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Found 10 results

  1. Ace and Studio customers who purchased optional accidental damage and theft insurance are entitled to a refund Through our own review we have identified concerns with this insurance, which was sold through the Ace and Studio brands, and have notified the FCA. We concluded, along with the FCA that the insurance did not provide adequate value to customers. Therefore, together with Assurant General Insurance Limited and ANV (which is now part of AmTrust at Lloyd's) who were at various times the underwriters of the insurance, we wish to put customers back in the position that they would have been in had they not purchased the insurance. What we're doing to put things right We have designed and agreed a customer contact and refund programme and will refund Ace and Studio customers the premium they paid for the insurance together with interest. The average premium amount to be refunded will be approximately £38. We have identified approximately 330,000 affected customers. https://www.express-gifts.co.uk/looking-after-our-pp-customers And ... https://www.thinkmoney.co.uk/news-advice/bought-cover-from-a-catalogue-company-how-to-get-a-refund-0-8575-0.htm
  2. Hi all Can an Enforcement company add all there fee's on after the compliance stage (£235 and interest) before they try to enforce? I know it would be irrelevant if they take control of goods just curious if that was allowed. leakie
  3. Hi all, apologies if I'm in the wrong place. I'll try and make this as short as possible. I have an account with Ace Catalogue, and at the moment I'm paying the minimum each month which is £40.00 but my wages have been reduced at work so I'm unable to pay £40.00 a month. I contacted ace as soon as possible so we could sort out some sort of reduced payment plan. At first I received an email off them quite quickly, I explained my situation and they replied with "yes sure we can do a reduced payment plan, how much would you like to pay a month?" So I sent an email back stating how much I could pay (£25.00). And this was on the 31st January. I haven't heard anything back since. I keep emailing them but they're ignoring me. My bill due date is coming up soon, the 12th February, I checked my Ace account online and they still want £40.00 on the 12th February. I can't pay this, and I'm worrying because no one has got back to me, I have to pay this in 2 days! What should I do?? I can only pay £25.00... All answers appreciated, thank you in advance.
  4. I recently sent Ace a CCA request and they have returned the attached 'reconstituted copy'. When I started using the catalogue I was at a different address to the one they have written on this copy CCA form - does that matter? PPI claim and charges issue will be put on another thread. Ace have sent me statements going back to 11.01.2001. I am not too bothered re the 'service' charges but I have 3 x £20 default sums from 2006, which are after I had informed them of financial difficulties. If I could get these plus PPI [another thread] back then my account should be cleared. I understand there might be a limit of 6 years for these to be claimed back? any thoughts? PPI form sent to ACE for PPI amounting to £240+ - they have passed my 'information regarding the PPI to the relevant department who will contact' me separately. Just wanted to get this thread started as I am expecting issues to arise.
  5. Hello can any one provide some advice: Ace Catalouge Default they state issued 08.06.13 not recieved by myself. Outstanidng balance £288.04. I wrote to them on 27th of August, they wrote back to me on the 4th September stating the default was valid and issued 08/06/13 and to send in £10.00 for the file. Completed this today I have recieved the data protection summary they state I would have agreed to terms and conditions when opening an account online and had view of a credit agreement thus they can not send a signed credit agreement. In the account notes for the year there is no entry on the 08.06.13 to sugest a default notice has been issued. There is an entry on the 4th September 13 which states "sent copy of default noticed issued 08.06.2013) the copy of the default notice I recieved was a general one not specific to me" Can you advise on the best way forward.
  6. Hope some tech savvy person can help with this. I've had my Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 for about 3 months and until 2 weeks ago the battery was lasting quite well - up to a week sometimes. I don't remember changing anything or downloading anything but in the last two weeks the battery has lasted about a day and a half. Wifi, bluetooth and GPS are all turned off, screen brightness and time out are at their minimum and I've stopped all apps that were running and it's made no difference. I can't find any other suggestions online. I'm trying to avoid taking it back as my old phone died the day before I bought this one and I can't be without a phone, but I will as a last resort if no one has any other ideas.
  7. Hi, grateful for any help/advice you can give me. I wrote to Ace requesting a refund of the £12 default charges on my account and enclosed the spreadsheet that calculates the interest. I got a letter back today stating the Office of Fair Trading investigation was for credit and store cards, which does not apply to Ace. The letter also states the £12 charge is in line with Office of Fair Trading guidelines. Information from accounts is passed to credit reference agencies and this cannot be changed as its a true reflection of my payment history. Has anyone been successful in reclaiming these charges? Am I still able to reclaim the £12 charges or has there been a ruling against this? If I can reclaim then what is the next step? Sorry for so many questions. Thanks
  8. Can anyone offer some advice? i have an account with ace for about 8 years. over this period i have had quite a few default charges. i wrote to ace in may asking for details of all default charges enclosing a postal order for a pound and asked for a data subject access reqest. they replied promptly with acopy of an unsigned cdreit agreement and a list of transactions on my account from 2004 to the present. i have been unable to deal with this up till now due to family issues. they state that i should send a 10 pound cheque for access request, i think charges ammount to about 600 pound ,what should i do now ?thanks
  9. I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Ace on 14/04/2012 on PAYG from a Vodafone store in Norwich. On the 19/10/2012 my phone, for the first time since i've owned it, started to play up. I will now try to explain the events which unfolded. On the morning of 19/10/2012 i tried to charge my phone but there was no response to the phone being plugged into external power trying to charge it up,after numerous attempts taking charger out and putting it back in phone, the phone still wouldn't charge. I then switched the phone off, then when trying to turn it back on it wouldn't. I then took battery out for a while then put it back and finally after doing this on numerous occassion's over a 2 hour period it did finally switch on. When the phone turned on it displayed the word 'charging' and kept displaying 100% battery life. Obviously there was a fault with the phone so on the same day i took phone into Vodafone, 47 Castle Mall, Norwich store and explained the above faults to a member of the stores technical support team. I explained to him that i wanted it repaired under the manufacturers one year warranty and i was advised that it would be covered. When I described the fault to him he immediately stated that it was a common fault with these phones to display these symptoms and it would more than likely need a software update. I was advised this would take 30mins to complete. When this failed to rectify the fault, he said it was probably a faulty battery. So he changed the battery to a new one, which didn’t make any difference whatsoever. I was then advised the phone would need to be sent to a repair centre to be fixed, which i was happy with. At approx 9.15am on Friday 26/10/2012 the repair centre called me and stated that they had found water/moisture damage inside the phone which must have been caused by moisture or rain water getting inside the phone. When i clearly stated that the phone had been nowhere near any type of water i was told i would need to pay £100 to get the phone repaired. After hearing this I was not prepared to pay this sum as I was advised by the store that whatever the fault was it would be covered under warranty. I then called the Castle Mall store and spoke to the manager Jay, and he stated that a fault with my mobile phone would not be covered under the one years warranty, i then went onto say there must have been something wrong with the phone as there is no way i caused this water damage as i keep it in a leather case and it has never been anywhere near water. I then went on to advise Jay to contact the repair centre to get the phone returned to the store with no work being carried out on the phone. On 31/10/2012 i received a call from Jay at the Castle Mall store saying my phone had been returned from the repair centre and that he had also received my formal letter of complaint against Vodafone and he then explained that he had escalated my complaint to higher departments of Vodafone and i agreed to leave my phone in store and await a call back from him either that day or the next day when he had hoped to have got a response from the complaints depatment, which actually i am still waiting for this call. This weekend i have been searching on the internet it seems there are quite a few suspect water damage claims made by Vodafone. From purchase i have had my phone in a leather case and it has never been subject to water or being used outside in the rain. On researching i have found out a phone can become 'water damaged' from being kept in a pocket or a handbag. It can also become damaged from speaking into it with hot breath on a cold morning. If this phone does have moisture damage, then these are the only ways i can think it could have attracted this moisture, which to me makes me question why these warnings are not on the box or instructions or it is my opinion, the phones are not fit for purpose. I want to make myself clear now, the reason i am going to continue with this complaint is i know 100% that i have not neglected this phone in any way whatsoever. Under the Sale Of Goods Act 1979 this mobile phone is not of a satisfactory quality, therefore I am seeking a repair or replacement at no cost to myself. If that is unsuccessful, i will be seeking a full or partial refund of the amount i paid on 14/04/2012 when I purchased the phone. I am really disappointed with Vodafone that i have had to write this as i have been a customer of Vodafone for a vast amount of years and never had any problem whatsoever in the past. Is there a Vodafone rep on this site?? Any help with this post would be much appreciated.
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