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Found 6 results

  1. Hi Everybodyl, First time poster here (although i have been keeping my eye on various posts for a few weeks now) so forgive meifi i am the wrong section. I am currently employed but off work with doctors 'fit' notes as i have been struggling with a lower back problem or over 2 years now (25 years old ) I recently was told i was entitled to ESA (assessment phase) and it would be paid from 28.06.13. This was the not the date i gave when i put my telephone claim in on 01.07.13. I rang fairly late on the day and the Welsh lady on the other end was speaking at 100 mph and seemed to rush me and in all o this the dates have been mixed up. When i received my package with the questions and answers i'd given on the phone the dates were incorrect as mentioned above so i phoned them up and the lady said she had 'added the notes' of the new dates i wished to claim from. It now turns out that these 'notes' are nowhere to be found on the 'system' and i have been told today to go to my nearest Job Center to get a 'backdated claim form' and send it of with a letter explaining why i am backdating to my processing office (Preston) to pursue my backdated payments. My last day worked was 24.05.13 and my first doctors 'fit' note was dated 28.05.13 and my processing office has all 3 fit notes including the first one mentioned above as i sent them all off as part of the evidence they needed along with SSP1 form. Now, the reason i claimed on the 01.07.13 even though i last worked the 24.05.13 was because at the start of June my employer told me 'there should be no problem with Stat Sick Pay' and being a fool i just took this as gospel and expected to be payed something at the end of June. I was NOT and i had not received an SSP1 form from my employer which i understand is to be sent to an employee within 7 days (i may be wrong). My company basically left it to me to realise i had been paid 0.00 for the month of June and also let it to me to chase a SSP1 form which they then sent to me but had not signed it (they literally ticked the box that said i was not entitled to SSP as i had not earned enough in the tax year) Eventually i got it signed and dated on 08.07.13 and sent it off with the fit notes mentioned above. So my question is this... Will i be chasing my tail in trying to get this backdated or in your judgement do i have a reasonable case for backdated ESA? I am slightly annoyed that the lady i spoke to last week took the new claim dates and 'added them to the system' only to be told today i need a separate form which i shall get tomorrow and send of with a letter explaining the previous paragraph and the whole trouble of obtaining my SSP1 form from my employer which i was told was compulsory to the claim when initially making it. Sorry for waffling on but i didn't want to miss any details/dates and i am just after a bit of guidance as to i i have a case or not and if getting a backdated claim form from my local Job Center is the correct path to take. Thanks for reading/replying Regards, Adam
  2. Hi all, I am presently self-employed but on JSA since few months and have applied to a ESA a week ago. Originally, when I have applied to JSA, Job Centre Plus had wrongly make me an Habitual Residential Test (that I had succeed) because I have told them that I worked for three months in/with an EEA country (through my limited company). After the Habitual Residential Test, my JSA claim had been however wrongly rejected twice on the basis that I was not able to provide the further 'Home Office' document they were requested. Then few months later, using a Citizen Advice Bureau, my new JSA claim has been accepted (because I am a permanent UK resident for more than 5 years (despite of my travel in the EEA) and Job Centre Plus didn't have to ask me so much documents). Unfortunately, I have received a letter from the ESA department this week requesting the documents below but this does not seems wright for me. Also, I would like to know your point of view the below. Thanks in advance for your help,
  3. :-(sicknote, can my gp give me another sicknote ,after a pevious one has ran ?or do i have visit him again?
  4. hello, I broken my thumb and I went to emergency department.I had x-ray but my doctor didnt give me sicknote and he said I can do my job.I work in warehouse where i have to lifting and picking products.I told him about my job that I use my both hands but he refused to give me sicknote.I dont feel I am fit to work.I stay at home now and take painkillers.I can stay at home up to week by selfcertificated.Do I have to go my GP and ask for sick note.Any advice thank you.
  5. Hello I had my medical and just got the letter telling me I only got 12 points but need 15 points to still be able to recieve my ESA so Im going to appeal but I got another letter telling me there stopping my money as from 28/07/2011 im puzzled because I have a sick note dated till 10/08/2011 so didn't think they could stop my money unless the sicknote had run out... can some please answer this question for me can they stop my money even though I have an indate sicknote... Thanku Mandy
  6. I am a 53 year old woman.live alone, working 20 hours a week on minimum wage. get a small amount of tax credits ..Pay full council tax and only get £19 of my rent........after i then pay all my other bills and monthly bus fares I know i was definatly better off on benefits... However i need to work for my sanity Back to the original question I suffer with Restless leg syndrome and take Topamax and Zopiclone... Do i qualify for a perscription excemption certificate and if so how do i apply.. At the end of the month i have barely enough to eat let alone get my percription,but without them i would be in trouble!! And i wear glasses and have a nhs dentist that i am happy with both of which i would be unable to affored were i not helped in some way... Thankyou for advise.
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