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Found 2 results

  1. Can anyone recommend a telephone recorder. I am so fed up with being given information by DWP advisors which I am then told by another is incorrect that I want to record their messages. One that is easy to set up and use please. Many thanks
  2. Guys, Looking for some advice here we recently got some blinds fitted by Shades window blinds & the installation was first class. The problem that I have is that the fitter saw fit to stand on top of the DVD recorder causing damage to the casing of the machine the company have admitted liability and took the machine away to be inspected(I made sure that I got a receipt from them stating they had it). I am looking for either a replacement or a financial renumeration to allow me to buy another one, they have said that they have checked the machine and it is fine(not sure how they managed this as I kept a hold of the power lead & the remote). They have offered to replace the casing at a cost to them of £35-£40 OR return the machine in its current condition & have offered £60 compensation. What are my rights in this situation???
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