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Found 3 results

  1. It's bad enough when you deal with third-party pop-up ads, but it's that much worse when the site itself shows pop-ups. Do you really want to subscribe to that newsletter before you've even read a single word on the page? Well, Google is going to worsen the search results of websites that use pop-ups so that they rank lower and therefore get fewer hits. As of January 10th, 2017, its mobile search results will downplay sites with "intrusive" interstitials and pop-ups. It'll accept content that asks for necessary info or takes up a "reasonable" amount of space, but "click to continue" pop-ups and first-party sales pitches won't curry Google's favor. https://www.engadget.com/2016/08/23/google-downplays-sites-with-pop-ups/
  2. There is a pop-up which appears when the text "telephone call" is rolled-over, regarding recording calls. It states that Android 'phones can record calls, but iPhones can't, and that people "must" make use of additional hardware (an Olympus TP8 and a digital recorder). This is incorrect. High quality recordings can be made by use of apps without additional hardware : the iPhone can't record the call directly onto the 'phone, but do so by creating a conference call, where the recording is made at the "third party" to the call. Can the incorrect advice be amended to reflect the true position?
  3. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387463-Fined(in-2008)-and-received-a-bailiff-notice(March-2013)
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