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Found 24 results

  1. Hi, the answer I need is on the jsa claimant commitment of " most hours I can work each week". The reason is I have a long term disability, 2 years ago on my claim I had this on 24 hours. I started work and claimed working tax credits on 24 hours. but my employer was pushing my hours in a very demanding job for my disability up to 50 plus hours per week. I complained to head office and got no where so resigned from the position. I made a claim for jsa today and the "work coach" said that as I had done 50 hours then 40 hours full time would be on my claim for "hours I can work". I wondered if there was a set amount of hours like working tax credits if you are disabled that is accepted by them to put on the form. thank you.
  2. This is a bit scary !! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/apr/23/archaic-tax-may-be-answer-to-church-of-englands-repairs-bill-prayers
  3. When we have a question about something that comes into our minds, we can often find the answers just by searching using Google etc. Lets see what answers we can get without an internet search. First question. Why on the same stretch of coastline, can you find one beach that is mostly sandy and within a few miles find one that is mostly pebbles ? E.g parts of Cornwall, Dorset. I don't know the answer, but my guess is that it is to do with underwater geology and general terrain. E.g if you have lots of rocks under the water near a beach, then it will be mostly sand that is deposited on a beach. If you have few rocks under the water so no natural barrier, then the force of the water will deposit larger debris including pebbles onto a beach.
  4. I have returned! Having not posted since 2014, no issues, no debt afaik everything gets paid, tax paid on time, bills utilities etc that kind of thing. But we awoke this morning to find a message on our answerphone from Fredrickson International instructing somebody who they believe lives here, with a VERY dodgy sounding name to contact them with a reference number... They had called, hung up and then called again to leave this automated message. I am totally and utterly confused as to what this is? We have no debt... nothing! Back in 2011 I had a letter from an agency claiming I had a debt with a catalogue at an old address, dating back to 1997 but they never sent me proof of what it was this claim was about? I had no catalogues back then, I lived on my own and never touched the flipping things. This went quiet after I asked for advice here. I worked out whatever it was, it was statute barred anyway. I will assume that whatever this is, it has to be either historic assumed debt but how the hell did they get our landline number? Is this possibly another sold off debt thing and they are trying their luck? What bothers me is the name of the person they are asking for! it ends with "Woodcock" but its very hard to make out? I can say now our family name is not that lol! Can I safely assume this is fleecing/phising? or will one of us be expecting a dodgy letter sometime soon? Thanks in advance for any help
  5. Hi, I have read a few of the threads regarding npower so I know how incompetent they can be. I will outline my problem in the hope someone can advise: During 2012 and 2013 I had to contact npower a few times because they did things like send me three letters on the same day saying I was variously in credit by £75, £391 and £1078. I pay by direct debit and have always been in credit but I called and told them I thought their administration of my account left a lot to be desired. I have also put through meter readings by phone which on occasion have been ignored and I have had to waste time on the telephone with them. Their meter reader also misread the meter on one occasion and I received a bill for well over a £1000 - so more phone calls necessary. On to the basis of my complaint: My average annual gas and elec bills total £1500 and I normally paid between £115-£145 a month. Inexplicably (and without notifying me) they reduced my monthly DD in June 2014 to £57. I called more than once and told them this couldn't possibly cover my bills but was "assured" they knew what they were doing. They didn't raise it until January 2015, and then only to £93. I decided it would be a good idea to switch suppliers, which I did in April this year and cancelled my DD to npower once I had received all the letters saying the switch was complete. I then received bills totalling £258 for gas and elec. I completed npower's online form in May, saying how annoyed I was as I had always previously been in credit and it was their mismanagement of my account that led to this debt. I then wrote to them in June (Peterlee address) detailing my complaints about their service and suggesting that my preferred outcome to my complaint would be for them to accept some responsibility and accept a payment of 50% of the total from me. Since then I have written two further letters, one of which was returned "addressee gone away"! I have also sent several emails and keep telling them all I want is a letter, replying sequentially to the points raised in my original letter. I have now received three emails from them, all of which simply detail my bill and don't attempt to address the issues I've raised apart from explaining that they do a mid term assessment and raise or lower DDs as necessary. Well their assessment in my case was way out! I have also received 8 bill reminders and 4 letters from Debt Managers Services Ltd. I have emailed DMS but, surprise surprise, have received no response. Last week I received an email from Mark Howe, Head of Customer Service, which is as useless as all the other emails. He has, however, 'taken the opportunity to raise a complaint' on my behalf and given me a complaints number. But my complaint, with a different number, has been open now for 16 weeks! In his email he says he has opened a complaint but also says the account has been passed to Debt Managers and the collection process will continue until I pay up. This new complaint will apparently stay open for 10 days. He also thinks 'it would be great' if I could set up a payment plan. Totally unprofessional language and I think part of the problem is when npower does bother to reply they are only replying to my latest email - no-one is looking at all the communications from me. So, questions: 1) Surely npower should suspend collection letters and demands for payment until the complaint is concluded? 2) Is it worth going to OFGEM? Previous threads suggest not? 3) I am thinking of writing again and telling npower I am going to claim compensation for their inability to manage their own complaints procedure which is causing me undue stress and taking a great deal of my time. What do you think? I should say I don't need a payment plan and could just pay the bill, but I feel they are treating me like dirt and their incompetence is absolutely astounding! Thanks for reading.
  6. Early last year my husband received a county court summons for £11,500 for a credit card debt sold on to a DCA. He replied and defended the action on the basis of the limited information on the summons and that he was awaiting a reply to the CCA letter sent to them on the day the summons was received. He never received a copy of the CCA, just a letter from them saying the debt was no longer enforceable and they could not proceed any further through the courts, but would he please call them to discuss a repayment plan. They also promised to forward the copy of the CCA. That was over a year ago and we are still haven’t received the CCA, but what he did not advise them was the debt would not really be statute barred until last October , three months after their letter. Move forward to now, and I have received a letter from the same DCA and they are chasing a debt for £8.250 for a card of mine. This will become statute barred in the middle of August when it will be 6 years since the last payment. I received a letter from them dated 6 April but not received until 12 April, saying if I did not contact them within 14 days they would commence legal action. My understanding of statute barred debts is they expire six years after the last payment or admission of the debt and the creditor has until this time to obtain judgement. Is this correct and can the DCA request to the courts an extension this period for the time it takes to transfer to a local court and to a hearing? The default for this will expire soon and I am l keen to keep as clean a record as possible after eight years of financial misery. I appreciate I am morally wrong but this DCA will have purchased the debt for peanuts,
  7. hi thanks for viewing, I need a legal minded person to answer the following issue I have with the landlord/letting agent; prior to October we have had loads of issues with the house we are renting (but love the area before its question why we do not leave!). Over time we have been without : hot water for 7 days and 11 days on separate occasions Been without a shower 8 days and 12 days on separate occasions Without Electrics upstairs for 12 days when we moved in easy to say I know but there have been a large number of issues but we just got on with it. Even though there were a number of things still to be sorted the LL/LA wanted to raise the rent £50 (from October 2015). I agreed but received a Tenancy Agreement that was full of spelling mistakes and had burn marks in it (I kid you not). I asked LA if it was ok in this state and they said it was. then on a routine gas inspection(end of September) there was significant high CO2 levels and the boiler was condemned. We were without hot water for a further 16 days. On a visit the LA agreed there was a number of things that needed doing and arranged for a handyman to sort, but he didnt arrive for another month and when he did he caused water to gush through the ceiling and destroy property, leave carpets muddy, charge his phone in our socket without permission, flick cigarettes in the garden and worst of all left the water pressure too low which caused the wife to get scalded in the shower (water temperature was recorded at 50 degrees). He left a hole in the ceiling which the LA said he would contact us to come back to repair. There was no apology at any time and no contact at all for 2 weeks - my boss is a trainee lawyer and seems to believe they have breached contract. Subsequently we handed our notice in to leave on 9th January but my son required a severe operation and property prices were ridiculous so we withdrew the request. My question is do I owe rent on £950 or £900 as from October? The LA has said I am on a Period Tenancy plus I havent signed a contract. In an email the LA said, " If a new agreement is not signed at the renewal stage, it does ‘roll on’ and become periodic, however your Landlord is still able to increase the rent during a periodic tenancy and your email communications confirm your commitment to renew the tenancy and pay the increase as of 9th October 2015. In addition to this, you have amended your standing order to reflect the increased rent from the renewal date." (I have paid October and November as £950, which if it is a Periodic Tenancy would/should have been £900 - or am I wrong?)
  8. Intrusive Questions by HSBC Bank I am not happy to answer I have been a customer for several years and not much deposited or withdrawn in the last few years. They now ask the source of my money? If I have other bank accounts here or overseas and details? where do I work now and my employers details, how much I earn and spend? Have I got any property on my name? How much it is worth it? Do I have any other investments and their details? Do I have to answer all those? What protection I have? Do any other banks ask such nuisance questions? Any other banks do not ask such questions? Thank you in advance
  9. hi been trying to claim back ppi on a credit card with midland bank/hsbc now since 2013 . i have no statements left but can produce some paperwork for 12 months they denied i had a cc but re searched by hundreds of phone calls and eventually they agreed i did have one but no ppi was on it . the cc was from 1986-2003 and did have ppi and went to metropolitan collections in the 90s the debt was fully paid up. hsbc said prove it or go away, i tried the insurance root for the policy number with axa who tell me the credit card number is the policy number and insurance is inhouse with hsbc. hsbc said not with them . so did a sar which was waste of time 7yrs of transactions of banking. eventually enquired with dataoffice and dc sent out by mistake copy of card details, start and end dates customer/card account numbers. i have asked for the past two years for them to confirm that ppi was on card from day one but they will not answer this question, i went down fos route which was fast tracked due to health but they wont or cant get hsbc to answer it either. i am at a total loss as what to do now should i just give up as the stress of this has not helped my illness. this is the short version of this sorry tale the first time i have ever e mailed anywhere so opologies if a bit rubbish.
  10. Hi all, I sent a complaint letter to quickquid about my payday loan on the 30/10/2014. I sent it recorded and they signed for it on the 31/10/2014. They have now had 8 weeks and I sent a letter to another Payday lender (Payday Express) around the same time. They replied with a Deadlock letter so I've gone to the FOS with them. I'm thinking should I just go to the FOS with quickquid because they've had the 8 weeks and not done anything. Here is my letter: Quick Quid 483 Green Lanes London N13 4BS 30 October 2014 Reference Number: 000000 Dear Sir/Madam I have a payday loan agreement with your company and wish to make a complaint in relation to the product you sold me. Your product has resulted in me suffering serious financial hardship and becoming unfairly indebted. In particular, my ability to pay rent, mobile phone contract, overdraft, food, clothes and basic essentials. I would not have suffered such detriment had your company complied with the relevant consumer credit laws in relation to my individual circumstances; in particular I believe: When I took out my payday loan the Representative APR and true costs of the borrowing was not made clear to me on your website and advertising. This was unfair and contrary to the Advertising Regulations and the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. Your company also failed to provide me with the proper statutory pre-contractual information before I entered into the loan – including a clear explanation of the consequences of missing a payment, default and rollover charge. Had I known this, I would not have taken out the payday loan. Your company again failed to provide me with adequate pre-contractual explanations on the suitability of payday loans in relation to particular types of use, and how much I would really have to pay and what would happen to me if I was unable to do so. Because of this failure, I have been significantly prejudiced and have suffered loss & hardship. Your company also failed to properly assess my creditworthiness when you first lent me money contrary to section 55B of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, had you undertook a sufficient assessment I would not have incurred additional interest and default charges. I would ask you to write-off the interest and charges you have applied to my loan. If you are not prepared to do so please explain why, within the statutory 8-week period, so I can take my complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. In the meantime as this debt is in dispute please desist from debt collection or contacting me until this dispute is concluded. Yours Sincerely, Name Printed Would like some advice on were to go from here. Thanks Andrew
  11. The trade negotiations are an assault on democracy. I would vote against them except… hang on a minute, I can’t.... More ...
  12. Hi everyone, as suggested I am posting each of my debts separately so I sent a CCA letter to Allied International Credit regarding my Egg credit card (now Barclaycard), I should have received an answer by 22nd July '14 but have today received a letter on Barclaycard headed paper saying they have enclosed a "reconstituted copy of your agreement". it is saying that they are "currently unable to provide a copy of the terms of your credit agreement" and go on to say "they are therefore prevented from enforcing our agreement with you". However they also say "we can and will continue to take any action short of enforcement, which includes reporting to credit reference agencies without telling them that the agreement is currently unenforceable, demanding payment from you". They refer me to a case of Philip McGuffick v The Royal Bank of Scotland (2009) EWHC 2386 in which it was held that none of these steps constituted "enforcement" for this purpose. What do I do now, is there another letter that I should send in response? What they have sent me is just a printed copy of a credit agreement which anyone could print off, no signatures. I would be grateful of any advice on this guys, I have other debts that I have sent CCA's to, should I have sent a different letter asking for original signed copies?
  13. Hi, I have an action with Lloyds over a Mastercard. I wrote to them after talking with a claims company as i had been in the past charged for PPI. Lloyds response was that they no longer had a copy of the agreement as it was taken out in 2000. i followed some of the letters on this site and in late 2012 after just no responce at all i stopped payments. Lloyds after taking their time have now issued proceedings. they have stated to the Court that they have no requirement to produce a true copy of the CCA following the Carey v HSBC bank plc (2009) EWHC 3417 (QB). It would appear to me that i am now stuffed in two respects. 1. I cant prove they did charge PPI for the first 5 years (i never signed an agreement when i took the card out it was done in a branch and i was informed a few days later i had a card on the way. Lloyds maintain they did have my signature on the agreement agreeing to PPI). 2. without the proof they have no signed agreement i have no defense against the Court claim. can anyone help as we are now in play so to speak. thanks,
  14. I have applied for a position with British Gas. They asked if I had any CCJ's or IVA's against me within the past 6 years. I said no. However I have progressed a bit further now and have to fill in forms for a full check by Experian, and the question is now worded differently - Have you ever received any County Court Judgments or Individual Voluntary Arrangements against you? My CCJ was over 6 years ago, and has dropped off of ALL of the credit reports I have paid for to check, so my question is - Do I have to tick yes? Thanks in Advance. Tony.
  15. A colleague received one of Parking Eye's charge letters - he overstayed by some 20 minutes in a free car park which serves a supermarket and several other shops (they just didn't finish their shopping in time) . I gave him the letter suggested on CAG particularly asking how the charge was calculated - affixed is their explanation ! Unless I'm missing something - I cannot understand how staying longer in a car park that is free anyway - has cost the landowner any money ?????
  16. About a year ago my brother had a county court judgement made against him. He is disabled with learning difficulties and does not handle his own money. Today a person from the court call at the flat to serve him an order to attend court to answer under oath about his means. My mother answered the door and refused to let him in or let him speak to my brother. She told him we usually deal with my brother's affairs. He gave her the notice and made a note on his sheet that he had given it to her for that reason (actually while she helps with his money she does not have a power of attorney to handle things on his behalf). My first question is: is it too late to write to the court and seek to have the order amended to an amount he can afford? Secondly how do we deal with the court when he does not handle his affairs and has next to know idea of what his income and expenses are? Thanks
  17. Hi I have been getting messages from quidmarket on my answering machine (there is 5 of us in our house), saying it is such and such from their legal team and if I dont contact them before 5pm tomorrow they are going to file a CCJ against me, TBH I dont really care what they do to me but other people are listening to these messages, is there anything I can do about it
  18. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  19. been on ESA for 1-2 years now and went for a medical havent heard anything back for about 2month. got a phone call last week saying if i had anything more to add to the info i gave in medical and said i will get it 4-5 days later, got a dwp letter saying money will be changed in december tax year **** lol so pls help will i get something through or do u think that letter is me still on it
  20. Been on ESA for 1-2 years and went for medical and still havent heard anything and medical was about 2 months ago. just wanted to know if u passed medical what type of confirmation do u get off them ?
  21. Hi i recently received a letter from Provident stating unless i paid them an outstanding amount of £25 within 14 days then they would hand the debt to a debt collection agency, register me with the credit rating agency & that court action may be taken. I was expecting this letter as i refused to pay my agent anymore,since December. The reason for this is that my agent asked for my payment book in November 2012, as she said that she needed to refer to it. When she eventualy reluctantly returned my payment book there had been some alterations to my payments, going back up to 20 months ago, £60 payment had been altered to £20...£40 had been altered to £20 etc, on 5 different occassions the amounts had been altered, but you can still see the original amount underneath the alteration, by the side of each alteration she has written miscalculation. I phoned Provident & told them of this, they asked me to send a copy of the book to them, i requested a computer record of all my payments to them, before i would send the payment book. when i got the print off from Provident, there where several queries by myself as there are alot of payments in the payment book not on the print out of payment history, or the amounts are less than in the payment book, the dates also do not match up on several occassions. I worked out that in all i was around £115 in credit with Provident . I wrote to provident, sent a copy of the payment book & highlighted the alterations, lesser payments & no payments both on the payment book & the payment history print off. I stated that there is also no APR amount entered in the APR rate box on the payment book. I then said that my account seriously needed to be looked at & that i was giving them 14 days ( the same amount of time they gave me to pay, in their letter to me) to offer an explenation & to make a complete refund for the full amount of the loan, as the loan had been mishandled by themselves & the agent, they did not have proper records & what records they did have had been altered by the agent, therefore the loan is void & that if i do not get any satisfaction i will be taking the case to a small claims court . I received a reply this week saying that the case has been passed to a senior investigating officer, who will contact me soon. However, they have said that their investigation will take 8 weeks & if i am not satisfied at the outcome after 8 weeks i can put it to the financial ombudsman. ( which will probably take months). I have decided that i should write back to them with a letter before action letter, stating that i am giving them 30 days to resolve this matter, under The Practice Direction- Pre action Conduct ( i'll also include a copy of it for them), state that i will not be seeking advice from the ombudsman, but will be taking this issue straight to the Small claims court., listing my reasons & also all of the costs i intend to recover: the loan amount, costs for telephone calls, time for writing letters, loss of earnings if i have to attend court etc. Can anyone give me any advice as to where i stand on this matter & if im doing everything correctly or if ive missed anything.. .any advice would be most welcome, thanks.
  22. I have a question that maybe someone could help me with. My father died just over 4 years ago and he left a will but I never got sight of it. My brother is the executor of the will and when I asked him what the will contained he told me not to worry about it. My mother is still alive and her will, will mirror my fathers. I rang up the Solictors who hold my fathers will and asked them if I could obtain a copy of his will and was told that he wrote a letter to the effect that I was not to see it and only my mother and my brother were to have sight of it. I was hurt by this and still am. I understand through other members of the family that I was cut out of the will and everything will go to my brother on my mothers death. I am not out to cause trouble for my elderly mother or brother but for the life of me I don't understand why and would like to obtain a copy of my fathers will just to reassure myself I suppose. Can anyone help me?
  23. We are often asked why we discourage the giving of private advice off-forum There are many regulars here who are a great asset to the Caggers on this forum. These people are highly regarded and it is great that they are prepared to spend so much of their time helping others. This forum is run in a way so that everyone’s experiences are published. This means that the forum material is available to everyone – and everyone should understand that there are a huge number of people who read the threads without contributing and without even registering. We have about a million unique visitors per month. That is fine by us. We merely want to empower people to be able to take responsibility for themselves. This leads eventually to a more challenging and more confident consumer-base. (I’m sure that we are only making the very slightest of dents – but we are doing something). Where advice is given off-forum it has two effects. Firstly it removes a source of good up-to-date information from others. It is only the minority of people who register onto the forum. This means that there are a hugely significant number of people who are deprived of the information and the encouragement that they need to stand up for themselves. Secondly, on many threads, there are often a number of contributors, all lending a hand and being community minded and selfless with their time and their energy. Suddenly they find that the person who they are helping has stopped responding to the thread. This is because that person is now dealing directly with someone off-forum. The other helpers, who have been content to do things publicly, feel frustrated. They don’t understand what has happened. They don’t get the satisfaction of knowing that there has been a victory which they have contributed to. They have a sense of not being appreciated and there is a possibility that as a result they decide not to help anyone else anymore and they go away and find something else to do – to the loss of everyone on the forum, present and future.
  24. Please bare with me, this could be a long explanation before the questions come in. (this has also been asked on another forum, however the more opinions I recieve, the better my decision will be. If this is in breach of forum rules, I understand but, can't hurt to ask in more then one place). (Skip to bold for questions.) I have just been on a YouTube 'bender' (was going to bed at 11pm to midnight yesterday, now 13:35pm lol) culminating in my discovering a wealth of information regarding Council Tax, Debt Collectors and Debt in general and found some very useful information. I got into financial trouble back in 2009/10. I was dismissed from my place of employment, and did, at the time, advise my then bank, Lloyds TSB of the situation. Things eventually escalated, however I was still in contact with the bank via letters. I began recieving the calls from their delightful indian call centers. Most of which I ignored at the time the ones I did respond too, were all told that I was dealing with the situation with the bank. I eventually called for a meeting with my Bank Manager (turns out it wasn't, it was a woman acting on behalf, I believe) and laid out all my information, the fact that I was in negotiations with them, and nothing seemed to be happening. She did say she would look into it but negotiations may have to be completely restarted. A couple of weeks later I recieved letters from two 'Credit Services/Management' companies, aka Debt Collectors; Wescott and Apex. The debts were/are; One Loan, One Credit Card and One Overdraft, all with Lloyds TSB. I, at the time, had, I thought, no alternative other then to agree to make payments to them (, most letters marked debt collectors tend to make ones bowels move a little quicker), two of the debts to Wescott and one with Apex (still do not know why the debts were split in this way). All agreements to the Debt Collectors to my memory were done over the phone, I have signed no paper documents in their possession, however If I remember correctly I may have signed a Direct Debit confirmation, cannot remember. My question, is there a way to deal with this, or, has the ship sailed long ago? The direct debits were set up at the end of 2010, It is now 2012. Have i missed my chance to ask for evidence of debt? Does my payment via Direct Debit count as me admitting the debt? Answer.You can request information at any time CCA and or SAR. Any payment is acknowledgment of the debt. Am I able to request a copy of every single dealing I have had with them in the past, including any possible voice recordings where possible, and also verification of the debt. Or, as with above, have I missed my chance? Answer: You need to do a SAR for this and a seperate CCA request. From various sources online, I can request an 'Assignment Notice'. Could I only do this BEFORE making payments or can this be done at any time. IF they cannot provide confirmation that I have the debt, Answer: Would be supplied with SAR. I assume a piece of paper with my signature on (contract of some sorts), the debt is effectively nulled. Am I right in this assumption? Or am I waaaaay off target? (some clarification here would be very nice if possible). Answer: No Absense of paperwork does not mean that the debt cannot be collected, just that it cannot be enforced in court. Can I simply cancel direct debits, and send off template letters from another site or do I now not have a leg to stand on. I'm assuming it would not be possible in my case (I always miss good opportunites) Answer. You have acknowledged the debt and have been paying, stopping payment could well lead to court action. Note; This has been going on since 2009/10. The debt collectors became involved in 2010. I have Direct Debits with both DC's. All three Direct Debits have been running without hitch since 2010. I apologise for the massive wall of text but I would like advice and clarification before proceeding with any foolish YOU WILL BE DRAGGED TO COURT FOR TRYING AND FAILING action. (* note to anyone who may think I'm simply trying to get out of this debt, that was not my original plan, I was in talks with Lloyds TSB on how to pay this debt back. Im [bLANK] off that Lloyds effectively threw me to the wolves whilst I was STILL talking to them, and therefore want to know how I can deal with this.)
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