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  1. Armed forces pay award 2018 - extra payments for personnel that left the armed forces after 1 April 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/armed-forces-pay-award-2018-extra-payments-for-personnel-that-left-the-armed-forces-after-1-april-2018
  2. 5 months into a 6 month AST, they are over 2 months in arrears. LL knocked on the door last night and the house is empty. All of their stuff is gone. Tenant unresponsive by phone has blocked numbers etc. Questions: 1) What to do about what seems to be surrender of tenancy? LL obviously wants to get in asap clean up and re-let, however I think ti is not as easy as that? I "think" that if we can get tenant to sign a "surrender of tenancy" form then that covers it? But I am unsure. 2) I assume small claims to recover the monies owed?
  3. Hi all, First post here, when I was a student I did a semester abroad on the Erasmus scheme. I was in Denmark. While in Denmark I had a flat and took out an internet service. I was there for 3 months but had a 12 month contract, this was in 2014 Sept-Dec . I took out the service with Telenor. The service was around £25 a month. When I left Denmark I forgot to cancel the contract , looking back I can find one email from Telenor from March 2015 (assuming pointing out late payment). I then have an email from Intrum Justitia asking for 2.757,67kr (about £330) this is in June 2016. This seems about right for 9months unpaid + fees + interest. I have not paid, as I have never had the money spare, but every now and again it eats away at me! Is this something to worry about? I have seen that Intrum will pursue debts across europe however I have assumed mine is too small to be worthwhile? Will it be written off or will it just get larger? What is my best course of action here? Thanks all!
  4. Hello all and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this. I am a business seller on ebay and instructed UPS (via P2G) to deliver a £240 pair of speakers to one of my customers based in the UK. It was fully insured and tracked but did not require a signature. On the scheduled delivery day I received a message from the buyer saying they had returned from work to find a card through the door which said that the parcel had been left on their doorstep but no parcel was there. The on-line tracking confirmed delivery to their doorstep. I did not specify that their doorstep would be a safe place so i'm rather surprised they just left it here, especially as the area crime rate is 2 the national average for theft! I advised my customer to look all around the house, in bins and to check with neighbours but to no avail, it just wasn't there. I have made a claim with them but it has been rejected, they just say it was delivered to a "safe place" as per their T&C's and are washing their hands of it although they have offered to pay the cost of carriage as a "gesture of goodwill" I am just wondering if there are grounds for me to bring a case in the small claims. I don't see how a doorstep can be described as a safe place especially when I haven't specified a safe place. I have looked on Google maps at the delivery address and it's a small terraced house with a small front yard which fronts onto a busy road...not exactly hidden from view or protected from the elements for that matter. Any help or advise gratefully received Regards Chris
  5. Contravention 31 says "do not enter the box unless your exit is clear or if you are turning right and need to wait because of oncoming moving traffic. It does not say anything about turning left. One can not see a clear exit as it is around the corner, especially where there is a pedestrian traffic light that goes green immediately after the green light for the traffic turning left. Why isn't it treated like the right turn? Or is it?
  6. 'LET DOWN BY MY COUNTRY' Hero war vet, 50, who was Prince Charles and Diana’s driver left homeless sleeping in bushes and feeding off scraps READ MORE HERE: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5551197/hero-war-vet-50-who-was-prince-charles-and-dianas-driver-left-homeless-sleeping-in-bushes-and-feeding-off-scraps/
  7. In short a stent was left in after an operation which should have been removed after 3 months , Two years later it has shown up in X rays and long term illness and pain . I have raised a complaint with the hospital as being clinical and medical negligence . I have now had a reply to say the claim has been escalated to a serious incident review panel (external). Does this increase the chances of making a claim against them ?
  8. An elderly relative of mine book train and ferry to Ireland via Hollyhead. She got all relative train connections as quoted on tickets when she got to Holyhead the ferry had left without her. The customer service at ferry port said it was train fault. She been in contact with customers services at Irish Ferry port and they also said it not their fault and she is responsible for making it on time to get ferry out she and other passagers had got off train and went to ferry port to find check in had closed. Surely the ferry should not have left without all passengers and train should have infromed them there were passengers on train for ferry. Irish ferries were not concern and said it was her fault for not making it on time. They seem not to want to take any responsibility for passagers once fare been paid. This meant waiting at ferry port for hours and longer on ferry time on ferry 2 hrs extra. Any suggestion go forward with compaint would be appreciated.
  9. I wish I'd found these forums last week when I did a bit of researching online but came across a mass of other things and got confused. out of the blue last week I got a letter from Restons Solicitors (dated September 1st) stating that I owe ME IV Limited £758.05 on an old EE mobile account. They're saying they're instructed by Cabot Financial to seek payment of the outstanding balance and that if I fail to respond by tomorrow (Friday September 15th) then they are "instructed to request that the Court grants a judgment in Default" The letter then goes on to state about possibly being able to pay in instalments and that I should ring them, go on their website and fill in income and expenditure or send back the income and expenditure forms that they also placed in the letter. Another part says that the debt from EE is from the account opened in 2008 and was terminated December 2014. The date of assignment is 26 August 2016 and the last payment date was 13 June 2014. I was with T-Mobile/Orange/EE for years with no late payments or problems. In my last relationship my ex pestered me to add her and her son onto my contract with a sim for each of them. It was a controlling relationship etc and she managed all the finances in the household. As she has been prone to do with other debts, once she got wind she could ditch the debt and go elsewhere she did so, missing a couple of months payments then just ignoring it. I left there in November 2014 and have been living elsewhere myself since. Heard nothing about this company or debt whatsoever in all the time until last month (August) when I suddenly start getting letters and phone calls from Cabot Financial about it. I set my phone to ignore the calls and kept getting recorded message voicemails. Ignored the letters as to be honest I've been fuming as had built my credit up very slowly with low limit cards and have been paying them off to get my rating up. On Clearscore the debt to Cabot Financial does show as a default but everything else is positive on there (aside from having low credit limits) I've left it late wondering what to do. Advice I did find from various sources said ignore it they're bluffing as it's mobile phone debt and under £1000 it'll never happen. I want to believe that but then have come across a mass of info online saying how awful Restons are to deal with and how they almost always do go for CCJ's. I really don't want a CCJ on my account the next 6 years and have been stressing and panicking about having to deal with courts and anything legal as it's all new to me and blowing my mind, at the same time I don't want to contact Restons and start paying back tiny amounts for the rest of my life as I'm on a low income and can only afford to provide them with a token payment. I'm annoyed at the situation and kinda adamant they won't see that money off me but I can understand that because the debt was still run up in my name that I'm going to struggle to deny responsibility there. I've dealt with anxiety and depression for years and this is taking a large toll right now being honest. Also I dispute the sheer size of the debt as it could not have been more than £200 I'm sure, £300 tops if she dodged it a couple of months or so. I realise they add on charges but to more than double it is beyond ridiculous. I spoke with National Debtline a couple of times the last couple of days. They told me to send a template letter disputing the debt which I was about to go to my local library to print off and send recorded delivery today. The circumstances of it being so late with their court threat date being tomorrow is bothering me and I realise I should have dealt with this sooner to at least give myself less panic about the date. Is this letter the right thing to send? Is it likely too late now anyway and do you think Restons will just throw it straight to court as they seem to be threatening? They worded it not like they may but said they have been "instructed by their client to request the court grants a judgment" so that sounds pretty certain
  10. Hi, Got a bit of a fiddly situation here so I will try my best to summarise clearly for everyone. I moved into a flat (from Spareroom) on the 1st June 2016 (tenancy expired on 30th November 2016), I found it a month or so before and they wanted a £300 (cash) holding deposit as they don't take card. I was moving out of London a few days after and was in the middle of exams and I knew I needed a place so (stupidly) I paid it in cash and went for it. Thankfully it all seemed legit, got the keys on the first and again had to pay my first months rent and the deposit via bank transfer in their office (Rent £940 + Deposit £940 + Admin £149 - Holding Fee £300 = £1729). I paid it got my keys and moved in. I asked about the deposit scheme etc over the next days where I was told "don't worry it's protected". This is where I started finding it all to get weird. Speaking to the existing flatmates, none of them received any TDS numbers or anything. I kept asking just to get the same response. So 3 months go by, after hearing nothing I knew I wanted to claim. However a friend had a room their flat which was over the road and was perfect for me so I started enquiring about leaving the tenancy early etc, and I got 3 options. Find my replacement and I pay half a month of rent, they find a replacement and I pay a full month or rent, or I just pay the remaining rent and leave. I tried for a month to find my replacement which brought me to September to no avail. I then emailed saying "Is there a possibility I could leave and you could keep my deposit?" which got a reply of "I will keep trying to rent your room, keep paying as normal" so no confirmation that they would take my suggestion of keeping my deposit. Knowing that they haven't protected my deposit I asked them again "I can't find anything about my deposit in the TDS" in which they replied with "The money you paid for the deposit will be used to pay for the final month of the tenancy". Is this even allowed? My contract says: "Security - £940 to be paid on the signing hereof to the agent for the landlord to be dealt Within accordance. This security deposit will be used to pay your last month rent, then 30 days notice is served" (that's the exact wording, notice the bad spelling/grammar). I then followed up with them with the standard "Within accordance of the law, it is your duty to protect my deposit in a TDS" in which they said the manager will call me. I spoke to the manager (who is also the Landlord, I think this is pretty important) on the phone and they pretty much said "Don't worry you can leave the contract and i'll adjust the deposit". I thought screw it, I'll take that and then approach the deposit after I have confirmation I can leave so I asked for the email confirmation and they sent over the following: "As advised please do not pay your rent on 1st October 2016. Please then returning the keys this Saturdays drop me a text, then keys are left at the concierge. You are released from 6 months contract as per conversation with [Landlord Name], no further payments are required." I took this as pretty concrete evidence that I can leave, so I did. Moved into my new place and I'm happy here. Now I want to claim back my 'protected' deposit. I emailed the manager saying what's happening to the deposit and that I'm happy to not pursue this in court if it is returned back in full and I gave them a time frame to do so. He replied with "you broke your tenancy etc and that they will chase up the remaining payments". Unless I accepted a £500 return of deposit. When I spoke to him on the phone before he offered £500 deposit back which I said no to and that I'll be chasing up the full deposit. He has also reassured me that "Danny from accounts has said your deposit is protected" which is incorrect given what his colleague told me before. Basically I just want my deposit back, multiple people have mentioned that I can claim between 1-3x the deposit, I do not mind what I claim as long as I get my initial deposit back. Almost a year after moving in I still haven't seen a sign of it, and I don't think the other tenants have either. Do you think that leaving the tenancy early may hinder my chances as claiming this deposit back? I believe they are separate matters, I believe that he had ill intentions with the deposit by choosing to manage it himself and no protect it, which seems like it has broken all of his responsibilities. But also a separate matter of leaving the tenancy early where I suggested that they could possibly keep the deposit, which not reciprocated, but then got an email after the phone call which clearly stated when I could leave and who gave permission and also that no further payments are required. Sorry for the wall of text, it has been a complicated and stressful process and any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Buneet
  11. My daughter left her bag on the bus last week. Had her phone and PE kit in it. I've got no money to replace any of it, so yesterday she had to go into school with no PE kit. Had to do the lesson in her knickers. She's got PE again on Friday, there's no way I'm going to be able to replace it by then. I don't know what to do
  12. Hello! I know the answer is easy to find but I can't find it! I have approx £360 left of an enormous loan with WF. I have refused to pay it for possibly a year now. Might be slightly less. I know there is a letter you can write about not paying the fees and telling them politely no. But I can't find it. Please can someone point me in the right direction? If I'm completely wrong, I'd love your advise J
  13. HI, just wondering if anyone can help at all plz, im in receipt of payments fro my ex for our 2 children that live with me throughout the week and visit their mother 6 nights per month plus 2 weeks holidays. The CSA closed there file on the 11th Feb but collected the arrears on the schedule, CMA have assessed payments but starting the 7th March leaving quite a shortfall in payment. Ive been on the telephone to both companies and told theres nothing they can do about the period in between which is alomst a months payment.. is this right as they both state that the paying parent has a legal obligation to pay???? This has also gone the same as receiving nothing for the first 14 months of our separation.. No wonder my ex first agreed to direct payment and then worked the system, its the children i feel sorry for not myself.. Any advise would be appreciated as to what i can do Hadituptohere
  14. Does a UK passport holder need at least six months left on there passport in order to travel ?.
  15. Hi guys I searched the forum but couldn't find any info on the situation I'm in. I was on JSA from October to mid November 2017. I got a part-time job which guaranteed me 12 hours a week. I started that on 14th November. They gave me a contract until 31st December. However, they cut that short as work had diminished. i left my job on 14th December. In the four weeks I worked there, I worked 24 hours in weeks 1 and 2, and 12 hours in weeks 3 and 4. After week 3 had finished, I called JSA to see if I could get extra benefit money as I had only worked 12 hours, and had been looking for a second job with more hour or a full-time job. I had an interview booked for 15th November. When I went to the interview, I explained that when I initially called them about low hours, I was not aware that my contract would be cut short, and explained that I had now left my job the previous day, and showed them proof of my termination letter due to diminished work. They came to a conclusion that I was entitled to £10.19 for week 4 and could not backdate as I had not shown enough reason for the delay of my claim, even though I explained them during the initial conversation that it was not possible for me to do so, as I could have been handed more hours towards the later end of week 3, since we did not have fixed hours of work. I decided there wasn't much point in arguing about not being paid £10.19 for week 3. I assumed I would start getting JSA from 15th December as I continued to look for work. I was asked to show my last payslip which I sent it. I got a call saying as I had earned £545 as shown on my payslip for the month of December, I would not be entitled to JSA until a month after I got paid. I got paid December 21st, therefore thy said I would not get any JSA support until after January 21st, as they expect me to use my earnings of £545 to get me through December 21st - January 21st. However, they expect me to keep signing on and continue to look for work, otherwise there would be sanctions. my question is, is this all correct? They're saying that after I was forced to leave my job on 14th December, I should use my earnings to cover a 1 month period, without getting any JSA support. They also expect me to continue looking for jobs and signing on. It all seems wrong as I'm seeking a job, and not getting job seekers allowance. In fact, I actually don't get my first JSA payment until 8th February as they pay 2 weeks after the month up to 21st January has finished. Any help would be useful.
  16. Disabled people 'left behind in society', report finds READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39458672
  17. Hi. For the last 3 years, I've been the carer for my wife. Through unemployment, we have a joint ESA claim. Due to unemployment, I had the spare time to look after her, and did as I imagine any partner would do. The claim is in my wife's name, we get £280 a fortnight, as she was last put in the work related group, although her advisor believes she should be in support... But we need to wait for the next medical, and the people doing that have previously failed her 3 times with 0 points, before we went to court each time and they found she should have scored between 10 and 16. Anywhooo, it's a struggle. We recently had a friend, who was also on ESA. She lives alone, but has a partner. She got put in support group, and got enhanced disability, despite being far more capable than my wife of working. She gets £140 for that a fortnight, and gets a total of more than £100 than us. We asked at the CAB about what help the was for us, to see if my wife was entitled to more help and we were told to apply for enhanced disability and carers allowance. We did this 4 weeks ago (told it will take 9 for carers allowance to be checked). Enhanced disability, I phoned them for a time frame, and got told flat out that my wife was entitled to nothing. Because I'm not getting PIP (my wife does) as I'm her partner, and look after her, she is entitled to nothing. So I asked for their advice on what to do, to which he said don't bother with carers allowance. Because of I get it, at £62 a week, they will deduct £124 a fortnight from my wife so we end up with no difference, just a load of hassle? Is this true? I knew some of the £62 would be taken, but I thought you got an extra £30-something as a carers premium? So you do actually end up slightly better off? It's confused me now, and I don't know if it's with just cancelling it, to avoid the hassle of the benefit being split, deducted, etc. From what the disability premium guy said, it sounds like being in a relationship is a punishment, especially if you choose to be your partner's carer If it does work out better for us though, how much is back pay entitlement? It'll be 10 weeks from claim date by the time it is awarded, if we get it, but can it go further? We're a bit annoyed really, because our advisor knows I've been my wife's carer for 3 years, and not once has she mentioned the extra help we could get, that apparently we should have been able to request all that time ago
  18. I gave 4 weeks notice over 2 months ago now and should of received 4 weeks pay plus holiday entitlement. I did not recieve to holiday pay but they said they would investigate it. It dragged on all month and I did a few shifts for them after my notice was served to help with staff shortages. Today I was paid for the extra shifts I did for them but still no holiday pay. If they are saying I am still staff (bank staff) because I'm helping with a couple of shifts can they deny my holiday pay? Even if I was bank staff I don't see how I would be able to use holiday time because you only get offered shifts short notice when you are bank staff. This firm came in in January as a takeover. I have still received not contract from them. Thanks guys. George
  19. Hello, I want to post a message my landlord left on my answerphone on a blog that im doing about them. Is this ok to do ? Is it legal ? Ive searched online and can only find answers that apply to the USA and even then its not an easy answer to find , some say its ok , some say beware etc. I think the message left now belongs to me , is that correct ? If so then it should be ok to post it ? Thanks for any help. David
  20. Hi After following all the steps advised on the forum, UKPC have finally issued the POPLA code, so I am now at the stage of drafting my appeal to submit to POPLA. To give some background, UKPC issued a windscreen ticket as the vehicle owner/driver left the site. The NTK to keeper was issued within the correct time period. So now my appeal has reached POPLA stage and I have drafted an appeal based on the following grounds: Evidence for leaving site The notice to keeper states that the vehicle owner/driver left the site. Therefore for this reason a parking charge of £100 is due. I require evidence from UKPC, which shows the vehicle driver leaving the site. Such evidence should include photographs of the contravention and a site map and a picture of the signage that would have communicated to the driver the defined boundary of the site they are alleged to have left. No explanation has been provided as to what constitutes leaving the site and it has not been established whether the driver was on site all along. The evidence they've added online is simply a photograph of the signage and pictures of the car with the charge notice already stuck to it. If no such sign nor evidence exists then I contend that the driver could not have known where the car park site boundary began and ended and in the absence of evidence I deny that there was any contravention. I say there was no contract formed with the driver to pay a charge in 'exchange' for going off site; there was no consideration, offer nor acceptance and no site boundary defined. The burden of proof shifts to UKPC to prove otherwise and to explain why their attendant (presumably) watched a driver walk towards the edge of an undefined boundary, yet made no attempt to stop/warn the driver nor even ascertain if a passenger had already been dropped at the door of the premises. The attendant also had a legal duty under contract law, to mitigate any loss. In VCS v Ibbotson, Case No 1SE09849 16.5.2012: District Judge McIlwaine stated 'you say he left the premises...where does the premises start and where does the premises finish?...there is a duty to mitigate the loss.' In this case now under POPLA appeal, I contend that UKPC have neither demonstrated any evidence that there was a breach nor shown that their operative took any steps to mitigate any loss. Contract with landowner UKPC do not own nor have any interest or assignment of title of the land in question. As such, I do not believe that UKPC has the necessary legal capacity to enter into a contract with a driver of a vehicle parking in the car park, or indeed to allege a breach of contract or terms & conditions of parking. Accordingly, I require sight of a full copy of the actual contemporaneous, signed and dated site agreement/contract with the landowner (and not just a signed slip of paper saying that it exists). Some parking companies have provided “witness statements” instead of the relevant contract. There is no proof whatsoever that the alleged signatory has ever seen the relevant contract, or, indeed is even an employee of the landowner. Nor would a witness statement show whether there is a payment made from either party within the agreement/contract which would affect any 'loss' calculations. Nor would it show whether the contract includes the necessary authority, required by the BPA CoP, to specifically allow UKPC to pursue these charges in their own name as creditor in the Courts, and to grant them the standing/assignment of title to make contracts with drivers. In POPLA case reference 1771073004, POPLA ruled that a witness statement was 'not valid evidence'. This witness statement concerned evidence which could have been produced but was not. So if the operator produces a witness statement mentioning the contract, but does not produce the actual un-redacted contract document, then POPLA should be consistent and rule any such statement invalid. So I require the unredacted contract for all these stated reasons as I contend the Operator's authority is limited to that of a mere parking agent. I believe it is merely a standard business agreement between UKPC and their client, which is true of any such business model. This cannot impact upon, nor create a contract with, any driver, as was found in case no. 3JD00517 ParkingEye v Clarke 19th December 2013 Signage Due to their high position, overall small size and the barely legible size of the small print, the signs in this car park are very hard to read and understand. I request that POPLA check the Operator's evidence and signage map/photos on this point and compare the signs to the BPA Code of Practice requirements. I contend that the signs on this land, in terms of wording, position and clarity, do not comply and fail to properly warn/inform the driver of the terms and any consequences for breach, as in the case of Excel Parking Services Ltd v Martin Cutts, 2011 and Waltham Forest v Vine [CCRTF 98/1290/B2]) As such, the signs were not so prominent with their terms and conditions that they 'must' have been seen by the driver - who would never have agreed to pay £100 in a free car park in the event that they left the site- and therefore I contend the elements of a contract were conspicuous by their absence. The signage is not a contract or offer of a contract but an invitation to treat. Please can you advise whether the above is sufficient and is a strong argument to go to POPLA? Thanks in advance
  21. I need to find my joint tenant that owes me money. I need to know the best way to get this money assuming he does get a CCJ. Background I moved in with a "mate" on fixed term joint tenancy and we agreed on 50/50 split for rent & bills. My "mate" lost his job a couple months in so could not afford his share of the rent. He said (I have email with this too) that he would pay me back once he got a new job. He borrowed some money from family and made some contribution but not the full rent. I had to make up the difference to LL. I had to borrow some money from my bank to cover this. He got a new well paying job but then decided to "forget" his promises to repay his share of the rent. However, ongoing rent was paid 50/50, same too for bills (except the final ones). We agreed to give notice to LL/LA that would leave end of fixed term. Two weeks before he moved out leaving keys. LL/LA did check out and there were valid deductions for professional cleaning and some small damage to curtain pull cord in his room (I didn't check before the inspection, he wasn't present.) There are also outstanding amounts for the council tax and gas/electric/water bills. Main issues This "mate" has disappeared, unfriended on Facebook, not answering personal mobile, personal email, no forwarding address. This was about a month ago. I'm assumed he has found a new place to live "permanently". I haven't yet got the final figure for the council tax, I've informed them I've moved out. Not sure how to get that finalised quickly. I'm owed approx. £3500 and I believe his new job pays about £4000/month net. (I helped him review his application for his new job.) I'd like to take him to small claims but not sure how to get his address to serve papers. I have his bank account number and I have his business card with work address. He is Italian from Milan. Although I'm sure he is still in the London area (I've seen his twitter feed) and working for this English registered company. I'm concerned if he does get a CCJ that he will skip back to Italy - then what? Also not sure best chance to get money back, I don't think he has much of value and probably owes family for past rent too. I'm thinking attachment of earnings but also maybe bankruptcy, or even DCA?
  22. Hi guys, I was referred here by a colleague because you were helpful to him. I was living with a friend up until recently. He has moved to Australia (15th September he left). Since his departure we have received many letters from various companies, but I have no idea of their names. The envelopes are blank, with nothing but his name and a return PO Box address on them. This morning we received a hand delivered letter, which is the calling card of debt collectors I am lead to believe. Again I don't know the company involved. I have spoken to said housemate about this, and he said that he knows his debts and will telephone them to sort it out, but I have little faith in this. Obviously I do not wish to have debt collectors knocking at our door demanding money/goods/whatever, and I am wondering the best course of action. Thanks.
  23. Nice one. Lets expose these silly people who are supposed fans and admire these nobodies.
  24. aa I've never received a N24 form before, so I have no idea what to do, also I cant seem find anything to do with the N24 we've just received on the site. All we received was 2 sheets of paper, telling us to file within 7 days, & a cryptic accompanying letter sent to our solicitor. I've attached this to the post My main question is what is "an order excluding the Defendants from the property"? Does it mean a lodger ie an excluded tenant? or something else? Is it evicting a commercial tenant? The full paragraph says : " in detail and in numbered paragraphs the background to the dispute and why they are entitled to an order excluding the Defendants from the property" I have no idea what this means ... The accompanying letter to the solicitor said something about varying a residential contract into a commercial contract. I've included the full letter as an attachment. The exact wording about the varying order is: "That the said Assured Shorthold Tenancy bearing the latest date be varied into a business/commercial lease upon registration or obtaining an operating licence with the regulatory board namely Office of Standards for Education Department (OFSTED). " Also is it possible to ask the court to show us the original application or order from the court, so we know what the hell is going on ... The only forms we received said Because this Order has been made by the Court without considering representations from the parties, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set aside, varied or stayed. A party wishing to make an application must send or deliver the application to the court (together with any appropriate fee) to arrive within seven days of service of this Order. The Claimants must file with the Court and serve on each Defendant by 10-12-2015 a signed and dated witness statement which sets out clearly and in detail and in numbered paragraphs the background to the dispute and why they are entitled to an order excluding the Defendants from the property and which contains a declaration ('a statement of truth*) that the contents are true . 3) When the Claimants do this the application will be placed before a circuit judge who will decide without a hearing when it will be heard: 4) If the Claimants do not do this by the date given, the application (but not the Claim will be struck out) Dated 17 November 2015 Again we have no idea whats going on, please help. Thanks
  25. Back in July I bought a ticket at Richmond station (Zone 1-4 travelcard) and travelled into Waterloo I used the ticket to enter the platform (The barriers are 99% in use at the station and always at the time travelled i.e. 17.30). Once I arrived at Waterloo and upon getting to the barriers I realised I no longer had the ticket. I approached the attendant and explained the situation he then instructed me to see the Enforcement officer. Having been once bitten (not enough balance on my oyster on one occasion four years ago) I considered just using my oyster to go through but stupidly thought I would be able to put my point across. Once getting there I was told a) I was liable for a £20 fine b) i had to buy another ticket. I explained that i'd bought the travel card using a credit card and could provide the statement as proof. Since then i have sent an appeal letter into Iracs, accompanied by proof of transaction and the appeal was rejected on the basis it arrived at the office after their deadline (the fact they backdate all of their correspondence a minimum of 7 days makes this a touch ironic). To summerise I replied that I will wait for them to refer it back to SWT and deal with them - I have now received an letter from Capital Resolve threatening a home visit and am debating whether to just pay the £90 fine. At the same time I would hate to give a penny to a bullying debt recovery agency without it absolutely being the best option. Having read a few of the other threads on this site and it would appear much of the advise is to pay the fine that said I have not found a case where a ticket was bought and lost on route. I have approached SWT separately but as expected they have said they cannot discuss any matters of a penalty fare (very quick response time) and I then asked separate to this specific fine - do they have access to a time stamped transaction history at the station? (asked twice - with no response at all) My personal view is that I am not in the wrong at all and would hope once this is referred I can actually put forward my case - equally i don't want to risk a mark on my record if the odds are against me. Any advise or experiences anyone might be able to provide would be greatly received.
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