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Found 6 results

  1. Government signals commitment to improving bus access for wheelchair users READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-signals-commitment-to-improving-bus-access-for-wheelchair-users
  2. For the full story - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/24/broadband-users-in-line-for-millions-in-ofcom-compensation-plan
  3. A claims firm that bombarded consumers with more than 1.3 million spam messages has been fined £80,000 as part of a wider crackdown against companies behind nuisance calls and texts. UKMS Money Solutions (UKMS) used lists of mobile phone numbers it had bought from data brokers to contact people encouraging them to make claims for payment protection insurance (PPI), the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said. It said the fine issued to the firm was the first of three penalties totalling £250,000 it will issue this week to companies behind nuisance texts and calls, bringing the total number of fines issued over the last four months over nuisance marketing to £1m. The ICO said Birmingham-based UKMS did not check that those it called had agreed to receive marketing texts – something it was legally required to do. It said a total of 1,442 people complained during the nine-week campaign between April and June this year. No one from UKMS could be reached for comment. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/claims-firm-fined-nuisance-calls-crackdown-122734812.html#HWCuKKU
  4. Mac users hit by rare ransomware attack, spread via Transmission BitTorrent app Mac owners who use the open source Transmission BitTorrent client are being warned that a version of the installer was distributed via the app's official website, infected with a new family of ransomware. It is believed that hackers managed to compromise the installer of Transmission version 2.90 on its download site on Saturday, March 4, in order to spread ransomware that researchers at Palo Alto Research have dubbed "KeRanger." The outcome is that if you were unfortunate enough to install Transmission 2.90 onto your Mac, your computer may now be the digital equivalent of ticking time bomb. Because KeRanger waits three days before awaking, encrypting your documents and data files, contacting its command-and-control servers, and demanding a one bitcoin (approximately $400) ransom be paid for your data's safe return. According to the researchers, the KeRanger malware also attempts to encrypt Time Machine backup files, no doubt in an attempt to make it harder for victims to recover their precious data without paying the extortionists. And don't imagine that OS X's built-in Gatekeeper protection would have saved you, as it appears that the poisoned KeRanger app was signed with a valid Mac app development certificate. A message on the official Transmission website confirms the threat to users, and advises that they "immediately upgrade" to version 2.92:
  5. After British Gas announced rises up to 10.4% British Gas is to increase prices for domestic customers, with a dual-fuel bill going up by 9.2% from 23 November. The increase, which will affect nearly eight million households in the UK, includes an 8.4% rise in gas prices and a 10.4% increase in electricity prices. The company said it "understands the frustration" of prices rising faster than incomes. The average annual household bill will go up by £123. PM David Cameron has urged consumers to switch suppliers for the best deal. More ...
  6. Just received this via a friend who, like myself, is ex-police - Mobile phone security Dear All If you receive a phone call on your mobile from any person, saying that he or she is a company engineer, or telling that they're checking your mobile line, and you have to press #90 or #09 or any other number, end this call immediately without pressing any numbers. There is a fraud company using a device that once you press #90 or #09 they can access your 'SIM' card and make calls at your expense. Forward this message to as many colleagues, relatives and friends as you can, to stop it. Many thanks for your time regarding this matter, take care and regards. Phil Corris Police Constable/Crime Prevention Officer Ext 496696 (Internal) 01524 596696 (External) Email [email protected] ..police.uk
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