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  1. Hello again CAG, it's been too long! You'll be pleased to hear (I hope) that my own debt problems are now behind me, however I'm now looking for some help for my wife. She recently received a letter from Moorcroft regarding a Thames Water debt. Moorcroft state the amount outstanding is £692.48, and that they have asked their local representative to call on the 28th November. I would normally fire off a CCA request, however, as I understand it, Utility debts aren't covered by the CCA. What would you lovely CAGers recommend as my next step? We've talked about sorting her debts and she also has a mobile phone debt (currently with Resolvecall) and a Sky TV debt (which has allegedly been sold to Fresh Start Vanquis Bank). I would appreciate any advice you have to offer in dealing with these DCA's, as I have only ever dealt with debts that are covered by the CCA. Thank you in advance, regards, Wally.
  2. To quote from Thames Water on their Assessed Household Charge Now I was assessed in late 2008 and placed in band 1 and have been billed band 1 ever since. Only recently did I discover that the single rate also exists so have applied for it and been accepted. Now luckily I have a copy of my original meter assessment form (completed and signed on the day of my assessment) which states on it 1 bed 1 person.......... I can't remember a bill or leaflet that advertised that they had brought in a lower rate I was eligible for or I would have applied for it. So the question is since they had the information that I was eligible and failed to adequately advertise the change to me........ Would this be worth pursuing? I know with benefits etc that them having the information but not applying that to future changes is an easy win at appeal but what about this scenario with Thames Water? It could mean a refund of around £700
  3. Hi Just posting this in case something more happens. I am a tenant in a privately rented house which we have lived in now for two and half years. We pay all the utility bills, water, gas, electric ourselves. I receive my water bill by email from Thames Water, and it comes regularly every 6 months in April and October, and I always pay on time. Imagine my surprise to receive an email from Thames Water this morning, informing me that my account is closed, and enclosing the final bill! Strange really as we are still living at the same location and have not notified Thames Water that we are moving so whey have they closed the account and issued a final bill. The only thing I can think of is - prior to renting the house we rented a flat - we notified Thames Water when me moved out (2.5 years ago) and somehow they have put the two events together. I have raised the issue of closing my account with Thames Water and am waiting for their response.
  4. Hi guys, I received my last water bill a while ago and it's double what the previous bill was. I'm having problems understanding what's going because there have been no major changes to the house. They had been sending people round to access the meter in our front garden which they have never done before. It was a rather bizarre incident. These guys showed up and asked who they should write to at this address and I explained that we were already with Thameswater and I didn't understand what's going on. I don't know if we're getting billed for another house or what's going on. Is there any way our bill can be recalculated? I don't understand how reading a meter at the front of the house has affected our bill to this extent. Can someone help me with this situation because I have a feeling Thameswater will make a dogs dinner out of this.
  5. Thames Water has a fund in place which can help to pay your water bills if you satisfy their hardship criteria. If you have used this fund before or if you decide to use it now, we would be interested to hear about your experiences of it. You can post in the Utilities forum:- http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?121-Utilities-Gas-Electricity-Water Other water providers may well provide similar schemes. Check on their websites and let us know.
  6. I wonder if someone could kindly advise what to do regarding and outstanding debt my brother has with Thames Water. The gist of it is that he has fallen behind on his payments with Thames Water and now owes about £500. He advised me that he keeps getting letters from Robinson Way threatening legal action / doorstep collection if amount is not paid. Well he got home from work this morning and there was a card left for him to call someone at power2contact within 24 hours to avoid any further action. He is worried sick on what to do next and does not want the debt to increase and to be cut-off. He was also considering getting a high interest loan to pay it but I managed to talk him out of it on the understanding that I would seek some advice first what to do. Any urgent comments would be very much appreciated.
  7. Hi I have a problem with my water changes as below if anyone can help please. Actual water usage for period 01 April 2013 to 20 February 2014 (365 days) Fresh water used= 11.87 price per m3 = 128.43 Fresh water used £15.24 Fixed charge £25.01 Used water disposal £8.36 Fixed charge £50.01 I didn't use much water & the fixed charges amounts to way more than the water. I asked if they were allowed to charges so much & they claimed they were. I'm very annoyed with them because they claim that this is for work done. But when I moved in to my flat in September 2012, I asked them to read the meter & they refused. It took 6 months before they read it & in that time I hadn't used water, as couldn't work boiler (used bottled water, as I do for most things). Nevertheless they are claiming I owe them £64.25 estimated cost for previous period too. I wrote to Thames water several months ago stating I didn't use any water for first 6 months in property & they have no proof of such, so I won't pay the £64.25 estimate. I also asked them to reduce fixed charges by half, stating I wouldn't pay until they corrected the unfair bill. But they still claim I must pay. They claimed regulatory ombudsman had stated their charges were fair & in line with what they can charge. They gave me number of ombudsman but said that ombudsman would say the charges are fair. Thames water claim I must pay a yearly service charge of £80 no matter how much or how little water I use. I stated that I have no problem with paying for water & waste water charges but don't see why I'm being asked to pay £80 year on top of this for nothing. Especially as they only read meter once every 6 months & it is located under manhole with whole streets electronically read all at once. I feel they don't warrant the charge. Is there anything I can do please? They have been threatening debt collectors. I'm on disability benefit & can't afford to pay £251 they now claim I owe.
  8. On Friday I received a threatening letter from Advantis regarding an unpaid water bill. 1. The bill was for the flat I left over 18 months ago. 2. The flat has been empty since then. 3. I was up to date when I moved (was moved, sheltered housing) and Thames water were informed. 4. My current water charges are paid for in the rent and so I don't have an account with Thames or any other company. I contacted Thames water and explained this and told them I had no intention of paying this and why. They told me to get the housing association to contact them with details of the payments. This I have done. I thought I would have a bit of fun with Advantis so I called them on a number they dont want you to know and flatly refused to answer their damn fool security questions. This got them going and when I told them I was not going to pay them and would see them in court they really lost the plot. The language was about right for a navvy. You can guess what it was like when I told them to prove that I owed them anything. (rubs hands and gives an evil chuckle) Great just what I wanted so I called them back and started their complaints procedure. I also filed complaints with the FSA, Trading standards and the financial ombudsman. I will let you know what happens if anyone is interested.
  9. Ofwat, the water regulator, has confirmed that it has turned down Thames Water's request to increase customer bills by up to 8% next year. Thames had asked to add an extra £29, or 8%, to the annual average household bill for 2014-15. But the regulator has ruled that it must stick to a 1.4%-above-inflation maximum rise, set in the latest price review. The company said it was reviewing the decision carefully. It has the option to appeal against the decision to the Competition Commission. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24864714
  10. Thames Water has asked its regulator, Ofwat, for permission to raise prices. It wants to put up bills by about £29 per household during 2014-15, but has asked Ofwat if it can spread the rise over more than one year. The company says the rise is needed because of increases in Environment Agency charges and to cover the cost of preparing for the construction of the Thames Tideway Tunnel. Ofwat will examine the proposal and make a decision in three months. More...
  11. Hi Folks - I alongwith my wife lived as a lodger for around 6 months in one of the rooms in this property with resident live in landlord. On one morning (November 2012) I saw a letter addressed to me mentioning "Urgent - Do not Ignore", and found that it was a letter from Moorcroft (on behalf of Thames water) asking for paying debt of around GBP 300 as a matter of urgency !! I never ever contacted Thames water and had never had any agreement with them or requested their services at all ... Neither I ever gave my address to them nor I understand how they got to know that I live there as a lodger. I was living there as a lodger and my lodger agreement (on a simple plain paper made by landlord) signed by me and the resident landlord clearly says that the rent is inclusive of all the bills including water. I called Moorcroft and explained the whole situation and gave them my contact number - to which they responded that if you think that landlord should be held responsible for paying this rent - you need to talk and convince him for the same. !! When I talked to the landlord he responded in a suspicious manner saying - "Just ignore these people and they can't do anything, I will write them a letter. Its just that they are trying to find someone who lives in this property who can respond to them as I am not responding to them due to a dispute I have with Thames water" . After around 4 months, now I have started getting calls and texts from Moorcroft asking to get in touch which means that the landlord never responded to them and the debt is still outstanding... I now live as a lodger at a new address and am concerned how can I get this off my head. I want things to be clear so that my credit history etc. doesn't get affected for future sake and obviously I am not the one who should be paying this debt.. Please would you be able to advice and help me asap? Many thanks Cheers.
  12. Ofwat, the water regulator, says it plans to block Thames Water's request to increase customer bills by up to 8% next year. The regulator has published a draft decision blocking Thames Water's request for the interim increase. Thames had asked to add an extra £29 to the annual average household bill. The draft decision will be followed by a short period of consultation to allow for any new evidence. The final decision is due in November. Thames says it has faced extra costs of £291m, because various items have cost more than the amount estimated when the price regime was set in 2009. Ofwat and Thames disagree about how much these items will cost the company. These include bad debts, the transfer of private sewers, land purchases and higher Environment Agency charges and could not be fully estimated at the time. As part of the regulatory process, Thames Water had planned to apply for an increase once the figures were known, In response to Ofwat's statement, it said: "We will review Ofwat's draft proposals and submit our response in due course." Evidence Every five years, Ofwat sets the prices that water companies can charge. It said it had now looked at the evidence that Thames Water had provided and that although the company did face higher costs, they were not high enough to trigger a price rise. Thames is the only one of the 18 regulated water companies to have applied to the regulator for a bill increase in advance of the next pricing review. Ofwat's chief regulation officer, Sonia Brown, said: "We said we would challenge Thames Water's request. We have looked at the details and do not believe the current evidence justifies an increase in bills." The regulator's consultation on its draft decision gives all parties, including Thames Water, the opportunity to submit new evidence. Any price increase would start from April next year. Ofwat's previous agreement with Thames allows it to increase charges by 1.4% above inflation in 2014-15. More on this story...
  13. Pls i'm in need of urgent help with a bryan carter litigations proceeding on behalf of thames water( £853.). Received a claim form from Northampton(CCBC) dated 16/10/2013 but received 21/10/2013. I am a novice at this sort of things. I initially called BC to try and arrange a kind of repayment plan but they are bullying me into making a monthly payment plan I can not afford. don't know if that was a good idea. Now stumbled on this forum . The particulars of claim says " Pursuant to section 142 and 143 of the water industry act 1991 The claimant claims 853. being part of a debt due for water service charges under acc no ..... .for the period 01/09/2011 to 01/04/2012 . Pls what can I do as i do not want a CCJ and don't like the idea of going to court and also I am really running out of time .
  14. Good afternoon everyone! I've been renting a room in a flat with live in Landlord for 5 months. The landlord and his 2 little daughters live in the other room of this 2 bedroom flat. I didn't register with Thames Water and have no idea why the bill came in my name. I don't mind paying bills, but this situation seems ridiculous. As far as I know everywhere people pay around £100 pounds a year(!) for water. But here they ask £500 for the 4 month's period. The landlord receives benefits from the Council and it is very easy to establish who is the main person here. Why on earth would Thames Water chose to send such a bill in my name?? Can anyone please help me and tell me what to do??
  15. Amazing. Just called ThamesWater - you know, one of those companies which doesn't seem to pay much tax and whose CEO only got £274,000 bonus because he didn't do very well. I wanted to inform them about a new address and to open a new account. I asked them what the fixed charges were for and the woman told me that it was for maintaining the meter and for taking meter readings. I said great, so you'll be round to read the meter, then. She said, No - we don't do that on moving in. You'll have to do it yourself. When I started to point out that this didn't seem to make sense when she had just told me that the £84 per year covered reading the meter, - she just hung up the phone on me!!!!
  16. One week ago I moved in a flat which I am going to leave by January as the house is going to be sold, Today I received this letter: The Landlord is unwilling to pay this bill and says that before moving in we agreed that I would be paying all bills except council tax. What should I do in this case? Should I write Thames water that it is unlawful to disconnect the supply as the property is occupied??
  17. I've been on before under a different username (can't recall the password!). Summary of previous history is that I was sent claims for 4 debts from Thames Credit, which were from more than 6 years previous. I sent the Statute Barred letters from the library for each of them by recorded delivery, and had letters back asking that I get in touch by telephone with them to discuss why I thought that they were Statute Barred - which I ignored. In the last few months, I've started getting letters from Aktiv Kapital (who owned the now defunct Thames Credit), chasing the smallest of the loans. I have ignored theses. What has now got me annoyed is that they have somehow obtained my mobile 'phone number (probably by someone trawling through Facebook). I have been either refusing the calls, or (more often, letting them ring on silently). They started around one month ago, but haven't been every day - however, today they have tried 6 times (some listed as the main number, but many as one of their various mobile numbers). How should I approach this? Any loans are definitely Statute Barred. Should I send them the Statute Barred letter (possibly enclosing the previous relevant SB letter? Or is there somewhere to whom I can complain about the incessant calls?
  18. I have noticed on the bill Thames Water have a charge for waste water to be treated. Was this always the case but not itemised? As I have never seen this on a bill before. Seems like an extra revenue source has been created to squeeze consumers pockets further. Thanks.
  19. I recently checked my credit file and have discovered something that I don't understand. It is under the heading Thames Credit HBOS it is a bank account that was opened in 1998 - with an opening balance of £634 and a current balance of £868. I didn't open a bank account around this time and I also definitely wasn't in debt at this time. What can I do about it? All the entries are starting in Dec 2008 D - then US or D until September this year. Thanks
  20. Hello everyone. I have a situation and I'm really confused what to do. Me and my bf live in a rented house. Twoo weeks ago someone rings the landline and asks for someone who we've never heard of. My bf answered the phone and said that this person doesn't live here. They ask for his name as a referer and he gave it to them. Last week we receive a bill for £2700 dated 3 years back till now. That was a really nasty suprise. When we moved in we signed a tenancy agreement(it's just my name on it) that the rent we pay each month is inclusive of all utility bills. Once we received the letter, my bf called them straight away and told them that he is not responsible it's the landlord but they said they charge the consumers not the landlords and that the tenacy agreement is a private one and they don't care about it. The landlord refuses to pay this money. What do we do so that we clear the debt off my bf's name? I hope that someone helps with ideas. It will be much appreciated. Thanks!
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