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  1. As a landlord I am continuously surprised at what tenants will allow them selves to be conned into, this tale hurts my sense of fair play to tenants and I hope you guys can help. My friend is the 4th tenant T4, in a shared flat above a shop in south London (shop also owned by LL). It seems to be on individual contracts. The LL assigned my friend T4 with the responsibility of paying the metered supply water bill to the water company (lets call them WC as I am not sure who they are as yet). She calls WC and they arrange 1/4ly DD of £300. Although they did not change the name on the bill it remains the name of the previous tenant even though now T4 is paying the DD and collecting the other shared contributions from the T1, T2, and T3 At some point it is discovered that the shop below, with a loo and a kitchen, are on the same meter, and that the WC has them on a commercial rate. T4 asked the WC to come and see what was up and they confirmed single meter, commercial rent, and that meter had not been read correctly since june2018 and they in fact owe 2K in back charges. So T4 and her pals have been paying the water for the shop since June last year, the LL knew this but did not tell T4 or her buddies. They have spoken to resolver who have said because the water comes in via the shop, then they must pay commercial rates - its about twice what a normal water bill should be - now I think resolver probably cannot think outside the box here... Anyway what to do? I am tempted to advise T4 to just stop paying and give the WC the LL name and address as the bill payer. I feel like LL has committed a fraud by a) not telling them they were paying for the shop, and b) not paying to have a 2nd supply added to the flat. T4 is moving out at the end of April 19 and wants to try and resolve it so that she does not have to pay these ridiculous water charges. WC seem ambivalent, (as you would expect, they are making the dough right now) LL said tough **** sort it out with shop below. T's 1-3 are spineless and my friend T4 is trying to sort it out. Any advice?
  2. I ended up with 3 debts to Barclays bank - Premier Card / Overdraft and Select loan.I challenged Barclays on the way that they had been charging interest on my Overdraft and Select Loan. Very good news they did not challenge me back but simply sent me letters saying they would be writing them off. I have written to Robinson Way who now hold the Barclays Premier Card debt asking for my terms and conditions / interest rates/ how Barclaycard applied them to my account. Barclaycard have supplied a copy of the original agreement but have said " WE ARE UNABLE TO SUPPLY THE HISTORIC AND VARIED TERMS AND CONDITIONS " My question is whether they can refuse to supply these details ? Many thanks in advance for your kind help
  3. Hi all, I wonder if there is anyone that could advise me in a pressing matter. Below are the details: Myself and two others held a lease for a commercial property between June 2012 to June 2017. In 2015 upon the breakdown of the business we had agreed with the landlord to surrender the lease and hand back the keys. The keys were handed back amicably however we were foolish in not signing any documents and neither was any provided or suggested. Until this time all business rates had been paid and settled. In the last two weeks a letter was received at my parental home (where i resided at the time but have not been for the last few years) about a liability order that had been at the Mags Court. This letter was handed to me via a family member and this is the first instance were i learnt about any of this issue. I immediately called the local council and told them the facts who had informed me that the landlord had informed them that we were liable for the business rate payments for the period of August 2015 until June 2017 (beginning the the circa when the keys were handed back and end of the original lease) I advised the council that the lease was surrendered upon agreement with the landlord and there was no paperwork besdies WhatsApp messages providing undoubtable proof that there was an agreement and the keys were given back to such extent the landlord requested the keys so that he could put it back on the market. I sent the council copies of the WhatsApp messages to review and explained the circumstances. They did not respond to this. Earlier this week, a family member called me to inform me that an Enforcement Agent had visited my parental address looking for me. The Enforcement Agent was informed that i do not live at the address - he spoke to a 15 year old 'minor' and left some correspondence. I was supplied with this Enforcement Notice and proceeded to call the Agent informing him that i did not reside at that address and asked him why he had spoken to a child to which he replied he was not aware and then claimed that this is the address that they have. I complained and asked him why a sensitive piece of correspondence was left in the knowledge that i did not reside there and i currently have no fixed abode. I also questioned him on their registration with the Information Commissioner (i am a Data Protection expert) and noticed that the company Onesource was not registered and in a number of places are non-compliant with Data Protection regs - he immediately hung up. I proceeded to contact the business rate team and asked them if they had reviewed the WhatsApp messages to which they replied they had not but would not review them as they do not think it is sufficient but asked me to speak to the landlord and get some documentation. Having spoken to the landlord he refused to acknowledge that we had agreed to terminate the lease and would not speak further. However, upon reading 'implied surrender' there is no doubt that the nature of the messages provide outline that 'the agreement is inconsistent with the continuation of the lease' as such there is an 'implied surrender'. I again messaged the council and asked them review the messages as there is no prescribed method for an 'implied surrender' if they are not able to do so then they should escalate. This is all in addition to a notice to the Information Commisioner with regards to the data processing activities which are non-compliant and subject to substantial fines. My family members at my parental home (whom i have little contact besides a younger family member) are as far as i am aware working on a Statutory Declartion to advise the council and enforcment agent of my non-residence. I did not receive any correspondence from the council or courts as i do not live at the address and any that was sent there was likely returned or destroyed - i do not know. I have tenancy agreements for residences that i resided over the last few years but do not want to provide them. As mentioned at this time, i am living with some friends and couch surfing whilst i find a place to rent. I have not assets or cars or anything of substantial value - not even a TV in my name. Additionally, I am no longer in touch with my business partners and do not know exactly where they live. They only have my address. The business was run under a Ltd company (now dissolved) but the lease and business rate were in individual names. Is there a way to appeal to the courts? or the council? What are my options? I would appreciate any advise you can give me.
  4. Hi all, Just need some help here for my daughter, She has just been contacted by her council claiming she owes money on two debts I think they are both for business rates, One debt is from 2002 and the other is 2008, Can they still collect if she owes this money after all these years have passed, Just need a yes or no answer if possible. Thanks.
  5. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/war-disablement-pension-2017-rates
  6. Hi Guys Just a quickie. How much (Average) would it cost a firm to receive a £1 standing order payment from me on a monthly basis?
  7. A price cap to help consumers who use "rent-to-own" firms to buy goods is a possibility, the head of the City regulator has said. Andrew Bailey, the chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), said a cap would be considered as part of its inquiry into high-cost credit. Up to 400,000 people use rent-to-own firms to buy household appliances, paying the money back over three years. After interest, they can end up paying three times the original price. It follows a call for a cap from Citizens Advice, which said restrictions imposed on payday lenders two years ago had been a success. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38132843 FCA review “opportunity” to protect more high cost credit customers Rent to own services, logbook loans and guarantor loans should be included in the FCA’s payday loan cap - and new rules introduced to provide added protections for customers including full checks to make sure people can afford to pay back what they have borrowed says Citizens Advice. The Financial Conduct Authority has today launched a call for evidence on how the wider high cost credit market is working - including rent to own, guarantor and logbook loans - to find out how firms are treating their customers. It follows the regulator’s action to clean up the payday loan market, which included a cap on interest rates and fees introduced in January 2015. The national charity had published a new report today finding rent to own customers are getting trapped in debt due to problems such as high interest rates and additional fees, inadequate affordability checks and inflexible debt collection practices. Since the introduction of the cap on payday loan interest and fees in January 2015, Citizens Advice has helped people with 45% fewer payday loan problems. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/how-citizens-advice-works/media/press-releases/fca-review-opportunity-to-protect-more-high-cost-credit-customers/
  8. Greetings, i lost my business a couple of years ago and was left with arrears on my Business rates , the shop premises was leased to my Ltd Company but went into administration . The council served a liability order in jan 2013 in my name They have told me because i did not attend the hearing that i have to pay and the opportunity to dispute the liability has expired .. on top of this they are insisting i make large regular monthly payments which equates to 30% of my monthly take home pay saying they WILL NOT accept lower payments because of the age of the debt this is putting an extreme strain on my family and children Southend council have already sent enforcement agents to our home any advice will be greatly appropriated thank you here is their response to my question below Dear ***** I refer to your email received on * January 2016 advising that******* Limited should have been liable for Non-Domestic Rates at ******for the period **June 2012 - ** November 2013. Liability Orders were granted for this period of time on 9th January 2013 and 14th August 2013 in your name. When a Liability Order has been granted, the opportunity to dispute the liability for rates has expired. The matter will therefore not be investigated and account will not be retrospectively amended. I trust this has clarified matters.
  9. Hello all, Looking to see if I can get some advice. I've received a letter titled 'change of address notice' with my details saying they've updated my new contact details and I must contact them about non-domestic arrears for a small shop I let out. A few things I'm concerned about. Firstly, this is the first letter I've received about this, I'm worried any arrears might have gone through the courts and that the sheriff officers might turn up to take away my things. Secondly the shop has been let for the last 10 years and it qualifies for 100% rates relief there shouldn't be any rates to pay, even if there were it would be by the tenant. Called them today, and tried explaining the 2 above poinst but didn't get anywhere. They told me I owed £7000 something (can't remember exact figure) a nd that I had to dispute it with the council and in the meanwhile the proceedings would continue. Council had a massive queue and I didn't get through before it closed. Now really worried! Apologies for the wall of text and thanks in advance to anybody that can help.
  10. Hi - am in more than a slight panic!! (I have posted this problem elsewhere then remembered how helpful this forum was in the past.) A week ago I received 5 years worth of Business Rates demands - 2002/3, 2003/4, 2004/5, 2005/6 & 2006/7. There was no letter just the outstanding amounts. I had had during that time, a running battle with the Council about these rates due to my feeling the amount was unfair due to part of the property being unused, I didn't pay the landlord rent for it and I didn't receive any income for it (it was also pretty derelict and not fit for use). As a result the Valuation Office sent a nice woman out who agreed it should be split and the empty part be the responsibility of the landlord. His wife then hit the roof when the Council sent them a bill and it was rejoined (due to her bullying tactics no doubt!). The debate then went back and forth to the Council and was never settled properly (each time I got sent a new bill, I contacted them, challenged it and it stalled - I did make payments however). I left the property in late 2007. Eventually I packed up my business to care for my elderly disabled parent (which I am still doing). In 2009 (I think!) I was sent similar - just the bills, no letter. I had met a guy who said not a problem he would sort it out as it was his line of work. He duly got involved and I heard no more. Until a week ago when the same 5 bills appeared And then this morning I received a threatening letter stating a Liability Order had been issued on 19th May 2003 for £2927. And if I do not pay by this Wednesday, they will send in the bailiffs! I would NEVER ignore any court summons etc. and I was still at the property at the time. When I looked closer at the bills, the 2002/3 bill to which this LO presumably was for, the amount owed was £1131.40. The date of this bill was 1/4/2003. There was a small charge of £50 costs but it does not say what for and anyway it predates the LO anyway . No further costs on any of the subsequent bills. There are no names of contactable people on any of the correspondence. So what do I do????
  11. I have no idea where to put this post so please feel free to move admin if required Hello Caggers, i need your advice again, now this is potentially a little messy so i will try to keep it as simple as possible. Basically me and my family moved in to our new build social housing property (flat) 5 years ago, we would pay rent and service charges, initially everyone in the block (12 flats) thought that the water rates were included in the rent or services charges so we all signed up for the rest, gas, electric, telephone etc... and didnt worry about the water, fast forward 2 years from there (so now in 2012) and the block heard rumours that the council wanted each flat to start paying water rates and were going to fit water meters for each flat, this never happened and we heard no more. Now from 2012 onward we used to get the odd letter from thames water but it was not addressed to us, it was addressed to a single female (miss xxx) and we are a married couple, we have never heard of this named person before so it either went in the bin or sometimes marked 'not at this address, return to sender' and put back in the post. We did sometimes get a knock at the door (which i simply do not answer if i don't know who it is or not expecting anyone) from baliff looking people. Fast forward again to around March time this year (2015) and the door went again, it was early and i was half asleep so i answered it, the man asked for this Miss xxx, i said look, i have no idea who this person is, we have lived here since the flats were built in 2010 and have never known of this person. The man said ok, no problem, what is your name, So i foolishly told him my name, he then went and that was that. Then some 2 weeks after this visit i get a letter from Thames Water addressed in my name welcoming me as a new customer, I thought at the time ok, so i assume we do have to start paying for water from now on and thats fine, whatever. Then 2 weeks later again i get another letter from thames water stating that i owe £300 odd quid dating back to 2013 (i only got a new customer welcome letter 2 weeks ago lol) so now i am rather confused. and they are sending the usual pay us or else letters, as of today, the balance is around £380. I guess my questions are, what do i do, it would seem this debt was Miss xxx and possibly even from a previous address for all i know, can thames water really send me a welcome letter then 2 weeks later ask for backdated payment by 2 years. I am really quite confused. Apart from the fact i simply do not have the £380 i have 2 children under 6 and am worried they will just shut the supply off Help.
  12. Sorry for the long post: I have been busy looking for ways to keep as much money as I can in MY pocket. By this I mean I always pay my bills on time and often in credit. I wanted to save money on my water rates and looked in to getting my supply from the water companies directly. Currently my bill is £10.35pw. Not a lot you may think! But this is paying the Council directly as they get a discount for being a huge customer. They appear not to pass this saving on to their tenants.... The interesting point on this matter is that you will be paying a share of other peoples debts and voids. This is explained within the case listed below. Let me explain. 1st of all you need to find out if your LA is overcharging you, how you may ask. This is easy to find out by using a tool most water companies use to decide what your bill could be if on a metered supply. Will you save money? Umm a very good question to ask. Depending on where you live and whom is supplying your area you will need to find this for yourselves. In my area this is Essex and Suffolk water. They have a tool you can fill in and it will give you what you could pay if you changed to a meter. I did this and found out that I could potentially save upwards of over £300pa. A huge saving by any standards. My savings is based on the fact I do not have a bath and a single occupant and that I have a wet room. So I would save by switching supplier and going directly to them and not my LA. Now the interesting part of my post: There has recently been several important cases heard including a hearing at the High Court. The links are as follows. 1. http://www.localgovernmentlawyer.co....d=56&Itemid=24 2. http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Ch/2016/457.html From the long read you may discover that you can ask your LA to allow you to switch supplier. I made this information known to my LA and they are already beginning to filter out letters to their tenants. I am what is known as a block voice for my estate and asked if I could get my supply metered and at a reduced rate from the main suppliers directly. their response was a resounding NO! But then I linked them to these cases above and they had a change of mind. If it turns out that residents may have been overcharged, then they may be able to argue a refund against the different prices you had to pay. This I am currently looking in to and will update as and when anything comes to light. There is so much more to this issue but would make the initial read far to long so have just given basic information this far. What are your thoughts on this subject please? Note to admin not sure if this is the right area to post if not please feel free to move.. Similar thread here >>http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk...ht=water+rates with no replies MM
  13. I have been told that I don’t need to pay business rates and I would like to find out whether it is in fact the case. I have a shop with empty living accommodation above. I have to pay 150% council tax for the domestic part as no-one lives in it along with standard business rates. The rateable value is approx. £3000. Someone else with a similar property he said that he had been advised that refunds don't apply to semi-commercial properties. Does anyone have any firm knowledge of this and can advise on what would be involved in obtaining any refund? I'd like to be armed with some facts when I approach the local council about it.
  14. Hello all, I have a secured loan with First Plus that I have already won PPI back from. My main complaint has always been the interest rate. The salesman specifically told us that the rate would be kept competitive, "otherwise you will move the loan elsewhere", when we could have moved to a fix of 4% or so the PPI penalty of £8000 and the rule of 70 interest penalty stopped it being practical. We won the PPI when I asked a lawyer to pursue this, who then held onto my paperwork. I put the complaint into the FSO last August after I had forced the lawyer to surrender the paperwork. The FSO tell me that the case is being considered with a number of others. Has anyone with a similar complaint be told the same thing?
  15. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/2016-war-pensions-and-allowance-rates
  16. Hi I'm having a complete melt down - can someone please point me in right direction for business rates question !
  17. I have started having a sort through old paperwork from the last 20 years, imagine my surprise about the gems one finds. My first loan was with Barclays in 1996 for £1795.44 and PPI was added, I was self employed at the time. The next loan was with Barclays in 1997 for £7273.40 and used to pay the previous balance off.... PPI added....I was still self employed Then had an egg loan in 2000 for £5831 which was used to pay off the previous balance( PPI added). The next egg loan was in 2002 for £15241.66 which was used to pay off the previous balance( PPI added). PPI settlement from egg on this back in 2012 for 6.5k. The next loan was a Barclay loan in 2005 for £23331.36 and paid previous balance off and trip to AUS. no PPI on this one. Renewed Mortgage and paid of previous Loan 2006 Chelt & G. So at this moment is it worth firing off a claim for the first 2 Barclays loans ? Egg is obviously done and dusted in settlement. The next area that I have now noticed on the 23k Barclays loan, Is that the bank copy and my copy of agreements are different. Also on both, Apr is shown as 7.9% that doesn't add up right to the payments 48 x £486.07= 7.767 % not 7.9 or am I looking at this wrong? If the document has the wrong calculations what options are there ? Tigs
  18. Hi Bit of a long story I rented a room out and my husband also needed storage so he rented a 'cupboard' ( no electricty / power points or anything). I made the mistake of putting my name on both because I didnt realise the whole to do with rates. So i had my name on both for a couple months and the lovely council sent me a huge bill - I managed to speak to rates and the allowed me to fill in relief forms and send back by email. I was then told i had nil outstanding. fast forward to last week and the bailffs turned up on my door - apparently because id had the cupboard in my name as well as a room i owed £174 which i had no paperwork for so they hammered my door down for £500 ! of course i paid it as two burley men clamping my car on my driveway was a tad embarassing ! At the same point this cupboard was in my husbands name for a whole 2 months - again i filled in the paperwork but the council told me they couldnt read the paperwork and that it was put in his name up until now ( it was released in july last year so maybe the owner hasnt admitted to this ? or they cant tie up dates themselves! ) I told mr bailff that was wrong info and that my husband does not by any means owe £900 towards the rates on a cupboard ! he said ok ill leave that one and let you contact the council ! In the mean time i panicked (understandably) and i emailed the guy helping me at the council - starightaway he emailed me back the relief form and i had it filled in and emailed him straight back Bailiff came wed 25 - i had emailed council back by 27th In this time ive had a week away with the kids, just walked in and Mr Bailff - although he said he would give me time to resolve and he has my phone number ! has written to my husband on 27th (im not sure if the dates have crossed over ) and weve walked in for it to say hes arranging for removal men to come in to my home and take goods away for the value of £900 ! so now its 7 days today - im not sure if the council have notified him that ive tried to resolve the problem and im absolutely panic struck now for what the weekend may bring i dont know what to do with myself next if im honest - the company dealing with this is called equita PLEASE can someone help me ? Im at my wits end I thought he may have called me too to let me know of his intentions - plus when he walked in he saw that we were going away as he stepped over the packed case and watched me take our spends out the tin
  19. Hello hope I'm posting it. The right place I owe about £5500 to the rates people. Live in ni. ot disputing it just need to try to pay it now. However I had a warrant for arrest issued and attended an interview I am awaiting the outcome. My question is would I know if I had a charging order? Do you have to get a CCJ first? I've buried my head in the sand until now. Any help appreciated x
  20. I have just sorted out my council tax and I have now had a letter from marstons, saying they are coming with removal contractors on July 21st. This is for a CCJ to severn trent water. I was already aware I was behind with this and had filed a N245 for a variation, however when I phone Bradford County Court on Friday they said they were just about to deal with it. Do their officers have right of entry. Should I tell them that the N245 has be sent. There will not be any cars there and I will not be at home. But I don't want them to break in. I was under the impression they could not force entry.
  21. I thought I was good at maths but can anyone explain this to me? I have just 1 year and 4 months left on my mortgage. The mortgage rate has just reduced by 0.25% thus my mortgage rate has also reduced fro 3.75% to 3.50%. My repayments were £357.62 a month but have INCREASED to £378.10. That about 6% INCREASE per month. The mortgage company put a note with their letter saying the increase is because I am near the end of the mortgage term but I really do not understand that. If the rate has gone down surely the repayments should go down too. Can anyone explain this to me please? #confused.
  22. The following guidance is featured today on SCOOP. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://businessadvice.co.uk/tax-admin/efficiency/a-guide-to-bailiff-enforcement-procedures-for-non-payment-of-business-rates/
  23. It appears to be well known that for councils in Australia, it is illegal to charge rates, yet they do it anyway & evict people & sell their property to pay for any unpaid rates. Our rates have risen in the last 20 years or so from $300,00 to $1,000,00. It is virtually impossible for us to become self-reliant whilst we still have to pay these rates. We are completely off grid, with no services being provided. We have not signed any contract with the council to provide any services. However, we certainly can not afford to fight this in court. Does anyone know of any legal means to avoid paying these illegal rates/taxes without any repercussions? Is there any chance that the "WIRRAL COUNCIL – ADMITS THAT COUNCIL TAX IS UNLAWFUL AND SETS A LEGAL PRECEDENT" http://australiansurvivalandpreppers.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/wirral-council-admits-that-council-tax_23.html will be of any help in this regard? Thank you. Sincerely, Keith H.
  24. In 2012 I went to court to get an eviction stopped, which happily I did. My CMI is £348 p.m. and to make a good offer I said I could pay £500p.m., a round figure, which would clear arrears in about 8 or nine years. There are twenty or so years left on the term. The recent talk of interest rate rises has got me wondering though. When my mortgage company puts my payment up do I just add that difference to my monthly payment or do I pay the same and take longer to clear the arrears? I expect that the company would tell me to pay more but where do I stand legally?
  25. Can anyone help on this one? We haver taken over a small business (fitness centre) this is in a larger building (a rugby club house) and is leased from them. The rent in 2008 was £10000 pa. We have half the first floor for an office, changing rooms, reception area, studio and gym, total area 350 sqm. The other half of the first floor belongs to the rugby club and has an office, reception area, changing rooms and a bar/conference centre/kitchen, total area 350 sqm Both premises were valued by the VOA in April 2014. We are valued at £16250, the other half of the first floor is valued at £7000. At first sight, this seems horribly iniquitous (as well as putting us at a major disadvantage relative to other local fitness centres) and I'm trying to work up to the formalities needed to contest this. But before I start, am I missing something obvious… is there a reason that I don't know about which will explain the discrepancy?
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