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  1. Post-Monarch review finds too many passengers flying unprotected READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/post-monarch-review-finds-too-many-passengers-flying-unprotected
  2. Can somebody please advise me? MBNA have told me that I have had PPI on my credit card since 1998 and I assume it is still going as I have not been told it was cancelled at any time. I have received a letter today saying that they have upheld my complaint and are offering me a redress of £51 PPI and £405 total with interest. This credit card has been running at a 30%+ interest rate and from around 2006 to 2014 the total debt has run at least 5000 per month. Does a figure of £51 total PPI paid over 20 years at these figures seem realistic or should I go to the Ombudsman? As MBNA have said they will not enter into any correspondence I feel I have no choice
  3. Hi, I think I have made a minor mistake - a Ltd company owes us (we are also Ltd company) for an unpaid invoice. The invoice has been unpaid since April, we sent a letter before action by email: I copied this text from something I found online, the number of days was blank so I just put 7 in there thinking it was reasonable. Anyhow I have now read the pre action conduct page here https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/civil/rules/pd_pre-action_conduct And they mention 14 days. ooops. As the 7 days has elapsed do you think I should send another letter giving 14 days, or should I continue with my Draft MCOL claim? PS Email OK? PPS do only work days count or do weekends count too? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi Guys, Date of Infringement : 21/08/2018 Issue Date : 23/08/2018 Date Received : 25/08/2018 Mentions Schedule 4 Protections of Freedoms Act 2012 : No Photographic Evidence : Yes, entering and leaving Have you appealed : Not yet, rang Lidl Parking Company : Athena ANPR Where : Lidl dedicated Carpark, 21 London Road, Blackwater, Surrey, GU17 9AF Operating Under : International Parking Community's Accredited Operator Scheme Permitted Stay : 1:30 Apparent Stay : 1:42:10 Hi guys, Received a named letter today. Pretty disgusted. Apparently the car was parked there for 12 minutes longer than permitted. We are regular Lidl customers and have a bank statement showing money spent during the 'offense'. Rang customer service, who weren't interested at all in helping. The letter came today, pretty upset by it, especially as money is tight at the moment. Spent time looking through newbie threads here and elsewhere, Would like to email the CEO as I see others have done this, couldn't find it though. Still unsure as to how exactly I should proceed. Any advice is really appreciated.
  5. I was going though some paper work and found some statements going back 2010-2015 with astronomical charges levied on my current accounts by Lloyds. I remember sending a letter in 2013 but forgot all about it. Again I sent a letter last year asking for these, but I was told it is too late. But I am just wondering whether to send them a fresh claim stating that although I started the claim in 2013 never got a chance to pursue it due to house moves and other issues. Do I still have a chance to claim or is there a time limit? Thanks CB
  6. Hi, I’m hoping for some advice for my uncle. He is 71, has had schizophrenia all his life, used to live with his parents till they passed away 15 years ago and now lives alone. My mum (his sister) and my dad visit him weekly to check on him, take him some food and do a little clean for him. He receives DLA (lowest rate) and pension credit and has rent paid on a small run down flat. He is usually very private about his finances last time they visited he was very anxious and told them he received a letter from the DWP to ask for bank statements to prove his amount in savings. They asked to see the letter but he said he had thrown it away. When they asked him how much he has, it turns out he has nearly £25,000. Obviously this is way more than he is allowed and we would like to know what is likely to happen now, and what is the best thing to do next? The money has not come from any outside source, purely from his entitled benefits mounting up over the years resulting from him living very and neglecting himself and his home due to his mental illness and medication. For example; he doesn’t eat well, only one decent meal a day and my parents take him fruit and veg and meals when they can. He was going out in winter in a thin summer coat so they bought him a warm winter one. His couches and bed are over 20 years old and falling apart and he refuses to buy a new ones saying they’re fine! he only has this much in savings because he hasn’t had the mental capacity to use his entitlement to care for himself properly all these years. He doesn’t smoke, drink or buy any new clothes or possessions for himself. We are wondering whether to try to convince him to spend a chunk of the money on things he does actually need and keep receipts before sending the bank statements in, or if this is likely to get him into more trouble with the DWP? He talks about being anxious about funeral costs so we could help him get a prepaid funeral plan. He also needs a new mattress, bedding, 3 piece suite, TV, white goods for the kitchen, new clothes and shoes etc all of which he has neglected to buy for himself for 15 years. Thank you very much for your advice!
  7. Hello everyone, I work 3 days a week and my manager has advised me that I've taken too many holidays even though she authorised every single one I took and I requested my holidays according to the number of available days left on our holiday spreadsheet. I think there's been a mix up, because the number of holidays taken are under the number of days off they said I'd be entitled to in the interview. Obviously, I understand that's not set in stone and I will verify again the number of holidays I was due to have. I just wanted to get some advice on here so I am prepared. They want me to work an extra day a week to make up the time, which is stressing me out. I care for my mother on my days off and I have no outside help. I struggle to get everything done on those days off as it is. I'm constantly sleep deprived and stressed. In fact, it's triggered my IBS and I've been signed off work this week. Do I really have to make up the time as soon as possible? Thank you kindly for any advice.
  8. Hi all. I am in the process of moving my mum from the awful Talktalk to a company more reliable and trustworthy. However, it has come to my attention that Talktalk have been taking not one but THREE payments a month from her account. What's more, it looks like this may have been going on since 2013! Things are not making much sense to me I need to dig a little what I know so far is this... There are two amounts being taken for Talktalk and one for Talktalk mobile. She does not have a Talktalk mobile and certainly only one phone/internet line. I recall seeing a paper bill earlier this year which was for over £60, yet when I logged into her online account it's showed every bill at the same amount, £40.45. Almost every month she receives messages warning that she has almost used all of her allowance and has even been cut off a few times, yet online it says her allowance is £250 a month and NONE of it has been used. I checked at least five or six bills and they all said the same. On her bank statement the two main direct debits were started at the same time, have the same ID but a different account number. I also know there is no way she makes enough calls to use up even a fraction of that allowance. It seems like they are sending paper bills for one account whilst the other is handled online and something is very wrong. I won't be able to do anything until Monday when I will take her to the bank to see what transaction information they hold. I will also be looking to find as many bills and bank statements as I can to see how far back this goes. I estimate that Talktalk may possibly have robbed my mother of at least a couple of thousand pounds and I want to do all I can to get that back for her. The down side is, of course, I'm amateur at best when it comes to law which is why I'm posting here. If anyone can tell me what to do or where to go once I have this information it would be most helpful. My mum is a widowed, disabled pensioner who has mental health problems that affect her memory and concentration and in my opinion they have completely taken advantage of her, even upgrading her to the more expensive fibre - she has no need for this, she doesn't even know what it is!! I have had experience of their customer "service" myself in the past so if there's a way I can avoid going down that route I'll take it. I'll check back here over the weekend as I am busy tomorrow, for now I just need to gather advice to use after Monday. Thanks guys.
  9. The following is taken from the Law Gazette website: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/supreme-court-ruling-on-litigants-in-person-could-redraw-cpr/5063855.article
  10. Hi all thanks in advance The land lord is always asking for rent in advance, Payment date is the 12th of each month , I have been paying as and when before the due date, but lately the ll is hassling me example this month I paid £375 two weeks ago, get a call last night can you pay some more, the problem is I fear they will end the tenancy if I do not, £400 due on Monday, It seems it is the LL wife's spending money, where do I stand? Leakie
  11. Hello now that I found some confidence I thought I may try my luck with Barclay card charges that I had B/card. Only problem is the card now closed. Paid outstanding balance in 2014. How far can I claim - from 2010-2014? Appreciate any advice. Many thanks
  12. Bought another car last friday and traded in my old car for £100.. handed over the log book but i did not fill in the new owner details. i simply handed him the papers. when he gave me the receipt for the deal, he did not put the px car details on the receipt either. he simply took £100 off the price of the car. I did no notice this until i got home. The MOT ran out on the 14th hence the need for a new car. my biggest concern is he has sold the car onto someone else and i am the previous owner, not the trader. am i panicking over nothing or do i need to send and email or letter explaining this too cover myself?
  13. I work for a welfare to work charity and have done for 6 years. The project I work for is coming to an end and I expect to be made redundant on or before 6 months time. Lots of staff have left and I am being expected to travel to outreach offices and this is now over 500 miles a week (in 4 days), they do pay travel. I have always driven for work but I am nearly 60 years old and am finding it tiring and stressful, the company's answer is that there isn't anyone else or enough work in my area. My question is, please, is this unreasonable? I feel I can't keep this up for 6 months but obviously I would like to collect my redundancy money. Are there any steps I can take? My contract obviously has the usual 'extra duties as necessary' clauses. Many thanks for any advice.
  14. Hi and thank you for taking the time to read my post, I believe I may have an issue with my Landlord supplied electricity. I am posting here in the hope that you kind folk may give me advice on my maths, assumptions and possible action, The situation: I live in a building that is subdivided into 9 self-contained flats. The Landlord is responsible for paying the electricity bill for the whole building, there is a regular usage meter on the outside that records the usage for the whole building. The Landlord has installed payment meters into each flat, in order to credit these meters we have to purchase £5 disposable cards from the Landlord which are inserted into the meter to credit it. The rates: The meters are currently set to charge 55p for every kWh of electricity used. I do not know what supplier, per unit price or standing charge the Landlord is paying as I have not yet confronted him about this as I would like to make sure I've not made any mistakes or overlooked something. The problem: I believe I am paying over double the price I should based on my usage. I have kept a tally on the amount of cards I have bought over a 3 month period and I have spent £265 on electricity cards. This works out to a usage of about 482 kWh per quarter. If I were getting my electricity directly from a supplier, say British Gas for example, using their Standard Tariff information on their website it quotes 12.28p per kWh with a standing charge of 26.01p per day. A quarter is 91.25 days on average so that's a standing charge of £23.73 per quarter and £59.19 of usage making a total of £82.92 with VAT that comes to £99.50. I figure this means I'm paying roughly 250% more for my electricity than if I were getting it direct. The concessions: Many of the tenants of this building are quite old. They do not use modern devices like computers and the like and I imagine have quite low electricity usage. This being the case, the Landlord would have to increase the price per unit in order to cover the standing charge he is paying. But seeing as I don't actually have the information regarding the other tenants and the Landlord's billing I am only speculating here. In any case this arrangement would be very unfair on a higher user like myself. I also understand that payment meters are generally more expensive than straight billing, but 250% more expensive seems somewhat overkill. Issues: If I confront the Landlord about this, and he is overcharging for profit, he would have been doing this for a long tome and has gotten used to the extra money by now. If I drop this on him and force him to lower the rates on the meters, he is not going to be particularly pleased about it. Yes he may be stealing money from me, but human nature being what it is, he's been doing it so long he probably believes he is entitled to do this. It's going to cause bad blood. Resolutions? Ideally I would like to do away with the Landlord meter and have my electricity supplied directly. I've tried to look into the laws on this but I can't really find anything that is specific or even related to my situation. The only things I tend to get when I do a search is for switching electricity suppliers. Also having the meter reduced to a more reasonable rate, say, 22p per unit would be ok. Or even, I would be willing to pay the landlord a flat fee per month to cover my share of the standing charge and have the meter set to the actual price per unit with VAT that he is paying. What do you think? I am going to ask the Landlord to look at his electricity bill soon. If he does show it to me, then I can explain this issue to him with actual irrefutable numbers and math. But what should I do if he refuses to show it to me? Anyway, thank you again for reading this and thanks in advance for any replies. Regards Col
  15. I have received a charge for leaving a car park 52 seconds too late According to the time on my clock we returned to the car park before 6pm. By the time we had loaded the boot with pushchair, then put our young 2 year old daughter into the car, we did vacate the parking spot before 6pm and in fact left the car park according to my clock before 6pm but their camera picture states 6pm and 52 seconds. I am really annoyed. Also even if their time is correct that is still only 52 seconds over , the picture they show is with the car on the giveway waiting to exit the car park on to the road 6pm and 52 seconds. This is absolutely scandalous. I have no intention in paying fine , any feedback appreciated.
  16. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  17. Whilst clearing out and shredding some old files a few days ago I came across an old loan agreement with First National Bank which had PPI added. There is also a letter in the file in answer to a letter I sent to them asking them to cancel the PPI in which they say they cannot cancel it. My question is, am I too late to claim this back? the agreement is date either 1999 or 2000 it is difficult to tell. I have all the papers, account number etc.
  18. Hi All, My head is all of the place at the moment due to letters from HMRC's Tax Credit Office. I will give you some background info. I have been claiming WTC, CTC and Housing Benefit since 2012 due to low income. I had been working just a few hours here and there. TBH, I deliberately kept the hours down as the total benefits outweighed any potential income. The " Benefit Trap" so to speak. Last year, I decided to go down the Self - Assessment route and contacted HMRC and was issued with an UTR. I have kept my official earnings at around 10K,so not to earn too much. In June this year, I received a letter stating that according to the WTC people my working hours were ' zero' and had been since May 2014.This is when I became "Self - employed". I requested a Mandatory Reconsideration. I received a reply about 7 weeks later saying I was not entitled to WTC because they have no record of my hours worked since becoming self- employed. They have requested further info 1. Copies of advertisements placed ( I have never placed any!) 2. A breakdown of the hours you worked in a week. ( I have a breakdown of the amount worked,but not the hours. Should I break this down to say an average of 27 hours a week over a month? ) 3.Invoices for any work you have done. ( haven't got any,but could work on that.) To add further woe, I was given until 14 August to provide this, but I only opened the letter last Friday as I had been out of the country for 5 weeks.... As I am sure some of you know for the Mandatory Reconsideration the HMRC give two options? 1. Choose this option if you DON'T want to proceed and withdraw the request and repay any over payments ... or 2. Choose this option ... and supply the requested information. I am tempted to go with option 1 as it seems like a lot of hassle,but have not decided yet. I want to call them tomorrow,but am seeking some advice here first. However, I think my biggest worry is potentially losing my HB. I live in London with my wife and child and this would be life changing. If I did choose Option 1 and ended my request for a Mandatory Reconsideration, would this affect my HB?? I know I am supposed to inform my local housing authority of any changed,but haven't. I seemed to have spun a right web for myself,however, writing this feels like the first step. Hopefully, some of you can advise? Thank you, Bothered One
  19. despite coming from a poor background, i went to a grammer school and believe in the streaming system. If properly implemented it can help all kids get to the best they are capable of being. Admittedly the current system should be able to do better than it does, but striving for mediocrity targets seems to be the way with the current system rather than striving for each to be the best they can be. the grammer school streaming system did have its faults, but putting the best together, and giving targeted help to the lower achievers has simply got to be the best approach.
  20. Posting this in attempt to try to help my friend who was quite irresponsible with her credit cards. I think they are all with different banks and she says no way for these to be combined into one or for her to get a loan (bad credit rating) to pay them off. £1000 overdraft on each card so £3000 in total plus monthly interest rates piling up on top of each sum plus I think there are some late payment fees too or something. She only can make small payments (meeting the monthly minimum) but it is going on for her for almost 3 years now and because of the interest rates piling up on top of the rest each month, she can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am worried for her because of this. Her health is affected as well as her general mood. I am noticing psychological effects too, she is becoming short tempered with her nearest and dearest (including me as best friend) which is really not like her. She's got no money for buying presents for family or anyone else, no holidays, nor for new items of clothing or to afford more than 2 drinks somewhere out once or max twice a month and that's pretty much the only time she spends out of her home and workplace, apart from when buying groceries. She's basically got no life because no money and the paying off seems to be taking painfully long. I know she has some sort of depression symptoms too. The situation is very stressful for her and she cries often, she doesn't tell me but I know this. Are there any options/solutions to make paying off these overdrafts more manageable? Even if she could put paying off 1 of the cards on hold would be helpful...? Any hacks/tricks are welcome! She's got a job working with kids on a self employed basis and paying her NI and taxes but she's not being left with much at all after paying rent, bills (houseshare with others) and travel expenses. Does a bit of paid extra work in childcare but it's only enough to barely keep her head above the water. In some weeks when the extra childcare not needed, she's got no money for food.
  21. I've been so stupid. I moved in with my partner in May this year, we claimed HB, JSA, council tax ttogether but not Child Tax. I'm as aa single claim and they found out after I wwent on Experian website. They have sent me a letter only mentioningaAugust to now they think I am lliving with Mr ******* which I am. I am bricking it. I should have called them and was goingto until Bailiffs aarrived a month after for council tax from a few years ago (my housing didn't even say it had gone to them when I paid 5 days earlier) so I had to pay council tax in full. And bailiffs wanted their fees so since then have been in hiding. Then. The licence turned up as I cancelled DD and I got a summons to court. I was fined and am still paying my fine off Inc TV licence. My step daughter went to live with a relative so we have to pay a large sum of CSA monthly. Stupid I know not to tell them as I didn't want to have no money for 8 weeks. But now it's near Christmas and this has happened. If I don't pay my fine bailiffs are back. If I don't pay bailiffs they are back if I don't pay TV licence I will be in court again. I'm too scared to call Child tax credits I can't eat (good diet but wouldn't recommend it) me andmy partner are arguing We are having to sell out dog just to get food as I know it will be stopped and I will get sent to prison or in the paper and all over social media. I feel sick at the thought of it, and I don't know what to do. I have until December the 4th. They want me to call them or send in paper to prove I don't live with him. What will happen to me?Please help! My family don't want to know or help and my partners family don't talk tohim. I have a 11, 10 and 5 year old. I can't even afford schoolshoes my 11 yyear old has to wear plimsolls to school . I've been so stupid.
  22. A 2-yr probation period is unheard of. Additionally all employees have an entitlement of sickness absence accounted for. I do not believe a two-week sickness absence in Oct 2015 and a further 2-week sickness absence in March 2016 can lead to a dismissal. They can and may discipline you for absence periods. You say you had no contact from your employer? Did you not contact them advising them you would be off sick? Employers have a duty of care so if you are sick they can insist you attend an independent doctor for assessment. No biggie if your genuinely off sick and is normal practice from employers. You should only be contacted in a formal professional manner. Its unusual that you have been unable to contact the attendance manager. Will your employer believe you tried on four occasions but could not speak to anyone. You are responsible for keeping your employer up to date, failure to do so can result in dismissal. You do not need to attend the workplace for a site visit, you can have staff visit you at home or in a close location. Its a hope you are well meeting. Its unlikely they would withhold a bonus payment but if from the employers perspective it appears you have made no effort in keeping them informed of your health issues they may be able to give you problems, warnings etc. I do not think they would have the right grounds to terminate your employment. Good luck. If I was you I would be at the workplace Monday morning demanding to see the attendance manager to resolve and put your mind at rest. But that's just me buddy
  23. Hello, My mum's car was written off, not her fault, and the money offered by the IC was far below par for the car: great condition inside and out, flawless body and paint, under 70K miles although 14yo, but in perfect working order. She has already paid in the cheque but not spent the money, and I was suggesting after only finding out that this was not a fixed offer, that you can negotiate the amount on the value of a car of the same. What I would like to know is that can the cheque be made out back to them with a lettter of complaint about the amount and if they do not sort it within 8 weeks it can be passed to the FOS? Or is it too late as she has already paid it in. Is there any way to get the ball back in their court? Thanks
  24. I have just received 2 attachments of earnings for old council tax debt. One is for £1070 the other £72.50. My monthly take home pay is usually around £1800 and this month I have been paid £1300. I have been on an online calculator and found out that they should have had £317 for the first order so with this takeb off I would have been paid £1483, even if the entire amount of the second order was deducted I would have been paid £1411.50. I called them and they even said that I shouldn't have paid this much but in a word tough! Is there anything I can do. I was expecting maybe £300 and budgeted accordingly but this has left me very short and if they do the same again next month I don't know how we are going to manage. Surely if the law says 17% for each order thereference must be something I can do? Please help back to work tomorrow and am very worried
  25. I would welcome some suggestions from Forum Members please as to what I should with regards to a landlord who is taking her time in restoring central heating in the house which I am renting. I have been without heating now for a week. Prior to this, the boiler had broken down a number of times and the landlord was told by two of the engineers that the boiler was obsolete and needed replacing. I have been in touch with the LL and made the point that the situation is becoming untenable, but all I got back was that she is dealing with the matter. I would be grateful for some suggestions about what options are available to me so that I can use some leverage to get the LL to act and act urgently? I hope members can help. Many thanks in advance. Mack
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