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Found 13 results

  1. Roche CoaguChek device producing inaccurate results READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/roche-coaguchek-device-producing-inaccurate-results
  2. Digital pregnancy tests recalled in new alert amid false positive results READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/digital-pregnancy-tests-recalled-in-new-alert-amid-false-positive-results
  3. Hi all. I'm using Comodo Ice Dragon as my Search Engine, and Google as my Home Page. For some reason, when I search something on the web and press enter, it gives me results from Bing (not Google). Never had this problem before, and I have looked in the Browser Settings and deleted Bing all together, but still the same. As I'm typing in the Search Box, then Google will offer website suggestions, but after pressing enter, it changes to Bing. I don't like Bing. I don't bother with Toolbars, just the normal Search Box. Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.
  4. My daughter just got a distinction star, so anyone know what that means please ?
  5. Benefit sanctions make it harder for people to find work says charity Crisis. The report is dated 11/12/2015... Benefit sanctions are leaving people homeless, hungry and destitute, and making it even harder for them to find work, according to the homeless charity Crisis. Follow the link for the full story... Info from here >> http://www.localgov.co.uk/Benefit-sanctions-make-it-harder-for-people-to-find-work-says-charity/40000
  6. I suffer with depression and social anxiety. I attended the appointment with my sister. I am on antidepressants a high dose, on beta blockers and waiting for CBT. I have suffered since a child and only started getting help in the last few years. I scored 0 on everything. How has this happened. We did record the interview knowing last time the interviewer lied about how I answered questions. I sorry for being blunt but feel like giving up on life with no hope everyday is so hard and this is just another worry. What am I meant to do, appealing is such a long stressful process and I don't think I could cope going through that again. It is so belittling. This is messing with my mental health. Please tell me what to do.
  7. Just wondering if anybody has seen anything that would indicate how the PIP pilot results compare to what DLA would have been awarded? I understand that there is an on-going review of the 10 metre rule. Personally in my opinion it is a done deal and nothing will change despite the review. You can't very well have hundreds being currently assessed against 10 metres then 12 months down the line the DWP change it to 25/50 metres. It wouldn't be fair on those tested on the 10 metre rule, as they could well find that if 25 metres was the limit, they would have got an award. I think the 10 metre limit is here to stay for their sakes.
  8. http://www.cwu.org/news/archive/ballot-result-postal-workers-say-no-to-privatisation.html http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CFcQqQIwBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fuk.reuters.com%2Farticle%2F2013%2F06%2F19%2Fuk-britain-royalmail-union-idUKBRE95I0OX20130619&ei=tsrBUdHWPLOv4QSi3oC4AQ&usg=AFQjCNHmadm3L0K8RP0PvAdAviZlH9AimA&sig2=kAsufsK8AZgZ5XQ4wOCvmQ
  9. ERSA have recently (20th June) published a report highlighting their success in getting the long term unemployed back in to work. Headline claim is 321,000 people starting work. Further on, the report also claims that: If the providers can only find temporary contracts that last anything from a single day to three months, might as well spin it... Job starts do not equate to sustained employment, nor should people hounded off benefits through sanctions or intimidation be counted. Comparing their figures with the last official report from the DWP wp_release_nov12.pdf, I am really struggling to see any correlation between the two - It will be interesting to see what the DWP has to say on 27th June. If the ERSA figures are to be believed, that means the providers are in line for some £1,250M for their efforts to date (using a £4,000 per participant figure based on Work & Pensions Committee figures). Before either party decide to remove their documents, I'll attach them below (they have, after all, been placed in the public domain).
  10. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  11. Hi there I have just received my MRI scan results for my lower back & I have no idea what it means! I injured my back deadlifting in the gym over a year ago, so the lower back problem has been present for some time. Findings of MRI are as follows: "The conus is sited at the T12-L1 disk level. The visualised cord and cauda return normal signal. Normal visualised vertebral marrow signal. The canal is capacious throughout the lumbar and sacral levels. Bulky moderate multilevel facet OA present and this is particularly pronounced at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels. The upper 2 lumbar disks are slightly dehydrated but there is no compromise seen to nerve roots at these levels. The L3-L4 disk is dehydrated with a broad-based disk bulge and focal central protrusion which is small but effaces thecal sac. No definite compromise seen at this level however. The L4-L5 disc is dehydrated witha broad-based disk bulge. This accompanies bulky facet OA particularly on the left side narrowing lateral recess and there is some mild effacement of the left L5 nerve root in this region. However, there is a moderate left foraminal stenosis in which the foraminal L4 root on the left side does appear to be impinged to some degree. This is predominantly due to bulky facet osteophytosis. The L5-S1 disk is reasonably well-preserved. There is sacralisation of the L5 vertebral body. Focal high signal in the pars on each side may reflect some low-grade stress. Conclusion: evolving degenerative changes within the facets and lower lumbar disks as detailed above. Moderate to" (The report literally finishes like that... not sure what the "moderate to" was about to refer to.) Any doctors on the forum?? Can you advise?? Kind regards, Jack
  12. first post go easy on me. went for my assessment by atos think it is the esa medical on 20 December how long does it take to get to now results . only thing i have received so far is a brown envelope dated 28 jan 2012 saying about income support rates .is this normal having to wait so long or should i ring up and ask it is making me worse plus should i ask for a copy of my medical .thank you hope somebody can help me
  13. Hi, Basically, About 3 months ago, phone contracts were fraudulently taken out ON NEARLY EVERY UK NETWORK under my name using cloned copies of my bank card and provisional I.D, i knew nothing about this. I didn't get any contract introduction letters, I just started getting a heap of letters from phone companies threatening me for money, from £30 - £200. My mum and I instantly reported the fraudelent activity to the phone companies and they said they would investigate into the matter and shortly contact me. After some time, T-Mobile & Vodafone decided to close the accounts as they said these contracts had been fraudulently taken out. Although, it isnt over, 3 network and O2 refuse to close these accounts as they are claiming that it was me that took out the phone contracts and my real bank card and i.d was used so therefore it cannot be closed. Despite my mother writing letters to O2 and 3, attaching the letters of t mobile and Vodafone stating that yes, these are fraudulent accounts, they STILL REFUSE to close the accounts. My mum and I recently went into the 3 branch where the phones were taken out in London and spoke to the manager. He claims they don't keep CCTV for more than 30 days. We then requested for the papers which the [problem]ster signed to distinguish his handwriting from mine but till this day we havent recieved anything. O2 have now increased the debt from £200 to £2000 and today I received a POWER2CONTACT slip saying that they want to discuss the issue with me. T MOBILE AND VODAFONE were great help, but it seems like o2 and 3 want to suck money out of me for something I didnt do. Im a young man, im only 18, still young and i dont need this mess in my life, where do i go from here? Anyone that can advise, please help. I beg you. I dont even mind blessing some one with a small fee if their advice actually brings me out of this mess! Thanks
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