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Found 6 results

  1. 5 months into a 6 month AST, they are over 2 months in arrears. LL knocked on the door last night and the house is empty. All of their stuff is gone. Tenant unresponsive by phone has blocked numbers etc. Questions: 1) What to do about what seems to be surrender of tenancy? LL obviously wants to get in asap clean up and re-let, however I think ti is not as easy as that? I "think" that if we can get tenant to sign a "surrender of tenancy" form then that covers it? But I am unsure. 2) I assume small claims to recover the monies owed?
  2. I have just been refused a mortgage on the basis of a poor credit score. Checking with Equifax I found that a debt of £583 had been entered on 29/07/2004. The original debt was I believe may have been created by my husband, with HSBC, sadly he died in 2005 , the debt is now listed with MKDP Llp. The default date is 27/7/2010, just 2 days before the 6 year trigger. It was updated on 19/05/2014. I have no knowledge of the original debt, I have never received a claim form or a default notice. In fact I have never received any documentation regarding this sum from anyone. I have changed my address since 2004, but have always remained in the same local authority area, a fact recorded by Equifax. How do I remove this threat from my credit score? Thank you, 7blackdog7.
  3. I'm sure I saw it on here but can't find it. My partner had a letter from Welcome Finance (MKDP) saying she owed over £4,0000. It was statute barred which, with the help of the Ombudsman, they eventually agreed. However, we just saw that the 'debt' appears on her Experian credit score! Is this legal? We've just emailed the Ombudsman again to ask advice on how to get this b/s off of her credit score.
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2881419/Man-appears-court-charged-murder-neighbour-stabbed-death-way-work.html
  5. Hi Everyone, I used to be a director of a estate agency around 8 years ago, the company was dissolved quite soon after that. As far as I know there weren't any debts owed to anyone. I checked my credit report a few days ago and am shocked to see a CCJ for £192, after calling Norwich County Court its turns out that the money is allegedly owed to a a company called Agency Express which provide for sale signs to estate agents. Although we did use that company I am not aware of any debt owed to them, even if I did all business was done though the ltd company. The CCJ is under my name albeit, not my full name, Ric instead of Richard and the address on the CCJ is the wrong door number, I live at 150, the door number recorded is 153. The CCJ was granted in Aug 2009. What can I do about this, can I have this set aside as any paperwork would have gone to the wrong address, also I feel that I cannot held be liable for any debts relating to the ltd company. I hope someone can give me some advice
  6. Guys I'm a little concerned, I've been delaing with MMF for quite some time now and last November they "Lost" my letter which had proof to close these accounts... Now ive just logged online to Experian for the first time... To give you some idea, they started reporting it in April this year, The account listed was fraudulent along with the other 2 accounts they hold. I don't know what to do anymore with MMF, I want the account/s removed... But I know MMF wont listen...
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