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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, Im hoping some of you may be able to give me some advice... To cut a really long story short my husband had a 5year lease on a pub. It was his dream and it was doing very well. 2 years ago he became ill and was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he subsequently passed away and i put a manager in the pub to keep it going. I arranged with the brewery to transfer the lease in to my own name and what happened some 12 months later. I have since hit some rocky times with a succession of bad managers and not enough time to focus al my attention on it since i had a job of my own which i needed to carry on in order to support my family. I was never able to draw anything from the pub as it didnt turn enough profit and i have ended up putting 30k of my own money into it to keep it funded. Sadly, i decided to give notice as i could no longer deal with the stress and received no help from the brewery. I have a few months left. In the meantime debts have been building to suppliers, mainly business rates and utilities. The utilities are in the pub name. The rates are in my name at the oub address. I have no money left to pay these at all. The weekly takings just about cover rent to the brewery, and unless that is paid they will jot release a beer order which would lead to obvious problems. I am paying the staff wages and other day to day costs personally where i can but its gettng hard and ive not been paying my own mortgage somtimes just to keep it going. they have recently obtained a liability order for the rates so i know a bailiff visit will be imminent. There are no assets on site that would cover it. What will they do? More worryingly, as i will not have been able to clear it before i leave what happens next? Im worried about them outting a warrent out for my arrest or something and also that i wont know about it as ill no longer have acces to the post that goes to the pub but i dont really want to give them my home add incase they then come there to take everything.... Please could someone advise what will happen and what is my course of action... Thankyou in advance... S
  2. Hi, im sorry this is a rather long story but i really need some legal advice... my husband had a tenancy in his ltd co name with a pub company. when he passed away 2 years ago the pub co regional manager asked if i would continue with the pubs, he had another one at the time with them. Both pubs were struggling and i told them i wasnt sure. They assured me of financial and business support. Obviously they didnt want two closed pubs on their hands and i felt a responsibility to my husband to keep them. i struggled to manage both pubs without my husband and trade suffered due to various different factors. The rent support never happened and they often held me to ransom refusing to release orders without full rent payments. At the time the rents were over £1000 per week on each pub and we were trading at just over £2,000 a week so not hard to work out why struggling. I ended up putting around 50k of my own money in as each week unless i paid the rent on both, i couldnt have any beer and if bought from somewhere else they would fine me then refuse the next weeks order until that was paid!!! They never so much as kncocked a penny off anything, i paid full cost on rent for both pubs for the 15 months it took them to transfer in to my name despite having my name on nothing. they lied to me about what rent deal they would do on the new lease and also refused to give me proper credit terms etc. as a result and having at their insistance put a brand new deposit down on what was already my pub my cash flow took a battering and im now on the brink of closing altogether. various people i have spoken to have told me that they should not have let me trade for the 15 months it took to transfer then pub into my name as the tenancy was in my husbands ltd company name which legally shouldnt have traded after he died since he was the sole director And my name was not on anything. Is this true and if so can i do anything about it now? thanks...S
  3. I signed up with phoenix business agents in march 2009 to sell my business and same old story paid £750 up front was told that I would I would get this back when sold never once had a viewing or any calls to say there was any interest I cancelled my contract by registered post in October 2013 the very next day I received a phone call asking for £2200 to be paid by the end of that day as I refused I was then told that I would be invoiced for £3600 which I received two days later I then did my research and found that they have been doing this for a long time. I was charmed into this contract by ,,,,,, at the time I thought he seemed a really nice chap and although he did go through the contract with me I did not read it myself he read it to me whist I was sat opposite him and of course he left out the section that states that they will charge you a fee of £3000 once you cancel even after the six month period I was told the same as a lot of other people that I was tied in for six months they had the rights to sole seller after that I could cancel by sending a letter by registered post . I have received a number of phone calls from various people asking for money I have been offered deals to pay half but all plus vat I have refused all of them and told them to take me to court as I just think they are trying to scare me into making a payment I thought this was going to happen and was told two weeks ago that they are starting legal proceedings against me I decided to brace myself and fight for what is right and yet this morning I have had yet another phone call asking for the money and trying to threaten me by saying that their barristers are so good that they will force me into bankruptcy and that I will lose my house . I have sought legal advice and have reported them to cacs and trading standards and I am now waiting to hear from my solicitor about how we move forward so I can get rid of this headache so if anyone can help with any advice I would be most grateful.
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