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  1. Hello I am deaf and me and my wife took a loan out of £16,000 secured loan through igroup Ltd via loans.co.uk. We believe we have been misold with PPI. I wish to make a PPI complaint so can you please point me to the right direction to who I should make a PPI complaint to? The loan was taken out sometime between 2001-2003, not too sure and we have lost the original agreement, unfortunately. Please help? Many thanks Angus
  2. Hi all , it is my first time ever discovering forums like these in my life. I'm Matt I'm a 26 year old male and to cut a long sob story short i have been ignoring various debts for years as they always used to get passed from pillar to post so i'm not entirely sure which company owns which debt etc. Following a bereavement in 2012 my life spiraled downwards into chaos , i drank a lot of alcohol every day for a long time i lost my home ,my job , my friends and just about everything you can imagine. I used various payday loans to pay for my drinking once i had lost my job and i tried to take my own life in 2015 because of my debts. I am still involved in mental health services i was diagnosed with Psychosis last year (2018) , i had a terrible time getting abuse 24 hours a day from voices in my head often keeping me awake for 4-5 days in a row. I am enjoying a January voice free, i don't take any medication anymore , it's taken a long time to sit here and have the confidence to post here. I received a letter today from a company called BW Legal which made me think it's about time i start working on a solution. I was hoping for some advice, help with anything you can while i have motivation to try and solve a very big problem i have and this is my debts. I have followed instructions from the site and i have obtained my credit report, to my suprise my debts are nearly £5000 less than i had anticipated bringing my total debt ( on my noddle report ) to £3745. I am currently receiving ESA ( Employment and Support Allowance ) so i do not have a big income to pay a lot of money a month. I did read about the statue barred sticky thread, i do believe some of my debts are older than 6 years old but i am unsure when the date starts from, also my memory is not very good about the past 6 years because i was drinking heavily. It is also the reason i am hesitant about contacting any of the companies for my account information. I do have letters somewhere dated in the past 3 months which i will try and upload. I have 2 CCJ's i believe one is from Capital 1 credit card for around £500 and a parking fine of around £200. Thanks in advance for any help i might get, i have been signposted for stepchange by my mental health worker , but i was worried i might mess up any chance of Statue barring any debts that might be eligible. I have downloaded a PDF from noddle with all my report on if anyone would like to see it. Lowell £ 499 Lantern £ 262 Active Securities LTD £ 442 Capquest Investments LTD £ 1,288 Lowell £ 780 Lowell £ 217 Barclays Bank Plc £ 62 Ee Limited £ 152 Thanks again
  3. I signed up to David Llyods after speaking to a sales advisor on the phone who told me the contract was 3 months long and after then I could cancel anytime with a 1 months notice. The next day I rushed into the gym for a class I signed up to, signed the contract he prepared for me which was handed to me by the receptionist. After about 5 months I called to cancel my contract and was told I am in a 12 month contract, I argued this and said I was told on the phone it was 3 months and then I could cancel with 1 months notice at anytime. Clearly I didn't read the contract they gave me properly as I was in a rush but I was 100% missold on the phone, when I asked for evidence of this they told me they don't record their phone calls. Now I didn't have enough money to pay for any more months so I emailed them in writing, explained how I was missold and cancelled my direct debit. They replied saying they would compromise because of my situation and let me cancel with 2 months notice. So basically they acknowledged how I was missold but still didn't honour the one months notice that was supposed to be in the contract. I told them by email I can't afford to pay for 2 months which was true so I won't be accepting. Now they have passed my debt to Arc Europe Ltd who have called me everyday for the last month, multiple times per day on multiple numbers so I am now worried to answer my phone to any unknown numbers. I replied to one of their texts and spoke to their web team and told them my story, how I was missold by David Llyods and that I have already spoke to them and told them why I can't pay. I then told them to stop harrasing me and left the chat. They have not slowed down their efforts since at all and now I am being sent letters threatening legal action in court. Could someone please help me get out of this as it has made me furious that they are so dishonest and that a company like David Llyods would use scare tactics and a well known to be aggressive debt collector such as Arc Europe Ltd.
  4. Hi, Once again I turn to the wonderful CAG forum to reassure my friends that I am taking correct action and giving correct advice to them with regard to private parking tickets from PCM. Several of us (total of 4 cars) visited a friend's newly rented apartment The site was only accessible through a locked gate that had to be opened by a resident. We all parked in marked visitor bays. Our friend didn't have information about displaying permits from the letting agent; she subsequently learnt these are only available from the concierge who had left for the day. He has told her that PCM are awful and probably won't follow up the tickets. I am certain we should not appeal or pay for these rogue tickets. Unfortunately, the host feels obliged to do so to reduce stress for the other guests, one of whom is now away for several weeks. She even received one herself a few weeks ago in the locked underground car park for which she had a permit but hadn't displayed it as she thought the car park wasn't accessible to be ticketed. Checking threads on here I can see that this company is clearly one of the many that prey on people's anxieties about all the follow up letters, increasing charges etc. I have been here before and got the reassurance I needed to keep ignoring and eventually the letters did stop. My friend currently has the ticket and I will post a picture of it when I get it back. I will also post pics of the signage when I receive them. I am going away for 4 weeks in 10 days time but am confident that I won't need to act on anything during that time. Thanks as ever in advance.
  5. Hi, I entered the Damside Street Car Park in Lancaster on 09/09 2018 at 11:57:47 with a 5 years old daughter in distress. While my partner took care of her I had to go around to find a place where to change money because I didn't have enough loose change to pay for a parking ticket at the ticket machine. Therefore I bought a parking ticket valid for 1 hour at 12:10 (just over two minutes after the 10 minute grace period finished). I left the car park at 12:13:02. In total, I stayed there for less than 16 minutes but purchased a ticket allowing me to stay for 1 hour (plus the 10 minutes grace period). A few days later I received a Parking Charge for £125. I tried to appeal with the HX Car Management and with the Independent Appeal Service but with no success. A few days ago, I received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones solicitors threatening with a legal action if I don't pay £160. I'm not sure what to do. Shall I pay or shall I go to the court? Do I have any chance in the court with no legal experience? Thank you for your help Miroslav
  6. Hello, i have had a loan with cash on go ltd peachy loans in August 2012, i didnt pay it back and they defaulted it on 07/11/2012 , this was showing on my credit file up until about a month ago when it just suddenly stopped showing on there. It has now reappeared in November but they have set the default date to one in 2016, when i have proof it was defaulted on 07/11/2012. Why would they do that? I have emailed the CRAs to tell them is there anything else i should be doing? Should i contact Peachy direct. I'm not 100 percent sure if it is it stat barred as i may have paid something in a payment plan but i am trying to find out yeh just to confirm its not stat barred- as i made payments in july 14
  7. Hello. I’ve today had a ‘PCN’ issued by NE parking Ltd in Blackpool town centre (Adelaide court, a car park behind some flats). Last night I went to a gig in town, I drove as I wasn’t planning on staying late but I ended up having a couple of drinks so had to leave my car overnight. My friend used to live in Adelaide court so I would always use his space should I be nipping into town, and have never had any problems before - until today when I’ve gone to pick my car up and been hit with a £60 charge. The reason for the charge is ‘parking without a valid permit/ticket’, and I know 100% permits were not issued to residents of Adelaide Court 6 months ago as my friend didn’t have one and never had to use one himself. Unless this has changed recently? However, the other cars parked there did not have permits on display either! I know a lot of people say to just ignore private parking charges, but can someone advise me what’s the best thing to do from now? Do I acknowledge? Pay up? Or just leave it? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, first post for a few years on here under a new user name so how I'm doing this right! Husband received a PCN from CE Ltd. He met a friend for KFC, they got chatting, lots to catch up on and he overstayed by 18 mins. He won't have paid any attention to any signage but he was genuinely a customer. Does he have any grounds to contest this as he was actually using the carpark as a customer or do we need to suck it up :/ Thanks in advance
  9. I have received a CC claim from Civil Enforcement Limited, following a series of demands after parking in an off-road car park in Croydon. I wrote rejecting the initial claim when I received the PCN, I did not get a response so I did not respond further. I have read the thread CEL ANPR PCN Claimform - Croydon Poplar Walk car park. and I intend to reject the claim and responding as per CPR 31.14 Request to use on receipt of a PPC ( Private Land Parking Court Claim) Wanted to clarify a couple of points and confirm if I should change any of the standard responses proposed to alladin78 My case differs slightly in that I paid using the convuluted phone in system, however 20 minutes after I left the parking area (I was only there for less than 15 min most of that reading the sign on how to pay!) I received a text To confirm your parking session and for security purposes URGENTLY reply with your vehicle registration only 1min later another text was received stating As you haven’t confirmed your vehicle registration your parking session has not been booked. Please call the number on the signage As I was driving for 1-hour I naturally did not see these messages and frankly it would be unreasonable to expect a response within 1 minute to confirm booking. A cynical person might suggest that this convoluted payment system is deliberately designed to frustrate payment in order to issue PCN. Claimant is Civil Enforcement Limited The Claim Form was signed by Civil Enforcement Limited (Claiments Legal Representative) Claim reads Claim for monies relating to a parking charge for parking in a private car park managed by the claiment in breach of the terms + conditions (T+Cs). Drivers are allowed to park in accordance with T+Cs of use. ANPR cameras and/or manual patrols are used to monitor vehicles entering + exiting the site. Debt + damages claimed the sum of 182.00 then follows the violation date time of entry and exit Thanks in advance for your advice/assistance
  10. Dear all, Exeter Road Car Park, Braunton, EX33 2JJ - Parking Charge Notice I have also been subject to this rather off-putting Parking Charge Notice in the same place; Following the thread above I have completed the questions from the link below: 1. Date of the infringement: - 05/10/18. 2. Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]: - 11/10/18. 3. Date received: - 12 or 13/10/18. 4. Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?]: - Yes. 5. Is there any photographic evidence of the event?: - Yes. Two photos of car. Two of numberplate [both dark]. 6. Have you appealed? [y/n?] post up your appeal]: - Not yet, but I have drafted it and posted below. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up: - N/A - not yet. 7. Who is the parking company?: - Premier Park Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]: - Exeter Road Car Park, Braunton, EX33 2JJ Draft online Parking Charge Notice Appeal wording: "Dear Sir/Madam, Please be advised that in normal circumstances I am law and rule abiding, in any case.
At the time in question this was no different, however, after recalling this journey to an area that I am not familiar with and which receives a significant amount of tourism traffic, I would state that the terms and conditions of the car park are not sufficient for the average visitor to use and create a valid contract. Specifically I am appealing against the availability of, and clearness of, the signage and how well lit the car park is to make this reasonably visible to any user in order to create an acceptable contract. At the time of the evening stated, and as can be evidenced from your own photographic evidence stated, it was almost pitch black dark if not for the light omitted from a vehicle itself. So much so that the vehicle make, model, colour or driver cannot be determined. If I recall correctly, at the given time of the evening, a bus also pulled into the bus lane outside the car park on Exeter Road, meaning that anyone would have to tightly pull in front of it to gain access to the car park, missing blocked entry signage and parking terms signage. The darkness of the evidence provided also does not display and make clear were my car was photographed and if it even entered the car park or remained stationary/unattended there for any period of time at all. 
Please can I appeal to good faith that if the displays were clear and visible I would have seen no option but to comply with the terms and conditions, but in this case, for multiple reasons, the terms were not clear enough for me to be made aware to do so at the time. There is also no evidence provided to the contrary that the car park is clearly displayed, including its terms, or sufficiently lit to substantiate the claim that any contravention was intentionally made at the time. If you do not agree that this penalty has been unfairly applied and reject my appeal, I will be left with no option but to further this appeal with IAS. I look forward to hearing from you Regards," --------------- Any help you could give here would be greatly appreciated?? and I hope that this helps others Thank you
  11. Animal medicines seizure notice: Aquatic Chemicals Ltd (trading as Technical Aquatic Products (TAP)) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/animal-medicines-seizure-notice-aquatic-chemicals-ltd-trading-as-technical-aquatic-products-tap
  12. Having a few issues with Civil enforcement LTD They got my car in a pub car park in the east riding of Yorkshire where you have to go in the pub to let them enter your reg plate but this wasn’t made clear in the pub. I received a letter first letting me know about this parking charge when it stated that I hadn’t paid at the discounted rate of the first letter. Never received the first letter at all - so been trying to get out of this ticket Wrote to Civil Enforcement limited and they told me it was tough as they sent the letter and didn’t matter if I had received or not Tried appealing the ticket with POPLA but couldn’t. as Civil Enforcement limited wouldn’t give me a code to appeal the ticket. So POPLA wouldn’t entertain me So went one above and then Emailed BPA but they said they didn’t get involved in disputes such as this but I learnt that Civil enforcement LTD pay a membership to them I then got a letter from the solicitors on the behalf of Civil enforcement LTD. They have offered me a payment plan of an extortionate rate of £236 for been in this car park for 12 mins :mad2: Is there any way I can get out of this, Happy to provide more details if need be Thank you in advance
  13. My 'lovely' middle child bought a second hand Vauxhall Zafira from UK Motors Ltd based in Watton Norfolk. The car is faulty. Despite many phone calls, where the boss was not available (hmm!) and various emails, they have not responded whatsoever so it looks like Letter Before Action time. The problem is, I don't know if I need to give them 30 days to respond or 14 days which it used to be. I have no problems sorting MCOL out but I will be supporting my daughter through the court process if needed. Just to add. I have set an alert with Companies House against this company just in case they try to either change their name or liquidate.
  14. Hold my hands up I parked in a permit area after getting lost in Doncaster after sat nav problems and late for a course....long story. Just received a PCN for £100 reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days from a company called Debt Recovery Plus trading as Parking Collection Services Ltd on behalf of their client "creditor" JD Parking Consultants Limited who manage the land. The letter states that the parking charge was issued following the use of warden operated camera system. I presume the stated system is therefore operated by JD Parking Consultants Limited? As I understand, a company is required to register with the ICO if it intends to process personal data and failure to do so pursuant section 17(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998 is a strict liability criminal offence. If the matter was to proceed to court, the photographic evidence, i presume, would be inadmissible.?? Not sure of any other way to challenge this. Any Thoughts? dont they need to register with the ICO for a camera system as long as it doesn't take photos of any individuals. However, JD Parking must be included on the ICO register to process personal data.
  15. Hello, I have received a number of letters from DRP (the debt recovery company that NE Parking Ltd use). My car was parked outside a hotel that has been closed down for over a year from 8-11pm at night. put a ticket on the windscreen so far down that I didn't notice it was even there until 3 days later when I turned my wipers on to wash my windscreen. The picture they included on the original letter shows my car but doesn't have the ticket on the screen in the window. I have ignored about 6/7 letters from them and now have received a 'final settlement offer to avoid court action'. Has anyone else got this far with them? Do they actually issue in Court? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi there, My pregnant wife and I parked in the Haven Banks car park in Exeter on a Sunday afternoon and paid the parking charge for 2 hours. We have subsequently received a Parking Charge Notice showing images that say we left the car park 2 hours and 15 minutes after entering and so we are required to pay up to £90 (£54 with early pay discount). I am new to all this but see from the forum that this is not the first time their charges have been brought into question. My wife is over 6 months pregnant and so is obviously slower at moving than normal and also takes time to get organised and comfortable in the car and so a fine of up to £90 for 15 minutes in a fairly quiet car park is excessive. Furthermore, the signs are not very clear so we almost missed them when we first arrived. I have not yet responded in any way to the letter as I have just received it in the post, but would be grateful for suggestions as to how best to approach this situation. Many thanks in advance.
  17. Hi all, I'm currently going through a move (renting) and am being asked to provide my company accounts to letting agents for their credit checks. Now I remember this seriously bugged me the last time I moved, as I run a Limited Company and it's my gut reaction that the company accounts are and should remain private. I'm paid via payroll on a regular basis as any other employee would be. I don't even submit full accounts to Companies House, so why should these nosy parkers get to see them? Is there any legal justification for them asking this or can I politely refuse, offering my personal accounts / payslips only?
  18. Hi, back in November my daughter received a PCN from Civil enforcement ltd. stating she hadn't paid for parking. The parking was in a conservative club that you had to pay for on your phone. S he arrived at 12:08 and left at 12:27. In this time she didn't have her phone on her so ran into the shop to see how she could pay as the club was closed. (the only place to park to visit this shop is the club). They couldn't help so she returned back to the car and left. She later received the PCN then a letter from ZZPS saying they will instruct their solicitors to chase up the now £140. Then another letter arrived from QDR wanting £236. Now she has received a claim form from Northampton from civil enforcements saying she will be going to court. We are not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated Thank You
  19. Hello all. Long time lurker here but first time poster. Please see completed form below: 1 The date of infringement? 06/07/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] No what date is on it N/A Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? N/A 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? 5 Who is the parking company? Indigo Park Solutions UK Ltd 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Tring Station Car Park, Tring. Hertfordshire The penalty notice was issued by Indigo Park Solutions UK Ltd on behalf of West Midland Trains for Breach Code 1 - Failing to display a valid ticket or voucher. At the top of the Penalty Notice, it notes that the car park is regulated by the terms and conditions of parking displayed at the car park in accordance with Rail Byelaw 14, and so on........ Please could someone advise the steps I need to take in order to not pay this please? From reading around this wonderful forum I can see that this appears to be unenforceable in a magistrates court (which I gather they would never do anyway due to not receiving any money from it) after 6 months, I would appreciate a few bullet points outlining what the steps are to get to 6 months and what type of correspondence I can expect please. I'm keen to take this on based on what I have read, however my wife isn't and is looking for some reassurance from the more knowledgeable folk on here. Thanks in advance!
  20. I am a member of a gym which has a small car park. When you attend the gym you have to input your car reg inside the gym. I bought a new car in March and on the same day I collected it I went to the gym, inputted my car reg which as it was new the system wouldn't recognise. The attendant told me not to worry and I signed in as usual. Of course I then receive a PCN which I appealed and provided confirmation from the gym that I was a member and attending the gym at the time in question. For some reason the appeal was turned down and I have now received a demand from Civil Enforcement threatening escalation to a third part collection agent and possible proceedings. As the gym whose car park it is has confirmed I was there can CEL demand payment. What is my next step. Is there a standard letter I can send to CEL advising that they have had confirmation from the gym that I was there and signed in.
  21. Well here's another company failing to adhere to the GDPR I requested a DSAR from Opos on 23/06/18 and have just received the following email - Dear XXXXX I am in receipt of your below email and I have noted the contents accordingly. In order for us to proceed with your request, please complete the attached form and return this, along with the requested documentation, to this email address. Once the completed form and requested documentation is received, we will progress with your request. Regards, Rob Sands Data Protection Officer So they are failing by asking me to fill out their form and asking for ID even though they have previously contacted me by email and I have raised complaints with them by email. ( its an email address I only use for this sort of stuff so don't care if they have it) Ive let them know that if they continue to ask me to fill out their form and request ID I shall be reporting them to the ICO and if they fail to send me the required info within the 30 Days then I reserve the right to issue proceedings against them
  22. Having received a parking invoice for parking on private land from UK Parking Management LTD, I failed to respond or appeal. As I am unlucky enough to be subject to another private parking charge , I had confused the two and thought I had appealed but it seems I did not..... ..I have now had a letter from Debt Recovery Plus asking for £160. I called them upon receipt and asked for copies of the original invoice and some other information (such as the address of the parking company - so I could write to them directly). All of my requests were (quite rudely) refused and I have now received a letter from them saying as it's at the debt recovery stage they are unable to consider any appeals. Where do I stand? (please)
  23. Hi everyone. We've had a motor trade policy for 5 years now. 10 days before renewal this year, the insurer flagged up 4 vehicles we've had for a while, and wanted proof of ownership and V5s. I neglected to send these when requested. Over the next few days, they started sending me emails regarding renewal, and that the policy will auto renew. The policy autorenewed, but I know they always want proof of trading (ie. recent invoices) and driving licences. I could see emails coming through, that we had X days to send these documents. In all this, I understood that the deadline for the documents for the renewal was 5pm on the 25th May. I sent the proofs of trading and driving licences, and said in my email "Here are the documents for renewal", and asked to confirm some details about cover. The lady answered my email, but didn't mention those previous proofs of OWNERSHIP of the other vehicles. I assumed those were for the past policy (same insurer). I carried on as normal, awaiting the insurance certificate. It never came, and the following Thursday 31st May (almost a week later) I called them at 4pm to chase it up. I was then informed that insurance had been cancelled due to not providing those proofs of ownership. I'd never gotten so much as a courtesy email informing me of this, and had been driving uninsured for a week. They said if I sent them, they would see about insuring me again. As it was late, they called me the following day (1st June) to say they could cover me, but that since it's a new month, the premium is now £450 more. They wouldn't budge. AND I now have a cancelled policy in my history, bumping up my premiums. Now my question is, all the policies so far were under our Ltd company which is being closed down. Obviously on the schedule of fact it was "Mr X and Miss X (XXX Ltd)" and the account payer for the insurance (on their docs) is "XXX Ltd". We are no longer trading under that Ltd company, we are now a partnership. So when we're asked have you ever had a policy cancelled, what do we say? Legally, if I say no, since the cancelled policy was under a Ltd company, am I covered? Thank you.
  24. Hello, I have received a parking charge notice from Local Parking Security. now i was going to pay it but was told by a work colleague this may not be enforceable. what are your thoughts please? For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions.... 1 The date of infringement? 30/05/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] NO If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? NO 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] N/A 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? N/A 5 Who is the parking company? Local Parking Security Ltd 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Varsity Pub, Coventry
  25. Hi, My son received a CC Summons from Lowell for and old Vodafone broadband account when he was in bad relationship with a woman. he has not dealt with this and has stuck head in sand, ex has nowt and only know he got letter in March from lowell offering 20% discount then another in June saying something like 30 days to prevent legal action which he also ignored. Next thing CCS Issue date 25 July arrives at mum and dads house with his name on it. Any help appreaciated please! Thanks
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