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Found 11 results

  1. Alert for charities - use the regulated financial sector READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-for-charities-use-the-regulated-financial-sector
  2. I have just seen a RBS agreement from 1992!! At the top it does'nt have the usual bumf of 'this is a Credit agreement regulated under the consumer credit Act 1974' (or similar) I thought this was a must! What legal implications does it have? There are other faults but I can't remember what not having the above means. Its not mine so I can't post it up. Kind Regards jack
  3. Hello. A got car insuance through a broker called Adrian Flux. They sent through details of the insurer which is Trinity Lane. They’ve sent me through the paperwork and I was looking through it and in the Trinity Lane documentation it says this. We are authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Insurance Business Act 1998 to carry on the business of general motor and accident classes of insurance. So basically I don’t know if this is OK or if I should be wary that it is not authorised and regulated by an authority here in the UK. I can still cancel with no penalty so I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Thank you.
  4. What will happen if HCEO's get to be able to enforce debts under the CCA 1974 how much will that affect the debtors, what are the pitfalls of this if it happens? .................. Full story here has anyone else seen this yet? http://thesheriffsoffice.com/articles/why-2015-could-see-the-enforcement-of-cca-regulated-debt-by-hceos
  5. In 2007 i guaranteed a limited company's hire agreement said on the face of the document to be none regulated. Total payable with interest was £26,903. The finance company are now suing me under the guarantee There is a dispute about how long the guarantee was for But that is not why i am on here posting The Company claims the Agreement was signed at a dealership - whereas it certainly was not. Im just trying to find out if they are saying that because for it to be a genuine none regulated agreement the agreement needed to be signed on trade premises. As it wasn't, does that change things and if so how? Might it give me more of a defence Might it mean the agreement is instead regulated If so, is that fatal to the claim or does it just give me more options - like rights to cancel, which seems academic, some 7 years later.. Wonder if anybody out there can please help. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello Can anyone tell me if Morgan Solicitors, based at West Malling, Kent, are regulated by The Solicitor's Regulation Authority? and, are they required to be regulated by the SRA?. Thanks for any info.
  7. Can someone kindly advise how to calculate possible PPI reclaim amount ? I have calculated my monthly PPI interest amount figure using forum details located in which I have already paid over120 months but still have 60 months to expiry. Any assistance would be appreciated as I would like to know a possible figure in order to compare with Welcome's offer if successful.
  8. Hi, I've just read the OFT Document, "Consumer credit - regulated and exempt agreements". It states: My agreement with Safeloans is headed, "Fixed Sum Loan Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974". And contains: Could somebody advise? Basically I need to know whether charges and interest beyond the original capital and interest are fair and enforceable?
  9. Hi, Could any one shed some light! I purchased a second property for my mother and it was non regulated, she occupied it 100% for 4 years. my lenders Solisitors instructed my mother to move out giving her a date to do so, she was told she had no rights to occupy or go to court for stay of eviction as she was not a spouse or child of mine. Dispite removing my mother, it took the lender 1 year to get a decree and another three months to repposses the property. Q. If the property had a regulated mortgage would she have had any legal rights? Thanks in Advance
  10. Hello everyone, We want to reclaim a misold PPI policy sold April 2005 and loads of other fees and have a copy of our secured loan agreement, but it says it is "Not regulated under CCA" Does not being regulated under the Consumer Credit Act make any difference, I'm not sure what it even means to us. Thanks for any help.
  11. Hi, I am posting here to find out if someone can help me. Two and a half years ago a purchased a car on a hire agreemt from mercedes smart value of finance was £8k. The agreement was in my limited companies name but with myself as a guarantor and wasn't explained what a non regulated contract or agreement was. I am currently in the process of paying of the finance agreement and have subsequently found out that as the agreement is non regulated theycan charge me 4 months interest as an early repayment charge. Nowhere in the contract does it state they can do this nor does it outliine what a non regulated contract is. I have advised the dealership that the loan value is below £25k so it should be regulated and their response was that limited companies are not covered by the CCA, is this correct? Surely my company is covered if I am guarantor and if my company has less then 5 employees? Also if the agreement does not highligh there is a 4 month interest charge penalty for an early repayment can they charge it? I would appreciate any help on this and advice on what to do to resolve my issue in trying to retreive the four months of interest back. Oh and when I approached the finance company they are accepting no liability for the miss selling of the dealership. thank you
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