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Found 21 results

  1. I have an Aviva small self-administered pension scheme and now wish to encash in full. Should be straightforward? Not with this bunch of cowboys. Here are my experiences:- Calling 'customer services' takes ages to answer When they do answer, the person cannot offer any meaningful help without putting you in another 30 minute call queue Aviva confirmed all paperwork was in order, but would take 10 business days to 'process' Called Aviva on the 11th business day having heard nothing When questioned on the reason for inaction, their reply was "your address has changed". No attempt to contact me to resolve Put through after 35 minutes on hold to someone whose first language wasn't English - barely intelligible Advised to email confirmation of change of address. This was done immediately along with 2 utility bills attached Another week goes by, still no contact. Called again. See points 1 and 2 Eventually get told "we haven't actioned your change of address". The reason: I didn't send in a letter confirming my change of address Advised that, once change of address letter was received, the encashment would take place in 2 - 3 days Initiate a formal complaint Sent in letter confirming new address, received Friday 8.11 a.m Tuesday p.m. - scheme practitioner (who has administered scheme since it's inception) called Aviva to be told "can't talk to you - you're not listed as having anything to do with this account!" Wednesday lunchtime I called - "we have your letter and are looking at it. Assuming everything is in order, we will then wait 10 business days before doing anything further" This is the 8th day since initiating my complaint - no acknowledgement has been received This is service of such a shockingly poor level, that I don't believe it to be accidental. Many Aviva customers are alleging they do this to frustrate claims and encashments, so that you simply give up. I'm beginning to come to the same conclusion.
  2. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  3. Hi all, This is a speculative question because I'm not on the dole yet, but who knows! Either in the process of claiming benefits or during a compliance check, one may be asked to produce evidence of capital, e. g. bank statements. Is there a rule that determines a minimum or maximum period for which this evidence must be reported? I've searched extensively on Google and I've also read the DM guide about capital but I haven't found anything. Some people have been asked 3 months worth of statements; others 6 months; some other one year. Any clue? Thanks.
  4. My wife was previously in receipt of DLA with the higher rate of the mobility element, and had to apply for PIP. My wife has arthritis, particularly evident in the left knee, and has great difficulty walking any distance. We put on the application pack that she is unable to walk 20 Metres. What that means in reality is that she is unable to walk 20 metres without stopping to rest to relieve the pain. Anyway, we had to go to the Truro Assessment Centre in Cornwall for a "Face to Face" assessment. In order to qualify for the "Enhanced Rate" of the Mobility element under PIP, you have to claim and "prove" that the distance you are able to walk is less than 20 metres. But what exactly does that mean? We arrived at the Assessment Centre, and guess what - the car park is more than 20 metres from the entrance. So we parked on the road directly opposite the ramped entrance to the Assessment Centre - less than 20 metres, but unfortunately after crossing the road there is a high kerb which would have been difficult and dangerous for my wife to negotiate, so we traversed to an area where the kerb had a wheelchair ramped area to make it safer for her. This meant that the total distance she walked was in excess of 20 metres, but this was not achieved in one continuous uninterrupted journey, she was forced to stop and rest periodically along the way. At the assessment my wife was asked how far she had walked to get into the assessment centre, and she estimated that it could have been as much as 30 metres. What was not made clear and what was not asked is whether she had to stop at any point to rest. When we got the decision, in the comments on how they came to their decision, it said that my wife had admitted that she walked 30 metres to get into the assessment centre, and then was observed to have walked another 14 metres within the assessment centre, a total of some 44 metres in all. From this their ruling was that she could walk more than 20 metres, but less than 50 metres and thus under their scoring system was denied entitlement to the enhanced rate for mobility. Let's consider this carefully:- By their figures, she walked a total of 44 metres to get to the "Face to Face" assessment. She would of course have to walk another 44 metres to get back to the car - making a total of some 88 metres in all. Far more than the maximum of 50 metres which by their own admission would be beyond her capabilities. So how do they arrive at this conclusion? By deduction, the question should be "How far can you walk without being forced to stop to rest?", and not "How far can you walk in a given time period?" Let me expand on that to explain:- It may be that someone can only walk 10 metres without having to stop to rest, but they may be able to do that 100 times a day - a little extreme I know but you get the point! So by the Assessment Centre's rules, how far can that person walk - is it 10 metres or 10 X 100 = 1000 metres? It has to be by logic alone how far can a person walk in one uninterrupted journey without being forced to stop and rest because of fatigue or pain. We have appealed and contested the Assessment as this 20 metre rule makes all the difference between getting the standard rate and/or the higher rate of the mobility element. Be warned, if you have to go to an Assessment Centre, and you expect to receive the enhanced rate for mobility, take note of where you have to park and how far you had to walk to gain entry. I Cynical I may be, but is it a coincidence that the car park is more than 20 metres from the entrance at the Truro Assessment Centre for PIP in Cornwall?
  5. Hi-I was just wondering if anyone knows how far they can actually make you travel to these appointments, at the moment they are making me travel 30 miles just to do job searches on the computer etc. its an hours drive at least cos the traffic is awful or 2hours on public transport. Also, am currently on a sanction because my wonderful "advisor" sent me an email telling me to attend the wrong office for my appointment so obviously I missed it (they have one 12 miles away from me as well but she reckons they only see esa people there...?) so obviously I have no money whatsoever until my hardship payment comes through in 2 weeks-my mum spent her last money filling up the car so I could get to my stupid appointment and so there was nothing left for parking,I was running late cos I had to drop her off at her work on the way over there and I didn't have time to park far away where it's free so I parked in a pay spot without buying a ticket thinking I'd only be quick and I could buy a ticket when they gave me the petrol money back- I told her I needed to be quick or else go and move the car and then come back but she deliberately kept me over an hour and then surprise surprise I got a parking ticket-so I went back to the office,dumped it on reception and said it was a present for the advisor,the reception lady called after me saying she cant pay it and I shouted back that I don't care it's her problem now and I can't pay it. (I then bought a parking ticket-I'm hoping if I write to the council with the ticket and an explanation they'll let me off the fine) I can't get into trouble for like harassment or something ridiculous for this can I? I was just making a point lol Its not like I was acting in a threatening way.probably the wrong thing to do though cos now she knows shes upset me
  6. Hi there, I had a bank account with Halifax from 2002 to 2006, could i potentially claim back bank charges on an account so old? kind regards
  7. Ofgem's proposals to shake up the energy market put "too much onus" on the customer and "do not go far enough", says one energy company boss. The energy regulator said four million pre-pay customers would be protected by an interim price cap from next April. It added it would work with suppliers to help "disengaged" customers to search for cheaper deals. But First Utility's managing director, Ed Kamm, told the BBC the plans were in danger of helping the wrong people. "Ofgem itself admits that consumers who are already engaged in the market will see the first benefits," he said. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36961798
  8. Hi, Thanks to all those who post such great advice. I am currently in the process of claiming for irresponsible lending. I have had a great number of payday loans due to a gambling problem. I have had an offer from Quickquid via the FOS to repay interest on the last two loans made in October. I am just after some advice as to have far I could reasonably claim back for to see if it is worth shortening the fight. I have outlined the dates and amounts below. I have already had a judgment from the adjudicator that one in August was irresponsibly lent so I am working on the basis that everything after is. Would it be worth try to ask for interest from the loan in April as I had borrowed 3 times already and paid off the March one only to borrow two days later and on my payday no less?? When do you think that the FOS would start presuming that money was being irresponsibly lent? Quickquid Oct 2014 £400 Quickquid Dec 2014 £600 Quickquid Oct £1000 (paid off and then...) Quickquid Oct £1100 Quickquid March £700 Quickquid April £700 (paid off the previous loan and then borrowed 2 days later - on my payday) Satsuma August £500 (The adjudicator has said that this has been irresponsibly lent) Satsuma Feb 2015 £350 Sunny Feb 2015 £700 Sunny May £750 Sunny June £100 Sunny Sep £750 Sunny Oct £350 Payday Express Feb 2015 £400 Payday Express May £400 Uncle Buck July £200 Uncle Buck Oct £300 Lending Stream Sep £250 Lending Stream June £150 Whizz Cash Sep £250 Western Circle Sep £200 Pixie Loans Sep £200 Pixie Loans Oct £300 Piggybank Nov £100 Ferratum Nov £110
  9. I have been offered a full-time freelance role with a creative company in a field I want to work in. But as I'll need to make major sacrifices for it I want to be careful. So would anyone mind clarifying what effect these clauses could have in future, and whether or not they are standard/acceptable? Thanks so much in advance if you can advise (Omissions have been made to keep this brief) [The Contractor] waives their Moral Rights ... in respect of any acts of [the business] or any acts of third parties done with [the business]'s authority in relation to any copyright works produced wholly or partly by them in performance of their duties. Any inventions, writings, designs [etc] made by [the Contractor] individually or jointly, during their engagement by [the business] (or within two years before that time) that can be used in any business of [the business] must be disclosed immediately. [The business] retains full rights to use any such material in any of [the business]'s services. [The business] shall have the right to make the Contractor's services available to third parties and the Contractor will co-operate fully with, and follow all lawful directions and instructions of such third parties. - [The business] shall be entitled to use and authorise others to use the name, likeness, photograph and biographical material of the Contractor in connection with the advertising or exploitation of any project to which the services relate in any format and in any and all media. - The provisions of this clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason.
  10. http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2015-06-10/i-feared-for-my-life-says-vulnerable-man-detained-by-supermarket-workers/
  11. I posted here a while ago with my npower problems...just two post, one had too much info and the other not enough lol. Anyway... The ombudsman came up with a final solution I did not agree with...so I declined it. There is no appeal process. Last week I was told on the phone my account was one of the lucky 1000 but this week it is not. I Have so Today I have: installed a phonecall recording app on my tablet. Sent of my £10 cheque and letter requesting data Sent off a letter (from Which?) giving notice of taking them to court. MY QUESTIONS are this... I have a (disputed) outstanding balance 'owed' to Npower. When I take them to court should i pay installments to prevent bailiffs turning up? There is a thing online for going to court to claim money back...I do not want money (I think I still owe Npower money and want to pay it but not the ammount they think) do I claim that way for the difference or is there another court? thank you. Anita.
  12. Hi People. I am wanting to know if you fail to let Perfect Home know of your new address how far to they go in searching for you and tracking you down and what will happened when they find you. I am asking as I am worried about a family member because she can longer afford payments and is moving to a smaller property but says she is not giving the items back as they are a rip off. will they contact police bah bah. Thanks
  13. Hi In 2005 I got the following: Together Mortgage £113000, Picture Loan £33000, Welcome Loan £21000, RBS Debt totaling £25000 credit card debt totaling £ 9,000. PAYDAY LOANS total £1200. I was in great despair as I was going through a divorce had an ectopic pregnancy and lived in a house half built. I was off work due to ectopic pregnancy and was losing money fast. On top of this my step daughter came to live with me and I was trying to help her through college etc. My ex husband was very nasty and he was due to leave the army and I got frightened in to not taking any of his pension that I deserved for giving up my career to bring his daughter up. He cashed in all our joint policies and left me with nothing but debt. I was in despair literally and had a breakdown turned to alcohol (not badly but enough). I then tried reading self help books to try and change my mind set. I wrote myself blank cheques to all the people I owed and had them on my wall so that I could visualize on attracting money. I won £3800 from a 10p bingo ticket then I got a windfall of £32000. I cleared the credit card debt, got the house finished and reduced the welcome loan to £9000. I still owe the rest, I got the RBS loan secured against the house to free up monthly spends. My house is now worth £136000. I was annoyed though as I have paid over £37000 to IDEM not realising that to settle I need to pay another £42000!! I was younger stupid and scared. I have now rented out my house and I am living in a room, I have started my own company using all the skills I have and have enlisted friends to help me with their trades (I take a small percentage from them as I get them work). [EDITED] It is about visualizing and felling the luck and wealth. It takes only 16 seconds to vibrate mentally and put good thoughts out. I do not ask to win the lottery e.t.c but I try to create ways that I can help myself out of the mess I got in with money. [EDITED]
  14. Hi Guys, Looking for a bit of info for myself this time. Back in the 90's, I was stuck in the endless cycle of charges upon charges which ate very heavily into my wages at the time. I recall one instance of sitting in a managers office refusing to pay £35-00 for going a whole two pence overdrawn... These charges really had a serious adverse effect on my life at the time, and I ended up using the CCCS, as they were then, to help get me out of the mire. I still remember the account number, as it is ingrained into my head. As I said, this was the nineties onwards, until around 2004. Do you think it would be worthwhile persuing a claim for the charges to be refunded? Most months I was paying at least £100 in charges upon charges. Any thoughts, or should I just leave it in the past? Regards, Buncrana
  15. Ok firstly hi, this is my 1st post on here. I have however been reading endless posts and in part this has made me and my wife make the final decision to stop trying to deny our dept and hit it head on. We are about £32000 in dept between us and although I haven't done a full budget plan yet I have roughly calculated at this point we can spare £800 per month to go to our creditors. The first thing that worries me is they will just refuse a monthly payment once they are defaulted and the second issue is getting them to stop or reduce the interest. Actually I know this might sound mad but from what i have read it looks like I may actually be better off if some of these creditors file for a CCJ. At least that would be a stop to excessive interest. I am sure I will get some proper advice when I post my particulars. I am seriously not bothered about credit rating, our only aim is to clear this dept in full and as quickly as possible. needless to say I will be calling on all you guys for assistance as I start and then progress this journey.
  16. Good morning. Our local hospital has woefully inadequate parking resulting in the disabled spaces being placed quite a distance from the entrance. The remedy for this is that benches have been placed so that disabled people can rest during the long walk. However my wife finds it impossible to complete the distance on foot and so parked her car in a "drop off only" space (displaying her blue badge). On her return to the car a red notice had been placed on it as a warning notice with no fee payable. The problem is now she has to go there again and will need to almost certainly park in the same place as there is no reasonable alternative. Where does she stand if a penalty notice is placed on her car?
  17. I have found a credit agreement and statements with Lombard Tricity Finance (now GE Money) from 1995, how far can I go back or is this too old? Thank you
  18. Hi everyone, i hope you can help. I purchased a Samsung TV from comet on 23.02.11. It has developed a fault where the volume goes up and down and switches channels automatically. I've searched Google and I'm not the only one, it seems a fairly common Samsung fault. I went to see the store on 16.08.12 ( year and half after purchase date) and they wanted nothing to do with it. The manager wouldn't even pass on the letter I'd taken in with me, just point blank refused to take it. He said my claim is with Samsung and nothing to do with them. I've written to Hugh Harvey explaining the details and quoting SOGA stating that a TV should be expected to last longer than 18months. Their reply was simply, i can have it inspected for £70 and IF they deem it a manufacturing fault, they'll help out with a discounted repair! Now firstly I'm not sure what they are going to class as a manufacturing fault and this sounds very wooly. And secondly, surely if the TV is faulty, shouldn't it be repaired or replaced FOC? I was going to write back and quote the EU 2 year legislation but after reading on here it doesn't seem worth it as SOGA is deemed to overrule it? What are my options now? I don't want to loose another £70 on their inspection if I'm still going to have to pay to have it fixed. Oh and it was paid with a debit card so no claim there any help much appreciated thanks
  19. Hi everyone, I stupidly borrowed £400 off these idiots back in December/January which i could not pay off. They kept taking money out of my Lloyds TSB account totaling £100 which put me in a mess with my account and now i owe nearly £1000 to Lloyds for charges and unarranged overdrafts! The problem i have is now 6 months down the line, with no contact at all apart from a couple of texts a few months ago threatening me with the bailiffs, i got a call from a women who worked for them saying i now owe CFO £1000, so the £400 loan is now at £1000. I told her i wouldn't be paying it and why hasn't this been defaulted on my credit file or sent to the debt collectors, the stupid women didn't have a clue what she was talking about and ended up saying she would be happy to accept £550 within 10 days of the phone call. I asked her why letters haven't been sent out and she said it's my fault why the loan is now so high because i never got in contact with them, but i sent numerous emails trying to arrange a repayment plan months before. How do i deal with these people? I don't want to end up paying £5000 on a £400 loan! The idiot even ended up putting the phone down on me. Thanks for any help.
  20. Can anyone advise please? I changed my home insurance from company A to company B (swinton) in December 2012. As the renewal had come up from company A, I decided to look for a better quote and came up with company B. Filled in forms gave them bank details and had policy at hand before old policy ended. There was 2 weeks between one and the other ending and starting. In those last 2 weeks we had a broken window and had to claim off policy A although it was due to end soon after .Remember I had already filled in all the details with B and disclosed all there was at that time. At renewal time with policy B I would have had to disclose the latest claim with policy A. Started with policy B and all was well until I had to make a claim this week. They said as I had not disclosed my last claim to them with policy A, they would not be able to pay out. I feel this is unfair as I had already disclosed all to them at the time I took out the policy and did not realise I would have to until renewal. I am not happy in the least about this. I hid nothing from them at the time of taking out the policy. Has anyone any advice please?
  21. hello i am going to reclaim ppi from an old tsb account had a few loans plus i have a tsb creditcard account that has been sold onto a debt recovery agency any advice greatly appreciated i was thinking of putting in a sar to start with is this the way to go and will a sar get me all the info i need ty in advance
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