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  1. Hi all, I am hoping someone can offer me some advice please as i am a little confused by all this. I took out a secured loan in 2006 with Welcome Finance and thereafter got into financial difficulty with the loan going into arrears. A company called Experito Credite then got in touch to set up a payment plan, which I did paying them £50 a month. After this, the loan was then transferred over to Lowells who i continued with the same payment of £50 a month. However, on looking at my recent Lowells statement, it claims a company called Sigma Financial Group are the original creditors. I have never heard of this company and i cant find any link on the net between them and Welcome Finance. I obtained a copy of my deeds and Welcome Finance are listed as having a charge but there is no mention of any of these other companies. I am looking to sell the property and possibly get a reduced settlement. Having spoken to CAB, they advised me to do a SAR in the first instance, to check for PPI or charges. Only now i'm unsure who the SAR should go to, Welcome, Lowells or SIGMA? I haven't dealt with Welcome in over 7 years now so would they even have this information? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi, I am a bit confused about what I should receive as an NHS patient at a dentist. My OH and I have always gone private and paid lots of the years, but neither of us have a check up in over six years. I always felt I had good teeth and have flossed since my teens. Anyway, I broke a tooth last week and rang around to see if any local dentists were taking on NHS patients locally. I found one and booked the earliest appointment they had, which was last Friday. The dentist took about 4 x-rays and told me I had severe gum disease and no teeth could be replaced until this was treated, but said I would probably need this treated privately at over £1,000. I know it is not a huge amount for dental work, but it is for me. I said I would speak to my husband before agreeing to anything, to which she responded "THEY ARE YOUR TEETH!" My husband emailed them as to why the work was not covered on the NHS and he just received back a reply saying: "She was informed that she has advanced periodontal disease. She informed us that she had not had a dental check up for several years which is perhaps why it had not been identified earlier. She also presented with 2 broken teeth which we have had a look at and advised that they are broken down to a level where they cannot be fixed and removal is indicated. Removal of teeth can be done any time and it was not said to her that she needed to have gum disease treatment before this could be carried out. However, no advanced restorative work (if indicated) can be carried out until her periodontal disease is stabilised which can take several months. Three options were given to her for treatment of this, in order of level of success rates: 1) Private referral to an external periodontist (specialist in gum disease treatment)-best option for someone with advanced gum disease 2) Private referral to the hygienist (in house)-second best option for someone with advanced gum disease; reassess and consider a referral to a specialist if no response to treatment 3) NHS band 2 treatment as an initial course of treatment-this would be standard treatment with the dentist; reassess and consider a referral to a specialist if no response to treatment Please let us know which way Maggie would like to proceed." The tone of the email seems going for Option 3 would almost certainly lead to a referral to a specialist. Should I look for another dentist? Any advice, based on experiences, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Maggie
  3. A few months ago I enquired about PPI on some old Egg Loans I had in the early 2000's. This morning I had a letter from Canada Square with their decision. On one policy did not have any PPI on it but the other 2 did and they have upheld my complaint. It says the total redress is £4,256.55 but that out of that amount I am only getting £2,168.60 because of a Final Loan adjustment £1,849.17 is going to a company called Arrow Global Receivables who my loan was transferred to in 2011. There is also a deduction of £2,365 listed as "Less any previous rebate paid" I was never paid any other rebate but perhaps this is something to do with my not paying off the full initial loan after entering the trustdeed? To be clear I took out the loan in 2002, and increased it twice in the following year to about £11,000 total. I then entered into a protected trustdeed in early 2006 which this loan was included in. The trustdeed was finished in 2009 and I had no idea that the loan account was still open. I will attach a pdf of relevent info from the decision letter. I know I am lucky to be getting anything at all given that I have been in a trustdeed but I just want to check that the amounts seem right and that them taking the other money off is right and fair. Thank you for your help! Also to let you know I did send a SAR to Canada SQ at the start of June but they didn't accept my inital change of address ID and then didn't get back to me for almost a month so the sar info will take longer to recieve. Should hopefully get it in a few weeks. A trustdeed advisor (not my former trustee) has told me that she doesn't think that the payment to Arrow should be made considering I have completed a trustdeed. She has advised me to call them to make it clear I have been in a trustdeed and get a reason for why this payment is being made to Arrow. I am a bit worried about calling them and discussing the trustdeed in case it affects my chances of getting any payment at all. At the same time it is a lot of money to lose if the payment to Arrow is in error. egg letter.pdf
  4. Cutting a very long story short. Applying for ESA first time in January two letters were enclosed with the ESA50 form requesting a home visit and recording for a ESA F2F assessment. Received Maximus letter for ESA f2f assessment at beginning of April at one of their medical centres. Rang Maximus and told them there was no letter from them to give the reasons why a home visit was not granted. Was told by Maximus the DWP Decision Maker has disallowed the home visit. Rang DWP and told them Maximus said the DM has refused a home visit and and asked the reasons why. Was told by the DWP staff that is was wrong the DWP's DM do not make any decision with regards to home visit nor get involve with F2F assessment that is the job of Maximus their medical contractor. Went back to Maximus and told them what DWP said the appointment was cancelled. Received couple of phone calls from Maximus requesting a letter from the GP to back up the home visit request. GP faxed letter to Maximus stating cannot attend a f2f at a centre due to medical/clinical reasons. Maximus confirmed by phone that they have received the GP supporting letter at the beginning of May 2018 and was told they will send a letter of their decision about the home visit by four different staff. Received several letters to attend appointments at different dates from Maximus including a phone call to ring them very important and very urgently with regards to a f2f at their centre which was to take place some 3 weeks later strange. Each time received a phone call two days before the appointments due date to cancel appointments because their recording machine is broken and that it will take a very long time before hearing from them. Received another letter last week to attend yet another appointment at their centre at the beginning of July but still received no letter with regards to the home visit whether it has been granted or refused. Non of the cancellation letters stating appointments was cancelled because of broken recording machines it just said appointment rescheduled sorry for the inconvenience. Maximus has on record they've book for a Taxi as their making reasonable adjustment but send no letter stating that fact. New appointment letter had not stated a Taxi has been booked for the appointment it just said please attend 10 minutes before the appointment time. I'm looking for a template letter with regards to disability discrimination and harassment from Maximus/contractor and a sample letter under the equality act 2010 requesting a home visit with regards to Maximus making reasonable adjustments for a f2f assessment under the equality act. Any help will be appreciated.
  5. Hi there I have an account with Marbles / Newday. the credit limit is £600. I'm self employed and had a period of ill health, in hospital over that time things ran away from me a bit. I got out last week and started to tackle the huge pile of letters, charges etc. over the period Oct to January I missed on average 3 payments with several providers. Over the last week I have made payments to all of them to cover all charges and get me a good chunk under the credit limit on those that it had pushed me over. With marbles the latest statement 14th Feb showed: Credit Limit £600 Overlimit due immediately: £141 Last statement balance: £729 Default Charges: £12 A notice of Sums in arrears, Missed payments jan and feb & a notice of default sums for feb £12 and a FCA debt advise letter. I logged into my account to make a payment where it showed the same information, as my account was still live, I paid £450 via bank transfer on the 20th of Feb which cleared the same day. Carefully budgeted as I had a lot of charges / debt that has built up over the last 3 months and emptied my bank paying those. That £150 would be lost to those charges, £100 I would leave on the card towards paying it off and that would leave me £200 to spend on this months bills. Account said £300 odd available to spend online. I tried to pay a bill the next day and my card was refused. I rang them up they transferred me to collections who said they could see i was in credit and they'd lift the bar, card could be used next day (today) Tried to pay the same bill again, card refused. Called them and they said they had defaulted my account on the 1st of this month. I asked why I had received no default notice (of account closure) and my account seemed to still be live and that I'd had a statement just a few days before (with default charges). They said notice of account going into default was in with my statements. Stupidly I binned all previous statements after reading them as I have such a huge pile of mail from last 3 months, felt it would be ok to work from latest statement. But there was absolutely no default notice in them. From the conversation on the phone I gather that some kind of mistake was made and that I shouldn't have been receiving statements with new default sums in and they would knock that charge off, but that as far as they were concerned my account was closed and had been passed to Fredrickson international and was nothing to do with them anymore. Despite that I can still log in, see an available to spend amount - get statements etc. I'm not very hopeful of positive outcome, I'm not that upset at losing the card. but do I have a leg to stand on in having the default removed? Also where I've had no income for 3 months being self employed, what I paid them was very carefully budgeted and not having access to the extra amount I was expecting leaves me the creek this month. I've already done enough work that I will be able to pay off the debt and forget about marbles / newday next month, but I don't receive payment for that in the interim and I paid that amount to marbles in the good faith that my credit limit was the same and my account still active as per the statement they sent me on the 14th of this month. Is there any legal basis for access to those funds? I'm assuming not on both, I'm guessing the fact i owe them money wipes it out even if there has been a mistake and it is there word against mine in the case of default letters having been sent. But it cant hurt to ask
  6. Hello all, I would be very grateful for some advice please regarding my current employer as things don’t seem right to me. I have handed my notice in to my current employers who I have been with since 2013. They are a small family company, I am their only employee. Since handing in my notice (I gave two months’ notice) they have been behaving weird and I am finding hard to trust them. We have had a busy month and I have had to work at lot of overtime. Including all the Easter bank holidays and the weekends. I don’t have an agreed overtime rate. I don’t get payment advice slips so it makes working out my pay difficult. However, I received a letter from them saying that the work I did extra will be paid with holidays instead of payment. They are also forcing me to take the holidays during my notice period . They have told me to take six days off and given 13 days’ notice. My question is are they allowed to swap out my pay for a holiday without payment. To be honest I was expecting days in leu of the bank holidays worked plus payment. Many regards.
  7. From what Ive read on here, im going around in circles.. can someone comment? Way I see it :- 1) you send an inivoice, 14 days to pay, " i reserve to take legal action without further notice to you" written on it 2) Send a notice before action FORM (it used to just be a letter but now is this form? https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/civil/pdf/protocols/debt-pap.pdf 3) proceed with coourt claim after 90 days? Citzen advice here, says something else https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/legal-system/taking-legal-action/small-claims/Problems-with-goods---letter-before-court-action/ Can somsone clarify? This is for an unpaid invoice.
  8. This relates to a case against my daughter by a builder. She put in a defence and counterclaim. The builders claim against her was not valid and he did not abide by the Civli Procedure rules when initiating the claim. He did not respond to her counterclaim. The judge ordered a allocations hearing. My daughter was unable to attend and the reasons were accepted by the judge. She has received a General Form of Judgement Order and it states: The Particulars of Claim are struck out for non compliance. The judge further ordered that the Claimant must by a certain date file a new claim correctly other wise the claim will remain struck out. He further ordered that the defence and counter claim are stuck out unless the claimant submits a new claim and then she must submit a defence, and if advised my daughter should submit a new counter claim . The claimant has not submitted a new claim. Upon ringing the court, I was told that the claimant has not submitted a new claim and therefore the claim is definitely struck out, however I was told that she can and should submit a new counterclaim as she paid for the counterclaim and although it was submitted at the same time as the defence, it is in effect a separate claim against the claimant. She is not sure if this is correct? She is out of pocket considerably because of this builders negligence. It cost her a lot more to put right the work. If this is correct and she submits a new counterclaim, does this mean that the claimant can answer the counterclaim and start once again claiming against her? Not sure what to do, as time is running out. Thanks if anyone can clarify and help.
  9. I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. Apologies if not. I have a mortgage with Paragon. I recently changed current account from Natwest to Santander. I called paragon and gave them my new bank details. Mortgage payment was due out on the 30th May. The money never left my Sanatander account. Called Paragon the day after payment should have cleared who advised the dd mandate was active and all up and running correctly. They re checked my new account details... all fine. Paragon said it could be delayed due to Monday having been a bank holiday. Told me to call back today if it had still not debited my Santander account. I called Santander to see if they could advise what was happening. They advised Paragon had never set any dd up!! Called paragon today as its still not cleared and they advised it had been paid and they had updated my account with the new balance after payment! I am not sure what steps to take next, as one day they will realise its not actually been clearing and it will cause all kinds of issues. Any advice good people of CAG on what could have happened and how to get it sorted?
  10. For years I have been struggling with debt but I got in contact with payplan and applied for a DRO. All the paperwork was set up with all my debts on. Council tax is with Marstons. I then received a letter from Rundles saying they were recovering council tax. I thought the council and changed agents and now everything was with Rundles. I informed payplan and they amended the paper work. I was just about to pay the £90 fee when last week while I was in bed asleep after a nightshift. An Enforcement guy...tapped on the front door and walked in scaring the life outta my partner who was in the living room. He demanded that I pay £420 or he would take my living room items away (tv dvd player units ect) Tried to explain that I was paying my DRO fee at end of week. He was having none of it. I was scared and shaken up...I did not receive notice that he was coming. I didn't have the cash and he was adamant he was not leaving till I paid £420 or take my goods. I made some calls and manged to get about a months wages from my boss.( Agreement from boss that I pay from my wages straightaway which means at the moment i don't have money coming in to live on) Anyway I paid him and got a receipt. He was now arranging a payment plan for the rest. I told him I couldn't afford anything but he was insistent...All I wanted to do was to get him outta my house so I agreed to 20 a week. He made me sign what I thought was the payment plan but in fact was a control of goods I later noticed after he left. He also left an envelope on table which had inside a notice of attendance letter dated that same day in pen with a stamped date of the warrant for the following day. I got back k in touch with payplan who advised me that now that I had signed a control of goods order the council tax can not be included in the DRO. I am mortified as council tax is the main debt. I am now ready to pay the fee but holding back as I don't know what to do or where I stand. Oh and to add it,2 days ago I've received a letter from Marstons warning of a notice of attendance... Now I thought everything was with Rundles. I have checked the reference numbers and it's all from different years. Confused and scared is not the word!!! I don't know what to do. I am finally facing my debts and this happens a week before my DRO is finalised
  11. I believed a debt was statute barred when I checked my credit file last payment was in 2009, now it has gone off my file. Lowell now demanding payment, I sent a statute Barred letter to them they replied that termination of service was in 2009 but payment was made in Sept 2011 so not making it statute barred which I totally disagree as my situation was so bad for that period and could not have afford to make any payment from 2009. I don’t have the bank statement, the account had been closed. I sent a letter to lowell to prove date of last payment but they had ignored this. They informed to have made a court claim which I have not received any letter regarding this. Also they asking me to contact the court for a copy. i have contacted the court and i have been emailed the claim form, filled and returned to the court. the court sent a letter of acknowledgement of my defence and that a copy been sent to the claimant. i received a letter from the creditor that my case is on hold as it is being reviewed a copy of Directions Questionnaire (Small Claims Track) which they had filled that i will be sent my copy directly from the court to be filled so that the court can then make decision from these documents. i have asked the creditor severally to prove/send me evidence of my last payment which has been my defence and up to date they are yet to get that to me. I have been sent a direction questionnaire to fill and return. I don't understand this process they are taking and don't know what to do.
  12. I have received ESA in the Support Group for 2 years until this week I had a letter saying that follwing a WCA in May I would no longer be paid ESA. I immediately wrote a letter asking for my claim to be reconsidered as comments made from my assessment were not exactly accurate. I contacted the department and asked what was the next step. I was advised to claim either JSA or Universal Credit. I have spent many hours trying to do just that. All automated lines tell me to claim online, JSA results in a message that if I have had an ESA during the last calendar month to claim universal credit. Attempting this results in a message saying I do not qualify, could this be due to my age? I am 63 and the only question I answer no to online is am I between 18 and 60 years 6 months old? Whichever way I attempt to contact someone to actually speak to I get directed to online. I would be so grateful if anyone could tell me where I go from here.
  13. Hi, I have been left rather confused by an ebay transaction recently. I have been ebay-ing for 10 years or more. Basically I won a samsung galaxy s6 edge+ spares and repairs. It had screen burn. I knew samsung would fix it under warranty and they have done. That is not issue as such. The ebay seller I got it from is a on-line cash generator type pawn shop. My hubby didn't realise that at time of bidding. I asked the seller if he'd done a Checkmend report before I paid for the phone but after I'd won it. He said 'No'. I paid for the phone and did my own Checkmend report the day I received it. The Checkmend report revealed a red Asset Watch marker. For those who don't know what a Asset Watch marker is, it means that the phone may be owned by a company and may be under a Hire Purchase agreement. The company who own the phone is Brighthouse (Checkmend contacted them on my behalf). Brighthouse's Fraud department has been in contact with me and have told me that I don't need to return the phone to them, at this time. I know that potentially that the phone could be become blocked in the future and if that happens, the Ebay seller will accept it back and I will get a refund. I am certain that the phone was not stolen and given to the Ebay pawn-broker. I guess that person who had it under Brighthouse HP agreement pawned it for cash. I am thinking should I keep phone or not ? I have done nothing wrong. I don't mind giving up the phone but Brighthouse are giving me no information. I have clearly asked Brighthouse fraud team under what circumstances would need to occur, for them to ask the phone to be returned ? I am still within the 30 days for Ebay protection and 180 days for Paypal protection. The tricky thing is that would require me to return the phone to the seller, which Brighthouse may not like as they own the phone. I don't know what to do ? Advice please. Thanks x
  14. I am confused as to why the coop won't close my acc yet keep charging me...... I was looking for a loan online few weeks ago, i seemed to complete various applications, then all of a sudden, companies started requesting monies from my acc, I notified the bank and they said they would put into dispute and look into various matters. It happened again and i asked why. They say that I need to resolve issues with companies, yet they all have different names to where I applied to, brokers etc. Can I demand the closure of account? If they don't allow me another account what banks are available for us TIA
  15. I have just received a letter from DCA Rossendales Collect for £130.15 for PARKING CHARGE NOTICE. I have not committed a Parking Offence and as such have received no notice. The story goes as follows: A year ago my daughter inadvertently drove through the Barrier Free Toll on the M50 south of Dublin in my car. I was a passenger. It is not clear, unless you are a local that you have actually gone through this toll as just a short distance further on there is another toll with a barrier, for which she paid. We travelled through 3 such tolls on our way to Cork and on the return journey the same (paying the tolls as we went), and again we went through this M50 Barrier Free Toll on our return not realising that we had just done so. The total cost of a return through this M50 tolls would only have been about £5.60 had we been aware of it. Two months later I get a demand from Euro Parking for £11.20 (double) for none payment of toll, plus a further charge of £44 for not paying the £11.20 within the time limit..the demand for payment came after the time limit. The notice stated that the owner of the car is liable, not the driver..I don't own the car as I am disabled and it is a lease vehicle from Motability.. I disputed the charge (£44) and received no reply from Euro Parking who promptly sent me another letter with an additional further charge of £44 added for not paying the last invoice. Now I owe £96.20 for a £5.60 unpaid toll charges. I would have been happy to pay the £5.60 had I received a request for that amount. I then decided to ignored them because as I understand it, Eflow Ireland have a duty to inform you of an unpaid toll, in writing giving you chance to pay, but I received no such notice. I also understand that because Southern Ireland is not part of the UK, they cannot enforce a debt. I heard nothing since about January until today when I get this demand from Rossendales Collect demanding money on behalf of their client: Euro Parking Collections plc. First of all, my daughter drove through a Barrier Free Toll twice without realising it..Rossendales state: Parking Charge Notice...so this is incorrect. Secondly: They state Original amount £89.35 plus a fee of £34.00 adds up to £130.15. In my book it adds up to £123.35...so this is also incorrect. Not really sure what I should do. I am reluctant to contact them and start of any chain of events where they think I will give in. Surely Euro Parking Collections have to prove a debt before they sell a debt on in the first place. And without proving it first in court and obtaining a court order, they cannot enforce it? Or am I wrong?
  16. Hi. For the last 3 years, I've been the carer for my wife. Through unemployment, we have a joint ESA claim. Due to unemployment, I had the spare time to look after her, and did as I imagine any partner would do. The claim is in my wife's name, we get £280 a fortnight, as she was last put in the work related group, although her advisor believes she should be in support... But we need to wait for the next medical, and the people doing that have previously failed her 3 times with 0 points, before we went to court each time and they found she should have scored between 10 and 16. Anywhooo, it's a struggle. We recently had a friend, who was also on ESA. She lives alone, but has a partner. She got put in support group, and got enhanced disability, despite being far more capable than my wife of working. She gets £140 for that a fortnight, and gets a total of more than £100 than us. We asked at the CAB about what help the was for us, to see if my wife was entitled to more help and we were told to apply for enhanced disability and carers allowance. We did this 4 weeks ago (told it will take 9 for carers allowance to be checked). Enhanced disability, I phoned them for a time frame, and got told flat out that my wife was entitled to nothing. Because I'm not getting PIP (my wife does) as I'm her partner, and look after her, she is entitled to nothing. So I asked for their advice on what to do, to which he said don't bother with carers allowance. Because of I get it, at £62 a week, they will deduct £124 a fortnight from my wife so we end up with no difference, just a load of hassle? Is this true? I knew some of the £62 would be taken, but I thought you got an extra £30-something as a carers premium? So you do actually end up slightly better off? It's confused me now, and I don't know if it's with just cancelling it, to avoid the hassle of the benefit being split, deducted, etc. From what the disability premium guy said, it sounds like being in a relationship is a punishment, especially if you choose to be your partner's carer If it does work out better for us though, how much is back pay entitlement? It'll be 10 weeks from claim date by the time it is awarded, if we get it, but can it go further? We're a bit annoyed really, because our advisor knows I've been my wife's carer for 3 years, and not once has she mentioned the extra help we could get, that apparently we should have been able to request all that time ago
  17. Hi I am asking for a friend so please bear with me, he accidentally caught a neighbours g/f car as he backed out his driveway, the driveway does have a blind spot. He admitted it straight away and it has all been sorted out but he is now worried as today he got a letter saying the claim has been settled and his No Claims discount shall remain disallowed? He had about 4/5 years no claims and it is protected, any know what it means please? Letter said he has no need to take any action Thanks Sandy xx
  18. Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully you can offer some sage like advice. My partner has notified ford of her intention to vt as she is in excess of 50% of the amount. They have sent a letter confirming today. Firstly this letter is asking for payment for usage from her last direct debit date to the date of letter received. Is this correct? She was up to date with her payments with no arrears at time of them receiving letter. The car is planned to be collected from me next Friday as my partner will be at work, should I sign any paperwork they bring or refuse? Don't want to agree to something I shouldn't be doing Finally she is over her agreed mileage on the pcp deal so I expect ford will want to charge her for this? What's the correct course to deal with this? do we just remind them the cca says no further liability beyond the 50%? Sorry for all the questions, hopefully you can help ease our minds Thanks
  19. Monday 19th I opened a letter from hm revenue and customs saying that I paid to much tax and they owe me some money it said go online and claim the money back so I did and it said it can take 3-5 days I've logged in and it said HM Revenue and Customs paid you a refund of ... on the 22nd Septrmber 2016 and it's not even the 22nd and I have not got the money
  20. I have returned! Having not posted since 2014, no issues, no debt afaik everything gets paid, tax paid on time, bills utilities etc that kind of thing. But we awoke this morning to find a message on our answerphone from Fredrickson International instructing somebody who they believe lives here, with a VERY dodgy sounding name to contact them with a reference number... They had called, hung up and then called again to leave this automated message. I am totally and utterly confused as to what this is? We have no debt... nothing! Back in 2011 I had a letter from an agency claiming I had a debt with a catalogue at an old address, dating back to 1997 but they never sent me proof of what it was this claim was about? I had no catalogues back then, I lived on my own and never touched the flipping things. This went quiet after I asked for advice here. I worked out whatever it was, it was statute barred anyway. I will assume that whatever this is, it has to be either historic assumed debt but how the hell did they get our landline number? Is this possibly another sold off debt thing and they are trying their luck? What bothers me is the name of the person they are asking for! it ends with "Woodcock" but its very hard to make out? I can say now our family name is not that lol! Can I safely assume this is fleecing/phising? or will one of us be expecting a dodgy letter sometime soon? Thanks in advance for any help
  21. I rent a ground floor flat from the Housing Association. There was a leak from the flat above (also circle 33) which poured into my cupboard over a period of weeks. (Just found out today after I noticed a stench which smelt like a gas leak). It has ruined the electrical items stored in the cupboard, but circle 33 has stated that they will make good the leak from above and damp proof my cupboard, but I will have to claim on my own insurance for the items damaged. Is that correct? I thought they took responsibility but I could be wrong......
  22. Hi I went to FOS over loans with lending stream. To cut a long story short. I had 4 loans with them and claimed they irresponsible lending. This was because I had other payday loans etc. They also lent me (2 loans) after I had defaulted with them. Yes I was irresponsible and was ill at the time I agree I should not profit and pay back what i borrowed but not the interest. I heard from FOS who said Lending stream were willing to wipe out the balance on the 4 loans. They said this was a fair offer and the decision they would come to However I have already paid back more than I borrowed. I also was claiming compensation from lending stream using CPA sometimes 8 times in one night making without telling me resulting in additional stress and bank charges. What I don't understand is if FOS agree it was irresponsible lending why have they said Lending streams offer is fair. I f they think the lending was fair then I should pay back the interest. How is this a decision I have appealed
  23. Hi, My husband works full time, I'm a stay at home mum...but now looking for work and have been for the last few months. We do claim tax credits but I don't actually claim a penny for myself as I'm not entitled to anything due to my husband working. I also don't really know anything about the benefits system as before I stayed at home, I always worked. My husband is currently off sick from work. He picked up a full wage on Friday (which is a month in arrears for sick pay) and has been informed that he is not receiving any company sick pay, just SSP and at the end of September will just receive that for the period 9th August to 5th September. Which is going to leave us in a right mess financially. My question is this....due to my husband currently only receiving SSP temporarily, can I claim income based JSA for the weeks he is off sick? As I'm pretty sure if we were both unemployed and receiving benefits, we would be picking up more than he will be getting. Thanks for any advice.
  24. Hi Everyone A friend of mine advised this site as I am going through a very stressful time regarding my ex marital home which is in negative equity of around £25 thousand Arrears of £1500 and a Suspended possession order attached. In 2006 my now ex husband went to a broker to find a way of re mortgaging our property to consolidate some debts I never went with him as I was off work with stress and depression at the time I would just sign papers that he brought back with him. we ended up getting a re mortgage with mortgages Plc on an interest only which i didn't understand at the time. In 2009 we divorced and my ex left the property and I was left with paying the mortgage and £3,000 arrears which is how I got the suspended possession order I have been paying the mortgage plus an extra £100 pound off the arrears for the last six years. I now want to move in with my partner and no longer want the house but here is the problem my partner and I are now full time students and can no longer pay two mortgages (my partner has his own mortgaged home) I have no money for fees to sell the home plus I would have to keep paying the mortgage and arrears which I can no longer afford also there would be a shortfall of around twenty thousand. If I hand the keys back there will be a bigger shortfall as the mortgage company will sell at auction. Also Mortgages PLC are adding £54 arrears monitoring fee every month plus fees for visits three to four times a year they having been doing this for the past six years. My ex has no interest in the house although his name is still on the mortgage he has also told me nothing was put in place to pay off the mortgage at the end of the term (WHAT:|). I also don't want to go bankrupt as it may effect the job I'm pursuing when I finish Uni. Any advice would be welcome as I'm stressed and worried every day which is now having an impact on my studying. Thanks
  25. Hi, Ive read the thread on claiming PPI single premium cover but im still confused on how i go about it.? We are only two thirds of the way through a secured loan/mortgage and the premium was added to the amount we borrowed at the the start of the loan ,so that a certain part of the contractual monthly payment is for the PPI during the whole term of the loan . The term is 180 months and the cover was only for the first 3-5 years, we didn`t ask for it and were told it was needed to get the loan and the boxes were pre-ticked, self employed etc.... Do we claim month by month for 180 months as its tied into our loan monthly payments . Ive downloaded the 8% interest spreadsheet for PPI single premium and im confused???? I know the cost of the PPI loan added to the loan, i know the amount of the PPI part of the monthly payment , but after that looking at the spreadsheet i`m lost ! Do i have to fill in 180 month rows in the spreadsheet even though i`m only 2/3 of the way through the loan. Also another complication is the insurance company has just been incorporated into another company called `Co Vea Insurance` which i havent heard of , from Sterling Insurance. The only documents we have are a wallet welcome pack, no policy no. and none supplied by the loan company in the SAR. Any help appreciated Thankyou
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