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Found 16 results

  1. For the full story - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/24/broadband-users-in-line-for-millions-in-ofcom-compensation-plan
  2. I can see the problem. The cable comes from a telegraph pole to a black box high up on my house wall and then a cable comes out, down my house wall and into the house. The cover has come off the black box and there are wires hanging down and exposed - the ones which come out of the box to come into the house. BT are saying there's no problem with the line and therefore it will cost me £130 to send an engineer. Does anyone know where their responsibility for the line into my house starts/stops? If it's where the cable from the telegraph pole goes into that black box then it is my problem and I'll get a private contractor at a lot less than BT want to charge. If the black box is theirs and it's failed then would it be up to them?
  3. I'm moving to plusnet from Sky I phoned Sky to see if I needed to give notice and to tell them to stop my services (broadband and land line) on my contract end date. But they claim they can't do this because I'm switching to a new ISP. My concern is that I don't want to be paying for the Sky line rental and broadband until my service gets switched if anything goes wrong with the switchover date. ..I actually wanted them to stop my services completely but they say no can do. I can't quite get my head around not being allowed to come out of my contract and stop the services at the contract's end date. Does this sound normal or are they feeding me a line?
  4. Recently changed my landline number with TalkTalk. Within days began getting calls from male person asking aggressively if I had been in an accident. Rather cleverly the number appears slightly different whenever they call. TalkTalk have said they only have a marketing list for internal employees to sell their products to customers and do not sell on numbers to 3rd parties. They have taken me off their marketing list, even though I had no knowledge of being opted in or asked to be. Have to say I am not totally convinced. Just wondered if anyone else has had this issue? Thanks.
  5. Sorry if this is in wrong section, feel free to redirect. My daughters having problems with Sky. They agreed verbally that if she paid part of her monthly bill that if she paid part of her bill they wouldn't cut her off and she could make the difference up in the next bill. She therefore reversed part of her card payment leaving approx £63 with the Sky and £25 reverting back to her bank account. Sky insists the whole £88 was returned to her bank and her bank insists that only £25 was returned to her account. Sky cut her TV etc off for non payment and she's now getting threats from a DCA on behalf of Sky. Neither Sky or the bank will alter their position. She stopped paying them altogether as far as she's concerned they're in breach of contract for cutting her off and mislaying her money. I intend to make a complaint to the communication ombudsman but not sure what else can be done if both the bank or Sky are adament of their position. Any suggestions?
  6. I have had to resort on legal action against talktalk. In sept 13 I sent them an emailing stating that the dd is cancelled and I have done the 18 month contract so expect no disconnection fee. received an email confirming my 18 months but need to give 30 day notice and if cancelling speak to our customer service and maybe they can offer me something for being a customer. I left it at that and expected to be charged the extra 30 days... at this time and still am off sick with depression . ... i went awol for a few months and had to stay with relatives. In the meantime they had carried on with the landline contract and only now have cancelled it! Even though I complained to the CEO DIDO HARDING in Jan as have had bailiff letters with threat of legal actions. I have tried to explain my side, they are not interested just want money. CEO MANAGER SAMUEL ?? has confirmed they will knock off £50 (a good will gesture) which leaves me to pay £200!!!! As for my mobile .. ... vodafone had network outage for 17 days over xmas (local mast was down in cf43 area) so i had no network and couldnt speak to any of my family who are all in ireland, you could send a text and it may take 2-3 days to be delivered. When it was fixed emailed and rang cs they didnt acknowledge the vodafone issue and argued with me that if I was able to send texts there wasn't an outage even though vodafone did on their forum, I kept screenshots of the non exsistent signal and the forum. Eventually they accepted it after contacting Dido in the same email. I got sick of repeating everything to different cs staff whenever I rang so stopped answering their harressment calls... . its almost like they have "time to kill ..." then this SAMUEL in CEO office has offered £40 off Dec and Jan bill as they placed my phone on restriction even though I was waiting on a manager call back and a complaint is logged on their system and having repeatedly warning them that the dd is cancelled until issue is resolved. My phone is still restricted and expect to be cut off soon so my only option is go legal as can't stay with them for another 14 months and can't afford early termination fee of over £300.. ... anyone got any help or suggestions am at wits end with the idiots and this is really making my health suffer with the worry.
  7. hi all, I'm getting texts from collectica for someone who used to reside at my address, but hasn't been for about two months now, long story short i don't talk to him anymore and i have no idea what this is for. I telephoned Collectica and they told me to get my address taken off their system i needed to provide a council tax bill. Do i have to give them a copy of my council tax bill ?
  8. A new bank-style switching service that should make it easier for some people to change phone and broadband providers is to be introduced in the UK. Regulator Ofcom wants a system where a customer only needs to contact the new provider in order to switch. That firm will then deal with the whole process. This is a similar operation to the way the bank account switching process works. The new service should be in place by early 2015. 'Clear and simple' The current system requires a customer to contact their existing phone and broadband supplier to cancel their contract, as well as signing up to the new provider. The regulator said that this gave too much control to the existing supplier. "It has an incentive to delay or disrupt the transfer," an Ofcom spokesman said. More...
  9. hello all can anyone explain to me how a company places restrictions on a landline. I ask because the day my bill was due o2 put my landline on incoming calls only. This wad the 20th august. I paid my bill on the 22nd august and still the restrictions have not been lifted. i have called them 3 times and each time get told different things. First it would take 24 hours then it went to 48 hours then it went to four days and the last occasion i was told it e four working days. when i asked why they said an engineer would have to go to the exchange and lift the restriction. i don't believe this to be true mt line is on and i can make free calls just not charegable ones so why does an engineer need to be called out surely its done remotely via computer? Can anyone explain how it works thanks as at this rate i wont be able to use my phone till Thurs this week nine days after it was restricted.
  10. Hi Everyone Apologies if this question has been ask before else where on the forum Can anyone recommend adaptor and software for recording landlines Calls on PC's only Running Windows 7 Thank you in advance for any advice/ links
  11. Does anyone know the settings for diverting calls from an 02 landline ? And can it be done remotely -(not currently set up for answermachine)
  12. Hi I'm not sure of I should be on the Telecom or Broadband Forum but here goes. Got home from work yesterday and pop on the internet while I had an hour before kiddies got home from school. I had noticed for the 2nd day in a row the internet was slow. I am with Orange. I called them and got a gentleman on the phone who talked me through some tests and he said that there could be a fault with the mains box in the house. He then told me to get a screwdriver and unscrew the faceplate and plug the internet directly into the socket behind the faceplate which didn't solve the issue. He told me to check all the wires were where they should be. I told him I had no idea where they should go and that I would need an engineer to sort this out. He replied I couldn't have an engineer as this would cost me to much money. He had me checking the colours of the wires and if I thought any were loose. After this didn't solve the problem he told me to fix it all back together and plug everything in as it should be. This I did and then the internet and my home phone didn't work. He them had me unscrewing again and putting back together but nothing. By this time all 3 kids were home and I was getting a bit stressed as my hubby is in hospital and he normally deals with issues like this. After 1 1/2 hours on the phone he told me the faceplate must be broke. I told him it was working fine until I was asked to start messing on with it. I asked for a manager and he told me the best thing I could do is go to a hardware shop, but a new faceplate and call a local engineer to fix it and they would credit my account with £20 The faceplate that was on was only new by 1 month after I paid BT as the previous one was damaged. This is when I became upset as I knew nothing of wires and where they should go so I asked for a higher manager and guess what - they hung up on me. At this point I was in tears so I called back and got a lady who put me through to a manager who said someone would call me back which he did and I told him the faceplate was lying on the floor with the wires exposed and the router was plugged into the socket behind the faceplate but I had nowhere to plug the phone into. He advised that he would get in touch with the home phone team and call me back. As my husband is in hospital I am getting up at 5.15am, walking our 2 dogs, coming in making packed lunches, getting kids up, fed and dressed getting bus to work then getting home, housework, homework, tea, walking dogs again, bath and bed. So by 9pm I'm sparked out asleep. I am suddenly woken by my mobile ringing and the thought of what happened to my husband comes in my head and I answer phone from a blocked number at 11.05pm thinking its the hospital but no its Orange and they want to discuss fixing my phone line. I was so angry I told him to ring at a reasonable hour and hung up. So where do I go from here? I am so angry with them and guess what - my husband works for Orange...
  13. TalkTalk remains the most complained about landline and broadband provider, according to UK regulator Ofcom. It has topped the chart since Ofcom began publishing it in October 2010. Complaints about its broadband service often related to line faults while landline quibbles focused on billing and customer service, Ofcom said. For mobiles, Ofcom received the most complaints about 3, while BT Vision was the most complained about pay-TV service. The regulator said that generally complaints were falling, with all broadband and landline providers generating fewer issues between April and June 2012, compared to previous periods. More ...
  14. Hey Caggers, Currently have BT Landline and BE (02) Broadband. Recently changed my BT phone number. I was told categorically by BT that my broadband would be unaffected by this. Since the change my broadband has not worked. BE have stated: "Please let me inform you that I have BT/ Openreach's confirmation that your new number (01*********) has not services on it. It will be visible with the correct marker for a clear line soon. As discussed, a re-provisioning should be started. Let me remind you that we would need to arrange a BT engineer to go in the exchange and physically reconnect the cables. This order could take up to 7 working days and BT will charge us 25 pounds. This is the reason you will see this charge in your next invoice." BT's CEO has just stated this in reply to my email: 'There is no reason why a change in phone number would affect your broadband." Which is correct? What on earth can I do?
  15. I have gave up smoking from last 6 months can I join to you. I want to give this habit permanently.
  16. Has anyone had a problem with this phone company? I recently signed up to a 12 months landline contract with them and found them to be terrible. They started to charge me even before the landline was switched over. Their billing system is (Edit) as it charges you for calls that should be within your talk allowance and calls that you have not made. They also have misleading advertising, comparing their product with BT and TalkTalk, but their anytime call plan only allows 700 minutes of talk time a month, which is not much when this is for landline calls, including those made in the evenings and weekends. BT and TalkTalk do not have a limit on talk time for evening and weekends. They hide this 700 minutes of talk time in their small print under excessive use. I do not agree that 700 minutes a month is excessive use for landline calls (as this only equates to 23 minutes of talk a day, especially when it claims to be an anytime call plan) and so should not be hidden away under the small print in the terms & conditions. Like mobile contracts, where a plan has a call alowance restriction, it should spell this out in the main advert as this is one of the most important feature of the plan.
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