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Found 11 results

  1. There is a press report on SCOOP today regarding the much publicised recent eviction that took place at a quaint cottage in Glossop belonging to a maths teacher. The following is taken from the newspaper article: This is the moment bailiffs smashed their way into a teacher's quaint home to evict her after an alleged row over roof stones. Footage has emerged online of enforcement officers hacking at the door of Rekha Patel's home in Glossop as they try to gain entry. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/moment-bailiffs-smashed-maths-teachers-8240906 PS: As is frequently the case, the press article failed to provide the 'background' information !!
  2. Hi, im sorry this is a rather long story but i really need some legal advice... my husband had a tenancy in his ltd co name with a pub company. when he passed away 2 years ago the pub co regional manager asked if i would continue with the pubs, he had another one at the time with them. Both pubs were struggling and i told them i wasnt sure. They assured me of financial and business support. Obviously they didnt want two closed pubs on their hands and i felt a responsibility to my husband to keep them. i struggled to manage both pubs without my husband and trade suffered due to various different factors. The rent support never happened and they often held me to ransom refusing to release orders without full rent payments. At the time the rents were over £1000 per week on each pub and we were trading at just over £2,000 a week so not hard to work out why struggling. I ended up putting around 50k of my own money in as each week unless i paid the rent on both, i couldnt have any beer and if bought from somewhere else they would fine me then refuse the next weeks order until that was paid!!! They never so much as kncocked a penny off anything, i paid full cost on rent for both pubs for the 15 months it took them to transfer in to my name despite having my name on nothing. they lied to me about what rent deal they would do on the new lease and also refused to give me proper credit terms etc. as a result and having at their insistance put a brand new deposit down on what was already my pub my cash flow took a battering and im now on the brink of closing altogether. various people i have spoken to have told me that they should not have let me trade for the 15 months it took to transfer then pub into my name as the tenancy was in my husbands ltd company name which legally shouldnt have traded after he died since he was the sole director And my name was not on anything. Is this true and if so can i do anything about it now? thanks...S
  3. Am I right in understanding that they would need to serve a notice to quit, and once expired they can seek an eviction order? Or is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance
  4. I saw this on the news a few moments ago. Shocking. Full story and comments - http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/tenancies/prs-landlord-to-evict-tenants-on-housing-benefit/7001479.article
  5. Hi, I'm 3 months into a 6 month minimum term AST. Quite out of the blue, my live in landlord told me he didn't think i was 'fitting in' with the house. Although not sure why! I can only guess its because I do a lot of my own things and have my own friends etc. Anyway, he told me he doesn't want to just hit me with a months notice or anything, but thinks long term it would be better if I look for somewhere else - that was last week. I got a text message from him today asking if I'd started looking as he ideally wants the room reoccupied by the end of Nov (so in a month). Is he within his rights to ask me to leave so soon into the contract? (I haven't missed and payments or caused any damage to the property etc.)
  6. I've been renting my home for 6 years. Over the past months I've accrued rent arrears for the first time ever due to serious illness. The arrears are at 12 weeks. The landlord has served a Section 8 notice giving the grounds of 2 months or more arrears. I've now received a Possession Order claim form from the court giving me a hearing date. On the same date of the hearing I've got an appointment with a Consultant at the hospital which i had to wait 7 months on the waiting list to get. If I go to the hearing I will have to miss my hospital appointment and wait another 7 months or so to get a new appointment. By the hearing date I will have reduced my arrears to below 2 months but I still think it is important that I attend the hearing in person to try to defend myself. My question is can I apply to the court, sending my appointment letter from the hospital as proof, and ask them to consider adjourning the hearing date to an alternate date?
  7. I got a letter: I already know they're reducing my Housing Benefit to £90/week (central London) - this will happen in a couple of weeks time. They told me this ages ago, i'm not sure why they are now coming to see me? As the HB will be lower than my rent, will they make me leave by private landlord? I had assumed they would be okay if I just made up for the deficit myself, somehow. (My rent is, and has been, lower than HB for some time. In a few weeks time it will become much, much lower) They want me to arrange an appointment for them to visit. Which is fine, I just need to tidy up! My bedroom is messy and needs to be cleaned. I would have been so embarrased if I had been in, earlier today.
  8. Hello, I wonder if anyone here might be able to give me some advice on this issue. 12 years ago I moved in with my Father to care for him (dementia). This is a flat that he owns, no mortgage. Three years ago he was finally taken into a care home as it had become too dangerous for him to be alone while I was at work. At that time I was down as his carer. My sister, who then became legal power of attorney and lives abroad agreed that I could continue living here as long as I took over the bills and paid the twice yearly maintenance on the flat to the management committee. The council also agreed to this, and put a charge on the property. They are at the moment paying the care home fee's and when the house is eventually sold on my fathers death, they then recoup the money they have spent. Now, out of the blue, I have received a letter from my sister telling me I have to vacate the property in ten days time so she can sell it, or start paying my fathers care home fee's (very expensive) or start paying rent, a figure she has decided. My questions is two fold really: Firstly can she really throw me out in ten days time? Secondly can she change her mind on this agreement that we had for the last three years? I don't earn enough to rent another property so I am not sure what I would do. Thank you in advance.
  9. Hi there, hope this is the correct forum, if not can some move it for me please. Scenario: My sister owns her own home, her now ex-partner has lived with her for 12 years, the last two with them being separated. Her Ex has several illnesses and disabilities, he is currently on ESA, she has been asking him to leave the house for the past two years and has not done so. (He pays no rent) She now wants to force the issue and wants to issue him with a letter to vacate the premises and maybe this will motivate him and also trying to give him a fair chance so he can take the letter to the council to maybe get some help with accommodation. Any advice on what to write or a link to a template please. Many thanks in advance.
  10. I jointly own a 5 bedroom property which we let individual rooms. In 1991 we obtained planning permission for three flats and instructed our managing agent to give everyone 6 months notice to quit and have the property empty by march 1992. The agent then informed us he had a allowed a single mother with 5 children into the property with out any form of shorthold tenancy agreement. We took him to court regarding this an rents he held on our behalf, he went bankrupt had everything in his wife's name to we were left with a tenant without an agreement. Over the years she has been behind in her rent and we have a court order instructing her that she can be evicted if she is behind by two months. However she waits until the last moment until she pays. There have been a few unsavoury incidence such as drugs on the premisis and a caution. She complains the house is too big and the utilities high as she is there(allegedly) on her own now and doesn't get so much housing benefit. We have offered to move her and pay her first 6 months rent. She has yet to find something suitable. I now need the money from the sale as I one of us are currently unemployed and cannot receive any benefits as they own this property. Although vacant properties sell for approx £180k swift capital, who say they deal in this type of property offered £105k. but, when we came to exchange, they changed their offer to £82k so that was a wasted exercise with solicitors costs etc. . Can anyone help in the best way to regain possession of our property??
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