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  1. Hi I have recently bought a 8 year old van the van was scrap engine had blown up and I payed cash to the original owner. The vehicle was on lese purchase and wich he said he had paid all in total the. The finance company have contacted me asking for £500 to settle bill?? Just looking for some advise on how to deal with this situation Many thanks
  2. Hi, I'm new to the site but I'm hoping that somebody has the insight and generosity to reply to my quandary: I was recently contacted by a claims management company. They think I am owed PPI reimbursement on a 60 month car loan agreement taken out with Lombard Direct in Nov. 2007 (the outstanding balance of which was paid off in April 2011). I have no idea if this is true as I binned the documents after selling the car in 2011. I would like to claim the PPI myself but I'm finding it impossible to contact Lombard Direct on 0800 215 000 (the number provided by RBS and through separate means). I have seen other CAG members state that RBS are now handling Lombard claims - I contacted RBS but they can find no details of any loan agreement (though they did say that this does not mean one never existed). I do not want to return to the CMC or let this one lie as the loan was for over £12, 000! Can anybody please suggest a course of action? Thanks Daniel
  3. In 2007 i guaranteed a limited company's hire agreement said on the face of the document to be none regulated. Total payable with interest was £26,903. The finance company are now suing me under the guarantee There is a dispute about how long the guarantee was for But that is not why i am on here posting The Company claims the Agreement was signed at a dealership - whereas it certainly was not. Im just trying to find out if they are saying that because for it to be a genuine none regulated agreement the agreement needed to be signed on trade premises. As it wasn't, does that change things and if so how? Might it give me more of a defence Might it mean the agreement is instead regulated If so, is that fatal to the claim or does it just give me more options - like rights to cancel, which seems academic, some 7 years later.. Wonder if anybody out there can please help. Thanks in advance.
  4. Just to clarify first of all, I do believe that Lombard Direct is now part of the RBS. In this respect, I'm sending my claim direct to the RBS PPI Customer Concerns at Manchester. Does anyone disagree? I have printed their questionnaire out and I am of the opinion that is deliberately long - winded (Eleven pages to be exact) to deter claimants. The original loan was taken out in 2002 for 60 months so has been repaid for a long, long time. The questionnaire is after totally irrelevant information, I am therefore, sending my claim in letter form. The loan was for £5000 and a PPI Premium of £777 was added to the loan amount. By my calculations I reckon the refund. ..if they pay, should be in excess of £1400.
  5. Hi friends, I had taken out a £15k loan with Lombard Direct back in 1997 (fully paid off). I have been saving all my bank (Barclays) statements. Wanted to know if PPI was charged on this loan and had sent an SAR on the 21st of January 2014. Its the 6th of March and the 40 days period has clearly expired. I also know that the £10/- cheque I sent with the SAR has not been en-cashed. I am planning to give them a couple more days before I post the LBA (DPA non-compliance letter found in the templates section of the forum). My questions : 1. I hope this was the right address to send the letter to : Lombard Direct Loans 1 Hardman Boulevard Manchester M3 3AQ 2. I also hope its still Lombard Direct Loans that we should write to and that its not been taken over by any other company. 3. I have moved 3 times since 1997, should I provide them proof of my new address together with my LBA so that they do not get a chance to breach the time limit? Thanks Autumn
  6. Good evening, Any help with the following would be much appreciated as seem to have hit a brick wall ;-(( My partner had/has 10 separate loans for 10 separate vehicles which he didn't realise he was paying PPI on each individual one. We have followed all the correct procedures to reclaim and have received by registered post a big wad of all the agreements all signed by my partner and basically presenting their findings in which they state -Lease Purchase Agreements and Terms -Insurance Premium Agreements -Demands and Needs Statements -Keyman Cover Summary documents saying we have signed to confirm acceptance ....... "as a result of my investigation, I am sorry that I am unable to uphold your complaint. I feel it is clear from the documentary evidence provided were aware that cover was to be applied to the agreement" and goes on further to say about going to the FOS if not satisfied etc etc My partner remembers being told that he would not get the loans unless he took out the agreements and that as soon as everything was agreed they would be removed so he pretty much had his hands tied ;(( but how on earth can I prove it????? Please any suggestions would be more than welcome. Thank-you
  7. Hi all, I'm hoping that someone with some knowledge can assist: I took out a lombard loan for £13k back in 2001 that was front loaded with £2367.50 ppi The loan was at 14.7% APR - obviously as was the ppi over 60 months My monthly payment was £355.93, so using simple maths i calculate the ppi to be 18.21% of the monthly payment Leading me to believe that my ppi monthly amount was £64.81. If run full term then the ppi would have totalled 60x£64.81 = £3888.60 (incl. interest) I paid off the loan early in April 2004 What confuses me is the following: on closure the account balance was £8898.25 They gave me a settlement figure of £7743.05 - which i paid The reduction was made up of £827.89 of interest (over both the loan and ppi) and £327.31 of insurance rebate. I understand that i need to put each monthly payment into a spreadsheet to calculate the 8% for the payments (which given the time-lapse is quite large) but how do i input the amounts for the settlement? According to my calculations: I would have paid £2397.97 to ppi over the monthly payments up until settlement £3888.60-£2397.97= £1490.63 still to pay at time of settlement However, they only gave me a rebate of £327.31 on my settlement figure:| which to me means that I would have overpaid by over £1000 on settlement?!! I am therefore confused as to what I need to calculate in. I appreciate that some of you on here are very good with the calculations - so your help would be massively appreciated Thanks
  8. Hi CAG I had a buisness loan with Lombard back in 1984 and repaid the £110k back in 1997 I have sent a SAR to reclaim PPI onl they say they have no records of this accouoyed e destrnt anymore and that they cant state which department was responsible ???? Is this not what the SAR is for ? they have returned my cheque. During a house move it never dawned on me that statements and agreements would ever be required so they were destroyed CAn anyone advise as to what the next step should be please ?? Regards AG
  9. I have found a credit agreement and statements with Lombard Tricity Finance (now GE Money) from 1995, how far can I go back or is this too old? Thank you
  10. I've had a loan with Lombard direct for over 7 years, the original loan with them was consolidated in 2007 and I'm still currently paying this. I don't have the original paperwork and want to check whether there was PPI on the loan. I phoned them to ask for the original agreement and was then asked why I wanted this (person on the phone was quite abrupt and standoffish), they told me there was no ppi on the loan but couldn't tell me what the original loan amount was for, or see any details of it as they claim they only keep records for 6 years? I didn't fully trust this information, and so asked who would have the details of the original loan. Was given another phone number and spoke to a helpful lady who gave me the details of the previous loan account number but was told she was unable to see any amounts etc and whether there was ppi on there (so how did the orginal customer advisor at Lombard know that there wasn't?). I was told to call yet another number that deals with PPI for Lombard. I was told they don't have the ppi info on the computer database and that I must write to the following address to find out if there was PPI on the loans. I am unsure what to do now as I've been told 3 different stories. Has anyone wrote to the following address? I sense that they are making this as difficult as possible. DIRECT FINANCE OPERATIONS SAR TEAM CHATHAM RCSC WATERSIDE COURT CHATHAM MARITIME KENT ME4 4RT I was told I wouldn't need to send any payment to this address, but have read where SAR is concerned a payment of £10.00 is required. I'm now so confused about what to do. Does anyone have advice, I just want to find out for sure whether I have PPI or not! Thanks so much
  11. Hi everyone - I am a newbee that happen to stumble across this very useful site. Hoping someone could help me out with my query. In 2004 I took out Loan/PPI with Lombard Direct. I settled this loan in 2006; however I have been thinking of how I could reclaim the PPI money back. Unfortunately I do not have any paper work from the existing loan but looking at a snapshot of my credit report I have the last four digits of the account/loan agreement number. Looking at various posts it would seem that I would need to request a SAR with Lombard Direct. However Looking at the SAR template it indicates that I would also need to supply them with an account/loan agreement number. What I need to know is: (1) Is the last four digits of the account/loan agreement number enough to kick-start a claim by writing to Lombard Direct? (2) If I was to request a SAR with Lombard, could I do it without enclosing the account/loan agreement number? (3) The Loan/PPI was taken out sometime ago (over 8 years) so is it still possible to claim that money back now? I did look through various relating posts and FAQs but couldnt find a direct answer as I am missing some bits and pieces. Thanks in advanced
  12. In 2007 I took out a Lease Agreement on a trailer for us in my business. In 2008 I had to cease trading due to 3 limited companies going bust and owing me money. I was unable to copy financially and the stress was affecting my health. I was a sole trader. To cut a long story short I have been paying Lombard regular weekly payments. These have had to be reduced because I have recently changed jobs but I have nevertheless been making regular weekly payments. Shoosmiths have attempted to make me pay more than I am able and has threatened me with court proceedings on numerous occasions because I will not do as they ask. They even went so far as to tell me that my weekly shopping bill was rather extravagant and I should think of cutting it! I have health problems and my diet plays a large part in keeping me healthy! After a couple of years of being threatened with court proceedings I have now received them this morning. They have issued a Claim in respect of a Money Judgment for £12,505 plus costs and interest. They state they have complied with pre-action conduct and practice direction. In the Particulars of Claim is completely incorrect and does not make reference to me making any payments at all. It says they made a demand for £12,505 on 27 July 2011 and I have failed to pay yet I have been making continuous payments. I did not want the matter to go to court because I will have further costs and interest added on which I can barely afford. I have just been diagnosed with a more serious illness and although I have not taken any time of work I have had to change my jobs again to accommodate me being able to continue in full time employment. Should I make a part admission of the money and then submit a defence? I would be grateful for any assistance. Thank you
  13. After months of telling them to claim, I'vefinally convinced my inlaws to allow me to claim for their missold PPI withLombard Direct (I understand that this goes through RBS). They know that theyhave it as they were told upon taking it out that they had to have it in orderfor the loan to be accepted. My inlaws are great but sometimes too nice, one ofthe reasons that they had for not claiming was that 'they didn't want to getthe advisor into trouble!' Anyway, they have had four loans (each withdifferent account numbers) - each was to consolidate the previous and borrowextra. They know that they were told that they had to have it on the first butit was never mentioned on the others so I'm assuming it was just added but I amsending a SAR to find out. The loans ran from July 1997 - Dec 1998 Aug 1998 - May 2000 April 2000 - Nov 2003 June 2003 - Feb 2008 So I have a couple of questions 1. Can they only claim for the lastloan as it was the only one active within the last six years? 2. I have four addresses for LombardDirect to send the SAR to - can anyone confirm the correct one? The Royal Bank of Scotland Regulatory Risk Data Protection Team Gogarburn 2nd Floor Business House B PO Box 1000 Edinburgh EH12 1HQ The Data Manager Royal Bank of Scotland Regulatory Risk Business House B PO Box 1000 Edinburgh EH12 1HQ PPI Customer Concerns Team Royal Bank of Scotland Group PO BOX 833 5th Floor 1 Hardman Boulevard Manchester M3 3AQ LombardDirect PPI Customer Concerns Unit/Bristol The Royal Bank of Scotland PO Box 833 4th Floor Trinity Quay Bristol BS99 5TY Thank you!!
  14. RBS are paying me £2002 from the missold ppi. Thanks to everyone here - esp dx100uk and all the other guys here - who pointed me in the right direction of getting a Subject access report at Lloyds tsb where I found my Lombard direct details. Its a success that I'm happy with - thanks everyone!!!
  15. Hi everyone, my OH and me are new here and would really appreciate some help. I have spent hours on the internet trying to decide the best course of action and my head is spinning! The story is long and complicated but I will try to keep it short. My OH took out two loans in 2000 when his marriage broke down. He ended up with a CCJ for one loan (despite using a debt management company - a very long tale of woe worthy of its own thread) the other creditor, Lombard, accepted his offer of low monthly payments which he paid to them via Westcot Credit Services until Arden Credit Management took over management of the account in April 2010. In Dec 2011 the loan account was transferred to idem Servicing, with payments still going to Arden. Last year Arden demanded he increase his payments which he did under protest and recently they have become very heavy handed, demanding another increase, ‘phoning him numerous times a day and sending letters threatening all sorts of action, as he is “refusing to address the outstanding balance”!! (He’s never missed a payment for 12 years!) After trawling through all the paperwork recently, I discovered the original loan includes PPI which my OH doesn’t really understand about and he thought it was compulsory. I decided to fire off a CCA request to Arden to give me time to investigate matters but they have totally ignored it. Unfortunately I think I used the wrong letter template – I used one from a post in this forum but it refers to section 78(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Have I made a mistake big style, or should Arden have replied to my request anyway? Should I send another letter to Arden about the CCA request putting the agreement in dispute whilst I claim a PPI refund (I am sure I found a follow up letter template on this forum somewhere but can’t find it now)? Do I send a PPI claim to Lombard or idem? Can I also just confirm that we are not trying to wriggle out of paying the debt, we are just feeling very stressed and harassed by Arden and want to fight back a bit! I am hoping if the PPI claim is successful I can offer a Full and Final settlement to Arden. I felt quite strong at the beginning but feel we are now losing our way – please help!
  16. Hi, I'm new to this. ..I'll try to keep it to the point and not too long winded, but this has been going on for a long time. By the end of 2008 I had been an RBS customer for approx 25 years and had a £500 overdraft from April 2000 which had crept up over the years to £2250. I had been paying overdraft cover on this the entire time. I took ill October 2008 and couldn't work.... .I approached the bank and explained. They told me I had no cover. I had major surgery mid November and was diagnosed with cancer. I stayed in touch and constantly asked if they could at least stop the interest accruing, they point blank refused. I stuck my head in the sand for a few weeks, but decided it was best to get something sorted with the overdraft. I called my branch to make an appt. to see the manager to be told I couldn't speak to anyone as my account had been suspended and already forwarded to their collection agency. I called the collections team and again told them I had insurance on the overdraft, again they said I hadn't. This continued over the next few months.....constant calls and letters demanding the £2250 plus all interest charges etc. By this time Money Matters in Govan were involved, they were also told I had no overdraft insurance. RBS took me to court Sept 2009 and I was ordered to pay them £65.00 per month to cover OD, charges and court costs just short of £4000. October 2011 I was feeling fit to fight and requested bank statements. ...these clearly showed the same fluctuating figure throughout which they were still denying was Overdraft Loanguard Protection. I received a letter on Friday last week stating that they had conducted yet another investigation and I had no insurance. Today I spent most of the day getting through to various departments and now have it in writing from their insurance department that I had been paying Overdraft Loanguard since 2000 and it was cancelled by my branch on 27.7.2009.. ....the same month they closed my account and sent it to their collection people to collect on the overdraft! Sorry to be so blah... ..trying to explain the length of time it has taken someone to admit that this charge I have been harping on about for two years was for insurance. Has anyone had an experience like this? I would be so grateful if anyone could offer advice on what my next step should be. Cheers in advance. Geraldine
  17. Hello I wonder if anyone can help me. Ive been receiving calls to my mobile phone. The call rings three times then stops. This has happened a few times to i contacted the number to find it was from a company called AIC debt collectors chasing a Finance debt for a company that i used to be a Director for. Back when i was a Director i took out a Lease Purchase agreement with Lombard for a Van (as the company is a valeting company) The agreement is in the name of the Company. This agreement was solely on the van and no personal guarantees were signed by myself. Three years ago the company hit financial difficulty and a couple of payments were missed so Lombard who where extremely unhelpfull took the van back. The company was at the time going to take legal action against them on the grounds of loss of income as we had attemped to pay back the defaulted payments and there was £54 oustanding left to pay which lombard refused to accept any further payments. Lombard have been sending letters to the company chasing the remainding balance which was £2000 since they received the Van back. Because we felt we were unfairly treated we refused to pay as we were prepared to continue paying our monthly payments and keep the Van which was the companies livelyhood which they had refused. Anyway the company battled on and was able to get another Van with another bank. It is now doing a lot better than 3 years ago and I've now sold this on to members of my family. I'm now being told from this company who i have no idea how they have got hold of my personal information that i signed a personal guarantee for this van which i did not. How can i take action against these bullys with regards to data protection. I've already made a complaint to Offcom with regards to cold calling.
  18. Hello, I have an unsecured loan (Lombard) from 1997 due to major debts around that time arranged £10/month token payment. I borrowed £5k and have repaid £2500 so far. I offrered £3000 in 2007 when I sold my house and had a small balance to clear and they refused - they say the total of the loan with interest was £7500. I now have Arden contact me and on the income and expenditure form have asked for property value/mortgage outstanding etc. Does anybody know why they ask, my loan was unsecured? thx
  19. Hi, I am new to this so please bear with me. I was a director of a ltd company which failed, the company was not made bankrupt but we stopped trading and closed the company. The company had a car on finance with Lombard asset finance with myself as personal guarantor. I could not afford the car anymore so called lombard to return the car to them. They came and collected the car and now i have recieved a demand for payment of approx 15K. It states they sold the car for £19,200 and and repossesion cost and disposal cost approx 3500 the debt balance is now approx 15k (i offered to return the car, they did not repo the car) A letter has come from Shoosmiths which includes a copy of the agreement signed by me, a copy of the guarantor signed by me and a print out of payments made to the account from the start. The agreement was for 52k and a deposit of 7k was paid so a total of 45k was the agreement. Date of agreement started in 6/2/08. I simply do not know what to do now, i am unemployed and can not afford it. what options do i have. I read somewhere that if 50% of the balance was paid them i was free to hand the car back. at the time of handing it back i had a balance of approx 30k, with the sale of the car this falls well below the 50% does this count or must it be 50% when i give the car back. I am really worried and any advice would be a great help. Is my only option to go bankrupt as they have all the signed agreements by me ? Thanks in advance
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