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  1. Hi Caggers I have just had a call of the lovely moorcroft group about my debt with Tesco broadband. I was with tesco for my internet, they gave me a go live date and it didnt happen, apparently there was a issue with their side, even though i told them it needs to be switched from fibre optic tonormal broadband, after about 1 month with no internet they decided to listen and send a engineer out and he sorted the problem. I received my 1st bill which i disputed because i had no internet for that month, in the end they knocked the internet bill off and gave me 10,000 clubcard points as a good will gesture (As this solves unhappy customers). Then as i thought everything was going well, one minute i could get online then the next i couldnt this happened quite frequent, so i was constantly calling them and them problem kept getting fixed without telling me why this was happening. I changed provider in the end as it was becoming a joke, a few months have now passed and today i received a call off Moorcroft demanding the bill and early temination fee paid today, obviously i told the to take a long walk of a high cliff, as i have asked tesco to give me a valid expaination why i was having all these problems and that why should i pay the early termination fee when it was them who broke the terms and conditions by not providing me with the service i requested by being disconnected from the internet from time to time. Moorcroft asked me to contact them again and talk to them, I told them had written to them but no reply appart from moorcroft harrsing me. Sorry for the long post but could someone give me some advice what to do next
  2. Hi Folks - I alongwith my wife lived as a lodger for around 6 months in one of the rooms in this property with resident live in landlord. On one morning (November 2012) I saw a letter addressed to me mentioning "Urgent - Do not Ignore", and found that it was a letter from Moorcroft (on behalf of Thames water) asking for paying debt of around GBP 300 as a matter of urgency !! I never ever contacted Thames water and had never had any agreement with them or requested their services at all ... Neither I ever gave my address to them nor I understand how they got to know that I live there as a lodger. I was living there as a lodger and my lodger agreement (on a simple plain paper made by landlord) signed by me and the resident landlord clearly says that the rent is inclusive of all the bills including water. I called Moorcroft and explained the whole situation and gave them my contact number - to which they responded that if you think that landlord should be held responsible for paying this rent - you need to talk and convince him for the same. !! When I talked to the landlord he responded in a suspicious manner saying - "Just ignore these people and they can't do anything, I will write them a letter. Its just that they are trying to find someone who lives in this property who can respond to them as I am not responding to them due to a dispute I have with Thames water" . After around 4 months, now I have started getting calls and texts from Moorcroft asking to get in touch which means that the landlord never responded to them and the debt is still outstanding... I now live as a lodger at a new address and am concerned how can I get this off my head. I want things to be clear so that my credit history etc. doesn't get affected for future sake and obviously I am not the one who should be paying this debt.. Please would you be able to advice and help me asap? Many thanks Cheers.
  3. Hello everyone. I have a situation that I would really like to asked for your advice please. I had gone to arrears with Next directory by 90 days after being a loyal customer for 5 years. This is mainly due to a drop of income because of an illness. They initially passed on the debt of £814 to Brecon Debt Recovery on which they have accepted a 50% F&F settlement. I have promised to pay provided that everything is put into writing. Now since the 1st letter(& only) they have sent in writing was not comprehensive, the last letter that I sent to them was to confirm in writing about me from any liability to be pursued with the remaining debt & such. I sent it to 3 postal address (Their PO Box, the registered office & also to Next) in case they would claim that they never received it. I stated that, payment will be made once I have receive their response. I never got a response after that but it has been delivered (sent it by recorded delivery). It was sent on the 14th. Last friday (25th), I have received another letter, this time from Moorcroft. The letter they have sent is the common letter being sent by DCA's, with boldly written "intended litigation" saying they have been instructed by Next to recover the debt. Where do I go from here? Should I write Brecon or Next why passed the debt to another DCA when they have accepted the offer already? Are they allowed to do this? It is clear that I have no intention to run away from the debt since I promised to pay, but all I was asking is a written evidence just in case they pursue me again in the future. Or should I start all over again with Moorcroft? I don't have a signed CCA with Next because I was made a customer from ordering online. Thank you for any advice!!!
  4. The other half has been with natwest for a time - has now been hit with a letter asking for £616.59 all of which are charges from natwest !!!! Natwest have closed the account without putting in to writing first - what should we do next ? i know we can send an SAR but my problem is that Moorcroft eill probably be knocking on the door - what should we do to keep them off case until we have written to Natwest ? Any help very gladly appreciated !
  5. Hi, i'm a new user so hope anyone can help me, Liverpool city council say my husband owes Poll Tax from 1992,93, 94 with a total of £1600!! i am convinced it was paid, however i have no proof as this came like a bolt out the blue earlier this year, when i disputed the debt they passed it to Moorcroft debt recovery and this has started months of harassment. I am at my wits end, they will not speak to me because it's my husband who they say owes the money, this is despite me and my daughter telling them he has had several strokes and is unable to communicate. i have offered them £10 a month, just to settle the matter as i can't see any other way out i have had a letter this morning and they have refused and say this is not enough, even though we both live on incapacity benefit and have sent them a full breakdown of my outgoings. please can someone advise me what to do?? thanks
  6. Here we go again. I defaulted on my water payments last year due to more important debts to pay. I have had a payment plan set up with Moorcroft this year paying both lots of water bills. Our payment plan was £40 per month (based on a financial summery completed by the C.A.B) and occasionally i would pay £50 pm. With my husband being self employed and me losing my job we had no income this summer at all, nothing. so I rung Moorcroft and told them I would not be making payments for the next two months, they didn't like it but agreed I would contact them in October. I rung them in September to ask how much the debt was (having NEVER received a receipt from them) and was told £312. Come October Me and hubby found ourselves in the position to pay off the whole debt so I rung Moorcroft and was informed by a snotty so and so that I had to pay £530 and as I had made no payments for 2months I had to pay the outstanding balance now. 10 minutes later after lots of arguments and haggling I payed the £300 I was willing to pay anyway and set up a payment plan of £76.66 on 3rd of November £76.66 on 3rd of December and £76.68 on 3rd of January. Job done, sorted. So I received a letter this afternoon from Buchanan Clark & Wells It is a formal Demand to recover the overdue debt for United Utilities, in the sum of £530.00 I rang Moorcroft straight away and was told that UU had taken the account back and it had nothing else to do with them. So I rung UU and was put straight threw to BC&W (great!) After giving my reference number I was asked to CONFIRM my phone number I told them I preferred to be contacted via letter and asked what phone number they had for me, to which I was told letter would be fine I was told that the outstanding debt was £530 to which I told him that was wrong as I had paid £300, they had no proof of this. I told them I have Moorcroft letter stating that they took payment of £300 and a payment plan of £76.66 etc.. to which they asked if i could send them them letters, I said no I'll send you copies I then rang Moorcroft again and explained the situation and asked if they would send me a statement of all payments up to date. the guy on the phone seemed genuinely confused and concerned, and confirmed that £300 payment had been taken on the 3rd of October and had no idea where BC&W had got £530 from. I'm worried about getting involved in all this again as we've only just got bailiffs off our backs and our finances back on track, but there is no way BC&W can add £200 to a debt they've just bought is there? Also I do not have a water card so does any1 else know of a way I can pay money to UU directly. Or has anyone delt with BC&W before and have any advice.
  7. I have a bit of a strange situation whereby my mother opened catalogue accounts in my name with Freemans, Oli, Next, Littlewoods, Great Universal and Empire. Some I knew about some I didn't. Any CCAs were signed by her in my name. At the time she had a good job but payments fell into arrears on all accounts when she couldn't keep up with payments (sometimes due to medical reasons and my dad has been very poorly since around 2005). I have taken over control of all the accounts from my mum although initially she was making total payments of around £400+/month into payment plans that I had set up over the phone with each creditor. Eventually this became too much money and we went to the CAB who said they couldn't really offer a liaison service because I earned too much (I am only on £17k/yr and have my own bills to pay). In November 2010 I called and requested a copy of the CCA for each account. No response as of January 2011. I realise at this point I should have put the request in writing. However, in December 2010 we wrote to each creditor, requesting that the account name be changed to my mum's name, explained the circumstances and I also referenced that they hadn't responded to my initial request for a copy of the signed CCA, which would prove I didn't sign the agreements so I again requested a signed copy from each creditor. No response. I followed this up with two further letters in January 2011, all sent recorded. No response from anyone except Moorcroft on behalf of Next who sent a holding letter saying they were looking in to it and had passed the letters/info back to Next to look at, but I haven't heard anything since then. The other creditors refused to acknowledge receipt of any of the three original letters and continued to try harass me by telephone. I have no requested my phone number be taken off the accounts. I had a conversation with Littlewoods today who said they don't deal in letters only telephone calls and they have no record of me sending anything. I said tough I have proof of delivery and you manage to send letters when you want money! Basically this went no where and I refused to be drawn out in to the details over the phone. Littlewoods moved my complaint up the chain to a 'manager' who said they would get in touch. We'll see. The woman at Littlewoods also said that it was entirely in their right to pass the debt on to a third party or keep charging me missed payments fees because as far as they were concerned the account wasn't in dispute, which I rubbished with a response of the letters acting as the start of the dispute and it was a criminal offence to take actions on an account in dispute, whether they thought it was or not was irrelevant and I reference the Consumer Credit Act etc. So basically now I'm left having requested the change of account (which is legal according to CAB who suggested it - it is down to the discretion of the creditor), and also sent two follow up letters re: the CCA and I'm getting no response. I'm a bit at a loss. I'm wary that they could threaten legal action against my mum for fraud and try and push me into making payments with this threat hanging over my head, but as yet this has not happened (I feel like it's only a matter of time). I could claim my mum had reduced capacity when opening the accounts due to undue mental stress as there is a history there of manic depression but legally I'm not sure where that stands. My credit file is almost unrecognisable to me, missed payments, late payments, lots of debt that's not mine but is. Any advice on next steps and moving forward with this would be much appreciated. Is it time to give them one last chance to send me a copy of the signed CCA. Do I have a leg to stand on if I can prove this wasn't signed by me? Any help appreciated.
  8. Hello Forum, I have a debt with Lloyds, about £20k, from about 10 years ago, which i probably stopped paying in 2006. It got sold to moorcroft who have last had contact with me in 2008, when i told them i was moving abroad, which i did. Since then no contact from them. I'm not on the electoral roll, though i live and work in the UK now. They did try the last place i was registered too, my sister, she said she had no idea where i was! Someone has advised me that "one day they'll find you and charge you £100,000!" Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any words of experienced wisdom will be appreciated. Thanks. Buska
  9. Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me with Moorcroft. I am new to this so please bear with me. I have taken some advice from reading other similar posts on here, but am unsure how to proceed next. Basically my husband and I once had a current account with Alliance and Leicester which was moved over to Santander when they took over the bank. We got into financial difficulties on the account after my husband was taken ill and I lost my job due to redundancy. All in all, the amount owed is less than £1000. The bulk of the debt we owe is charges that they kept putting on the account like £50 a week for being overdrawn and so we closed the account to stop it getting any worse. We were originally paying the bank back at £10 per month as that was all we could afford, but they stopped hassling us for a while after we told them we couldn't afford the repayment as they were waiting for the outcome of the OFT investigation into the unfair bank charges to see whether they might have to repay some of them. Anyway it has now been passed to Moorcroft who have been harrassing us constantly over the phone and demanding repayment and also threatening home visits. We sent them a CCA request (which they have not complied with after looking at posts on here). We know they received it as it was signed for by them and we thought the next stage would be to send them the "Account in Dispute" letter when the time limit for a reply expires on Monday next week, however today I received this letter from their accounts department. I will type it word for word minus my identifiers. It reads as follows: Dear Mr & Mrs -------, Thankyou for your recently received letter, requesting a copy of your credit agreement pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please note that certain accounts are excluded from compliance with part V of the Consumer Credit Act or are not in fact credit or hire agreements and we believe that our client's account falls into one of these categories. We therefore require immediate payment of the sum outstanding or alternatively your client's realistic proposals for repayment of the same. Should you have any questions or require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us direct on the above telephone number. Yours sincerely Accounts Department (signed with a squiggle!) The repayment request is rather badly worded as though they are addressing our legal adviser (although we do not have one) and the letter is adressed to us both! They also returned the £1.00 postal order we sent with the letter. Please can somebody help us? Were we wrong in sending the CCA request? I followed advice on here given to help someone with a Lloyds TSB debt but later realised that that gentleman's debt was for an unsecured loan he had with that bank. Have we made ourselves look totally stupid? and would a current account such as ours really be excluded from compliance with part V of the Consumer Credit Act? or is this just another scaremongering tactic from Moorcroft to try and bully us into paying? We would really like some advice on what to do next. Whether to go ahead and send them the "Account in Dispute" letter on Monday when the time limit for complying with the CCA request is up? or whether we really cannot do that due to the fact this is not a credit or hire agreement as they say? We have already sent them the harassment letter template letter after the constant phonecalls and threat of a home visit and this seems to have stopped the calls for now. I am really hoping that this is just more threats on their behalf and that we have done the right thing. I feel sick with worry and close to a nervous breakdown because of the stress they are causing. I am in tears every day and I have health problems which are being made worse myself. Really hoping some kind and knowledgeable person can help us here. Thanks so much for any replies.
  10. Back in April 2010 my daughter contacted Yell.com to inquire about advertising, a few days later she received a phone call and after a very very long conversation was offered a deal, she stated that it was just an inquiry and that she would not be interested in anything until after her visit to friends in Scotland during July. Today she has received a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd demanding £139.20 and £40 fee. She has only ever spoken to an agent over the phone, she has not signed anything and has never made or been asked to make any payments or give her bank details. Is there anyone who can advise? thanks.
  11. To cut a very long story short I have an alleged outstanding personal loan from LloydsTSB. Was passed to Moorcroft Aug 2010. CCA request sent, they couldn't get one so default of CCA sent Sept 2010. Oct 2010 recieved notice from Moorcroft CCA unavailable. Dec 2010 contacted by Apex, sent account in dispute letter. Jan 2011 Apex accepted account was in dispute and went away. Now just a few days ago (May 2011) I get a letter from Robinson Day Ltd requesting full payment. Should I send account in dispute letter again? Many thanks in advance, TC
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