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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I'm currently in the process of being evicted from my rented flat. I contested it for a while as there were plenty of irregularities over the tenancy and the deposit protection, but the landlord got an immediate order for possession about 2 weeks ago now. I was fully expecting him to instruct county court bailiffs right away, but 14 days on, I haven't received a notice of eviction. I rang the County Court Bailliff's office, and they haven't even received an application from the landlord to start that process. I find this a bit strange, I don't understand why he didn't do this right away. I've been reading elsewhere that there's a procedure for possession that involves getting the case moved to the High Court and then instructing High Court Enforcement Officers to carry out the writ. It's my understanding that this is more expensive but much quicker. It's also my understanding that if the landlord goes down this route, I don't get any notice at all until the HCEOs turn up at the door. Is there any way of finding out if this is what's going on here? Is this a common route for landlords to use? Is it true I wouldn't get any notice at all, or any notice that the case was being transferred to the High Court? If I get a few days notice to get my stuff together, then that's fair enough, I'd even send the keys back and save everyone a lot of hassle. What I'm worried about is that I'll just come home one day and find all my stuff on the street. Does anyone think this is likely or have any advice in this situation? Cheers.
  2. What will happen if HCEO's get to be able to enforce debts under the CCA 1974 how much will that affect the debtors, what are the pitfalls of this if it happens? .................. Full story here has anyone else seen this yet? http://thesheriffsoffice.com/articles/why-2015-could-see-the-enforcement-of-cca-regulated-debt-by-hceos
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