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  1. I defaulted on an old minicredit loan in 2012 and the default is due to drop off in 2 months it's now with opos/kapama I have not paid anything or contacted them in nearly 3 years. ive found a few emails in my inbox about the debt, most recently a few weeks ago telling me it is now in the pre-legal stage they sent me a statement loan amount: £100 interest chsarges: £121 debt collection charges: £100 default charge 1: £25 default charge 2: £50 attempt charges: £685 i've paid £20 towards the debt according to the statement through token payments (sounds about right) but the amount owing is still over £1000 for a £100 loan i'm guessing as the default is dropping off soon this is the moment where they will try anything including a ccj to recoup some monies? especially if they dont hear anything from me. currently trying to sort all my debt problems out so.... what would you reccomend as my next course of action with this?
  2. Well here's another company failing to adhere to the GDPR I requested a DSAR from Opos on 23/06/18 and have just received the following email - Dear XXXXX I am in receipt of your below email and I have noted the contents accordingly. In order for us to proceed with your request, please complete the attached form and return this, along with the requested documentation, to this email address. Once the completed form and requested documentation is received, we will progress with your request. Regards, Rob Sands Data Protection Officer So they are failing by asking me to fill out their form and asking for ID even though they have previously contacted me by email and I have raised complaints with them by email. ( its an email address I only use for this sort of stuff so don't care if they have it) Ive let them know that if they continue to ask me to fill out their form and request ID I shall be reporting them to the ICO and if they fail to send me the required info within the 30 Days then I reserve the right to issue proceedings against them
  3. I took out a loan with Minicredit for £100 (minus their £20 for a faster deposit, so only £80!) in May 2011. In July 2011 I offered to pay the original loan + one month's interest (£125) but never received a reply, but they did continue to add charges to the amount outstanding right up to them defaulting the account. The account defaulted with all their made up charges at over £800 by September 2011. Opos/Kapama have chased this debt since some time in 2012. They stopped harrassing me by email and voicemail messages (I never pick up) last June 2017. The debt fell off my credit files last September when the debt became Statute Barred. Last week the phone calls started again. They are phoning almost daily and telling my voicemail I have until 8pm the following day to make contact. They are also emailing about my 'outstanding balance' that needs paying in full! I know that this debt is Statute Barred, and if they bothered to read their own paperwork they'd know this too. So, my dilemma is this... do I just ignore them as I have done for 6+ years until they get bored and stop again? Is there anything they can do if they are truly ignorant of the fact this debt is SB? Or, should I let them know this debt is SB and tell them to get lost and not harrass me any further? Any advice gratefully received, thanks.
  4. Good afternoon. I am back under anew guise. I posted last year about a Minicredit default a £200 that ended up a £1200+ one after non payment. I hate the companies & now the default stands at £522 with Kapama & shows 5 years of non payment on my noddle file but is not present on my Experian or ClearScore files. It's on there till march 2018. Do I let it slide, I've still been getting voicemails from Opos demanding to speak to me (I blocked their numbers so that's their best way of trying to get in touch with me) for all I care they can do 1. Will that default disappear in a years time. I've a couple of other issues but that's 1 I'm looking to clear up for now. Thanks in advance Rob
  5. Hello everyone, I am new to this group. I received a letter from Opos (a DCA) back in November 2016, saying I owe money to an energy company for an unpaid energy bill. I replied saying that I did not know their client and the debt was not mine. I asked them to send me copies of the unpaid bill(s). I received a new letter from Opos last month, containing a settlement offer. Again, I replied stating that I did not know their client, nor had I ever received any services from them, and the debt was not mine. I used a template similar to the one shown under "You know nothing of the Debt / Prove It" in the CAG Library in the Debt Collection folder. I have now received a "Final demand" letter from Opos. Again, there is no acknowledgement of my two replies to their previous letters. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  6. Thanks for everything you do here – I hope you might be able to help with Opos and Kapama. Although I've read lots of threads about them, I'm struggling with some particular parts of my situation. Brief background – in 2013, lots of foolish unaffordable payday loans to pay more payday loans, including a written off Wonga. Most now dealt with, with my credit file looking like it will be clear by 2020. A few monthly payments still going, including to Opos for a MiniCredit debt purchased by Kapama - notice of assignment issued in late January 2015. The initial Minicredit loan was £450, with Kapama/Opos demanding over £1600. I've been making £20 monthly payments for 18 months, and so have nearly paid the original balance. There is no default listed for MiniCredit on my credit file. The loan is listed as an 'advance against income' with Kapama as the lender and an arrangement to pay – with over £1200 outstanding. I've come to a point where I'm reviewing my financial situation in mind of - first, a reduced income coming up because I'll be retraining in a new career - second, I want to be in a position to get a mortgage when my file is clear. That in mind, the £20 a month is no longer affordable, but as a default hasn't been recorded on that loan, I'm really concerned Opos/Kapama would register one if I stopped the arrangement now, setting back my file several (important) years. Having read through forums and taken a friend's advice, I sent them an email last week referring to the FCA ruling regarding MiniCredit's lending (link not here) but have not received a reply. The crux of that was that if the debt hadn't been transferred to Kapama by December 2014 it should be written off –*they say it was, but I have the notice of assignment – which was sent by email at the end of January 2015. The main questions I have: Can they register a default now? Should/can I stop making payments? They're currently being taken from a debit card by Opos. How should I proceed? Should I continue to complain on the grounds of that FCA ruling? Do you have any contacts at Opos/Kapama better than the general enquires address? I know there's a bit of duplication there - but as I've paid back so much of the original loan, the credit file listing and the potential relevance of MiniCredit's shutdown, I'm really not sure where I stand. Thanks in advance – I really appreciate it.
  7. Good afternoon A few years ago to cut a long story short I developed a gambling issue and became silly with payday loans. In the midst of that I took out a minicredit loan for £200, it became £1,100 with opos. They were calling me and harassing me constantly. No chance I were paying them that bac ad I have no trace of the loan other than whats on my nodde report. There is a balance on there from Kapama ltd and I just want rid of it & start the credit history from scratch. Any advice on how I could tackle this people, any input would be greatly appreciated I just want it gone & if these lowlives think im paying them at all they have seriously got another thing coming!!!!!! Could do with some advice now I'm considering getting a letter sent of to them in the hopes of getting it wiped off but it needs to go!!! Also on my noddle report my electoral record hasn't been updated yet.
  8. Good Afternoon CAG Firstly i would like to thank the people that helped me in my first two issues that are now resolved you know who you are much appreciated. I have another issue that involves opos limited in 2012 i was being contacted constantly bu this company they were even harassing my employers switchboard trying to contact me. in July 2012 I was asked to attend a HR meeting with my employer to discuss informally the nuisance calls that there switchboard was receiving from Opos Limited asking for me and being very aggressive with staff, I was asked for this to stop as company switchboard was not my personal secretaries and if it continued we would be coming back for a more formal discussion. Immediately i contacted the ICO who advised me to send them a section 10 notice for them to remove my details and i did state they should correspond with me in writing, I also sent an email as well stating the same thing Everything stopped for 3yrs 5mths, Then December 2015 i received an email at work from Opos followed by harassing calls to my mobile, I once again asked them to remove my details and they were in breach of the section 10 notice sent to them in July 2012, They once again removed by details and said they would only correspond via Letter as requested. You would think this was the end sadly not Roll on March 2016 once again start ringing me sending emails to my work wouldn't stop, I contacted Opos which i am very lucky to have a call recorded on my phone which records all out and inbound calls and has been very handy in the past, I wanted to make a complaint which i was told i couldn't and they wouldn't take one , Spoke to a manager who also refused to take the complaint same time also refusing to remove my details stating they sent me a letter to an old address saying that if i do not reply to them via letter they would re-instate my details and start contacting all over again, I sent an email to Opos expressing my dissatisfaction on what was happening they responded via letter to say they would investigate my complaint and would supply me with a final response, Many weeks had past and approaching the 8 week deadline, I called them to be told it was sent out on the 27th March and still in the post, I asked if they could sent a copy to my email. Next day they started harassing me once again two calls 8.00am & 8.01am Yesterday morning i answered second time the agent from Opos was so aggressive and rude i asked to make a complaint and be put through to her manager, I explained to her manager very clearly i wished to make a second complaint in relation to the agent i had just spoken to, They once again like the first time refused to take the complaint stating they had already sent a final response and i should take it up with financial ombudsman, I explained that this second complaint is nothing do do with the first complaint and is in relation to whats happened on the call today, Once again manager refused to take complaint and hung up on me, I email Opos complaints team after this, They responded saying the manager may have be confused by what i want to do and want me to send them the complaint again, I will be refusing i have made it very clear twice on that call in great detail of my complaint so should have to do it all over again they have already sacked somebody over this the first time as you will see from final response. Now there repeating the same thing all over again Here is Opos Limited's Final Response --- I have removed identifiable contact numbers and email addresses Further to your recent communications with our office, I am concerned to hear that you have been dissatisfied with the service that has been provided. At Opos Limited we always welcome customer comments as it helps us to review our processes and where necessary put things right for you. Please note that this debt was purchased in December 2014 by Kapama Limited and as a result is now being managed by Opos Limited. My understanding of your complaint is that: 1. You were contacted by email to an employee email address which you had previously requested was removed from our systems 2. You were unhappy that a complaint had not been logged on the first occassion that you expressed you were dissatisfied In reference to the contact information we held for you, the email address of @bri was supplied during the application process for this loan, along with a second email of @live.co.uk. On the 10th July 2012 we sent an email to both of these email addresses requesting that you contact us to resolve the above balance. At this point we were acting on behalf of Mini Credit and both of these emails were supplied as a contact method for yourself. Following this, we received an email from you requesting that the contact emails were removed and that we contact you only by post. At this point we did remove all other forms of contact, which included both email and telephone numbers. We did send information to you by post as requested on three separate occasions; 19th July 2012, 24th July 2012 and 9th September 2012. This account was then passed back to Mini Credit in 2012 as we were unable to contact you. In December 2014 this debt was purchased by Kapama Limited, and the account was then reopened with Opos Limited on 16th October 2015. We again attempted to contact you by post, however had no response. As a result of this we reinstated the contact telephone number of 07 and the email addresses we had on the system, as we had no other way to contact you to discuss your outstanding balance. We spoke with you on 7th December 2015 and again you stated only to contact you by post. Our agent advised you at this time that if we had no response via post then we would reinstate other contact methods, as we had an outstanding balance to resolve with you. Again, we had no response from you by post and no payments were made towards your outstanding balance. As advised, the contact information we held for you was reinstated as we had an outstanding balance to discuss and had been unsuccessful using the contact method you had stated you would respond to. In terms of the annual account statement, this is a document we send out in line with the regulatory oblilgations set out by the Financial Conduct Authority. These were all set out by email and it was appropriate to send this to you as we had no contact from you to resolve this balance. I understand that you called in on 15th March 2016 as you were unhappy you had recieved this. Our agent did advise why this was the case and explained why the contact information had been reinstated, but at that point you advised her that you wanted to make a formal complaint. Although you did end the call, this complaint should still have been logged and I can only apologise that this was not done at that time. This was down to the human error of the particular agent who dealt with you. It is unfortunate that in this instance we have not achieved the high standards we set ourselves and can confirm that the right level of feedback has been given to the individual concerned. In addition, further steps have been taken to ensure that this cannot happen again and the individual concerned is no longer employed by Opos Limited. Feedback has also been given to the collections team using your case as an example of how human error can negatively impact our customers’ journey. For the record i did not hang up i was transferred to a manager who also started stating i could not raise a complaint backing up here colleague, So looks like they sacked the agent and not the manager even though both equally responsible, Here are some other points they make not relating to my complaint do not know why they included it since i have never acknowledged this debt and never will, The credit agreement sets out the borrower: your name and correct address, the duration of the credit facility, the amount of interest charged per day and the APR, the charges applied should you not pay back the amount in time, as well as all terms and conditions associated with this information. According to the information provided by Mini Credit at the point of sale, the default date of this accountis 5th July 2012. Unfortunately, a copy of the default notice issued to you was not included in the documentation provided but it should be noted that whilst it is good practice and should ideally be done, lenders are not required to issue default notices before recording defaults on a credit file. Because of this, I have to tell you that I am only able to partially uphold your complaint. I appreciate that this is likely to come as a disappointment to you but I hope that my explanation has been helpful in setting out clearly why I have taken this view. That said however, in an effort to put things right for you and by way of apology for any inconvenience caused, I propose to remove the debt collection fee from your outstanding balance, which will reduce Opos Limited Registered Office: 2nd Floor, 15 Meadowbank Street, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, G82 1JR Registered in Scotland: SC338837 Telephone: 0141 428 3990 Email: [email protected] Secure Website: www.oposlimited.com Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority: IP616281 Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes your balance by £100 and leave an outstanding balance of £1,089.00. Upon repayment of this balance, this will also be reflected on your credit file. If you wish to accept my proposal as final resolution of your complaint, please complete the section on the bottom of both copies of this letter, retain a one copy for yourself and return the other to me within 30 days of the date of this letter. If you fail to respond to this offer within the given timeline my offer of resolution will not be binding and the full outstanding balance will be due. To date i am in the middle of taking my complaint to ICO as a Section 10 has no time limit and feel my data is not been processed correctly. I need somebody help me put a case together to send to the financial ombudsman, Also is what they say correct lenders are not required to issue default notices before recording defaults on a credit file Thank you for taking the time to stop by and thank you in advance for any advice you can give me as the harassment is non stop, Regards PCR
  9. Hi I am being pursued by Opos for a minicredit payday loan taken out in March 2012 for £150 which was to be repaid in 25 days. Opos are claiming around £764 saying that the original amount owed was £1189 - they came on to me back in 2013 and I paid Opos a total of £400 by installments. Last payment I made was in January 2014. Opos has sent me a 'statement' showing the following: Status Debt collection Loan sum £150 Order date 07. March 2012 Interest £238.5 Due date 01. April 2012 Penalty £80 Attempt fee £640 Debt expenses £100 Total £1208.5 Balance £1189 I see that minicredit ceased trading in 2014. I have emailed Opos asking how the above charges are calculated etc. No reply as yet. What should I do? Fred
  10. Can somebody help please, I'll be honest I've not really got a clue where to start to deal with this so I may as well start with my situation. I'm now 23 years old ,Back in 2012 around Christmas time I stupidly took a minicredit payday loan the usual 100 pound loan of which I only received 80. In the following weeks I lost my job as I worked for a self employed builder who due too work had too move over 3 hours away so I couldn't keep the job. I panicked and as a result took a wonga loan out as well which I have since fully settled. I managed too agree too a payment plan with wonga but always found minicredit hard too deal with. They kept adding charges, I couldn't afford too pay just those never mind the actual debt. A combination of this situation and being unable too find work made me suffer from severe depression and anxiety. After the debt reached over £800 I just buried my head in the sand and hoped it would all just go away. September 2014 i finally found solid work and became much happier but still ignored the debt. Finally now in March this year I thought it would actually be gone as I checked my credit file for minicredit it wasn't there they removed all defaults as well. I have just checked my credit file again too see I now owe £1041 too Kapama for what is the £100 minicredit loan. I searched google for help and found this forum. I would really appreciate anybody's help who has been in a similar situation or knows how I can deal with it I really don't want too feel down over debts again as this is the only thing I now owe. Sorry for the long post hard too explain over short text. Thank you
  11. Hi, So I have never done this kind of thing before so any advice is much appreciated. Recently had a letter from Opos regarding they now own the debt that I have with Minicredit. I emailed Opos for a full breakdown of charges and they have came back: Loan sum 250 £ Interest 377 £ Penalty 80 £ Attempt fee 645 £ Debt expenses 100 £ Total 1452 £ Balance 1167.5 £ Now this loan was taken out in 2011 so a while ago and understand this is when interest rates were a lot different from what they are now and I admit I haven't paid back.. I have paid back a total so far of £284.50 which has been various amounts between November 11-Feb 2012. My credit score apparently at the time was 45 which means not a lot to me but I know it was in a poor way and has not improved since! Does anyone know if I am able to request Opos to write off some/all of this debt as personally I believe the other fees are ridiculous and not even sure what some of them mean.. i.e debt expenses. How would I go about wording this to them, is there a template or something or does anyone have any previous experience in doing this? I don't mind paying back the loan sum & Interest as I accept I did have the loan and have already paid back £284.50 but the rest seems pretty steep - I have now included this debt on to my DMP that I have just begun with step change too. Thanks in advance Danielle
  12. Hi Please help OPOS are threatening me for a debt I had with access fast money. I borrowed 175 from access fast money 18 months ago with a total amount payable of 227.50.. I have made payments of 55 pounds to them via step change. I have sent several email letters of complaint to access fast money but they just ignore etc. they have now sent a final demand for 448 pounds. I have also told them to stop harassing me. They want 488 pounds off me. The original debt access fast money and Opos aren't on any of my credit files at all. I sent a cca and got an unsigned copy of an electronic agreement. What do I do now thanks
  13. Hi all. A few years ago, I got myself into a mess with various payday loans and have spent the last couple of years paying them all off. Earlier this week I received an email from a company called "kapama credit" stating an account of mine had been passed onto them from Opos. The loan in question is from minicredit. A loan for £100 of which I only received £80. Due to being in the midst of my payday loan mess, this wasn't paid back.. As my head was firmly stuck in the sand, I did nothing. I was in touch with opos back in 2012 and at one point was offered the chance to pay a settlement of £150 which ended up not paying. The email i received this week states I owe over £700. In a panic, I offered them the £150 again, which they refused, stating the minimum they can accept is £392!! I then asked them for a breakdown of the account and this is their response: Principle - £59.89 Interest - £69 Attepmted payment fees - £555.50 Debt collection fee - £100 I want this sorted asap but not sure of my next steps. How much of this do I technically owe?
  14. Afternoon All, I have been paying these people through Payplan for a few years now and I am coming to the end of the plan. I contacted Opos Ltd to see what the balance was and to make sure it matched the Payplan estimate. To my shock I found that I still owed over £1000 after having already paid over £500 on a £100 loan. Opos tell me that the interest and charges were added to the debt by Minicredit before Opos took over the debt. I have now emailed them giving them 7 days to clear the debt otherwise I will be taking the matter to trading standards and the FCA. I have not asked them to refund anything just to clear the balance. Is there a route through the courts I can take if nothing works ? Any help would be appreciated. BTW. I will keep you informed as to what happens as I am going after a few companies, its become a matter of principal now
  15. Hi Guys, I have had ongoing correspondence with opos regarding a loan I took out with MiniCredit almost 2 years ago. After repeated requests for them to provide me with a completed breakdown of the claimed debt including charges/fees/interests I have finally received the below. They are attempting to claim £1,187.50 on an original loan of £150! Would appreciate any advice on how to respond. I am sure the Debt recovery fee and attempt fees are unenforceable. Here is the requested statement : Loan reference: Date issued: 01/09/2012 Due date: 25/09/2012 Loan principal £150.00 Interest £217.50 Overdue charges £80.00 Debt Recovery fee £100.00 Attempt fees (£5 per attempt) £640.00 Total balance £1,187.50 Payments received 31.10.2012 £100.00 05.11.2012 £100.00 Sincerely, Derek Thanks in advance guys.
  16. I'm writing on behalf of my partner who took out a loan with Minicredit 2012/2013. After receiving all the usual threatening letters and the ridiculous charges that was added by Minicredit/OPOS, he set up a DMP with Step Change giving the outstanding balance of the debt at approx £700+. Now, having read these forums it is very clear that the charges added are unenforceable. He emailed OPOS asking for an up to date balance and a full break down of the debt. The reply.. Balance : £240.33 Principal : £100 Interest : £85.00 Penalty 1 : £25.00 Penalty 2 : £55.00 Attempt Fee : £380.00 Debt Collection Fee : £100 I believe I am correct in stating that only the principal loan, the one months interest and a single penalty fee is what is actually owed which would equal £210. He has already paid to date £58.87 through his DMP so therefore he owes £151.13 now. I have no idea where the £240.33 has come from, probably Derek falling on his calculator? Am I correct? How on earth do I go about getting OPOS to remove the unenforceable charges? An email template would be perfect.
  17. Hello guys, to cut a long story short I took on a loan a month ago with minicredit or microcredit as they're also known as of £100 (wish I hadn't of now) but heres the deal. I set up a DMP with a charity called stepChange who are really helpful in helping me get through the whole process of sorting everything out so far. The thing is, a couple of my other creditors so far are all being cooperative about my current financial situation I am in except for minicredit(suprise,suprise). minicredit passed the debt onto another company called opos ltd, which i've already heard they are both the same company except with a different name. I get calls from opos, which I do not answer as I heard they are very unhelpful and threaten for you to pay up the amount with interest which is what I need help with. I rang up stepchange about this and I have emailed the new company details so that they transfer the account but they needed the outstanding balance, which I do not know how much it is to date as I only know what the balance of the loan was on minicredit account before they blocked my account I am unable to see how much interest and what not they are adding onto my balance. stepchange asked me if they had sent me any letters with the most up to date balance, I said no , they have only sent me text messages saying " dear bla bla please contact us back to talk about your account with my account number" which I gave to the charity. The only balance I could give to stepchange was £155 after being charged twice for late payment fees from minicredit. How do I find out how much my debt is with opos to date? should I write/call/email? which is the easiest method? and would it matter if I dont know the actual balance as I'm only willing to pay the £155 (that includes the interest and late payment fees) as I'm not made out of money, and ive got other creditors to pay off aswell. sorry for the long winded post but I really need help on what I should do next. ps. stepchange say that they are dealing with it so I guess i will leave it up to them now, i dont know if they will get this info for me instead of me having to chase it up, all they said to me is that if opos ring me pick it up and say that stepchange are dealing with it now and that they will send you an offer.
  18. Hi all, I have no idea what to do, Mini credit are saying that I have taken out a loan with them when I have never even heard of them. There isn't a date when I was meant to have taken out this loan, but I'm being harassed by their company and they've sold this debt to OPOS limited saying that I now owe £815.96. They also said that my card was used, I have a new debit card now so it must have been my old debit card which was used but I don't know the dates. I haven't used my Barclays account or my card in months and months. I use a different bank account. I emailed them and told them that it must be a mistake and they want proof that my card was used fraudulently but I knew nothing about this until a few weeks ago. Luckily I have a new debit card from Barclays and I haven't given out the new details to anyone or any website. I have applied for loans in the past but I was rejected, so I'm wondering has a dodgy site sold on my details? It's funny because they like to send me harassing emails but they ignore all of the emails that I sent back, it's like talking to a brick wall! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated thank you.
  19. Hi there I'm quite distressed and my heart is beating as I write this. Opos having accepted an agreement with my dma, have since said that I made a fraudulent claim because 3 weeks later after taking a loan with them, I entered into a dma. My dma have suggested I call them myself to see if I can set up a repayment plan direct with them. A £180 loan has grown to £2100! I want to call them in the hope I can resolve this, but I am very anxious on how to proceed, whether to call or email and what to say. Could you help please Thanks
  20. Hello. In early November i took out a £100 loan from MinniCredit. Sadly in late November i lost my family, so as i needed every penny i had, i put the debt of £150 pounds into my girlfriends debt management plan. I was not contacted by anyone up untill january.... when Opos called me saying i owed them £2,000 as i have committed fraud. They would not listen as i attempted to inform them that i lost my house. Only they kept going on about how, when i handed them over to a Debt Management plan so fast means i have committed fraud. My girlfriend took a £100 loan out on the same day i did. and it was handed over to Debt Management on the same day also.... Yet isnt being accused?? I have a feeling they have just pulled my name out of a hat and hoped id panic and pay them? Surely this is illegal.... Do i just let them take me to court as im pretty confident they dont have a leg to stand on?
  21. Hello, I am in the position of receiving continued telephone calls and text messages on my mobile asking for aand aimed at a person unkown to me. having googled the telephone number 01618 501460, they appear to be coming from a company called Opos. They ask if i am this named female which I obviously am not since I am male. They then continue to ask if they can speak to her and make all sorts of allegations and comments when I inform that they have a wrong number, I do not know her and they must be mistaken. I also continue to receive repaeated Text messages asking this female to call differenttly named individual regarding various matters. Different reasons are given in different messages, which come form different mobile numbers, but the quoted reference number is always the same. I have asked them on several occasions to stop calling and texting me but they continue to do so. What needs to be done to stop this ?
  22. Hi im a young male, and has recieved a letter from mini credit saying i took out £80 loan which now has turned into over £1,000 (which i didnt and have no knowledge of this) so went police station and was told to ignore it, which i did, then got a letter saying about people coming my house to collect my money, i told them if they come there causing trouble and the police told me they aint got the right, so i ignored them again but i replied to all there letters and even phoned and they were really rude, and recently got a final notice letter saying: FINAL NOTICE OF INTENT "We have been advised by Opos Limited that you have refused to make payment or agree a suitable repayment plan on your account despite them being unaware of any reason you may have for avoiding this matter. We are therefore left with no alternative but to consider your account for recovery of the outstanding balance through your local County/Sheriff Court. Court fees and Solicitors costs will be added to the balance for which you are liable, plus statutory interest, which will accrue at a rate of 8% P.A above base whereby the following action will be considered upon receipt of judgement/decree:- Arrestment/attachment of your earning at your place of employment securing monies owed via an inhibition charge order against your property We trust that you will now give this matter full attention and remit to ourselves the full balance outstanding within 7 days receipt. Unfortunately should you choose to ignore this document then proceedings, if instigated, will be done so without further notice. We recommend that you take this opportunity to resolve this issue Should you wish to discuss this matter further you must contact within 7days receipt on .................... this is really causing me so much stress, but im reading online many people with this problem, and was told to ignore this letter, is that right to do ?
  23. Hello, I am not new to this being in debt thing. I know DCA's have no power but here is what happend. I took out a loan with minicredit 9 months ago for £180, I couldn't pay on due date and 16 days later they took £420 from my bank account. I have considered this theft and have asked minicredit to return any money that does not belong to them. They refused. 7 months ago I recieved £80 from minicredit in my bank, I thought this was a partial refund on the £180 they owe me however this seems not to be the case. They claim I took out a new loan with them. I've had many email arguments with them, and asked for a break down of charges which they have provided me after 4 months of asking and I have also asked them to provide me with the contract I apparently signed etc which they have not provided. So for the past 5 months or so I have ignored them. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago, I get texts, emails and letters from opos telling me I owe £1061. Ahem. Yeah. So I sent an email to them, actually I sent 11 emails to them asking them not to contact me by phone and to communicate by email only. They sent 1 reply back telling me to phone them, I send them 4 emails back telling them that they are refusing to talk to me or reply and they are playing games. Then last week I get a voicemail from a guy called fitzgerald or something leaving me a 5 minute voicemail telling me I am the one ignoring them by not phoning them lol and telling me that if I don't phone them then they big boys called DRS or something are gonna come for me and I won't be able to do anything about it. Ha. So I emailed him laughing at him and telling him what I think of opos and minicredit and they are the ones not replying to me, even though I can by law require all comminication to be done by email which they are ignoring. So my question is now what? I am gonna wait it out. I dunno who DRS is, anyone know who they are? My issue is this, I no longer live at the address they have for me and all my mail is redirected to my parents house for me, so there is like a 3-5 day delay in me getting any letters which are sent to that address. Maybe some get lost, I have no idea. My question is, if minicredit take me to court, they letter would obviously go to my old adresss, what if I never get it and judgement is made without me being able to defend myself, how would that be fair? Last thing I want is not to know that I am due in court and being able to defend myself and the judge to make a judgement like money to come out of my wages every month or something and me not knowing until BAM I open my wage slip. I am not worried about going to court, I believe I will win and claim loss of income etc for that day and claim whatever minicredit owe me but the issue is, how would I know? All help appreciated.
  24. Afternoon all, I just answered the phone to get a text message saying the following: "Dear Mr. your account has been passed to (some word) solicitors, please call us on quoting " After googling the number, it's OPOS. Here's the story in short: - Borrowed £100 from MC in June 2011 - Tried to contact them because my card payment was going to backfire due to my bank stopping payments from my card as was in my O/D and had to pay that back first, they ignored me. - Charges and all that nonsense racked up to £799 - They sent 2 letters claiming doorstep collectors would be coming and whacked £100 on top twice for this, never turned up. This is the only communication I had from MC. - Up to this point I've paid £115.50 towards the loan. (£55.50 and 2 x £30) - Offered OPOS £76.50 as F+F, they accepted. - Capital Finance One somehow got my card details, raided my account and left me with nothing. Emailed OPOS explaining the situation (this was on the 9th of August), no reply by post or by email since. And here we are. Never have I given them my house number either so I'm VERY annoyed they've used this number, if my parents pick it up hearing that it's a message from a "solicitor" questions are going to be asked when this is a private matter! What should I do with this? I've got all the emails from OPOS still, confirming the agreement etc so they can't shaft me there. Any help appreciated, need a fast solution because I do not want to ring them but I guess I have to to stop them "texting" my house phone!
  25. Firstly i would just like to say, i have read these forums and they have been such a big help to me. Its great to see that im not alone in the situation that i have with these crooks! I have received numerous times the email that everyone gets from Opos regarding the loan i took out with Minicredit. For a £100 loan that i took out with them, my balance now apparently stands at £749.00. I have emailed them to ask for a breakdown in the total that they say i owe and i have not received a reply. These guys have now started calling my house up to 10 times a day and its really getting me down, and the rest of the people that live here. I spoke to them yesterday to try and sort this mess out as they wouldn't answer my emails, Basically the guy on the phone said that i needed to make a payment today of £45 and he would then after the payment had cleared "get back to me to see if Minicredit would accept monthly repayments of £250" I refuse to pay them any money in the hope they will accept a repayment plan, not only because if they say no then that is my money gone, but also because i dont believe i should be repaying any where near the amount they say that i owe. Does anyone have any advice of what steps i can take next, and also how i can get these people to stop calling me? Thanks
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