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  1. I can't get into contact with anyone at the TSB, not by phone, not by email. I was offended by a security guard at my local TSB branch (Aberdeen). I am trying to make a complaint but not getting anywhere. I tried to contact them by phone. The local branch don't pick up and I get an answering machine telling me to call back. The UK telephone line is an automated machine which asks me for my account number and sort code, which I can type in. Then it asks me for my "security number" or some such and I don't HAVE a security number. So I can't get anywhere with that. I made an online complaint and I get an auto-response only Blah, blah, blah. I'm a graduate scientist with all my faculties so if I can't get through to the TSB, goodness knows how anyone else manages.
  2. Anyone trying to get in touch with the Legal Services Commission please be aware that this organisation closed in 2013 and was replaced by the Legal Aid Agency. The contact telephone number also changed. The office I work in took over the telephone old number (020 7759 1002) in 2012 and we are still receiving calls from members of the public who have recently received correspondence with no new contact details, so are looking back over old paperwork or finding the old number on forums like this. We are happy to redirect the people who contact us but would prefer not to have to! Here are the "new" contact details.... The Legal Aid Agency is now based at the offices below: Legal Aid Agency Unit B8 Berkley Way Viking Business Park Jarrow South Tyneside NE31 1SF The new number for general enquiries is 0300 200 2020
  3. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this but.... I have a dispute with Rooftop Mortgages over fees they have added to Morgage Redemption Statement. Anyway, late in a long converstaion yesterday with them I asked whether the converstaion was being recorded and was told yes. Q: AM I right in stating that I should have been advised of this at the start of the conversation and given my consent?
  4. Can anyone recommend a telephone recorder. I am so fed up with being given information by DWP advisors which I am then told by another is incorrect that I want to record their messages. One that is easy to set up and use please. Many thanks
  5. A friend of mine has been notified of a telephone interview she must have on 12th January. I called the DWP on her behalf and they confirmed that it is in relation to the £6000 she has in her ISA and that they (the DWP) have had some sort of notification that it may now be worth more than £6000. The interview is merely to confirm this fact. Has anyone on here had experience of this process?
  6. Hi, I received a letter last week for a ' Local Compliance Telephone Interview'. The call will take place in just over 2 weeks. The letter says the telephone interview has been arranged because your circumstances may have changed and we need to ensure your payments are correct. On the back it says i need my bank statements at hand and any savings or pensions (which i don't have!). I rang the women who will be doing the interview to change my mobile number as it was wrong, i asked her what the interview was for as i had never heard of it. She said "its just to check your getting / on the correct benefits." Since googling i have seen so many stories of the LCO being part of the fraud team, i haven't commited any fraud but its still worrying me as to why I have this interview! I have had an issue with housing benefit that i have been overpaid (roughly £135) which isn't my fault it was my housing associations fault, could it be to do with this? It is sorted now though i went to sort it out last week. I also rang income support to tell them about a part time course i will be doing and i asked what a local compliance interview was and he said its the fraud team!! Sorry for rambling on. Any advice to put my mind at ease would be great, seen as i have to wait just over 2 week!!! Thankyou.
  7. Hi guys, a friend of mine owns a chinese restaurant/take away and has been plagued with 'kids' ringing and 'pretending' to enquire what's on the menu . . . 50 calls a night for about 4 weeks, they shut for 10 days in january and then when they reopened it started again, although 20 calls a day now . . . each time the number is different and when they ring back it doesn't connect . . . the dialling codes were mobiles but then landlines too, however some of the area codes were 100's of miles away! Is there and internet scrambling facility? i'm guessing these kids are using something off the internet, maybe voip or something that can scramble or make up the numbers to hide who's ringing? BT were no help and of course the only option i've mentioned was the True Call facility but they're resisting because of the cost . . . any help would be appreciated! thanks in advance
  8. Hi, my advisor says I can not have telephone interviews anymore, which has really distressed me. I can not make physical appointments at all. I find it hard enough to even make it to my doctors (the only time I do out, with someone with me) Maybe 3 times a year or less. So I was just asking for help if this is true or not? Because If I can't make appointments.... then I will lose my benefits? Thank you.
  9. Hi there... Talktalk will be offering my pensioner dad some type of compensation package for mistakenly disconnecting his phone line in error after his wife passed away but despite me taking 6 weeks desperately trying to get his old number back, they've finally told me it's not possible due to technical issues of his 30-odd year old number being on an old exchange and they operate on some new exchange. Believe me, I fought to get his previous number back (and spent a heap of money calling their 0870 number and being placed on hold for ages), even consulted BT about it and actually tried going back with them to get back the old number as i was told it is still available but unfortunately they advised today that they cannot get the old number due to the same technical issue. As you can imagine, my father has many people around the globe, some of whom he speaks to every few years so it's all a HUGE inconvenience, not to mention him having to now remember this new number. URGH! Anyway, I have decided to go back to Talktalk simply because their initial goodwill gesture package to me was very good: £23 per month for unlimited broadband, phone anytime, free mobile calls on mobile phone plus free international calls for a year. I've asked for a better offer then the one above as it is now established that he cannot get his old number back. My question is, what is a good compensation package from them? I also looked into getting them to give him a golden number but I don't think they do that service. Shame. Any ideas?
  10. Him All I have recived a county court Paperwork for a debt for my limited company and my self as a named debtor, this is from a company called Talk Uk. I owed them a debt from My company and agreed to an upgrade to pay off the debt which according to them left an outstanding balance of around£200. also I agreed to take on the lines in my own name as long as I got the bills sent to me and I could pay by direct debit. They sent me terms claiming this was the contract, I have spoken to them today and they say that the terms they have sent constitute a contract and that they did not need a signature. I have never had a bill in my name all bills including the final bill including early termination and administration are in the company name . at no time have they ever sent a bill to me personaly , also all the bills that have ever come through from Vodafone have also been in the company name. They are saying that they are going ahead with suing me as well as the company. their admin fee has been charges at 22 * £30 inc vat, and the termination fee is 108 + Vat please not the Vodafone bill is 108 including vat. I have put in a defence saying that the limited company was struck off in june of this year and that I have no copy of a contract with Talk uk in my name and that the terms letter they sent me does not count as a contract in law. Please help
  11. Hi I received a letter on Saturday, spent all weekend worrying about what it is about. I telephoned the number this morning to try and find out more, was advised he has not looked at the case yet but need to wait until Friday when the interview is booked for. I explained i suffer from serve anxiety and nerves and not knowing what it is about is causing me a huge amount of stress, I explained even an interview with my GP I find very stressful but the person I spoke to could not bring it forward or advise me of anything. Can anyone give me some advice.
  12. Hi. I am in the middle of a dispute with Creation Financial Services. I was speaking to their helpline and they said they had accessed a telephone call I had made two years earlier and that I had not changed my address with them. Can they really access these phone calls from two years earlier in a matter of two or three minutes I was on the phone waiting for a supervisor to access the call. I didn't and don't believe they accessed it that quick and think they lied to me. Can you tell me if they can access calls from two years ago that fast? Thanks.
  13. There is a pop-up which appears when the text "telephone call" is rolled-over, regarding recording calls. It states that Android 'phones can record calls, but iPhones can't, and that people "must" make use of additional hardware (an Olympus TP8 and a digital recorder). This is incorrect. High quality recordings can be made by use of apps without additional hardware : the iPhone can't record the call directly onto the 'phone, but do so by creating a conference call, where the recording is made at the "third party" to the call. Can the incorrect advice be amended to reflect the true position?
  14. Hello, I have just had a phone conversation regarding my pension credit. I was happy with everything and they are going to send someone out to visit my home. Anyway, during the conversation, he said to me "I'll just do a hmrc check" then came back, pause and said everything is fine. This just slightly concerned me.......does anyone know what the purpose of this check is? Thanks
  15. I received a call from the JC asking me to come down on my usual signing on date but earlier for a meeting what could this be any input please Regards mashmallow
  16. I have about £1400 of student debt from loans I had in 95,96 and 97. I've always been able to defer. Given that Erudio are taking housing benefit, maintenance, etc. into their calculations that takes me over their income threshold. I sent back the old style SLC forms with a letter stating my concerns and requesting clarification over the new form. They ignored the letter and just sent me another copy of their form. My deferrment period is now up and they've since begun to take payments from my account - without any notice of how much and for how long. It appears they've worked out that I need to repay them back over the year and have taken about £110 this month. From what I'd read about repayments I was expecting repayments to be related to a 60 month period. What will happen if I cancel my direct debit? My credit report has only just got out of the red and I don't want them to ruin my credit rating again. Can they really take my housing benefit etc into consideration in their calculation of eligibility for repayments? I'm currently not working so I have no earned income. I always understood that to be eligible for repayments I had to be earning a wage in excess of £20k In the past when I was working part time I never earned enough to have to pay my student loan off. Even so, following a divorce settlement I paid over £3000 of it off when I didn't have to. So I feel really gutted now that I appear to be being forced to repay money to a DCA. I'd like to just cancel my direct debit and just forget about them. Is that possible?
  17. Can someone give me the correct telephone number for stratford where they make all the decisions for all job centres ? I am having problems with MY job centre and need to speak to Stratford diectly. Thanks
  18. I took out a loan with PPI in October 2001 with Lloyds TSB bank. I have been self-employed since 2000. The loan + PPI and Gold account were all placed in default in January 2003 and was passed to BLS collections (Lloyds bank) as an amalgamated account to repay at zero interest. I was uncertain if I could pursue for reclaim of PPI and started making enquiries in 2010. I was also experiencing financial difficulty and had reduced payments to £30 per month; though this was a challenge sometimes. Business was very slow. I started gathering account information in Spring 2011, speaking with FOS and other debt management companies who wanted to 'help me reclaim my PPI' for a percentage... In July 2011 I formally complained to Lloyds TSB bank regarding mi-selling of PPI due to me being self-employed - natural denial of mis-selling and stone-walling with Lloyds and BLS. No joy with Lloyds admitting any mis-selling; so I lodged a complaint through FOS in Sept 2011. Flash forward, May 2012 - shoddy settlement figure that was an insult; it didn't even add up... So FOS continued to help with complaint, eventually sent to redress and finally getting somewhere with settlement. Though Lloyds are refusing to reduce any amount at time of default and more importantly; take in consideration for loss of earning. My question to you all is, can I invoice Lloyds for 212 hours of consulting over the telephone since July 2011? As a provider of a professional therapy service, this equates to over £9000 in lost income. I've had to telephone in their office hours, which are also my office hours. FOS have given me a log of calls between us and are currently totting up cumulative hours as we speak. Thanks everyone J
  19. Once again the letter from my work provider telling me a telephone interview has been arranged and that I must be available for it. I know I do not have to participate as I am in the support group, but it is criminal how they hound people (we look forward to seeing you again, and helping you find the right job). How can they 'see' me over the telephone. It's so exhausting keep up with all of this, failed PIP medical, lost mortgage relief form, now these people. You get to the point of just wanting it ALL to end.
  20. hope this is in the right place, if not could a mod please move as needed. A finance company that I have had to have dealings with was constantly ringing me a while ago. I suffer with nerves and panic attacks at the time it was leaving me quite distressed, despite verbally asking them several times not to call they carried on doing so. After getting some advice, I sent them the template letter which is available on the internet regarding telephone harassment and the fact it is an offence. My letter was acknowledged in polite terms and the calls did in fact stop last year, they seemed to take notice of this and only communicated by mail for quite a while. Things now seemed to have changed and they have started ringing me again out of the blue, the panic attacks have started again. I would like some advice as to which body I can complain to about their behaviour as I think if they get a warning off an official body they may finally back off for good.
  21. Hi, I need some advice in the following situation. I've recently completed a 3 month contract in a job where my direct line manager was short tempered, verbally abusive and would often shout, yell and bully me and all other fellow staff. During the contract I juggled numerous projects. One major project was completed and made substantial progress on the others. During the final week, my manager asked if I would consider a contract extension if it was offered, where I replied that I would consider this but did not confirm anything. Since I did not hear anything further, on the final day of my contract, a handover via email was given along with an update on the current state of all projects and left the company. I recently attended a 1st stage interview for another job after leaving the company, where the offer was conditional on a successful vetting outcome. Information requested was some standard documentation, including employment history over the last 5 years, along with details of my direct line managers during this time. During my 2nd stage interview, the interviewer informed me that my line managers have been contacted via telephone, where my previous manager (who was short tempered, verbally abusive and would often shout, yell and bully me and other fellow staff, where I would definitely not disclose by choice, but I could not supply false information on a vetting process) supplied a bad reference along with an inaccurate record of my duties. For example, I only worked on one project and made no progress on the other projects; I had left the company suddenly, etc. I believe I was not considered for this job that required the vetting process, based solely on the inaccurate information supplied by my previous line manager via the telephone. I have heard that I can request information about myself due to the data protection act? However this was a telephone conversation between my previous line manager and my new potential employer. I now plan to make a formal complaint the HR department, however given that this was a contract role, will anything happen? Also, can a legal case be made? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
  22. Did you know that you can save in excess of £50 with BT or £60 with Virgin Media by paying your line rental annually. Now that has to be worth it.
  23. I'm aware that this is a really old chestnut so I apologise in advance. If the last payment in an unsecured loan was in June 2008. Then the account was closed by the bank in October 2008 (I had no and at all in the account being closed). Can someone confirm that the Cause of Action was one month after the last payment and NOT when the account was closed? Replies very much appreciated and any evidence or examples to prove the above would be fantastic. M...
  24. Hi the physically and mentally disabled lady i care for has been called in for a customer compliance interview again. The last was 6 months ago. Received a text 2 weeks ago saying shes to attend the local jcp despite them being aware of her disabilities. We managed to postpone that one and emailed the area manager for jcp explaining the above and that also the interview fell the day after our 5yo was having heart surgery in Bristol. We also called the local number and the woman said a home visit or telephone interview will be arranged instead. However yesterday we receive another text telling the lady to attend an interview on Monday 14th April. So again we phone up and speak to the actual officer who was so rude and dismissive of her disabilities i couldnt believe a human could stoop so low. She was told she can bring someone with her but if she doesnt attend on monday her income support will be stopped. Can anyone please advise? I have searched the forum and seen of people having telephone interviews - indeed we've had a home visit in May 2011 - but this particular CC officer is refusing to do either. She said Income Support had asked them to call her in - however we called IS right away only to be told they had no issue whatsoever with the claim and nor had they asked CC to call her in. Is there guidlines or anything at all as the thought of leaving the house is literally terrifying to her one of her mental conditions is Agorphobia, and physically she would have to take so much of her morphene and diazepam to do the trip she'd be a virtual zombie. Any help very very much appreciated
  25. I'm new here and am not too sure if this is the right section for this. I have been sent a letter from the DWP with a time and date when they will phone to carry out a Customer Compliance Interview over the phone. I've read on this site that these are generated by a computer and are unlikely to be specifically aim at me on suspicion that I've done something wrong. I've also read that they focus on your bank accounts etc but unless they have acquired these by some other means they are not going to have them to view at the interview. If anyone has had these prearranged interviews, over the phone, I would be interested to know what they actually ask. I have a speech impediment and suffer from depression and poor sleep patterns and I don't take even mild pressure at all well. This usually results in me being almost mute. I have also read that they don't familiarize themselves with the client's details (I have found in the past with other things this to be true) so having to convey my situation at the outset is going to be stressful. Can anyone advise on this?......and I hope I can find this when I return...
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