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  1. We are about to buy a 4x4 Shogun and have put down a deposit. The car has brand new tyres all round on the drive wheels. As an after thought I inquired about the condition of the spare tyre. It has 4mm of tread so legal however the tread is different to the tread of the new tyres. On a 4x4 it is important that the treads on the same axle are identical otherwise you could damage the diff. Can I reject the tyre as not being fit for purpose to use on the 4x4? We like the car as it is immaculate otherwise and is being sold by a reputable dealership and we were thinking of a 50/50 arrangement for a new tyre to be fitted.
  2. I had a smashed iPhone 6 screen for about 6 months because I couldn't afford to get it fixed and it still worked fine. However last week it began showing sign of giving up (touchscreen not working properly), so I gave in and took it to a local shop that does repairs and also sells things like cases and accessories (called Fone Care, not sure if it's a chain...) Firstly they refused to knock £5 off to price-match a different shop down the road, which is fair enough and obviously within their rights.... But we were just about to walk out, when she said she could do it now and it would only take 10 minutes; the other shop wanted me to come back and collect it some hours later, so it was simply more convenient. Went back and collected it and she showed me it was working etc, and told me I have a 14 day warranty (it's now been 7 days), and I paid the grand sum of £95! Since that day, my battery has been dreadful. I used to only charge it once in the evenings, to full charge, and it would then last until the following evening. Since having my screen replaced, it's draining rapidly and I'm having to charge it 3 times a day. Even when it's not being used:- for the third night in a row lastnight, I went to bed with 80% battery and when I woke up at 3am with my baby, it was completely dead and off. Another day I put it in my bad with 60% battery and it stayed in there all day, not being used because I was somewhere that I had no signal - and it died. I've done all the usual checks, and also absolutely nothing in my settings etc, has changed since I took it in. I already have things like location services and automatic E-Mail refresh off, I always have. A quick Google search told me that there's been quite a few people around the country with this problem at various shops, and a few suggestions I've come across is that it's because they use cheap replacement screens ('from China') which kill your battery, or that they may have swapped the original battery for a rubbish one. Can someone please advise me how to proceed with this, or indeed even if I can..?! I suffer with anxiety so don't feel I'm able to go into the shop (I couldn't even go in to get the screen replaced on my own, I had to wait until my partner could come with me). Some posts on local social media have already told me that they're not very accommodating in this particular shop (for example, someone bought a charger there and it didn't work; so she took it back, only to be refused a refund and told by the manager 'well what do you expect if you buy cheap?') Therefore I plan to approach it in writing instead if this is OK...? I just don't know what Rights/Act's I can quote in my letter to help me, if any? I'm assuming I have the right to receive my phone back in the same working condition that I gave it to them..? Not give it to them to fix a problem and end up with an even worse one? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  3. A very quick initial post due to time constraints. Just had my daughter chatting via internet. She is at university and on Boxing Day 2013 bought a HP laptop in the sales While at home during the Christmas period this year (2014) she was having problems with the battery dropping charge very quickly, and a month later having returned to uni says that the battery will now only hold 23% charge. (She ran the laptop's maintenance check after getting an error message) She can still use it at home on the mains but it has become useless for her to take to uni for her studies From what I have seen of laptop batteries they normally last between 4-6 years. As she did not have an extended warranty should she make a complaint to PC World, or to HP ? And does she have any legal rights on this one ? Many thanks
  4. HI, Broke down and the RAC recommended a garage to me. Car was towed there and it was an electrical problem with the dash. They said they would send it to external repair service and would confirm price. They called me back and told me they couldn't find anyone which I thought was odd. I looked online as I didn't want to have my broken down car back and have to tow it from my house to somewhere else and found there were many companies that would repair the dash 99% success or no charge good reviews etc. Rang back garage and so they said they would send it but they had to do extra work to install it when it came back. Rang dash repair service and they said no work was needed just plug in and play after their repair. So the garage dropped the charge and sent it away. It was repaired successfully and so fitted back to the car. I had a charge of 2.5 hours fault finding that was agreed by garage before this went ahead. When I got the bill there was a charge of £30 extra fault finding that was already confirmed in the 2.5 hours and a charge for a new car battery. I told them my battery in the car was fairly new and under warranty so could I have it back as they had charged me £90. Also when I came to collect the car I brought my old battery before the one that was in the car which was also good as I replaced it initially thinking the dash fault (which started before the breakdown) was because of battery. I was told if I put my battery back in it would invalidate the warranty on all repairs. I asked for my old battery back as it was under warranty and they told me it was in a big pile in the garage and would be hard to find. When I insisted the mechanic sent with me to get it told me it would be on the top of a small pile but had now gone missing. 6 calls and two emails to the garage owner and no reposes back, I am going to complain to the RAC which I told the garage I would do if they don't return my calls or emails by the end of the week. Should I go straight to small claims next? Thanks for your help! Sam
  5. Hi can anyone give me any advice please. I have been into store & spoken to a vodafone phone rep today without success. I have an iPhone 5, I'm in a 24 month contract, and the battery doesn't last more than a few hours without charging again. I have diagnosed it through the apple website & the battery is faulty. The contract has 3 months left to run, and under statutory law, I would understand that with regard to durability I should expect the phone to last as long as the contract and its now not fit for purpose. Vodafone will send it away to apple - but it might cost me £204 - I will have paid £40 a month for 24 months - and now I need to pay more. They deny that I bought the phone from them - I only bought a contract - apparently I bought the phone from apple. This is bonkers. I don't normally take issue with stuff but surely a phone that is on a 24 moth contract should last 24 months?? Not according to vodafone! Help!
  6. I have a Samsung mobile phone, which I like, but over the last few months, it does not hold the charge any longer than a few hours. I bought a new battery thinking that it was it, but I now have to carry a spare battery, as I am not always near a charging point. The phone is useless as I have to keep things switched off. I have another 6 months to go on a 24 mth contract with O2. I have no phone really, but need one. Any advice on this?
  7. Hope some tech savvy person can help with this. I've had my Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 for about 3 months and until 2 weeks ago the battery was lasting quite well - up to a week sometimes. I don't remember changing anything or downloading anything but in the last two weeks the battery has lasted about a day and a half. Wifi, bluetooth and GPS are all turned off, screen brightness and time out are at their minimum and I've stopped all apps that were running and it's made no difference. I can't find any other suggestions online. I'm trying to avoid taking it back as my old phone died the day before I bought this one and I can't be without a phone, but I will as a last resort if no one has any other ideas.
  8. Hello, I hope I'm in the correct section. I've always found this site useful in answering any questions and have never needed to sign up until now. I hope some of you lovely users can help me out with a situation I've fallen into. 2 days ago I took my "guess" watch into a branch of "tgs jewellers/ pawnbrokers" to have the batteries replaced. I decided to go to this particular place due to it being open for several years I automatically assumed they know what's what... As they repair/sell and buy watches. I took the watch in and the gent told me it'll be ready in an hour, I thought nothing of it and returned in an hour. The gent at the counter gave me the watch and I put it on, asked him how long the batteries should last he replied "a few years minimum, they're good quality batteries"... At this time I was trying to correct the time on the watch and found the stem was stuck solid. The watch itself has ZERO problems prior to this battery replacement. The stem is set up so you pull it out one click to set the date and another click to set the time. Then click/push it back to have it set. The stem is completely STUCK down at this moment. I ask the gent what's happened... He fiddles with it and says "it's a push system... You push it down an set the time..." no. No. That's not how it is, he argues an says yes while he sets the time... I ask him how am I supposed to set the date then? He replies"I don't know, I don't know how the watch works" At this point I started getting a bit upset and ask him "have you changed the internals or something this is not how my watch works?" he says "no I was there when the batteries where replaced upstairs, it couldn't have been changed. And goes out back. I can see him on the pc with someone doing some type of video chat. Then shows the watch to the camera. I don't know what's happened. He returns and says they will have a to call in the watchmaker who will have a look at it. I have little option... Either take the busted watch or leave it and hope its fixed. I leave it with them and am told it should be ready in 5 days. It's been 2 days and I'm getting the sweats every time I think about the watch. The watch not only is valuable money wise, my father purchased this watch for me on my birthday 2years ago, unfortunately he has passed away and this is pretty much the last birthday I had spent with him/ gift I got from him. I'm scared they have done something to the watch, changed internals/mechanism? I'm even more worried now if they do manage to get it back to normal what if it falls apart in a few days/weeks. I'm pretty scared and unsure what to to. I'm hoping someone would give me advise how to handle this situation. I have no idea what to do/say/expect. Long story shortened: Gave watch to jewellers for battery replacement Collected the watch, doesn't work the same mechanism or correctly Jewellers calling in a watchmaker to look at it
  9. I keep getting messages on my laptop telling me that my battery is near the end of its battery life and it needs to be replaced. Mine is current a 6 cell. Where can I get a 9 or 12 cell from, please? They do them on the Dell website; but I am not paying £112 for a battery.
  10. Almost 2 years ago, we bought a pair of Electric Bikes. They have Lithium Batteries which had on the back of the booklet they have a warranty of 1yr, but 1000 charges. One of the batteries is fine, but the other one barely keeps a charge and drops out quite quickly - they are supposed to go from 4, 3 2 & finally one. Where I bought them from has been on to the importer, who says the battery is out of warranty & therefore they are not liable - a new battery is £300 + so not a cheap item to replace. I have just contacted the importer who again says out of warranty - but take it over & they will test them. My point is that I would have had to have charged the batteries approx 4 times every week since new - certainly have not (bear in mind the other bike one is still ok) - any thoughts on how to proceed with this if they do not want to replace.
  11. Hi, I have a Halfords battery that I bought brand new in late 2009. I remember I paid cash for it and put the receipt aside in what I thought was a safe place. I now can't seem to find the receipt as I need it to return the battery as it is completely DEAD. It came with a 5 year warrenty as it says so on the side of the battery. I have two cars, one a Golf TDI which I use for daily commute and the other a Volvo for which this battery was in. I would only use the Volvo a few times a month but I wouldn't have expected the battery to die after a year or so of using it on and off. I've tried everything to get it going. I even put it into my Golf and kick started it down a hill then did a 40 mile motorway commute but when I tried to start the car, nothing. A little bit a crank which was all it gained in a 40 mile journey, so the battery in my book is toast. The battery died around 6 months ago and it has been a doorstomp ever since as I can't find the receipt and figured they won't accept it back as I paid cash which means no proof like a bank statement etc. Any advice? Can I still bring it back under the SOGA even though I don't have a receipt? Thanks!
  12. After being prompted by other threads in this forum to read my Whatever Happens contract, I just discovered that laptop batteries are not covered by the agreement, even if they fail completely and suddenly. What makes this relevant for me is that my laptop battery did fail completely and suddenly, i.e. it holds no charge whatsoever. Actually, this happened well within (I think) a year after I purchased it. However I use my laptop so much that I could not justify sending it for repair until now (I recently purchased a new Sleekbook making it feasible) and have been using it plugged into the mains at all times since then. I'm astonished that a laptop battery is not considered essential to fitness for purpose and that it is expected to be regularly replaced. Oddly enough, my local Curry's store does not sell replacements for my laptop battery requiring "regular replacement". It's even more amazing that Curry's did not offer to replace the battery given that they sold it to me! So, I cancelled the "Whatever Happens" agreement for this and another old laptop just now. Apparently it is Whatever Happens, so long as it is not one of the things on list of exclusions on the policy. To be fair to Curry's, I did once neglect to send a laptop in for repair under a current agreement because I had used it (legitimately) so much in the time since I bought it that I didn't feel the usage amounted to normal conditions of operation. For reasons I don't recall, this came up when speaking to a Whatever Happens Customer Support person and they insisted that I was entitled to have it repaired or replaced, which they then arranged. On the other hand, the defects were probably manufacturing defects that existed since I bought it and possibly covered under the SOGA. Also on the other hand, the laptop came back from repair with the keyboard incorrectly installed and some keys not functioning (I since repaired it myself as this only required knowledge of how to use a screwdriver and how to ground oneself). Thanks CAG for making me aware that these support agreements are not really "Whatever Happens", just "Some Things that Happen". From now on, I will no longer hold these agreements for longer than the battery is giving me good service.
  13. Just read this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?381413-Ford-Warranty(3-Viewing)-nbsp A client of mine had a brand new mobility vehicle just before Christmas. Aside from the rather dodgy sales pre-call and then a visit from two operatives the same day, however the deal went though and a mobility vehicle was delivered a few days later for around 3k. Forward a few weeks and the batter charge light comes on a couple of minutes after setting off, then the charge meter goes into the red soon after. Company says the battery is duff and it is not a part covered under the manufacturers warranty. So, not wanting to be stuck at home, my client agrees to a replacement battery at a princely sum of 100 pounds (I hope that includes the fitting) Is this right or should all items delivered within the year be covered, if not by the manufacturer, by the supplier ? Is there a claim under 'fit for purpose' regs ? Please move to the correct section if this is not the right one - thanks.
  14. Hi Guys, Im looking for some advice, my scenario is the following as outlined in an email that I sent to the business 7 days ago (with no response) what are the return/exchange policies on faulty Optima Yellow top batteries? I purchased one from yourselves in January 2011 and it was fully charged then put into my civic. It was used as an everyday battery for 5 months until my car broke. At this stage i unplugged the battery and it was stored until 23rd March 2012 when my car was fixed. its now a month later and the battery went flat, i have since recharged it as per the instructions on your site and yet it isnt holding its charge. I have checked all the connections in my car and had the alternator checked and all signs point to a faulty battery. The reason i bought an Optima is that they are meant to be the best but i have not had that experience with this one. I am looking to get a replacement for the faulty one I have, i still have the original receipt as proof of purchase. i look forward to hearing from you. As stated I have had no response, im quite upset as this battery cost me £180 and is a top of the range battery and it hasnt even had a years worth of use. I dont want a refund, just an exchange.... What can I do?
  15. I seem to have a really dodgy internet connection and am constantly being kicked off for no reason. I am seriously considering getting mobile broadband. It would also mean being able to use the internet when I travel on the train. However, because neither of the above happen all the time, I don't want to be tied into a long contract. I've seen that a few companies do rolling 30 day contracts - this would suit me fine. But who do I go with? I have Vodafone as my mobile phone provider and we have Virgin Media as home phone, broadband and TV provider. How many pages / hours is 500MB?
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