. Had the CCJ varied to pay £25 per month which I've paid without fail since. Got a letter from Asset Link in early July this year saying that they have bought the debt from Lloyds. In the same envelope was a letter from Lloyds saying the same thing. Contacted the court [Northampton] to see if there was any movement and they said no, everything was the same as 2011. Well, on a whim a couple of weeks ago, I phoned them back again and was told that the claimant was now Asset Link and had been since 2011 I was on the phone for over an hour with this guy telling me that I had obviously made a mistake and that LTSB were NEVER claimants. Finally he found a note on the file which was a bulk order from a judge changing the claimant from LTSB to Asset Link on a lot of accounts - not just mine. If I hadn't contacted the court, I would have known nothing about this - surely some CPR has been broken here? I have also contacted Asset Link asking for the original credit agreement from LTSB and the current statement of my account. They replied saying it would take them up to 30 days to get the info - it's been over 50 days now so it looks like they don't have it. Their solicitors have also contacted me telling me it's important to keep up my regular payments to the new claimant. I'm sorely tempted to just give up on these two debts. The total is just over £20K and even paying £75 a month as I have been, will take me over 20 years to pay. I'm self employed on low income, don't drive and have little in the way of assets for bailiffs to seize and I rent my home - so in all honesty, what have I got to lose? If you need any letters posted up, just let me know. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any help and advice you give.
  18. Hi Firstly, those in debt finding it hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, don't be disheartened, it can be done. After 8 years, I am within 9 months of being debt free. however, this hasn't been without issues and I could do with some advice on what should be my last issue.... Sorry for the length, just don't know best course of action... thanks in advance for any help I defaulted on an Egg credit card, they sold the debt to Arc Europe. Barclaycard bought Egg. Barclaycard transferred the debt to Moorcroft. I have consistently paid the agreed monthly amount. However, during the transfer from Arc to Moorcroft 3 payments went to Arc totalling c£250. In July 2016, Moorcroft sent me a letter stating an incorrect outstanding balance, incorrect by the same c£250 exactly. In November 2016, I wrote the following to Moorcroft (names & reference no's excluded, and amounts rounded to avoid identification).. In reply to your letter dated dd/07/2016 stating the balance was £x. I disagree with this balance, my balance is £y. This represents a difference of c£250, which equates to monthly payments of £z. My account transferred from ARC to Moorcroft in September 2011. At this time, my balance with ARC was £6k, before my September 2011 payment. This is confirmed in your letter dated dd/10/2011. I am not aware of missing any payments, can you provide a full breakdown of the account including any interest or charges applied please? Today, I believe the balance is £a. I will not pay any additional balance until I receive a full breakdown of the account including any interest or charges applied. Please do provide a full breakdown of the account including any interest or charges applied. Today, they have responded with (pleasantries have been excluded) Our client has advised that they have a balance of c£900 on their system. a letter is attached from our client as confirmation. The attached letter (on very poor Barclaycard letterhead and unprofessional format) says dd/12/2016 Dear Sir/Madam RE : My name - Account No. my account number Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, statements are no longer produced on the above account. I can confirm that the outstanding balance of the Account As of today is c£900. I trust this information is of assistance to you. Any queries, contact us, we are here to help. So in summary, I know why we disagree with the balance. Moorcroft won't acknowledge this. Moorcroft have created a fictitious letter from Barclaycard trying to pass it off as from Barclaycard. The debt is no longer on my credit file, it is clean. I suspect if I contact Barclaycard they won't recognise the account. All payments since Sept 11 have been paid to Moorcroft using their reference number, except the 3 made to ARC. what do I do? 1) stop payments immediately 2) report Moorcroft to FCA 3) subject access request to Moorcroft 4) send Moorcroft a firm letter as per - you are wrong. payments have been made to Moorcroft not Barclay - you are fraudulent. you should create fictitious letters using someone else letterhead. - offer 10% of the correct balance to go away? help please....
  19. HSBC credit card. Opened 22/10/2012. Defaulted 14/04/2015. Sold to Westcott then to Arrow then to Moorcroft then finally to Capquest!! CCA request sent 28 October with no reply yet. Yes, my partner is in a bit of a pickle with his finances!!
  20. Hi on 30th August 2016 I received a letter from Lloyds Bank, signed by Jamie Graham informing me Lloyds have transferred my outstanding credit card debt to Moorcroft and they have instructed them to contact me. I defaulted on my credit card debt with Lloyds 7 years ago and for 6 years 6 months I have been paying £10.00 a month direct to Lloyds Bank. Today I received a letter from Moorcroft (signed by A.J. Martin) telling me that despite fact earlier this week I paid Moorcroft the monthly £10.00 unless I contact Moorcroft within 7 days they will 'recommence collection activity if we cannot agree a repayment plan that you can afford and maintain.' I cannot afford to pay more than £10 a month and have paid this amount to Lloyds - the debtors for over six years now. I feel Moorcroft are using intimidation tactics in order to get me to contact them. I checked my credit rating with Noddle and note this credit card debt is no longer showing so it must be over 6 years old. Any advice would be much appreciated. Hecuba
  21. Evening all. I've been away from the forums a while, busy getting on with life but a few recent events have brought me back. Thanks largely to this site I have been able to get my debts largely under control, dealt with or paid off. Advice and information supplied on here has not only helped me claim money back, compensation and in some cases get debts written off but most of all it has given me a bedrock of confidence when dealing with the sharks, and conmen that work in this field. That said having felt like I'd largely dealt with my debt problem for these recent events to occur is more than a little annoying and upsetting. This thread may take some typing but please stick with it. I'm also looking for advice but also just trying to understand the legalities. Now Firstly, I have read around various threads covering selling CCJ debts etc but I have to honestly say I've struggled to fully comprehend the situation. here's my most recent story. in amongst the many financial issues I encountered during the crash of circa 2008 were 2 debts to LLoyds. One for a credit card and one a personal loan. In late 2010 and then early 2011 LLoyds secured CCJ's on these debts (yes I didn't challenge and over the years have wished I'd found this site much earlier (. the CCJ's were awarded and relatively nominal payments set £1.00 on the 2k credit card debt and £50.00 a month on the 15K loan. All interest was stopped.) Lloyds then secured what I thought was a CO on my house but now understand is a restriction as the house is jointly owned with my ex wife. So for years I was making payments and then as my situation improved I made additional payments and all seemed well until firstly last month I get a letter from Lloyds and a company called Asset Link Capital saying they have sold my account with the balance blah blah. so far heard no more even though they indicated in the letters that I would hear from a solicitor if the account is subject to a ccj or CO (it is only subject to CCJ). Now this week I've had a letter from 'LLOYDS' (though the return address, surprise surprise, is Moorcroft) telling me they have transferred (notice doesn't say sold) the other debt to Moorcroft. This account is subject to a CCJ and also the CO/restriction. Oddly the balance they claim to have transferred is some £373 higher than the balance they told me was on the account @ 24/06/2016, if add in payments made since it is probably 673 higher. So far no attempt has been made to ask for higher payments but I cannot imagine there is any other motive. my questions are firstly can they demand more without returning to the court? If they do try to go through the court can I request the matter is transferred to a local court as I am disadvantaged by it being impractical for me to attend a court hundreds of miles away? Also can they actually sell an account like this? It almost feels like as these CCJ's are about to drop of my file (one in October and one in January) that they have decided to stress and pressure me again. If I'd never found this site I'd probably be a wreck now after receiving these letters. So guys, any thoughts, either specific to my cases or just generally about the wonderful way creditors and DCA's treat people?
  22. Four months after having sent Moorcroft a CCA request and having them acknowledge the request, they have today closed the account , sent me a cheque for £1 and returned the now disputed account back to Nationwide. I presume I now await Nationwide to either contact me directly or to assign or sell the debt to another DCA. I also refer to this line on the CCA request letter... " If it is your view that you are not the creditor, s.175 of the CCA 1974 applies in the case of a simple assignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor" However this has come about after Moorcroft began playing Billy Suggers so I sent them a letter putting the account into dispute. Should Nationwide abide by this or have Moorcroft a right to wash their hands ? Also the dispute clearly states that the disputed debt cannot be collected, enforced or passed to any third party ? So if another DCA takes it over are Moorcroft and Nationwide breaking the law ? Please also note that no CCA has been produced.
  23. Hi All, Was on here some time ago (7 odd years) and received some incredible help. Sadly 2 years ago i fell into some issues and couldnt work at the time. Thus accumulating some debts. One of them is a credit card with Halifax , approx £5500, that had been passed to Moorcroft. I have sent them a 'prove it' style letter They have replied to me with 1 page which is a personal details page and 1 page which is the signed CCA, from Halifax (photocopies) I am happy to settle this debt but want to know peoples advice, opinions and the best way about it. i do remember a fair bit and have been reading up. Seen the settlement letters, but also conscious the debt seems no longer with Halifax or is do Moorcroft just act on the clients behalf as opposed to buying the debt? I aslso have 4 others than are with Capquest, but rather than making this post complicated, i'll post a new thread. Thanking you all in advance again
  24. l had someone do the same from moorcroft...did not say how much l owed .had a earnings and outgoing form on back of letter...should l also send a cca request ,,thank you
  25. Hi All, I'm being chased for an amount of £100.10 by Moorcroft on behalf of EE (formally Orange). Back in 2012 we took got a mobile broadband dongle for business purposes on a business contract (or at least i believed i was). This was done so on a 1 month rolling contract. The business is no longer trading hence why this was cancelled about 4 months back. I attach a copy of the contract signed. As you can see it does say customer type 'Limited Company' but my name is under customer information. Can i be chased for this amount personally? My biggest concern is my personal credit rating. The amount they are chasing also seems high giving the monthly amount was £35 but the contract clearly states it was only for 1 month. The initial contract was for 1 month and it was kept for much longer than this. Thanks
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