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  1. Hi, I purchased an induction cooker from a seller on eBay and the eBay listing said it had a 12 month warranty (purchased 13th December) you can no longer see the listing page but they delivered it to me and gave me an invoice with 12 months guarantee written on it and £240 paid (£190 for the cooker, £50 delivery). I was shown it working but they only showed me the front hobs. the first time I used it I noticed that one of the rear rings only works if you push down on it until it gets started and the other rear ring will only work while you push down hard on it (which makes it impossible to cook with). The rear hobs are the only boost capable hobs and boost is the reason I wanted induction hobs. I can only cook one large pan at once as the other large rear hob doesn't work. When I phoned him up about it he said don't worry you have the 12 month warranty (at one point I was told this is a parts and labour warranty, it may have been on the original eBay listing I don't know) and to call him if it got any worse. I felt sorry for him, I don't know why I'm not normally too soft but I said OK. It has got worse, the other day the ring that works normally if you push down on it at the start didn't and I had to cook on the small pan ring which doesn't heat the pan up effectively. it's sort of working again (I have to push on it) but the other rear ring still doesn't work and it means I can't cook two large pans at once. I want him to fix it. He admitted on a phone call before Christmas he doesn't know a lot about induction cookers but said he knows a guy who does and would call me back. I waited a month he never phoned back. The past couple of weeks I've phoned him 3 times and sent him two text messages and he isn't responding or answering my calls. I'd rather he fixed my cooker but if he can't or won't I don't see why I should have to accept a cooker I can only cook one pan on and want a refund. It's my plan to write to him and give him 14 days to respond then try my luck with the online court claim to get my £240 back. I'm on ESA so I think I can claim court fees back? Is this a good plan? Is there anything else I can do? His delivery guy wrote an address on my invoice but I've never been to his shop so I don't know it's correct. Can I ask eBay to give me the address they have for his company to see if it matches? Any help appreciated, I just want a working cooker.
  2. Hi all, Back in May, I ordered some fabric from an online store (Tissens) in France which never arrived - the tracking info said there was an issue with the address being incomplete. I contacted Tissens' customer support at the beginning of June and they responded saying they would investigate and asked me to confirm my delivery address. I did this and heard nothing back for a further 6 weeks. When I chased it up, they eventually responded to say the shipment had been returned to them, and that if I wanted it shipped out again I would need to pay 14.5EUR. I asked for them to confirm the delivery address on the shipment, as I had ordered from them before with no issues and my details were all saved on an account with them. A further week went by with no response, so I checked the invoice and found it had the correct address, meaning the problem was at their end. I finally lost my patience and wrote: He responded that day saying he would speak to his manager and get back to me. A week went by, so I chased up for a response. A further week went by, so I asked for a response again. A further week went by, so I have (today) chased up again to say I need a response by COB tomorrow or I will take things further. I just want them to post me the fabric I ordered, as they are the only company worldwide who supply it. I'm not sure whether I can still reverse the transaction, but if I do I'm nervous that I will be black-listed and never be able to place another order. What can I do?
  3. I purchased a phone case from the company Spigen through their eBay store on 6 November 2017. Over a month ago, I discovered there were cracks on the back of the case. Neither the phone or case have had any form of impact since purchase. I contacted Spigen and asked if they are able to help. They refused because I was outside of their three-month warranty, and offered me a 'slight discount' from any new purchase. I explained that I am covered under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but they continued to reiterate that they cannot help. The company has also refused to use an ADR scheme. They also said that when I purchase an item with them, I automatically agree to their terms and conditions which entails THEIR returns/refunds process. What are my options????
  4. I am wondering if anyone knows what happens if your Creditor just totally ignores the Debt PAP. No trying to evade the debt or ignore it. All I had was Final Reminder on 9 February giving until 12 February to pay and this morning a claim form arrives in the post. No LBA or Letter of Claim.
  5. I sent my laptop into toshiba for repair under warranty around 10 weeks ago. Despite half a dozen phone calls over this period they still have not got the parts in nor know when they will have them. I said its about time they consider giving me another new or refurbished laptop but they were unable to offer this as they are only the repair company and not Toshiba themselves. They were unable to offer any contact details for Toshiba apart from email. I emailed Toshiba in Germany who deal with this apparently and politely asked for a replacement as a repair was not forthcoming. Because i only had an ebay invoice they considered this not proper proof of purchase and they wouldn't give me a replacement machine. I argued that they have accepted the laptop under warranty already and that surely they cant pick and choose solutions because the laptop is either in warranty or not in warranty and not some in between state where they can only offer certain solutions. Despite doing this politely they then decide to block my email address. No notice of anything i had to google up the server errors i was getting. i try contacting Toshiba by phone but the only number available for computer repairs is locked out unless you can provide a repair reference (mine didnt work). I wanted to talk to customer services and found out the only way i can do this is via snail mail. Right i thought, that old cop-out!, i tapped out a letter and sent it recorded post within the hour. That was nearly three weeks ago it looks like they have ignored it Anyone have any idea where i stand legally with this? Can they make me wait this long for a simple keyboard replacement? Can i do anything about my issue and complaint being ignored? Any advice would be helpful as im kind of in toshiba limbo atm. Thanks.
  6. we bought a car just before xmas within days it developed faults, we exercised our right to reject in writing to the garage at beginning of year and you guessed it they are ignoring us. we have gotten trading standards involved as they think there may be mis-represented laws they have broken such as saying it has warranty and it doesn;t and that there is service history which has never been received and failing to disclose where it came from when asked. this will not get us our money back so we are going down the route of S75 with credit card company only 2000 was put on card and remainder paid in cash a total of 17500 in all. What I wanted to know if anyone else has been successful in getting their money back through S75 and if so what happens to the car if we do prove successful and get our money back. At the moment the big hunk of junk us blocking my driveway as we had to sorn it get tax back this is now in the second month and doing my head in. any help. advice or experiences welcomed. If the credit card company pay up then effectively the car is now theirs, is that right, will they come and collect it. thanks tracey
  7. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio I Ltd Date of issue 24 Aug 2017 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim in full (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. 1)The Defendant entered into a consumer credit Act 1974 regulated agreement with Vanquis under account reference XXX ('the Agreement') 2)The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with. 3) The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 30/09/2014 and notice was given to the Defendant. 4)Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £400.85 remains due and outstanding. And the Claimant claims a)The said sum of £400.89 b) interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.088, but limited to one year, being £32.07 c) costs What is the value of the claim? £432.92 (£517.92 inc costs) Is the claim for - Credit Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Assigned Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? NO Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? NO Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? NO Why did you cease payments? I did not. I paid on time, every time. When I wanted to close the account I requested a full and final balance - was told ZERO. Asked them to clarify and confirm, was told again ZERO. Asked them to close the account. Account closed there and then. What was the date of your last payment? Unknown at the moment, around 2014 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? NO Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? NO Hello I received the N1 in the post today, bit of a surprise as I had closed an account in good standing with ZERO balance. I used to work (many years ago) for Vanquis so I know how they operate. All telephone calls are recorded and every one held for 5 years. I had no reason to ask in writing for the account to be closed as it was in good standing. Always paid in full, on time. When I no longer needed the card, I made a payment and cleared the balance. I called in 24 hours later to confirm the balance was zero and asked very clearly if there was any outstanding amount showing. The customer service screens clearly show the balance, available balance and outstanding payments owed on your account. I was told there was zero balance and zero outstanding. I asked them to clarify and confirm (more for the recording than anything) and they confirmed again, zero balance, zero outstanding. I asked them to close the account and it was closed on that call. No letters from Vanquis after this regarding the account. Occasional letter asking if I wanted a credit card (still get them now) but they go straight in the bin. No letters from Lowell before the N1. I have filed my AoS with MC before filling out this thread. I am disputing the entire claim. Left juris box unticked. I am guessing a SAR to Lowell is next? Do I send one to Vanquis also, or is it Lowells responsibility as claimant? Anything else I should be doing at the same time? Regards Ian
  8. Hi, I am new here and hope to find somebody who can help me. I had an EU driving licence which expired last month. when I applied for the UK driving licence I had to declare a medical condition which I had six year ago but that it is no longer something I suffer from, infact I have been off medication for a couple of years and I am not under the supervision of any doctors. the NHS consultant I saw for driving licence wrote a letter summarising the history of the problem and attesting that I met all the criteria for fitness to drive, and discharged me with no further appointments or care required. After 5 weeks since I applied for the UK license the DVLA had received the medical questionnaire and the letter from the consultant (which starts by saying "I see no reason why she should not drive a vehicle), and have said that my case has been referred to a DVLA doctor who has to check that my condition meets the criteria above. and that this is not going to happen before January next year, which seems like a very long time to not have a license. I have tried to get more information but they are just rude, robotic call centre people who wind you up, and repeat that they have to deal with cases from all the UK. I wanted to try the complaint procedure or possibly to look at getting professional legal advice. I can't understand why when an NHS specialist consultant has written to the DVLA to say I can drive, it should have to go to their doctor who can't respond until January. I can drive under the law section 88 road traffic act 1988 but I do not feel confident without the driving licence. plus I cannot go to visit family abroad with my baby as is illegal there going around without driving licence with you. has anyone had any similar experiences? any advice would be much appreciated. thanks
  9. Hello, I am looking for some advice please. I have a standing order weekly to Fedex Europe paying off some outstanding import tax, however today I have received a Notice of Enforcement asking for £958 - includes a number of charges! I can happily print off the invoices for these payments and get these off to them, but I need to know what I can do re the letter? I have emailed them today asking for confirmation of whether any payments have been added to this account. I have until 31st March to get this sorted. Please advise. Thanks
  10. Hi CAGgers, Since having left BG early 2015, I seem to have had a charge added toy account. Prior to moving I confirmed that my account was up to date (bar about £20 usage for the 2 weeks before I left). After leaving, I was initially bombarded with calls from foreign call centres chasing a new debt for £140. Despite disputing this and reminding them that there's an open dispute from a few years earlier I was blatantly ignored. In short: Every call I made to BG was logged (transcribed against a date and time with persons name etc...). At some point in 2013, it was noted that I was quoted one set of unit rates, but when I checked my bills a year or so later, I was getting a whole other set of rates (about 70% more expensive). The actual call dating the unit quotes, reference number and persons name is logged... As at the time I was a user of theirs, and had some debt, the relied on that to pursue the debt rather than address the issue at hand. The temporary outcome for the price dispute came to a £50 refund (which is about £200 short of what I was missing). I contacted BG's CEO thanks to ceoemail's website and got a fairly friendly person to approach the situation. Despite trying he still insisted that £140 was outstanding. I contacted him again after discussing this after leaving, (sept 2015, also logged with the rest), I literally get no replied further from them... As it stands, They've put a nasty marker on my new squeaky clean credit record which I managed to get back to health and no matter what I do i.e. call them, contact the CRA's, nobody is budging. What's the best way to approach this? I was hoping that my clear and concise logging of each and every call, email and letter would clear the way for an easy transition but things still seem a bit grim. It was suggested that i send the CEO a daily email to literally bother them into resolving the situation, but I feel that this could amount to harassment. Any ideas as to how to dig my way out of their hole? Cheers, A
  11. Good Afternoon CAG Firstly i would like to thank the people that helped me in my first two issues that are now resolved you know who you are much appreciated. I have another issue that involves opos limited in 2012 i was being contacted constantly bu this company they were even harassing my employers switchboard trying to contact me. in July 2012 I was asked to attend a HR meeting with my employer to discuss informally the nuisance calls that there switchboard was receiving from Opos Limited asking for me and being very aggressive with staff, I was asked for this to stop as company switchboard was not my personal secretaries and if it continued we would be coming back for a more formal discussion. Immediately i contacted the ICO who advised me to send them a section 10 notice for them to remove my details and i did state they should correspond with me in writing, I also sent an email as well stating the same thing Everything stopped for 3yrs 5mths, Then December 2015 i received an email at work from Opos followed by harassing calls to my mobile, I once again asked them to remove my details and they were in breach of the section 10 notice sent to them in July 2012, They once again removed by details and said they would only correspond via Letter as requested. You would think this was the end sadly not Roll on March 2016 once again start ringing me sending emails to my work wouldn't stop, I contacted Opos which i am very lucky to have a call recorded on my phone which records all out and inbound calls and has been very handy in the past, I wanted to make a complaint which i was told i couldn't and they wouldn't take one , Spoke to a manager who also refused to take the complaint same time also refusing to remove my details stating they sent me a letter to an old address saying that if i do not reply to them via letter they would re-instate my details and start contacting all over again, I sent an email to Opos expressing my dissatisfaction on what was happening they responded via letter to say they would investigate my complaint and would supply me with a final response, Many weeks had past and approaching the 8 week deadline, I called them to be told it was sent out on the 27th March and still in the post, I asked if they could sent a copy to my email. Next day they started harassing me once again two calls 8.00am & 8.01am Yesterday morning i answered second time the agent from Opos was so aggressive and rude i asked to make a complaint and be put through to her manager, I explained to her manager very clearly i wished to make a second complaint in relation to the agent i had just spoken to, They once again like the first time refused to take the complaint stating they had already sent a final response and i should take it up with financial ombudsman, I explained that this second complaint is nothing do do with the first complaint and is in relation to whats happened on the call today, Once again manager refused to take complaint and hung up on me, I email Opos complaints team after this, They responded saying the manager may have be confused by what i want to do and want me to send them the complaint again, I will be refusing i have made it very clear twice on that call in great detail of my complaint so should have to do it all over again they have already sacked somebody over this the first time as you will see from final response. Now there repeating the same thing all over again Here is Opos Limited's Final Response --- I have removed identifiable contact numbers and email addresses Further to your recent communications with our office, I am concerned to hear that you have been dissatisfied with the service that has been provided. At Opos Limited we always welcome customer comments as it helps us to review our processes and where necessary put things right for you. Please note that this debt was purchased in December 2014 by Kapama Limited and as a result is now being managed by Opos Limited. My understanding of your complaint is that: 1. You were contacted by email to an employee email address which you had previously requested was removed from our systems 2. You were unhappy that a complaint had not been logged on the first occassion that you expressed you were dissatisfied In reference to the contact information we held for you, the email address of @bri was supplied during the application process for this loan, along with a second email of @live.co.uk. On the 10th July 2012 we sent an email to both of these email addresses requesting that you contact us to resolve the above balance. At this point we were acting on behalf of Mini Credit and both of these emails were supplied as a contact method for yourself. Following this, we received an email from you requesting that the contact emails were removed and that we contact you only by post. At this point we did remove all other forms of contact, which included both email and telephone numbers. We did send information to you by post as requested on three separate occasions; 19th July 2012, 24th July 2012 and 9th September 2012. This account was then passed back to Mini Credit in 2012 as we were unable to contact you. In December 2014 this debt was purchased by Kapama Limited, and the account was then reopened with Opos Limited on 16th October 2015. We again attempted to contact you by post, however had no response. As a result of this we reinstated the contact telephone number of 07 and the email addresses we had on the system, as we had no other way to contact you to discuss your outstanding balance. We spoke with you on 7th December 2015 and again you stated only to contact you by post. Our agent advised you at this time that if we had no response via post then we would reinstate other contact methods, as we had an outstanding balance to resolve with you. Again, we had no response from you by post and no payments were made towards your outstanding balance. As advised, the contact information we held for you was reinstated as we had an outstanding balance to discuss and had been unsuccessful using the contact method you had stated you would respond to. In terms of the annual account statement, this is a document we send out in line with the regulatory oblilgations set out by the Financial Conduct Authority. These were all set out by email and it was appropriate to send this to you as we had no contact from you to resolve this balance. I understand that you called in on 15th March 2016 as you were unhappy you had recieved this. Our agent did advise why this was the case and explained why the contact information had been reinstated, but at that point you advised her that you wanted to make a formal complaint. Although you did end the call, this complaint should still have been logged and I can only apologise that this was not done at that time. This was down to the human error of the particular agent who dealt with you. It is unfortunate that in this instance we have not achieved the high standards we set ourselves and can confirm that the right level of feedback has been given to the individual concerned. In addition, further steps have been taken to ensure that this cannot happen again and the individual concerned is no longer employed by Opos Limited. Feedback has also been given to the collections team using your case as an example of how human error can negatively impact our customers’ journey. For the record i did not hang up i was transferred to a manager who also started stating i could not raise a complaint backing up here colleague, So looks like they sacked the agent and not the manager even though both equally responsible, Here are some other points they make not relating to my complaint do not know why they included it since i have never acknowledged this debt and never will, The credit agreement sets out the borrower: your name and correct address, the duration of the credit facility, the amount of interest charged per day and the APR, the charges applied should you not pay back the amount in time, as well as all terms and conditions associated with this information. According to the information provided by Mini Credit at the point of sale, the default date of this accountis 5th July 2012. Unfortunately, a copy of the default notice issued to you was not included in the documentation provided but it should be noted that whilst it is good practice and should ideally be done, lenders are not required to issue default notices before recording defaults on a credit file. Because of this, I have to tell you that I am only able to partially uphold your complaint. I appreciate that this is likely to come as a disappointment to you but I hope that my explanation has been helpful in setting out clearly why I have taken this view. That said however, in an effort to put things right for you and by way of apology for any inconvenience caused, I propose to remove the debt collection fee from your outstanding balance, which will reduce Opos Limited Registered Office: 2nd Floor, 15 Meadowbank Street, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, G82 1JR Registered in Scotland: SC338837 Telephone: 0141 428 3990 Email: [email protected] Secure Website: www.oposlimited.com Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority: IP616281 Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes your balance by £100 and leave an outstanding balance of £1,089.00. Upon repayment of this balance, this will also be reflected on your credit file. If you wish to accept my proposal as final resolution of your complaint, please complete the section on the bottom of both copies of this letter, retain a one copy for yourself and return the other to me within 30 days of the date of this letter. If you fail to respond to this offer within the given timeline my offer of resolution will not be binding and the full outstanding balance will be due. To date i am in the middle of taking my complaint to ICO as a Section 10 has no time limit and feel my data is not been processed correctly. I need somebody help me put a case together to send to the financial ombudsman, Also is what they say correct lenders are not required to issue default notices before recording defaults on a credit file Thank you for taking the time to stop by and thank you in advance for any advice you can give me as the harassment is non stop, Regards PCR
  12. Hi all Our windows need replacing with double glazing and our builder who has done a lot fo work for us quoted £4500 and asked for £1500 up front to buy the windows. The works quoted for were for a new carpet and a set of windows. The builder promised faithfully that the windows would be made ready for the 9th of May. When that date came, he said that they weren't ready. This was his reason/excuse for not starting everyday up to Friday 20th May when he said they would definitely be ready for Monday/Tuesday and he would update us. We left numerous messages for him yesterday and nothing. We are considering a LBO with a draft N1 as we know he has just started a loft conversion and will be taking on another one withing days so he probably won't be able to do our job anyway and he is now dodging us. What shall I put on the N1 - is it a claim for breach of contract as he hasn't started when promised? For the £1500 paid out. We have a receipt for the bank transfer and the original quotation but no contract in writing - though surely the quotation and our proof of payment with the payment reference should be enough evidence? Thanks in advance.
  13. Airline passengers hit with long flight delays continue to have compensation claims delayed or turned down despite a court ruling almost a year ago that was meant to have settled these once and for all. Rules state that passengers flying with an EU-based carrier or from an EU airport who reach their destination more than three hours late can claim up to €600 (£448) plus expenses, per person if the delay is within the airline’s control. Airlines can only refuse payment if the delay was the result of an “extraordinary circumstance” beyond their control and, previously, many had been claiming that routine technical problems fell under this definition. Yet a ruling, upheld by the high court last summer, should have changed that. It involved a claim by Ronald Huzar against budget airline Jet2.com for a delayed flight. The airline said there was an unforeseen technical problem, amounting to “extraordinary circumstances” meaning it did not have to pay compensation. Judges ruled against Jet2 and this was upheld by the Supreme court last October. It was hoped the ruling would clarify the strength of this common reason used to refuse a payout, but airlines continue to dig their heels in and ignore or contest the outcome. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/may/11/airlines-ignore-court-rulings-over-compensation-for-delayed-flights
  14. Hi, hope all are well. Got a few fires burning at the moment, this one has failed even before it started. Summary as follows: Family member, financial problems. Defaulted. Token Payments being made. I sent a C.C.A. Request in April, should have received something start of this month. Nothing arrived. Made a Formal Complaint to the CEO's Office including a 'Account in serious dispute' letter, complaint ignored. Now 2 weeks overdue. Gave them a deadline to reply by. Complained on twitter, they've replied, but they are delaying the situation. [They'll probably figure out who I am by this post I'm sure]. I've given them my own Final Response. What can or should I do now? Stop payments until they reply? Make a further complaint? If so, to whom? I figure that if they can dictate and give deadlines and expect the consumer to abide by it, then the consumer can do the same in return. TIA Kind regards
  15. Sorry this is in the wrong section, but its the only one that appears to allow my to start a thread. What are peoples views on this. Grandson was attacked by a dog in a public place In the presence of his teacher and the dog owner. his teacher reported it to the police who said it was nothing to do with them. Of course this offence covered by section 3 of the dangerous dog act 1991 and section 2 of the dog act 1871 and is indeed something the police should deal with. Daughter complained and was first said told that the incident hadn't been reported but she had the PCSOs collar number. She's just had another call and had been told by another PC that there was nothing wrong with what the teacher was told but refused to divulge full details of the phone call because of data protection.
  16. Hello, Unsure if this is the correct forum so apologies in advance. I'll try and keep this brief. In short I opened an account in October and I've never received the free tablet offered, I've had rubbish customer service with zero new information from VM. Timeline: 18.10.2014 - Signed up for VM services through their affinity program (through my work). Broadband, phone, TV and came with a free tablet within 28 days of install as part of the deal (confirmed via e-mail). 18.11.2014 - Install (few issues such as not porting phone number and 152mbps speeds were coming in at 40mbps - apparently this will settle within a month ) 16.12.2014 - Chased tablet via phone - informed it's on the way. I raised concerns about speeds and informed of area issue's ongoing since October 23.12.2014 - Chased tablet again via phone - informed it's on it's way still (generic response) I push and then actually informed that my account states I'm not eligible, further investigation shows that my notes are incorrect, these are amended and I'm informed I'll receive contact within 2 weeks outlining tablet delivery info. I also noted about poor speeds still. 05.01.2015 - No contact from VM or tablet so chased tablet again via phone and told exactly the same as previous call however I'll receive contact within a week about the tablet. 07.01.2015 - Services down for around 24 hours. 16.01.2015 - No contact from VM or tablet and phone up and make a formal complaint. Speak with manager and I'm told same as previous calls, tablet is being processed and to 'bear with them', also discuss my slow speeds. I'm advised I'll receive a call back on the 19th from a Ryan who is handling my complaint. 18.01.2015 - I phone VM technical to discuss my slow speeds, I'm advised there are still ongoing issues in my area and 40mbps over wireless is perfectly acceptable, even over a 152mbps line. After phone call I add my own router and play with my settings and channels - My speed increased to approx 100mbps. 22.01.2015 - No contact from VM or tablet. Received a letter stating £4.50 per month increase. Phone up again to make additional complaint, advised the increases will be refunded. Advised the complaint is with the Ryan and I need to await his contact and she can't do anything, she e-mails him for to contact me. 23.01.2015 - E-mail CEO Tom Mockridge with complaint outlining poor customer services, absolutely no responses from VM and my tablet where about. 26.01.2015 - I receive a phone call from the VM CEO office to discuss my complaint, points outlined are tablet whereabouts, poor customer service and why I had to chase constantly for answers. A bit of a discount on next months bill and an upgrade on the tablet was verbally agreed. Call back promised for 2nd Feb. 10.02.2015 - Still no contact or tablet, chased via e-mail for update. 17.02.2015 - Still no contact or tablet, chased via e-mail for update. 24.02.2015 - Still no contact or tablet, chased via e-mail for update. 25.02.2015 - Received e-mail from the CEO office stating they are still looking into it and advised they should have heard by the 2nd February and are looking into different resolution route and will update me with they have an update. 26.02.2015 - I replied via e-mail asking about my upgrade had been processed. 13.03.2015 - Still no contact or tablet, chased via e-mail for update. I have outlined their stated 8 weeks are up and they have until the end of the day to resolve or I take further action. And that's it. According to the VM guidelines I am now eligible to raise this for independent adjudication through CISAS, which I will do at the weekend. I'm ****ed that I've been chasing for all of this time to get absolutely nowhere. From a legal standpoint where am I? Is the tablet actually part of the deal, am I actually eligible for it? Can I cancel the contract or can I push for anything due to the hassle/stress, time spent, inconvenience and not receiving part of my order? I don't want to go through another 6 weeks of CISAS process for nothing. Any advice welcome.
  17. Hi I really hope someone can help me, I am absolutely pulling my hair out with an ongoing council tax issue. There are a few issues which I'll try and break down as best I can without waffling! I have posted on here already about an issue with my council and Marstons bailiffs. My car was taken for an unpaid council tax bill of £217 in 2013. The car was worth £2,500 and sold at auction for £1100. The bailiffs added a sum of around £800 in illegal charges, which I'm STILL disputing with them. I escalated my complaint through the council who took no responsibility for the illegal actions of the bailiffs employed by them. I then took my complaint to the Ombudsman who said it was a financial issue and to seek legal advice. At the time, the council broke down what they thought was owed on that account and stated that actually there was an amount of £531 owed not £217 and that just over £300 had been allocated against this bill from the sale of my car. Meaning at the time it looked as though Marstons kept £800 from the sale of my car. There is a long thread about this issue detailing why the bailiffs acted illegally. I havent been able to find a solicitor that deals with these kinds of issues so I'm stuck. The second issue is, all of a sudden, I've had 5 or 6 letters about very old outstanding council tax bills from shared accommodation. One of the letters was about the £531 that my car was taken for!!!! The letters were all very unclear about what is owed and any payments made against these accounts, so I asked for a proper breakdown of each account and also asked why I am now being pursued AGAIN for a debt that should have been paid by the seizure of my car. In the councils initial email response, they said that only a payment of £20.34 had been allocated from the sale of my car against that outstanding amount!! I replied immediately and asked the council to hold any action on all of these accounts as they clearly had incorrect information and I asked for proper clarification and details of all payments allocated to each outstanding account. In the meantime they have sent each outstanding account to the bailiffs again, adding £75 on to each account. In their latest response, they have not acknowledged my request for clarification of what has been allocated against the £531 for the sale of my car. And have told me I must deal with the bailiffs if I have issues with the account. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I have been fobbed off at every point of this ongoing problem. I am happy to pay anything owed, even though the old accounts were in other names, not just my own. But it's disgusting my car was taken and sold for £1,100 and it looks like Marstons have kept it and I'm now being pursued for the same debt with added charges!! Help please!?
  18. good evening, I have employed the services of a HCEO to recover money owed to me by my former property management company. The company paid a % of the debt and entered into a payment plan. They have since failed pay anymore money and are not responding to letters/telephone/visits from the HCEO. Any suggestions as to what i can do to progress this any further and faster?
  19. Hi All, I recently completed a degree and prior to completion managed to get a job with a large organisation that will remain un-named. I was due to start a taster day 3 months later prior to a enhanced disclosure being completed when I was struck down with a chest infection. A few days later I received a phone call from the said organisations manager stating they would no longer be pursuing my application. The reason given was they felt that there were stronger candidates citing references as a reason for this despite them having these references for as much as 1 month prior to this. In addition I had since turned down another job for which I had a contract ready to sign to take this job in the organisation I longed to work for. So I shook it off and continued to search for another job. I managed to get an interview after much grovelling with the company that originally offered me a contract and was offered a job and as it happens applied for another job with the said organisation in another department. I was offered a job once again by the organisation that turned me down and decided that this time I would wait till I got a contract to sign before making a decision which job I would take. I can do this because by the time my enhanced disclosure and clearance to work arrives it will be January so I still have the option to choose either job. The problem is since being successful in the interview and being offered the job on November 10th I have heard nothing, I have sent an email to human resources on the 19th asking about the outcome and I have called twice before being redirected to the manager of the department who I emailed on Monday but I have still heard nothing. I know my enhanced disclosure is clean as I have one from the other company who have offered me a contract, and I know my references are good because I contacted them first to ask permission and they all stated that they would be giving my a glowing reference. I am certain this relates to them getting a reference from someone that I did not give permmission for them to obtain, this person would not have been fair I believe and although it would not be a bad reference they may cite weaknesses that might stop me from getting the position, either this or it is someone I have worked with before who took as dislike to me or another student who may also not have liked me. These are just theories to be honest because except for one person who I would never have given permission o gain a reference I cannot think who would cause the organisation to completly blank me out. Nor do I expect this from such a profession let alone the organisation. Is there anything I can do about this? Can they just be ignorant after offering me a job twice? Can I ask for a subject access request in order to rule out references as a cause?
  20. Hi, I signed up with Scottish Power and they took the wrong meter reading. They billed me for about £600 for the first month even though I hardly use any gas at all. Their customer service was rubbish which meant I eventually went to the ombudsman. The ombudsman agreed with Scottish Power to correct the opening reading and as it had taken a while to sort it was agreed that I would pay £40 a month until the real bill was cleared at which time I would get away from Scottish Power. Since February I have been paying the £40 a month without any issues until yesterday morning when I received a letter from a debt collector threatening to break into my house to turn off my gas. I am in bits about this. My husband is severely disabled and I am scared to go out and leave him alone in case someone breaks our front door in. Can Scottish Power just ignore the ombudsman? What have I done wrong? I cant afford to pay the £300ish that is left on my gas bill in one go and I don't know what to do.
  21. Hi, I moved in to the property in April 2013. In the property was very strange electricity meter with 5 tariffs, so I decide to use the same energy supplier like the previous occupier, it was npower. After 3 months the meter got broke so npower replace it by new 2 tariffs meter. Because of the previous meter npower couldn't produce me a bill, I started few complains, but without any result. I asked the Ombudsman for help. They spoke with npower and made a final decision that till end of July 2014, npower will send me a bill. Now it is September and I still did not receive my bill. When I call npower they keep telling me that they have a technical issues. Ombudsman is telling me that they can only monitor the case, but they do not have any power to force npower to produce me a bill. I am overpaying right now (by monthly direct debit), and I think, I can't change the provider, because this pending complain. Is there any other company or service which could help me with my case? Please help. Danny
  22. Hi there! I sent a CCA in Dec 2013 to Blair Oliver Scott. They wrote to me afterwards (15th Jan 2014) which was more of a 'payment reminder' notice. They have been on my payplan DMP for several years. Outstanding around £1,500 To date they havent acknowledged my CCA, sent registered. After 2 months waiting, I took them off my DMP.. Now theyve sent me another reminder. I live abroad, out of the UK and EU, so it takes usually one month to recieve normal mail. The last reminder threatened 'further action' if payment not recieved. Any advice for the next steps gratefully recieved!
  23. Hi, we have rented our property since March last year, the landlord manages the tenancy themselves, we are currently buying our own property. Back in Dec our rented house suffered a break in, the alarm was on and although no property was taken the patio doors where broken, during this time I tried to contact the landlord to make them aware of us ending the tenancy in March when our contact of one year ends. It took several attempts to contact them and when I finally did just before Christmas, I informed them I'd was buying and although I would obviously pay up until March if the house comes through beforehand I will move straight away as our property will be safer I feel (as we have had other issues with cars being broken into, and we work shifts), I was told his wife deals with the tenancy and she would call me back, I heard nothing and they wouldn't answer the phone to me for a couple of weeks. I finally got hold of him again in January 6th I asked for an email to send written confirmation of this to hurry things along as I was worried of time moving along as I have to give 1 months notice of leaving the property empty. He promised he'd text it to me, when the text finally arrived it was their address and he was now refusing an email stating all future correspondence must go to the address, I explained this would greatly hold things up and sent the letter. I heard nothing then until a letter stating if I want to vacate early I must pay the remarketing costs and that a letting agent would be in touch with regard viewings. I tried to contact the landlord to explain I wasn't happy with this as we work shifts and sleep during the day often but they won't answer the phone so I called the agent to explain and told them they need to deal with the landlord who can in turn contact me in the evenings, I've again received another letter from the landlord telling me to contact the letting agent to give an end of tenancy date and to allow viewings, so my question is can l refuse to deal with the letting agent and do I have to allow midweek viewings when I work shifts, also when do I have to allow viewings as we are paying up till 15th March, please help
  24. Hi all, apologies if I'm in the wrong place. I'll try and make this as short as possible. I have an account with Ace Catalogue, and at the moment I'm paying the minimum each month which is £40.00 but my wages have been reduced at work so I'm unable to pay £40.00 a month. I contacted ace as soon as possible so we could sort out some sort of reduced payment plan. At first I received an email off them quite quickly, I explained my situation and they replied with "yes sure we can do a reduced payment plan, how much would you like to pay a month?" So I sent an email back stating how much I could pay (£25.00). And this was on the 31st January. I haven't heard anything back since. I keep emailing them but they're ignoring me. My bill due date is coming up soon, the 12th February, I checked my Ace account online and they still want £40.00 on the 12th February. I can't pay this, and I'm worrying because no one has got back to me, I have to pay this in 2 days! What should I do?? I can only pay £25.00... All answers appreciated, thank you in advance.
  25. I am having a terrible time with Kwik Fit. I had an issue with my car pulling a little to the left on motoryways. My usual garage was too busy to do my tracking and alignment and stupidly instead of waiting I popped into Kwik Fit on Cheltenham Road, Bristol. They told me my car was "seriously misaligned" and showed me a graph to show the before and after of resetting my tracking. The graph had text highlighted in green where the setup was good, and red where it was not, detailing several measurements of suspension and wheel settings. The only thing was, the after graph is covered in red, and the guy told me that the two graphs had printed the wrong way around, so my car was now perfectly set up. Anyway, I drove home through traffic at 10mph and didn't notice and issue, but on my way to a client in Bracknell the next morning, the car was terrifying. I had set off in rush hour, during the recent storms, so again, I was crawling from Bristol until nearly at the M4 turnoff to Bath. The car was squirming when I braked, pulling constantly to the left, so much in fact that to change lanes all I needed to do was let go for a second. The car was not safe, the Bracknell Kwik Fit refused to assist, saying the car was fine after checking it but refusing to give me a computer readout of whatever they had found. I called head office, was fobbed off. I had to trailer the car home at great expense as it wasnt safe, and then pay a real mechanic to fix the car. They told me it was seriously dangerous in its state and that I was lucky to have not crashed. They also got another garage to give me a second opinion, they agreed. I have sent several emails to the idiots at Kwik Fit, called as well. They seem intent on ignoring me after acknowledging the complaint. Emails copied below. I am posting these both as a warning to others as well as a cry for help. I could have had a crash and hurt or killed other people, and in the opinion of the two independent garages the Kwik Fit technicians at Bristol and Bracknell were both incompetent, they may have fancy kit, but they dont know how to use it. Can anyone help? They even ignored a "Letter Before Action" making me think I am totally wasting my time complaining. All emails below have been anonymised... Email One, Sent 11:26AM 11/2/14 Hello I had the misfortune of using your Bristol Cheltenham road centre yesterday. Your guys allegedly found my tracking "seriously out" and said this was causing a pull to the left. I had not noticed this, the car was largely fine. When I took the car home, just around the corner and didn't notice anything untoward. However when I took the car in the motorway today it was terrifying and frankly dangerous. The car was pulling to the left badly, putting me and other road users in danger. You have made my car much much worse than it was before. I went into your Bracknell store where the centre manager didn't even know what basic steering components were. I explained I had a new drag link and trailing arms, he asked what they were. They had a look and claimed the car was safe despite admitting it was pulling. They refused to assist, refused to give me the customer service number and refused me any help. This was despite your own Hunter equipment showing red out of alignment readings on the front camber. I am shocked and disgusted at the lack of service, lack of care and unprofessional attitude of your staff. I now face arranging a trailer to get my vehicle home at great cost, and a repeat cost of taking my car to a real mechanic who actually knows their way around a car. I want to know what you intend to do about this. I am considering legal action against your firm for my costs, time and any damage caused to my car by your apparent negligence. Email Two, Recieved 13:28 14/2/14 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: customer services To: "> Sent: Friday, 14 February 2014, 13:28 Subject: RE: Complaint regarding Dear Mr your concern was registered on our systems following your contact to us by phone. We have engaged our Operations Managers with responsibility for the Bristol and Bracknell garages to look into the background of the visits and work done at our two centres and will contact you in response when we have an understanding of the situation, Thank you for sharing your concerns with us and allowing us the opportunity to investigate. Our reference is 979377 Kwik-Fit Customer Service Email Three, Sent 14:41 19/2/14 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: To: customer services Sent: Wednesday, 19 February 2014, 14:41 Subject: Letter Before Action - Complaint regarding Dear Sir/Madam It has now been 8 days since I raised a complaint with yourselves, despite a promise of action I have had no response from your firm. I find this unprofessional. I have had to spend time and money rectifying the damage caused by mistakes made by your technical staff and have evidence and independent testimony to verify this. You have until the close of business (5PM) on the 26th February to contact me by phone and arrange a solution to the issues caused and my out of pocket expenses directly caused by the work you did, to be backed up in email by the close of business on the 27th February (5PM). If contact and resolution are not forthcoming I will pursue legal action against your company and will seek to recover: 1. My costs 2. Compensation for my time and inconvenience 3. Significant compensation for the danger caused to me and my passengers from your faulty work. Sincerely, Email Four Sent 26/2/14 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: To: customer services ; Sent: Wednesday, 26 February 2014, 15:33 Subject: Re: Letter Before Action - Complaint regarding Dear Sirs I write with reference to my claim against your company. Please can I have a response to the letter I sent you on the 19th February? Kind regards
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