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Found 21 results

  1. Hi everyone, What is actually the healthiest way to quit smoking? There is alot of talk about vaping being bad, and a lot of the nicotine products can have some serious side effects too. I have also read some opinions that going cold turkey isn't the best way to doing it.. Of course smoking is the worst of all but still..
  2. Hi all thanks in advance The land lord is always asking for rent in advance, Payment date is the 12th of each month , I have been paying as and when before the due date, but lately the ll is hassling me example this month I paid £375 two weeks ago, get a call last night can you pay some more, the problem is I fear they will end the tenancy if I do not, £400 due on Monday, It seems it is the LL wife's spending money, where do I stand? Leakie
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/12/29/sexism-storm-engulfs-royal-britishlegion-16k-quit-womens-section/ I guess the men will have to start baking the cookies then? Apparently half the female members have left.
  4. Hello, I started a DMP with Stepchange about 6 years ago with £150k of credit card and personal loan debt. I have paid about £80k via Stepchange over the years and about £70k remaining balance (including personal loan interest). I have been paying £800 per month split pro rata via stepchange but due to change in circumstances can not pay much at all anymore! Have yet to contact Stepchange but have cancelled the DD with them just now. I need urgent help and advice!! Should I arrange to pay them £1 per month instead for now through stepchange and CCA them all in the meantime? – I have just read about CCAs here. I am terrified of getting CCJs from them all now – All help greatly appreciated! Debts are as follows: • NRAM personal loan pre 2007 – now with Cabot Financial (Marlin) - £12,933 - not on credit report • Bank of Scotland personal loan – post 2007 - now with ‘Wescot Credit Services – Bought Debts’ – £12,395 owing – not on credit report • Santander Personal loan – 2002 - £10,859 – Defaulted 2011 • MBNA Credit Card – 2005 - now with IDEM CAPITAL SECURITIES – £6,919 – Defaulted 2011 • Cahoot loan - £4499 – showing on credit report as settled 2015! – but stepchange still collecting and paying!? • Barclaycard credit card 2008 – now with LINK FINCANCIAL OUTSOURCING - £3337 – showing as up to date positive credit on my credit file! • MBNA Credit card 2008 – now with IDEM CAPITAL SECURITIES - £3233 – defaulted 2012 • Capital one credit card £3205 – not on credit report • MBNA Credit card 2008 – now with PRA GROUP - £2723 – defaulted 2012 • Co-operative bank credit card 2002 – now with LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING - £2571 – defaulted 2012 • Co-operative bank credit card 2001 – now with LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING - £2026 – defaulted 2015 • RBS MINT credit card – now with ‘WESCOT CREDIT SEREVICES – NON BOUGH DEBTS’ - £1624 – not on credit report • Tesco Bank credit card – now with ‘ROBINSON WAY LTD – TESCO’ – £1222 - not on credit report • Barclaycard credit card 2001 – now with ‘LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING’ - £1087 - showing as up to date positive on credit report! • Bank of Scotland – now with FAIRFAX SOLICITORS - £750 – not on credit report • Cahoot credit card £713 – not on credit report • American Express credit card – now with ‘NCO – OTHER’ £387 – not on credit report • EGG Credit Card – now with PRA GROUP (UK) - £193 – not on credit report • Cahoot credit card £100 – not on credit report
  5. Hi, Sorry if I have come in to the wrong section but I have an issue with a notice to quit my garage from Eastbourne County Council. Basically, I fell into arrears with my garage rent as they didn't have the correct direct debiticon details. Anyhow I was served with a Notice to Quit letter 0n 6th August advising that I had 7 days to pay arrears or they change the locks and take possession. I paid the full arrears on the 7th day and received my receipt. However they still changed the locks as the payment wasn't allocated to my rent account. I showed them that I made the payment and showed them the receipt and that it was paid in the 7 days but they tell be that I can't have my garage back. Can a local authority do this if I have met their demand and they still change the locks, all my work tools are in there and can't get in. Any info would be helpful. Thanks
  6. Hi I have been served with a notice to quit on my home, because the landlady is selling to a developer. I have been at the property for two decades. I signed one tenancy agreement in that time - with a previous owner - the original one when I moved in. It was initially for six months but he said if all went well after that I could stay as long as I want. I have never missed a rent payment. Have kept the property in good repair - even paying for improvements like a new shower, new bath. Replacement of worn work surfaces in the kitchen, replacement taps. Plastering work after a flood. Plus countless other repairs like changing washers etc. The landlady did not refuse to do repairs she just ignored my requests. I am lucky I had family able to do the jobs for me. The notice came completely out of the blue and I am devastated. Apart from the fact that I love my home I am suffering from chronic illness and am completely priced out of the area because I am dependent on HB to pay the rent - the shortfall between what landlords want and HB pay is approx £100 per month. There are a coupe of issues I would like advice on. The landlady secured my deposit last year, but the letter from the protection agency came with the wrong address on it and it was for the wrong amount. I wrote and told them this and they said it was the landlady’s responsibility to sort it and she needed to submit a copy of the tenancy agreement. It would seem the agreement she used was one she claimed I had signed in 2003 - which I hadn’t. So my deposit was secured using forged documents. She refuses to give me a copy of this agreement and instead insists that I send her a copy of my original one with the previous owner. I have not done this yet. My first question is this - is my deposit secured - do I have the right to ask the deposit protection company for copies of all documentation (is this covered by the data protection act) and do I have grounds to fight the notice to quit I don’t particularly want the stress of this but I need some time to get a deposit together and perhaps look at other alternatives via the council etc. 8 weeks may not be enough. My second question is if I do fight the eviction what is the timescale involved. How long do I have before I will have to leave my home. Best case and worst case scenario? Thirdly can I charge my landlady for the work I have done on the property? This would help no end toward the cost of moving. I have paid her almost £60,000 in rent since she took over (most of it from my own pocket- before I was ill) and she has paid nothing towards the upkeep. Many many thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me. Best wishes Anna
  7. Hi guys, I urgently need some help/advice if at all possible. It's going to turn out to be a long-winded post, so bear with me. Basically, I've been in a rented house for the last 23 years, but in early September received a Section 21 (4) (A) - Notice requiring possession of a dwelling-house let under an assured shorthold tenancy ... so a notice to quit. The document states that the landlady gives notice that they require possession by 30 November. I started looking for another property and am awaiting confirmation on this matter. At the end of October I decided (rightly or wrongly) that I wouldn't pay the full rent for the coming month as I didn't know if I'd still be in this house by 30 November. Instead I paid two weeks up front, and would pay the remainder week-by-week. The rest of the rent has now been paid up to the end of November. Got a call from the landlady's office asking why the rent hadn't been paid. Told them I wasn't paying up front and they asked why I was leaving. Told them they should know considering they delivered the S21 and they denied it was a notice to quit. During this conversation I was told that I had signed and returned a bond document which was impossible as no such document was received. I have spoken to the housing department at the council and the CAB, who both confirm it is a notice to quit. Despite this, the landlady is ADAMANT it is not and is a legal requirement that every tenant receives this document. She also said that neither the CAB nor council know what they're talking about. She is also insistent that I give a month's notice in writing and pay a month's rent, although the CAB say that as she has served notice on me it is not necessary to give her a month's notice or pay a month's rent, if I move before 30 November. Furthermore, the CAB say if I move after the 30th I should only pay for the time I remain - either weekly or fortnightly and that I don't have to give notice, because she has already served notice on me. The landlady is saying that if I don't give a month's notice or pay a month's rent she can take me to court, make me bankrupt and can also find me wherever I go.
  8. Hi, i'm an EEA national who has been living in the UK for 4 years. After being unemployed for almost two years I finally got a job, a part time one but with good perspectives of going on full time soon. Unfortunstely after the first week I was basically left with no choice other than to quit, I will not go into details now but I felt threatened and afraid for my personal security after that one week on the job and didn't feel I could do it. After speaking about this with my manager he did not leave me any options so I was forced to quit. This was almost two weeks ago, I have been frantically interviewing for other jobs and I think I may get another job next week, although it may be another part time job again, but I am looking for either one full time job or two part time jobs, so if I got this one part time job next week I would still be looking for more work. Recently because of me starting work I had to report a change of circumstances to my local council and had my housing benefit suspended for almost four weeks, until they reassessed my claim based on all the new information I gave them about my new job and pay. They gave me housing benefit again, at a lower rate of course, and are asking me for my upcoming payslip from the new job. I have to send them this info within a month or my benefit will be stopped. I still haven't told them I have quit my job, as I'm quite afraid they will stop my benefit if I do, and also because I would have to do all the paperwork again and have my benefit stopped and then once again when I find my new job, and I'm trying to just do it all at once when I find the new job. I'm hoping to find a job, any job, any hours, asap so I can tell them about a new change of circumstances and at the same time tell them about having quit the other job and give them the payslip they wanted, although it will be for one week of work only. I don't know if I may be doing things wrong though. Should I tell them anyway about me having quit the job even before I get the new one? And sill they suspend my housing benefit if I do so? Will I continue to receive housing benefit? Thank you all in advance for any help.
  9. Hi, I have a SPT and I have given my landlord my notice to quit as I have found alternative accommodation. However, this has not fallen through as the new landlord has decided he does not want to rent the property and want to sell it (I haven't signed a new tenancy yet). I now have to find new accommodation and doubt this will be before my expiry date on my notice to quit, can I cancel this? (without my current landlord agreeing to this) There is no loss to my current landlord, i.e. no new potential tenants or buyers.....
  10. During October 2013, thousands of people across England are taking part in Stoptober - a new, exciting 28 day challenge to stop smoking. There's lots of free support to help you along the way - and the great news is that by stopping smoking for 28 days, you are five times more likely to stay smokefree! Stoptober support is available as an online/smartphone app, a Stoptober pack, a 28 day stop smoking text support programme and support via the Smokefree Facebook page. The Stoptober pack is a pack for smokers with facts, tips and tools to support them through the 28 days of Stoptober. The pack contains information on preparing to stop smoking, along with day-to-day support to help them through the 28 days. Smokers will be able to order their Smokefree Kit online from: www.smokefree.nhs.uk/stoptober Stoptober – England and Wales’ mass 28-day stop smoking challenge – is back following its huge success last year, which saw 160,000 people successfully complete the challenge. The campaign is launched by Public Health England (PHE) as new research shows the extra years of life that can be gained by giving up smoking and staying smokefree . Someone who quits smoking for Stoptober, and doesn’t smoke again, could gain an extra 7 days of life, every 28 days, for the rest of their life. Along with the health benefits, stopping will save the average smoker over £150 a month and almost £2,000 a year. During last year’s Stoptober campaign, a staggering £25 million was saved by the 160,000 people from not buying cigarettes. Over 8 million people in England smoke and it remains the nation’s biggest killer, with half of long-term smokers dying prematurely from a smoking-related disease. Research shows that those who stop smoking for 28 days are 5 times more likely to stay smokefree and Stoptober’s ambition is to help smokers achieve this goal.
  11. Hi all, I started a new job about 4/5 weeks ago but it isn't going well. Its very timed and speed focused and I just CANT get to the speed they want/need their employees to achieve. Other trainees are managing this. I can't see how I can improve myself anymore (it's a physical job and I get the feeling that my previous 5 year desk job hasn't aided me in moving to this kind of situation) so feel like dismissal is going to be inevitable. What I'd like to get an opinion of is whether I should quit or should I wait to be dismissed. I'm very tempted to 'just' quit as it's really stressing me out constantly worrying about time targets and if I'm getting it wrong, and why I'm so bad etc, and dreading the next day at work. Money isn't a (major) issue as my husbands wage is supporting us adequately at the moment, but I would be looking to go back on JSA(Contribution) and also need to consider how it would look on my CV in the future. Is it better to look like I took responsibility myself and quit a job before they had to fire me, or to let them fire me and let future employers know? Thanks in advance StageD
  12. Hello, fellow CAGgers, I have just left my current (temp) job voluntarily. I haven't walked out. I have given proper notice and the company has agreed to let me go as per contract. I am not going into details why I left because there are circumstances still under investigation, or so I'm told. I might make a separate thread later on about this. I am resigned to the fact I might not be receiving Jobseekers Allowance for 26 weeks, I believe, but I need to know some practical details: 1) Can I wait the 26 weeks or whatever time before claiming JSA again or do I have to claim now and wait for the negative decision and then wait 26 weeks? 2) If I have to claim now and the claim is rejected do I still have to sign every two weeks (or every week under the Universal Credit) to keep my National Insurance stamps? 3) If 2=true, can I ago abroad when I don't have to sign, or would that interrupt the period? 4) I am still on the Work Programme for another year. Do I have to inform my Work Provider? I have a good relationship with my agent. What are the possible consequences of informing him of my circumstances? 5) Would I still be entitled to Housing Benefit under the current regime and under the next Universal Credit regime? As usual, thanks in advance.
  13. i was served with a notice to quit and have been house hunting, trying to get dates to match up as closely as possible, when i noticed that the date on my notice to quit is halfway through my current rental period. It used to be a 6mth AST, rent paid weekly on a Friday, yet the NTQ ends on a monday. in my opinion the NTQ is invalid due to wrong dates, if this is so, and i decided to leave on the date specified would i be in breach and liable for deposit deductions. Full wording of the NTQ is as follows "I, Mr Daniel xxxxx, HEREBY GIVE YOU, Mr Adam xxx, notice that possession of Room 5, XX Trevenson Street, Camborne, XXXX XXX is required by virtue of Section 21 of the Housing act 1988 after the seventeenth day of September 2012 (12/09/12) Dated This 23rd Day of July 2012" i was under the impression that it had to be dated the 20th which is a thursday, the day before my rent would be collected, and as its a weekly rental, is 8 weeks or 2 calender months required. ive X'd out a few thigns, just postcodes etc, personally i dont want to be here any longer than i have to, the LL is reknown in this area for bending rules, bullying, illegal entry and is thouroughly unpleasant to deal with, my first bad LL experience, usually i get on fine with them, he has one hell of an inferiority complex. if the general consenus says its wrong, il take it to CAB and get them to help me write up a response Thanks
  14. This may seem a little basic, but after reading previous threads and sticky's i cannot find what im looking for..... basically I am about to go into battle with a LL that is essentially Janine Butcher and need to do everything by the book so there are no loop holes for her to climb through. I am about to terminate my short-hold periodic tenancy agreement after just over 5 years living in my current address due to my pregnancy (which she does not know about, although i think she or her family members have been in my room without permission so may well do) and the fact her behaviour has been appalling during my tenancy (it is now causing me and my flat mates so much stress we are moving out earlier than we would have done and have done). Thankfully my contract ran from May 07 so I am in theory protected by a deposit protection scheme. However she is an aggressive and erratic woman who likes to use bullying tactics to intimidate her tenants and generally has little respect for their civil rights (i have seen it, and been victim to it several times myself). Hopefully after I have successfully moved out and reclaimed my deposit I will be able to report her to an appropriate body regarding her behaviour and actions which I do not think have been entirely legal (however thats another storey for later maybe). Can anyone advise me a template letter or information which I have to include to her in a letter to terminate my tenancy so I do it correctly. I also wish to include a section challenging her ridiculous attempt at a rent increase that she is demanding with 2 weeks notice (i know she cant do this as its not in compliance with current law but would be grateful to know how to politely put it...) cheers!
  15. after nearly 20 years of smoking the time has come to give it up-7 days now:| not had too many effects eating to make up for no smoking,moods kicked in so decided to get a electric cigarette but put off by the cost,not knowing if they are good or not. brought a disposable one from supermarket cant say i enjoy it too much but seems ok so will do the jump to a refillable one. have anyone of you good people used these electric fags do they work on the long term? have the will power as have to give up due to heath issues which ones if any are any good thanks
  16. Hi there, Around mid November, I got a part time job at a sort of concessions stand in a shopping centre. I worked there for an agonizing month where I was expected to do things which put my personal safety at risk and I was not entitled to a break (even a toilet break!) when working for over 5 and a half hours as only 1 person works there at a time! I also ended up on most afternoon shifts working for an extra hour and a half (unpaid) and so would get home at ridiculous hours of the night. I had not been provided with any sort of contract which stated anything on the details of my employment, my pay, notice periods etc. My employer also lied to me about how much I would be getting paid. (In hindsight I realise i should have demanded some sort of written contract in order to be sure about pay etc). So one night after a particularly bad day I decided to quit- I sent an email to them telling them I resigned. The next day, I got texts from them asking where I was etc and I told them I quit- they claimed not to have received the email, so I resent it.(not sure if this is relevant lol) Any-who, the point is that its been nearly a month since I emailed them and they still have not paid me. Since I had not signed a contract I was under the impression that they could not withhold my wages from me. A few days ago I emailed them politely asking for my money, including a breakdown of the hours I worked and the money I was owed. They have not replied, and I get the feeling they are going to ignore me. What can I do from here? Should I send a written letter to their main headquarters or to the concessions stand? Should I take them to a small claims court? I might seem a bit bratty to have quit for these reasons and in hindsight I do feel a bit silly/bad for not giving them any notice but if they were to fire me they wouldn't have given me any notice! The job was soul destroying and was having an extremely negative affect on me- physically and mentally and so I ultimately have no regrets on quitting like this. Thank you so much for reading all of this! I would be greatful for any advice you can give!
  17. Hi. Im a single mum of 2 children, aged 4 years, and 19 months, and im struggling. I work part time (16hours a week), and am really struggling to make ends meet. Both my children go to nursery due to me working, and its getting to a point where im just going to work to pay the nursery fees, and we have almost no expendable income. Im struggling to pay the bills, and am really stressed all the time. Im considering leaving work, but dont want to hand my notice in as i dont want to be left with no money at all if i cant claim income support etc straight away. Does anybody know if i would have to wait to claim, or can i do it straight away? Please help!
  18. Morning All, after 20+ years my quit day has finally come around. I am using a combination of patches and inhalers as recommended by the chemist. and i have an ecig if it all goes "pear shaped"
  19. Hi there, hope this is the correct forum, if not can some move it for me please. Scenario: My sister owns her own home, her now ex-partner has lived with her for 12 years, the last two with them being separated. Her Ex has several illnesses and disabilities, he is currently on ESA, she has been asking him to leave the house for the past two years and has not done so. (He pays no rent) She now wants to force the issue and wants to issue him with a letter to vacate the premises and maybe this will motivate him and also trying to give him a fair chance so he can take the letter to the council to maybe get some help with accommodation. Any advice on what to write or a link to a template please. Many thanks in advance.
  20. hi everyone, i had been smoking since 1 was 12 years old and now 46. tried sveral times to quit tried champix cut down then started smoking heavy again. my problem was i enjoyed smoking but was smoking in excess of 40 a day. i then tried e lites they didnt work either i decided this year as a new years resolution i would quit my friends and work collegues were doubtful but i went cold turkey and stopped and has now been nearly 7 months. my only advise is if your not ready to stop smoking dont only do it when your ready. apparently i was a nightmare to work with for 3 weeks but i am ok now. the smell of ciggy smoke makes me cough now, i do miss smoking but wont start again. if i can stop any one can GOOD LUCK
  21. ...Well, important for my partner and I! Just want to declare I've tried Googling this but get conflicting information, so thought would register and ask you kind people. Our aim: To commence renting a new property we've found to replace our current rented property (which has different agents) as soon as possible. My hope is we're able to send notice by registered post immediately, to quit our present property on or after 28 October, without any penalties or repercussions. You'll see below why I haven't put an earlier quit date. By the way, when I search this query the results are generally information to assist tenants who want to stay where they are, which is kind of the opposite! Information: Our current six-month Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) commenced 29 September last year. So it expired 28 March this year. When we signed this AST we also signed the notice that possession would be required by the landlord or his agents on 28 March this year. Obviously they haven't let us know any further intent to execute this possession yet and we haven't entered into any new agreement with them. So all would seem good... The possible problem: ...However, the AST we signed includes this clause: "The Tenant agrees with the Landlord to give the Landlord at least two months' notice in writing when the Tenant wishes to end the Tenancy at the expiration of the term certain or to terminate the tenancy if the Tenancy has continued as a Periodic Tenancy. Should the tenant provide less than two months' notice the Landlord reserves the right to charge the full rent for the notice period required." Not sure about the apostrophes there To be fair though, the AST also includes the same sort of clause requiring the landlord to give us two months notice should he want to give us the boot. The questions: 1. Is the two months notice noted above something we have to adhere to, i.e. is this legal? I appreciate we signed it. 2. Or am I even not understanding things correctly, and perhaps it doesn't apply? 3. Actually, we'd prefer to commence the new property about a month from now, but is it true 9 October-ish wouldn't be acceptable notice for my present letting agents as the quit date, as the quit date has to be the end of a full month of tenancy? I.e. is it true that the cost of rent doesn't have to be accepted pro rata by the agents where the tenant gives a quit date before the end of his month's agreement? More info: My partner's pregnant and we need to move from our one bedroom cupboard to a two bedroom home. I hadn't checked the agreement we signed recently, which is my fault of course, so today paid the new letting agency our agency fees, with a provisional agreement of commencing tenancy in about a month. Obviously, if we're stuck we'll have to ask the new agents if they'll consider waiting a bit longer. And of course I can phone the present agents first to see if they'll accept notice to quit of one month. Though I don't see why they would. Also, we live in Wales, if that matters. And the bond, held by the Deposit Protection Service, is equal to one month of rent. PS: I've tried to write this to make things as easy as possible to answer for anyone kind enough to help. PPS: Welcome to the forums, me?
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