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Found 9 results

  1. Digital pregnancy tests recalled in new alert amid false positive results READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/digital-pregnancy-tests-recalled-in-new-alert-amid-false-positive-results
  2. I looked at the Daily Mail online site earlier and thought to myself whether i gained anything positive from my visit. Most of the articles are celebrity gossip or are promoting products or promoting interests of the Daily Mail. The Mail was once a great campaigning newspaper, with some really good journalism that uncovered information, that was useful to consumers or society. But recently i have found that the articles on interesting subjects are no longer there and have been replaced by celebrity rubbish and general news which is not often factual or interesting. Positive step to remove the Daily Mail bookmark and to not bother visiting their site. Are there any activities you might do on a regular basis that are not positive or useful ? And i don't mean doing household tasks.
  3. I just thought that I'd share that I've been with a company called Utilita for a year now and had their prepayment Smart Meter energy. From the get-go, I've had nothing but great service. The handiness of having an accurate (to the minute) update on what I'm using, how much I've used and how long I've got left before I need to top up has been immense. be warned they don't participate in warm home discount in all cases, but on that note, as the sales person told me that I would get it, they honoured that, apologised for the confusion and sent me a letter as proof of honouring their mistake. Something I've never really seen an energy company do. On top of that, Since moving to them I've had two price decreases, both outside and before the "big 6" decreased their prices and at 2% more than each of their decreases. The only gripe that I have, and a minor one, is that their smart-phone app only deals with payments. It doesn't have any interaction with your energy usage results. Anyhoo, I thought that amidst the gloom and doom of energy I'd share this little gem. Hope this helps others! Cheers, Ade
  4. Morning All, I'm new to the forums and after reading numerous posts about how insurance companies are doing this and that wrong, and how they're thieves and spiteful people, I thought I'd try a put a positive spin on things, as I've had a number of decent customer service experiences with insurers, and feel that it doesn't get reported unless it's a bad thing - most of the time if consumers are happy, they don't bother to shout about it. Who has anything positive to say about companies they've been with in the past that have provided them with great service, and made them feel like a valued customer? Hope to hear from you! Thanks, Dave
  5. Thought I'd post my recent experience of how it should be done by maufacturers and dealers. I drive a 2008 Volvo C70 which I bought locally from a independant secondhand car dealer in June last year. Recently the boot lid started unlocking itself and you could hear the catch 'cycling' as if I was holding my hand on the button. As it's one of these hard-top convertibles the boot is part of a massively complex mechanism that splits the roof into three bits, stacks them on top of one another and pops it all in the boot, I opted to bite the bullet and take the car to Volvo rather than risk it with a non-specialist. It was booked in and I was offered a really reasonable rate for the first hour's labour (half what they advertise). So I took the car to them, and within 40 minutes they brought my car back around the front of the dealership, gleaming inside and out and with a smile said "it's fine, it was just an error code that needed to be cleared, it's all sorted now" as he handed me the keys and ushered me into the car. I climbed out and went into the service desk to be told it was all FOC and would I like to take a voucher for a half price MOT! I nearly fell off my perch... Thank you Volvo! That's how you get a customer... Needless to say, the good lady wants a new car so we'll be back there at the weekend.
  6. In peoples opinions, do you think all women shortlists as to reserved seats is discriminatory. I can understand the principle, take a trade Union hierachy as to positions. They tend to be white, middle aged and male. If both the male and female candidates are equally qualified, why should the female take precedence and the male candidate withdraw, even if the female role is not equal to the male? I put forward this scenario as well, do you have to be Gay to work in an equality role, or non white just because they are unerepresented as a specific tital. Why stick a lable on someone, the very thing equality strives to eliminate. Trade unions are there to ensure equality, my argument is that women should be encouraged to take part in an organisation, but not jump into reserved seats because of your sex. That stinks of cronyism No Racist, sexist or homophobic response please, serious question
  7. I've just received a £100 penalty charge notice from Parking Eye for parking at the Marriott Hotel Waltham Abbey. The signs were very clear and I therefore paid my £3 charge for the allotted time. I don't understand why I received a notice - I paid my money and parked within the time constraints. Parking Eye do not issue you with a pay and display print out ticket so how can I prove I paid the money??? Any replies would be grateful please.
  8. this is taken from part of the BBC text news service from a story with regard to DWP and Atos assessments. Sickness benefit testing system has to many problems, Employment Minister Mark Hoban has conceded.But he said in some cases claimants "Shared responsibility" when benefits were awarded after a long appeal. This came after a BBC interview with a man who lost benefits for 9 months before an appeal restored them. Atos which carries out the tests said it's surveys found 90% were positive about their experience with us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't think I have to tell you my view on the above crap. dpick
  9. having problems with minicredit, and from a loan of £100 it has already jumped to over £300 in 2 weeks, ive read and read these forums and cant find anyone that has been dealt with positively, there is no proper email address for them,have sent some via their website but they are not traceable so no proof as to what ive said, no other method of paying them apart from debit card, mine has been cancelled and money secured etc, anyone got an email address for them? anyone got bank details for them? how can i pay them without a debit card?? any help with letters or info for them would be great.
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