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Found 12 results

  1. Diabetes test strips recalled in new alert READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/diabetes-test-strips-recalled-in-new-alert
  2. Digital pregnancy tests recalled in new alert amid false positive results READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/digital-pregnancy-tests-recalled-in-new-alert-amid-false-positive-results
  3. Alert for charities - use the regulated financial sector READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-for-charities-use-the-regulated-financial-sector
  4. Action Fraud has received a surge in calls and reports from concerned members of the public who have received debt collection and council tax [problem] emails. Outstanding debt In the past couple of days the Action Fraud contact centre has received thousands of calls and reports from the public who have received this clever spear phishing email below. These have worried recipients because they use detailed personal information such as full name, address and postcode. The emails claim to act on behalf of a legitimate company called Optex (Europe) Ltd and contain a link which could infect your computer with Cryptolocker or Maktub ransomware. This spear phishing campaign could constantly evolve, so look out for company variations and remember that is easy for fraudsters to adapt information. To prevent your personal information ending up in the hands of fraudsters; follow our advice on how to protect it. Your council tax bill This email has been spammed out over the past couple of weeks and could catch residents off guard. It uses a realistic domain name and claims there is a new service up and running to make it easier for you to pay your council tax bill online. If you are in doubt about any service your council provides, contact them directly. http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/news/alert-fake-debt-collection-and-council-tax-emails-apr16
  5. Hi to you all who have taken out loans with this company me also being one I feel we are all same unite here cos we are all similar cases loans done by the company mine has been too trauma to put on here its cost me dearly in my nerves etc I just want to say thank you for saying on here to each and everyone of you I know we all have experienced same things to do with this company, please hang on cos I believe there is now light at the end of the tunnel. BLESS YOU all and try relax , sometimes it just takes one more to move the mountain . I had to remember nothing is impossible is it, release is coming we have to remember its just a loan and yours and my views count , whither its 1 person 2 people 50 people 1,000 plus people with same view multiplication is coming or is not needed because sooner or later it just takes the right place, action, things, people to change things.
  6. I got an email just over a week ago from '[email protected]' informing me that my email address is "currently registered against an active UJ account" "It's been a year since you accessed the account and used it to search for jobs. If you would like to keep this account please take a moment to log in. If you do nothing the account will be disabled within 4 weeks". It has actually been over 2 years since I accessed my UJ account but I do use it for job searches without logging in to it, so they got that part of it wrong. At the bottom it says: "UJ helpdesk, Do not reply to this email unless you are directed to do so as we will not be able to respond. Please use the 'Contact us' facility if you have any further issues or to report this email as suspicious. We will never ask you for your password in an email". ©2013 Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) I have been to the Jobcentre to sign on since receiving this email and not a peep was said about it. I do not intend to take a moment to log in, or to contact them. I intend to do nothing about it and they are more than welcome to disable it, and the sooner the better. Just wondered if anyone else received such good news, or is this some sort of a cunning plan.
  7. Netflix have confirmed that an email I received from secure @ netflix.co.uk asking for updated billing details is not from them. Luckily I don't have a Netflix account so it was pretty obvious to me, but perhaps not to everyone.
  8. Hi all, Would appreciate a bit of help if possible. I signed up to their Act Now Alerts service and was not "alerted" when I exceeded my limit. I've been trying to point this out to them for over a year now and during which time they've continually applied defaults to my account (FOS were useless as they said that fees were applied in line with T&C and didn't address the non-notification). The case seems to be being passed around the entire Consumer Care Team with no acknowledgement of fault. Any advice please? Does anyone have a contact address for a master and commander? Thanks in advance
  9. As there are so many people with different medical conditions especially those that are advised to carry a Medical Alert with them CAG thought this would be of use to our users. Please bear in mind that Team at CAG has spent some time designing this Medical Alert Wallet card Template for your use completely FREE. Before Printing please check your printer settings: Page Scaling / Handling / Sizing Setting Ensure your printer is NOT set to - "Expand to fill Printable Area" (If you leave it on this it will print out as an A4 Page which you dont want) Ensure the Page Scaling / Handling / Setting is set to - NONE / Acutal Size (Check your printer properties before printing as each printers settings are different) To Fill in Form To fill in the Form rather that trying to fill it in upside down just go to your PDF Programs VIEW setting and simply "Rotate Page Clockwise" until it is at the correct level and complete. To SAVE your completed PDF WARNING DO NOT just click SAVE otherwise you will save a Blank PDF and lose all the information you have just typed do the following: 1. Click on FILE and select SAVE AS 2. Select where you want to save PDF 3. Importantly Rename the PDF from original name 4. Click Done You have just saved your information in that PDF. Remember to save your work before closing and to keep it regularly updated. Medical Alert Wallet Card Template with Form Fields ----------.pdf
  10. This is a very important medical alert. Please pass it on to your friends and family. THIS IS SERIOUS!!
  11. Hello All, Has anyone had dealings with the above Ins Co, they apparently sell "Life Assistance Products" and in Particular Identity Protection,Fraud Protection Services, in relation to plastic cards, mobile phones and Identities. CPP Identity Alert is arranged by Card Protection Plan Ltd and underwritten by Homecare Insurance Ltd. There is an Identity Protection Policy issued with this product and a yearly fee of circa £80 ish. Also included is a premium of circa £16 to the Company, CPP for it's intermediary services. The fee is the difference between the premium and the total amount you pay in the United Kingdom, where Insurance Premium Tax is Payable, this is included in the fee and the premium. My question is, will this company and the products it sells be subject to the same procedures, rules and regs etc, as the PPI./LPI claims for mis-selling?? This has just come to my attention from a family friend who has just received the renewal notice and thinks maybe there could be mis-selling. All advice/ information will as usual be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  12. Hi all, Just signed up and will hopefully be learning from and sharing knowledge with a lot of you. I posted this on the main forum and someone suggesting reposting in the relevant section/ I am mainly interested in finance and banking (with an interest, but no qualifications, in financial law, mainly picked up from forums whilst dealing with my own financial nightmare) Over the last 6 years I've had some really strange experiences, mainly with my bank and other finance companies I owed money to. I've managed to resolve them, one way or another and think i may have picked up some knowledge worth sharing when it comes to dealing with complaining to finance companies/banks. Experienced some problems with high interest debt and identity fraud but have now nearly come out the other side (once I've paid off my last £1800 of credit card debt) Looking forward to speaking to you all!
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