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Found 22 results

  1. Hi, My employer raises our payslips on the 28th of each month and pays HMRC to relevant monies at this time. Our Salaries are not then paid into our accounts until the 18th of the following month . I have asked my employer why and he says this is just cash flow and "that's how it is" but we are all in effect always going 18 days without being paid, is this legal?
  2. Do you receive an Armed Forces Pension? READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/do-you-receive-an-armed-forces-pension
  3. Hi people from the forum, I am in a situation where I would appreciate assistance. I am not a native speaker so apologies in advance for any mistake that might be in there! I got into a one-year contract with a gym in July, consisting of monthly payments of 60 pounds; in October I was accepted in a masters degree (which I had not applied for at the time I registered at the gym) in a foreign country. I enrolled and left the UK, but I left my bank account open and there was some money on it, I did not hear from the gym until January, when it turns out the money had been depleted and they had been unable to collect payment. I immediately contacted the gym and asked if I could cancel on the grounds that I now didn't have a job anymore (I had one prior to my enrollment but obviously had to quit) and wasn't even in the UK. I assumed this would be valid as an unforeseen change of circumstances. The person asked me for proof that I did not work anymore, so I directed her to my former HR. I did not hear back so I assumed everything was well, and I stopped the debit from my account. Two months later, another representative from the gym contacted me, notifying me that I owed two months. I referred him to my prior emails, and he showed me an email the first person had sent me, which I had not seen, where she stated that since I had quit and had not been fired, I still owed the money. I re-explained my situation, that I had no income now and was living in a different country, and the guy told me he understood, that he would put a note on my account and that I should notify him of when I would be able to make payment again. I told him next October (as my masters will be finished and I will have a job -hopefully), and thanked him for his understanding. I assumed everything was fine. Then last week my former roommate told me I had received a letter from ARC Europe (I asked her to open it in case it might be something administrative I had overlooked). Though I am two months late (120 pounds) and have gotten an email from the guy at the Gym that I would be able to resume payment later, a "J. Turner" requests I pay 299 pounds within ten days or he may go to court. Now I know this is more or less typical behavior from solicitors, but I don't really understand why they would come after me after the guy at the Gym emailed that I was fine, and why they'd ask for 299 pounds. What do you think of this situation? What is my best course of action, considering I will probably not be coming back to the UK in the near future, even after my masters? Thank you!
  4. For the full story - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/24/broadband-users-in-line-for-millions-in-ofcom-compensation-plan
  5. Hi-a company has essentially not paid £300 of mine. I recently sent a final demand letter via tracked post and i can see that it was not sign for at the other end, it is actually being sent back to me. They are also not responding to emails although they were responding before. Can someone please tell me how i would go about suing the company. thanks!
  6. Hi Guys Just a quickie. How much (Average) would it cost a firm to receive a £1 standing order payment from me on a monthly basis?
  7. I have a cc claim form dated the 27th Oct for a cc debt that is being pursued by Lowell. About 18 months ago I requested a consumer credit request, sent it off recorded delivery but did not receive any further response to this other that the usual demand payments. Fast forward to now and i'm wondering what to do about the cc form? Although I've kept all my letters I can't find the receipt from the post office for the recorded delivery and the £1 postal order as proof that i sent it and they never acknowledged it… Am I toast? Thanks in advance PB
  8. Hello I am back again! I thought my troubles were over with Vodafone but apparently this was wishful thinking! I have been unable to send texts or receive calls since January 8. I have made numerous complaints, have spoken to customer service reps via 191 who have plenty of platitudes about wanting to help me with my problem (this never happens) and have had one call back from an agent who claimed the issue would be resolved in 48 hours which was over 2 weeks ago. I was told that Vodafone had disconnected my number for reasons no one at Vodafone seems to know despite me paying my bill every month on time by DD. I have not ported my number over recently (I previously had issues with this the beginning of last year when I first joined) so I am more than confused why Vodafone has decided on this course of action out of the blue. I would appreciate my number being restored since ridiculously enough, I can still make calls but no one can call me as my number is supposedly invalid or callers are given the "you have dialled an incorrect number" message. I hope that this problem can be resolved and quickly as I am awaiting some rather important phone calls and do not want to miss them because of an error on the part of Vodafone. Any assistance would be much appreciated. I have submitted the Vodafone form as per instructions. The reference number is: WRT135 [#12499592]
  9. I applied for ESA for the first time (and not transitioning from other state benefits) dated mid April and am currently receiving assessment phase payments. Should I have received the ESA 50 form yet? I know officially assessment phase is meant to be up to 13 weeks, but not sure to what extent this matches reality. How long have other recent applicants waited i.e. those receiving their first ESA50 recently, when did you apply? Has anyone else applying around April for the first time received their ESA50 form yet? Thanks.
  10. Hello everyone, this is my first post and i need your advice please, thank you! the letter sent to my address was a form that titled with "duty to give information as to identity of driver". the form/letter was NOT signed, i.e. no signature from police officer who actually dealt with the case. is it still valid then? the letter was received just two days after the accident, which was a fault accident and no third parties involved, no person injured. also, online answers gave me the name of such form should be called "notice of intended prosecution", so the form I received is an NIP even it hadn't been titled with notice of intended prosecution?? thanks
  11. I recently completed claim forms re a debt being administered by Restons Solicitors for £770. I am in the process of setting up a new DMP with Stepchange and working off the budget figures and our other creditors, I made an offer of £5 per month. I received a judgment for claimant today saying the claimants have objected to the rate of payment and the court have awarded them £25 per month. I dont understand how they cant understand this is not possible for us atm. We did provide the budget sheet for Restons to show the £5 offer was all we could afford. What can I do now? Can I go direct to the courts to ask for a redetermination or is there another option. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you
  12. Hi all, My son is disabled and gets higher rate care and mobility DLA. It is in my husband's name - i.e. all correspondence goes to him. He was claiming carers allowance but we have recently separated. Carers allowance has been stopped. Can I claim carer's allowance for my son even though the DLA is claimed by my husband? The DLA money goes into my account to use as I see fit for our son.
  13. I took out my brand new Vodafone contract on 22 November 2014. They ported my number from my old network (3 network) on 2 December. Since they ported my number on 2 December, a month ago now, I have been unable to receive calls or texts. I can make outbound calls and texts which displays as my newly ported number but I cannot receive inbound calls or texts. The number is unobtainable. I first reported this problem on 3 December and was promised a resolution within 48 hours. One month later, I have been promised a 48 hour resolution on 9 separate occasions. The 9th 48 hours has now expired and my phone is still not receiving incoming calls or texts. I have been promised resolutions from their contact centres, including their porting team and technical teams, a sales rep in my local store and by their web chat advisers. I have now been without service for 1 month and there is no sign of any resolution. Each time my 48 hours has expired I call again only to be told their system has been updated to show that the problem has been resolved. This incompetence is truly unacceptable as they only need to dial my number to see that it is still unobtainable and that they have not yet fixed my problem. I simply cannot understand how they would fiddle about a bit, think they have fixed my problem and then not bother to dial my number to test it. Surely that test comes within the first 10 mins of basic technical training. Also, nobody is willing to take ownership of my problem i.e. giving me regular updates despite my constant requests. Equally, their customer service advisers refuse to put me through to the complaints team by telling me that they don’t have a specific complaints team and they all just deal with complaints. So how do I escalate my problem? How do I get someone to take ownership of my problem? If I call again should I believe the 10th promise of a 48 hour resolution?
  14. Like so many others, I am having trouble porting my number to Vodafone. I have moved from Virgin to Vodafone. My Vodafone sim allows me to make calls and use the Internet but I can't receive calls or send/receive texts. I've contacted customer services who have said exactly what other people with the same problem have had said to them i.e. I will put you through to the porting team who confirm that my number is with Vodafone but all of 'the files' associated with my number have not been transferred. They say we will raise this with our 'back office team' who will contact Virgin. My Virgin sim went dead on the last day of my contract but interestingly, it has come back to life and I can now make and receive calls, send and receive texts and use the Internet. Not sure how they're going to bill me for this. I've been using mobiles for 16 years with the same number for the majority of this. I've ported many times before with no problems. As a first-time customer with Vodafone, this is a poor introduction. I would be grateful if Lee from Vodafone could help out.
  15. came across this re a related googly. please sign if interested. closes 30 march http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67911 re http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/local-news/purley-cyclists-deaths-lead-parliamentary-8054571
  16. Right. going to keep this short and sweet. 1 month ago my wife received a payment from DWP PIP into her bank account by total surprise as we had not received any notice that the claim had been sorted. Today she received her next payment for PIP and yet we are still without a award notice letter. I have been onto PIP on no fewer than 6 times and have requested callback so we could get it sorted. Given that PIP is paid in arrears that would make it that the award was approved 7 weeks ago at least. So, how long does it take to get a award letter? The people you talk to (front line) are just going by what's on a screen in front of them and every time I phone it's the same old story that there's nothing on the screen other than the payments going out. They don't even know what the actual award is for (the elements). However, the woman I talked to today said that a letter had been sent out in July. I queried that straight away as I said if a letter had been sent in July why is it that [1] we had not received it and [2] why was it that none of the other people I had talked to concerning this matter never mentioned the letter. The phone went very quite after that and when she came back on it appeared that she backtracked a little and mumbled something about they were having system problems today..... What should my plan of action be come Monday morning? Should I give them hell? Should I go with a SAR and get the information they are holding? Any information would be appreciated
  17. Hi Guys, I have been sent some money via BACS payment. Was sent on Wednesday(apparently) It's now Friday. Shouldn't I have received it as it's the 3rd day, or is it 3 days Monday?
  18. I am self employed and my earnings vary a lot often for a short period oftime. My housing benefit claim was already close once because my earnings weretoo high. However the problem is that my earnings vary a lot often for asmall period of time and it is inconvenient for me to make a new claim forhousing benefit each time my earnings vary. I would like to know how to explainmy situation to the housing benefit department to avoid that my claim is closedeach time my earnings vary temporarily I would like to know if there is a specific law for self employer or if I have to file a specific form
  19. Hello All, I'm a newbie here so forgive me if I'm a little off with the format. Two days ago after seeing a van indicate to leave a loading section of the road, I pulled in ahead of him so to reverse as soon as he vacated. The section of the road that I pulled over to was beyond the section that allowed loading/unloading or waiting. At the time I wasn't aware of this and to be totally honest, would never really equate what I was doing to either Unloading or Waiting, since I had manouvered into a position that would allow me to reverse into the loading/waiting area (it is a very busy road so could not have stopped mid street behind the indicating van nor could I have stopped ahead of him for a reverse parallel park after he'd gone). While I was looking back in my side mirrors, quite literally, a Cival Enforcement Officer (although I'd say nothing was civil about the way this particular office behaved) appeared out of nowhere proceding to take a closeup picture of my tax disc. I was totally confused by this so got out of my vehicle to ask what he was doing. The attendant just ignored me, stepped further back and took another picture front facing picture ofmy vehicle. After taking his second snap he walked over to a pole and took another picture of a small 'No Loading/Unloading or Waiting' sign that had an arrow pointing to the right (which is where I was) which incidently I had not previously seen. I tried to explain to him that I was manouvering to park in the space directly behind me to which he simply replied "You now have a ticket" After scrambling my thoughts I then just returned to my vehicle and drove off. In which time he was able to take another two snaps, one from the rear and another from the front. Today I decided to call to find out of a ticket had been issued against my vehicle, and it had! I was able to view the incident details online using the ticket number given to me over the phone. The pictures taken had been uploaded for me to view. When I mentioned to the lady who took my call that no ticket had actually been issued to me, and that the CEO had not even begun the process before I left; she said that it had and that I must have been in that position for at least a minute since 1 picture was taken at 23 and the other 3 at 24 with the ticket being issued at 25 minutes passed the hour. I said that the ticket had not been correctly served, she replied it had, and advised me to appeal if I wished. I understand why parking enforcement companies have a tendancy to recruit cold unscrupulous types, but while it would have made sense for the man to have just explained or warned before issueing a ticket, I would not expect him to tell lies that the ticket had been issued. Please help
  20. Hi i'm a newuser and not eally sure how forums work but i need some help please I have had a payment sent to my bank by BACS today am (wed) when will this be available to me I bank with Lloyds Tsb normally this would be Friday but with it being a public holiday on friday and monday will i still receive on the friday? Confused:|! Thanx in advance for any help
  21. Injured troops to receive £7,000-a-year for life to spare them extra medical tests under welfare reforms New Armed Forces Independence Payment to be paid to maimed forces veterans Disability minister Esther McVey reveals claimants will receive £6,988.80-a-year, more than £200 extra than expected http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2274429/Injured-troops-receive-7-000-year-life-spare-extra-medical-tests-welfare-reforms.html
  22. In the early months of 2010, Golden Eye (International) Ltd, a company connected with the Ben Dover porn brand, decided to chance their hand at obtaining settlements from alleged file-sharers in the UK. Although they successfully obtained the identities of alleged file-sharers through the court using the Tilly Bailey & Irvine (TBI) law firm, things quickly went wrong for GoldenEye. TBI pulled out due to bad publicity and the company was eventually fined late 2011 by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority for their mishandling of the cases. In September 2011, Golden Eye were back again, trying to extract money from Internet users via the previously untested route of the small claims court. But in December 2011 it all fell apart following proper scrutiny in the High Court. And now, in March 2012, unbelievably Golden Eye are back again with a third attempt. http://torrentfreak.com/pay-up-or-else-bittorrent-scheme-resurrected-in-uk-high-court-120309/ Posted this here for info, hopefully it wont take people by suprise like acs law. I download nothing, but always expect a letter lol
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