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Found 7 results

  1. Hi there, Yesterday I received a letter from Lowell & 118 (together in one envelope) that Lowell are now the new owners of a 12 month unsecured loan I stopped paying in November 2015. During this period I also defaulted on 4 loans with 4 different payday companies however by now I have taken care of all but this one. I fully intend to take care of the last of my mess which rules out the PROVE IT route but there are a few stumbling blocks before I can do so. After checking my credit report I notice a second default has been placed on my account. How do I go about getting this removed? After also checking my credit file I notice that the original default placed on my account by 118 was not placed until 28 months after the account went delinquent despite ICO guidlines which state that 'accounts should be defaulted 3-6 months from last payment date'. How do I go about getting the original default accurately recorded to early 2016? (Giving me a clean slate in early 2022) I would like to thank you ever so much for taking the time to read through this thread and any input will be greatly appreciated.
  2. To quote from Thames Water on their Assessed Household Charge Now I was assessed in late 2008 and placed in band 1 and have been billed band 1 ever since. Only recently did I discover that the single rate also exists so have applied for it and been accepted. Now luckily I have a copy of my original meter assessment form (completed and signed on the day of my assessment) which states on it 1 bed 1 person.......... I can't remember a bill or leaflet that advertised that they had brought in a lower rate I was eligible for or I would have applied for it. So the question is since they had the information that I was eligible and failed to adequately advertise the change to me........ Would this be worth pursuing? I know with benefits etc that them having the information but not applying that to future changes is an easy win at appeal but what about this scenario with Thames Water? It could mean a refund of around £700
  3. I've been claiming ESA since may and had my assessment two weeks ago. They made a decision on the 22/04/2015 that I be placed into the Support Group option and was told I be backdated from 3rd August 2014 to present. I've asked them 4 times how this is worked out, they all said my back pay calculation will be done tomorrow or latest monday and once this has been done it is then sent off to the social fund department for authorisation for payment. I know I have £1000 debt with them which I'm currently paying back from my ESA at £28.88 every two weeks. My Question, Is it normal practice for them to take this amount from my back payment even though I have a arrangement with them which has been in place for over 6 month's. I can't seem to get any answer's from them, only that deductions from my back pay will only be for any over payment's, and yet some are saying if you have social fund debt, but you won't be affected if you have a arrangement. Thanks
  4. Hi Everybodyl, First time poster here (although i have been keeping my eye on various posts for a few weeks now) so forgive meifi i am the wrong section. I am currently employed but off work with doctors 'fit' notes as i have been struggling with a lower back problem or over 2 years now (25 years old ) I recently was told i was entitled to ESA (assessment phase) and it would be paid from 28.06.13. This was the not the date i gave when i put my telephone claim in on 01.07.13. I rang fairly late on the day and the Welsh lady on the other end was speaking at 100 mph and seemed to rush me and in all o this the dates have been mixed up. When i received my package with the questions and answers i'd given on the phone the dates were incorrect as mentioned above so i phoned them up and the lady said she had 'added the notes' of the new dates i wished to claim from. It now turns out that these 'notes' are nowhere to be found on the 'system' and i have been told today to go to my nearest Job Center to get a 'backdated claim form' and send it of with a letter explaining why i am backdating to my processing office (Preston) to pursue my backdated payments. My last day worked was 24.05.13 and my first doctors 'fit' note was dated 28.05.13 and my processing office has all 3 fit notes including the first one mentioned above as i sent them all off as part of the evidence they needed along with SSP1 form. Now, the reason i claimed on the 01.07.13 even though i last worked the 24.05.13 was because at the start of June my employer told me 'there should be no problem with Stat Sick Pay' and being a fool i just took this as gospel and expected to be payed something at the end of June. I was NOT and i had not received an SSP1 form from my employer which i understand is to be sent to an employee within 7 days (i may be wrong). My company basically left it to me to realise i had been paid 0.00 for the month of June and also let it to me to chase a SSP1 form which they then sent to me but had not signed it (they literally ticked the box that said i was not entitled to SSP as i had not earned enough in the tax year) Eventually i got it signed and dated on 08.07.13 and sent it off with the fit notes mentioned above. So my question is this... Will i be chasing my tail in trying to get this backdated or in your judgement do i have a reasonable case for backdated ESA? I am slightly annoyed that the lady i spoke to last week took the new claim dates and 'added them to the system' only to be told today i need a separate form which i shall get tomorrow and send of with a letter explaining the previous paragraph and the whole trouble of obtaining my SSP1 form from my employer which i was told was compulsory to the claim when initially making it. Sorry for waffling on but i didn't want to miss any details/dates and i am just after a bit of guidance as to i i have a case or not and if getting a backdated claim form from my local Job Center is the correct path to take. Thanks for reading/replying Regards, Adam
  5. I became unemployed in may so this is what i did 1.registered and claimed jsa 2. Rang hmrc explaining that i was no longer working and in process of claiming jsa (took dwp 2 weeks to send appt after making claim online) 3.made claim for hb and ct when my hypermobility syndrome worsened at the beginning of june my gp put me on the sick so dwp placed me on something called esa on the 18th of june(contribution based) £71.50 per week hmrc sent amended award and stopped paying working tax element only paying ctc £164.00 doctor re issueing sick note every 2 months i then recieved letter saying they taking £25.00 a week from jsa due to a social fund loan from when last claimed benefits (2006) so now recieve ....£46.00 per week after speaking to cab they advised me to get back in touch with dwp as i was not recieving anywhere nr the correct amount bcoz at 13 weeks of esa beneit it should go up ...ring esa...told to ring other number...then informed got to go for assesment 9th nov...21wks after claim started...and i rang them:?::?: Then rang hmrc:?: To ask if calculation was correct..turns out they have based calculation on last yrs wage...£13,500.00!!:???: Even though i had informed them not working...i asked for this to be backdated as it their fault ..told it would be shared out over 52 wks rather than lump sum...this is not fair ...can they do this ??
  6. Hi, I have a problem re Council tax. Council say they didnt get my form in April 2012 and are only giving me CTB from Dec 2012 when it was re submitted. I was on Income Support in April 2012 and migrated to ESA in Nov 2012. The council got a liability order and a bailiff has called twice now even though I am appealing the decision not to backdate CTB. They are not even giving me the single person discount for the April to November. Is it right to send bailiffs in when I am appealing ? Do I have to pay the bailiff's fees. I'd be grateful for advice.
  7. Despite being referred to someone by my GP at the time I need to fit note for. He refuses to back date it. I wasn't aware that I needed one as I just heard I had been transferred to ESA during appeal and had a letter saying that I 'may be' required to provide fit notes today (the 30th of May) However, no money has gone into my account since the 25th of April. I sent the new note. Over the phone they say I need a fit note from the 29th of April. My doctor refuses. Although admits I am not fit to work.
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